¥ Centre County. ; liberty to be gov . FELLOW _ iy 5 BELLEFONTE,CENTRE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, PRINTED BY THOMAS J. PETRIKIN. rn —— ol, V 11, MONDAY, # May 17, 1824. No, 24 i SRERITTALTY. “fo the qualified Electors of I respectiully solicit your votes for the of = SHERIFF of Centre county at the approaching electior It I am clected T will endeavor to discharge th: duties of the office to the best of my abilities which is about as much as ail my opponents Lave promised. ~N Militia Training sian, Pepnsylvania mijida, will commence wt ‘be 2d battalion, 127th regiment, on Monday the 10th day of May, 1824, the first battalion © AV } The trainings of the Ist brigade 10th EC SEE A rh m—— ae a wy vy x tuable Real Estate for Sale| CHARLES PAULING, + OFTHE ORpia Ns court HOUSE CARPENTER, —« OF CENTRE COUN IY, Respectfully informs the citizens of Centre wiibe seid atublic saloon Thursday the 20th), or" 1nat Tre has commienceditheabove busis ay of Muy ieX*. on the premises, a certainf ... at Spring Mills, in Haines township, and IY » ie : 3 3 oh; Al said regiment, on Tuesday the 11th, the 2d bat {iract of land suite in Spring township, and S $ “ . : aiid 2 hy J talion of the 734 regiment on Wednesdy theicounty aforesaid, contriring one huudred and 12th, the Ist battalion of the 73d regiment or [cighty nine acres, with a log dwelling house intends carrying it on in all its various branch- es. Orders in his line of business will be Thursday the 15, the 2nd battalion of the 22n¢ of the 220d regiment on Saturday the {5th The 1st battalion of the 12th regiment, on Mon day the 17th of May, the 2nd battalion of the Very respectfully, yours &ec. IVilliam Ward N. B. I still continue to carry on the To bacconist business in its various branches at the old stand adjoining James Rothrock, Esq. A orders in my line of business will be thankfull: received and punctually attended to. Ww. WwW. B-llefonte, April 22, 1824 Zo the qualified Electors of 3 Centre County. Feriow Citizens, : I oer myself to your considera: tion for the office of | YAY nn UR QQ BLIRATH) bo fei AY at the ensuing general eecuon 3 and should 1 meet with a majouity of your suff ages, I wili endeavor 10 d'scharge the dutics of the cffice wih fidelity. Yryns ASM TI AS HASTINGS, Jr. N.B. TIalso intend keeping a public house as usual, and feel thankfol for past favors, anc hope by paying nore strict attention to busi- ness to merit a share of public patronage. 3 TF. H. a “ Bellefonte, April 10, 1824. ah v Yo the qualified electors of | Centre County. TIZEMNS, 7 MX NCOURAGED by a number of friends. ® 41 offer niysclf a candidate for the Sheriff's fice, at the next General Election. ] be so fortunate us to obtain vour confidence ot may rest assured that 1 will not betray By neglect of duty. re ald WM. ALTXANDER. , April 10, 1824 tay Rald-Facle township WILLIAM M’MINN, AGAIN offers himself to the consideration of the Democratic Republicans of Centre coun- tyasa candidate for the EAD fa SHERIFFS QF FICE ; a the ensuinng general election: and will be thanktul for their support for the same. © Potger township, ¢ © 27th March 1824. r tig J n To the qualitied Electors of i ~N . § + » Centre County. “ELLOW-CITIZENS, As the constitutional term of the pres mt sheriff will expire next full, I beg leave to f myself a candidate for your suffrages for that office, at the ensuing general election I shall pot tronble you with the vain promises of favour or affection, in discharging the du ties of that office ; as you all know that the same laws which govern you, will command e, if elected. Ar Ahir Having given this early intimation of my intentions, permit me to mention, that I dc Ant iaced to travel over the county to solicit the votes of the citizens individually, except this course be pursued by the other candi lates ; in which case I wiil consider myself ar Foctts crned by circumstances. JOHN