Bellefonte patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1818-1838, March 15, 1824, Image 3

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| the
. made report io favor of the scite as
“ Iihe forged letter, signed J. M. Lio-
was adopted.
non nearly equal to the whole white
ey - - -
population of the United States. expor-
and other Provisions to the value of
7 1.3 ~ - %
| [813,936,309 11 cents. Such isolaied
$100 law.
An act for the improvement of the
navigation of the Susquehanoa river
Tie committee on the subjict of
the seat of justice of Perry county
| Barnel’s as fixed by the last commise
sionérs, and the report was adopied
The commitice on the subject ol
‘paid, reported that they could not as
| ceriain who the writer was, and ask-
ed to be discharged—and the Tepont
IRELAND, with a territory not so
Rirge as Pennsylvania, and a popuia-
‘ted, in the last year, of Bread Stuf
5 :
to say to the priests, pronounced them peace, end Constables of the said
mpostors, but alterwards receivedicounty of Centre, that they be then
them. Beltrao’s conduct was of the'and i'w re in their proper persons at
opposite character. When they ar-iten o'clock in the forenoon of said
rived at the place of execution Arana/day, with their records, inguisitions
cast a look at the gallows aud ex-land remiembrancss, todo those things
clatmed + that’s not a fic place for alwhich to their offices appertaiu to be
Spanish gentleman to die on.” Theyldope. And those woo are bound by
both esseried they were murdered by recognizances 10 prosecute against
perjurcd witnesses. Beltran said heli prisoners that ate or shall be in
did not fear deach for bimself; « but) {the jail of the county of Centre, are
he exclaimed, my beloved wife andi, pe then and there to prosecute
children! Oh my Ged! my God ll, inst them as shall be just.
what will become of them. Oh, Jes-1' ® Dyed at Bellefonte, the 15th
us, saviour of the world, protect the day of March, in the year of
wife and children of a man who, guil- our Lor one thousand eight
ty in thy sight of many offences, 1s hundred and twenty-foor, and
yet to die this day unjustly.” Previ- in the forty eighth year of the
ously to being swung off they both independence of the Uniteu
prayed fervently. The bodies were States of America
thrown into a hole—no coifins baving
‘abundance of excelicnt food as any
. 9 not, on an average, eat meat four
gaious and manufacturing district 15
drelaad, is the province of Ulster, and
| all classes, sects and sexes, 18 wfinite-
| jcounlry.
year af Slain white linen $12,709,280 70
perity of manufactures®
est Commercial country, the country
| jwhere Agriculture is in the highest
| try is England. — Dem. Press.
these persons who were concerned, in
| 1809, 10 sabjugatiny the Spanish pay
of ot,
A Gan assure our readers it is of the most
~ insiduous
of the West India Islands, as well as
, #f, by the prescot notice, we awake the
»aitention of the auchorities on the oth:
i 1 the, name of the person of whom it
some French
“ \ ,
facts might induce a belief that the
{people of Ireland enjoyed as great
people in the world. It is quite other
Iwise. We yenure to affirm that
thiere are four millions in Ireland who
tives in a year. Theonly really indus-
guere the condition of the people, of
ly beter than in any other part of that
They exported in the last
This is one procf of the advantages
Manufactures, Agriculture and
{Commerce keep pace with the pros-
The great
state of perfection, is also, that coun.
ey in which manufaciures have attain-
d the highest state of improvement :
we need not say the name of that coun-
tly § Oa
2Yrom the London Morning Chronicle,
January 9.
We understand that a very artiul
and well known emissary of some of
Domingo, 1s immediately t
‘Acave the contiuent on a secret embas-
sy to Columbia, the real object of
which we cannot make kpown, but we
and dangerous nature.
This agent is also weil known in some
in Columbia, and we shall feel bappy
er side of the water, without giving
We can also assert that
agenis have passed
through an English Island in the
West Indies, the better to disguise
the nature of their mission ; and that
others have set out directly trom Eng-
“land, From the news recently receiv-
ed from Mexico, and the open man-
ner in which France now endeavors
to favor the pretensions of the Penin-
sua, we are certain that that power
has been lor seme time engaged, and
prebably in coscert with other pow
ers, against the new sates of South
America. .
— Qenwe
From True NY Parrior.
Frer¥any 28.
A cutter fromthe Britisii war ship
Rifleman, with four sailors and two
~ officars on board, was upset 10 the
bay od Thursday ; but Ly the assis-
been provided, as the House of Assem-
bly reiused to pay for them. 2b,
Joseph Butler, Sheriff
Saturday before last, a man named
Ross was committed to the jail in Sul-
livan county, charged with the murder
of a young man by the name Conklin.
It appears that a party had been out
in a sleigh, and that Ross, who was
driving, bad become intoxicated, and
deiven out of the road, when Conklin
remonstrated with him, and attempted
to seize the reigns. This so exas-
perated Ross, that he threatened to
kill him. A knife was seen in his
hand, and immediately afterwards
Conklin sprang from the sleigh, ex-
claiming that be was a dead man.
He died ip hifteen minutes after the
wound was inflicted. ib.