KEEN. : wonshif April 10, 1824. Huines townshifty Af 3 The Militia and Volunteers of the 2d. Bri- de. 10th Division, P. M. will parade in com- “nies on Monday the 3d day of May next; panies Battalions in the following order, viz. EA =q Battalion of the 62d Reg’t on Mone day the 10th day of May. i I'he 1st Battalion of the 22 day the 11th. The 2d Battalion sday the 12th. Phe 1st Battalion of the £2 d Reg’t on Tues- of the 29 Reg’t on Wed- 20th Reg’t on Thurs- . . Re od Bastalion of the 32d Reg’t on Friday e 11! he 1a Battalion of the 3 Br A ron lately commanded by Major hy a re Welubieors on Sat. 2J Reg't on Sat- ye | i at 10 o'clock of th Shoult 2 Regiment, P. M, wil) meet in Battalions for re- Thursday the 20th, the Ist battalton of the 111th regiment, It is confidently hoped by the inspector, that the field officers will adopt measures to pre- vent persons from suttling or selling of Liquors! on or near the parade ground. } | Ist brig. 10th, div. P, M.| Inspector’s office, Allenville ¢ | 3rd April, 1824. Militia Election, The Militia of the Battation lately command. clection will be held, at the court house in the Town of Clearfield, on May next, be'wren the hours of 10 o’clock in the forenoon and ¢ o'clock in the afternoon, to elect by ballot cne MAJOR, jor Luther, resigned. JAMES T. SCOTT, Huntingdon, April 5,1824, Legimental Orders. The enrolicd inhabitants of the 111th Regi-! ment, P.M. wil} meet in Battalions for review 19th and the 2nd battalion of said regiment, The Lamar volunteer infantry will train with James Harbison and Thomas M’Calm and barn, and about forty acres ple and peach orchard, and a good spring water. It being the real estate of John son, late of said township, deceased, ministrators. BY THE COURT, Certified hy WILLIAMPETTIT,C. 0. C. by order of the Orphans’ court x wwf Centre county, will be expased to public sale on the premises lon Monday the 7th day of June next, a certain tract of land containing sixty acres, or there- ed by Major Lather are hereby notified that an abouts, with a log dwelling House, Barn and Smith shop, and about thirty acres of cleared Salurday the 8th day of land, situated in Haines township, Centre coun-| ty, aforesaid. It being the real estate of George Zubler, late’ of said township, deceased. nthe room of Ma- Terms of sale, one hall in hand and the remain. der in two annual instalments. Inspector. will be given by di Due attendance Michael Musser administrator. 2 BY THI COURT, Certified by WM. PETTIT. C 0. C. Bellefonte, April 27, 182 24. and jospection as foilows : The lst Battalion. commanded by Major Shields, on Wednesday t next, at the house of Christian Nesseltode in! Howard township, ? Toe 20d Battalion Marshall, on Thursday the 20th ext, in the Borough of Bellefonte Each Bastion to be on the ground precise- e forenoon of said days. HENRY BARNHART, Col. April 29, 1824, — . “Regimental Orders. The enrolled inhabitants composing the 32d view and inspection as follows : The 2d Battalion commanded by Major [saac Hayslett will meet at the house of said Hayslett on Friday the 14:h day of May next, The 1st Battalion commanded by Major James Irvin will meet at the house of Cornelius Dale oo Saturday ue 15th day of May next. Each Battalion will meet precisely at 9 o’ clock m the mornihg of the above mentioned days, properly armed for training. . JOHN HASSON, Col. April 29, 1824. \ Respectfully inform their friends, and the! public in general, that they have commenced! the HATTING BUSINESS in all its various branches, in the shop former- ly occupied by James Rothruck, in the Borough of Bellefonte, where they make and sell Water- proot, and all kinds of hats,at the most reduced prices, They flatter themselves that by long experience in the business, they will be enabled to give general satisfaction, N. B. All kinds of country produce will be taken in payment at the market price, Bellefonte, April 9, 1824. S. BUTLER JOS, RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Centre county that he has again commenced TAVERN KEEPING in the house formerly occupied by Joseph Updegraff, in the borough of Bellefonte, best known by the sign of « Cap- tain Lawrence > lie has supplied bimself with the best of liquors, and hopes by paying strict | attention to business, to merit a proportionable | share of custom. { | JACOB HOUSER, | RESPECTFULLY informs his friends, and the public in general, that he has his Carding Machines n complete order for carding wool, he will at- end to it bimself,so that the work will be well done. He is also prepared with machigeries to spib, weave and finish into cloth from the wool, as reasonably as can be cone elsewhere. where those who wish to have a good Blue can JAMES 1. SCO1T, pil 5, 182%. Inspecior. Spring township, April 39, 1834, be accommodated by bringing their wool. half tobe paid on the confirmation of the sa and the remainder in one year. or. Valuable Real Estate for Sale the 19th day of May BY ORDER OF THE ORPHANS’ COURT OF CENTRE COUNTY, \will be sold at public vendue on Tuesday the commanded by Major 25th day of May next, on the premises, a house day of May and lot of ground situate in the town of Milcs- ‘ burg, hieing the real estate which was of Charles M’Clane, deceased. The terms will be one ale, Due attendance will be given by John Himmond administra: BY THE COURT, Certified by WILLIAM PETTIT, C. O. C. Bellefonte, April 26th, 1824, To the Public. The subscriber, being desirous of leaving Philipsburg, wishes to sell out his store, in which is a great va iety of well assorted goods, suited to the placein which it 1s siuated. Al so two farms of good arable land, sitvated in Clearfield county, about one mile from Philips burg. The olo s:ate road from Bellefonte to uric passes through cue of them, which con tains 100 acres ; 30 of which are in a good state of cultivatiob. The turnpike road leading STAUB ED &s TOITLR jirom Puiladeiphia to Eric passes through the lother, which contains 300 acres; 35 of whichi are well cultivated, Fach iract has several never falling springs of water. HENRY LORAIN. FOR SALE OR RENT. Tlie subscriber offers for sale or regt bis plantation on which he now lives. It contains 60 acres of excellent bottom land ; thirty-two of which are cleired, twenty thereof beigg ploughland and the remainder meadow. Pos. session will be given on the first of April next For terms apply to Hl David Barbor. Horeard township, Afiril 27, 1824 Jeremiah Culbertson, RESPECTFULLY informs the public that he bas again commenced tavern keeping at the stand he formerly occupied, best known by the sign of the « CROSS KEYS,” in the town of Boalshurg, Centre county. He has supplied himself with the best of liquors, and other ne cessary accommodations, and hopes by paying strict a'tention to business, to merit a propor- tionable chare o! custom. Boalsburg, Ferguson 1ownship, April 29. NOTICE. Some short time since I gave my note to George Weaver for about one hundred dollars, which was to be in fuil for doing the carpenter work of my house. Since the execution of that note it has become manifest that the work has He bas also commenced the BLUE DYING, been completely spoiled. I therefore forwarn all pereons from taking an assignment of it as] am determined not to pay it unless compelled cleared. regiment, on Friday the 14th, the first battalios [Chere is a'so on the premises an excellent ap! a of} Harbi.| The| D : : i ! § 1 an 12th regiment, on Tuesday the 18th, the 1stiterme will be'one half to be paid on the c nfir-| Al PUSS sre ca ine saints ne on hattalion of 111th regiment, on Wednesday the mation of the sale, and the residue in annual | Sa ru x bo Hoge i PRYHHGINS oF two Shred Soler Secured by MM nigal, which note was obtained Yn me te, i 3 , Yi Muonigal, whic S 4 mortgage. Due attendance will be given by ™ ° ont ad- the sum of four honodred eid thankfully received and punctually attended 104 t April 9, 1824. CAULTUGT, by John Brown in » fiandulent manner. | WM. POFFENBERGER. Nittanny, March 23, 1824. | CAUTION. THO's HORRELL, Inspector, VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE.| We hereby notily all persons not to take the gssignment of a judgment note given by us to Jacob Haight, dated Dicembe: 29th, 1623, for twenty dollars, payable ou the 1st day of May 1824, as we are determined not 10 pay the same unless rempel- led by law DAVID NEESS, PETER NEESS. April 5th, 1824 LOOK HERE! For Sale or Barter. The two story house, lot and tavern stand well knowo by the sign ot the # Boo” situate io the town of Phiipsomg, Centre County. Grain or bar iron will be taken io payment, The lotis well improved, and has good stabs ling on it, and the house is well supplied with ‘Water from a well at (he door. There is also tour acres of meadow groved which will be dis. posed of. For terms enquire at JAMES KINNEAR, ving at Philipsburg. April 2, 1824 APN T2307} »EPACIAL COURT Agrecably to the provisions of an act of the ase sembly, passed the 27th day of march 1821. directing fthe holding of special courts inthe 4th Judicial Dis- trict, the Hon. JOHN REED, Esq. President of tha Ith aisirict has ordered a special court to be holden at Bellefonte in and for Centre county, on the third Mon. day of May next, to continue two weeks, for the trial of all causes in which the Hon. Charles Huston hus been concerned as counsel, previous to his appomtment, &c. And the following 1s the list of causes for trial in the said special court, viz, Lessee of Lauman’s Ex’rs vs Jacob Houser ” Jumes Packer vs Richard Gunsalys Jacob Houser vs Martin Steel same vs same Philip Benner vs Jacob Houser et al James Philips vs Barlow and Feliwell Nicliolas Deihl vs Campbell and Brooks Joseph Williams vs Waiter B. Hudson John Miles et al vs Samuel Scott John Dunlop's Adm’rs vs Legnard Peters George Robison, jr. vs Fohm Neal Thomas Burnside vs Bodine & Whitaker Meeker, Denman & co. vs Benner and Siecl Dr. Casper Wistar vs Christian Meese et al Fames Fulion et al vs Duck and Gorl Simon Gratz ve Joseph Holloway et al John H Friend et al vs Glontz and Kettner same vs Henry Krenninger et al same John Strawcutter same John Philips et al Sohn Courson John Barron James M*Clure Charles Bennet same Andrew Eakin, Joseph Gratz et al Philip Benner et al thomas Wistar Adams and olinston Dr. Casper Wistar J Henderson et al Andrew Epplee William Dougherty James Asn et al Herring & Grenninger same Michael Row same Greminger and Bryan same Henry Spangler Fames Rothrock Fames Gunsallus et al John Ewing M‘Nall and Richards Philip Benner Jemes Steel | Foseph Gratz et al Geo. Sentzer same Edward Purdue Wm. Smith’s Ex’rs Foseph Spencer Curtin®™and Boggs Samuel Patton john Wilson vs Samuel Patton Arnold A King eal vs Hankin and i hitehill E, Barton ass’e of 3. M Kee vs Philip Benner Esther Barton vs Philip Bennep Esther Barton vs Eli Hastings Henry Drinker’s Ex‘rs v8 Samuel Stiver Fames Rothrock vs Samuel Gunsallus et al “fohn Boas vs Philip Benner Alexander for Stewart v6 yacob Hoover ‘alton for Hunt’n bank vs Samuel Patton Philip Benner vs Tate and M*‘Donald Koland Curtin vs john Askey et al Samuel Miles’ Ex‘rs vs Moses & no Norris same vs Norris and Thompson jacob Way vs Mapesand Stewart Com. for Gurney‘s Ex'rs vs Wm Alexander etal 2 Jacob Hardman and wife vs james Thompson, . john Patton vs Jas and jno M'Ellrey Wm Lyon‘s Ex‘rs vs Mary & jas Galbrea james Burnside et al vs Wm Rawle et al C. Miller's Ex'rs vs Flibp Benner Hosack tor Black vs Alexander Robertson C Huston ass‘e of Simpson vs james Sheehan Francis W. Rawle vs Matinias Wagoner et Philip Benner vs Conrod Reamy COHEN RAL ZEIW, Prok’y, Prothonotary’s Office, Bellcfonte, 2 Vv vs vs vs vs vs ve Ys Ns vs ’ » EE 1) i hy aw WILLIAM ARMOR . March 15, 1824