AP —
From the Mew York Patriot, Mareh 2-
It is stated in a Philadelphia pa-
per, that the famous Russian edict,
vrohibiting the trade by American
vessels to certain parts of the north
west coast, claimed Dy the autocrat us
his own, is about to be carried into
effect. One of his {rizates and tw:
sloops ot war have been dispatched
thither, to capture such American ves
sels as may be found on the north.
western coast, north of the 51st de
cree of latitude, or even approach with-
in one hundred Italian miles of Ai
territory, unless compelled by stress
of weather. The President says, in
his message, that America must no
longer be considered as a subject of
colonization by foreign powers; and
we are inclined to think this sentiment
finds a home in every American bo-
som. Russia is now one of the most
formidable powers ia the world, and if
we disliked the occupation of South
America by the cootemptlible armies
of Spain, how much more jealous
should we be of the encroachments of
the overwhelming hordes of Muscovy
on our northwestern frontier 2 The
ukase is a sweeping one.
A defalcation in the treasury of Can-
ada to the amount of 90,000 pounds
sterling has come to light on the
death of the receiver general. That
officer received his appointment from
the king of England ; and year after
year, during bis life time, defied the
provincial legislature in ali attempts
to bring him to account. The people
who paid the taxes thus had no cop-
trol alter the moucy was collected
The defaulter is represented to have
left great wealth in his family, Zo
From the Trenton Federalist, March 1.
A strange animal has recently ap-
peared in thisne ghboi hood, which has
excited the curiosity of many, and
tance of Mr. Bancker, and his boat’s
crew, (ews collectors for the Mer- large dog, color brown, with long tail,
cantile and Gazette offices,) who
were nigh at hand, the lives of the
Inglishmea were saved. Toey had
clung to the bottom = of their cutter
and to the oars,and were nearly be-
numszd with cold when taken up.
Three or four of them could not swim
he Government of Hayti takes
vigorous measbres for the destruc-
tion of the Pirates inf the neighbour-
ing seas. When any of the Free
booters are captured by the Havtien
cruizers, they are rewarded accord-
ing to their deserts.—Twenty-three
of them were lately promoted to the
vardarm. This is WORTHY OF IM-
—" § G—
At Kingston, Jamaica, on the 15th
of January, at four o’clock in the
"morning, Jose Antonio Arana and Ju-
a1 Deltvan, who had been canvicted
of piracy on board the British sloop
Eliza, and American schooner Free-
masob, were embarked for Gallows
point, Port Royal, where they were
executed.— These men were both
oficers. Arana made several at.
tempts to take his life while in pris.
ou ; first with a knife—secondly, by
immersing his bead in a pail of wat.
cr. He afterwards attempted to stick
a fish-bone in his windpipe, which
broke in his ‘throat ; and then te
lrock bis head to pieces against the
go on immense §iz
A the platform of his cell.
i}; which caused his head to swell
He also broke
He for
Wo: lime refused to have any thing{to the Coroner, the justices of they Reading, Dec. 26, 1823.
‘some alarm. His size is that’ of 2
‘and flies with great flectness at the
approach of man. His head 1s io
‘form of a cat's, and his track upon the
'snow does not resemble that of any
animal known here. He is supposed
to have killed and eaten sheep; keeps
mostly in the open fields; he doe:
not leap fences, but climbs over as go
ing up stairs; the hunters have no!
been able to overtake himy even with
good horses, and the dogs keep ata
very respectful distance in chase.
When he stops and looks round, they
stop also.
ibm tn
HUSTON, President ofthe Courts
of Common Pleas in the 4th judicial
district composed of the counties of
Centre, Huntingdon, Mifillin and
Bedford, and the hon. Adam Harp-
er, and Isaac M’Kinney, judges of
the said court in Centre county, have
issued -their precept bearing date
the 29th day of January 1824, to me
directed, for holding a court of
Oyer and Terminer, and
General Jail Delivery,
in the Borough of Bellefonte, for the
county of Centre, on the fourth Mon-
day of April next, being the 26th day
thereof : therefore
General Quarter Sessions
Notice isHereby Given
THAT a court of Common Pleas
of the
Peace and the Orphan’s court, in and
for the county of Centre will be
held at the court house inthe borough
ol Bellefonte on Monday the 26th day
of April next, at 10 o’clock
A. M. of said day, of which the Cor-
oner, Justices of the Peace and Con-
stables within said county will take
notice, that they be then and there in
their proper persons, with their rolls,
records, inquisitions, examinations,
and other remembragices to do those
things which to their offices appertain
to be done ; and all suitors, jurors
and witnesses ave also requested to
be and attend at said court, and nol
lepart without leave.
Given under my hand at Bellefonte
this fifteenth day of March
A. D. one thousand eight hun
dred and twenty-four.
Wanted Immediately
to whom constant employment and
liberal wages will be given for two
Two boys between ibe ages of 16
and 21 years, will be taken as appren-
tices to the above business. Applica
ion ust be made to the subscriber,
now residing in Bellelon.e, but intends
removing on the 1st of April next, to
the town of Boalsburg, Ferguson town-
ship Centre county ; where he may be
Bellefonte, March 9th 1824.
TP en
The small treatise of Do- Bs Ww J L b B A R 1 EB R .
mestic Medicine, which you put into
my haads, for examination, has been
- barrels
perused with as much care and atten- SHAD at 3 » pet Wo 3)
don, as the nature of my profession os ¥r1 ner noandy
would admit of. 1 consider it a work|S0 A L-LEAT HER, 373 per poi 7 4
t considerable merit, containing much In exchange for
important information, being a judi- WHEAT, at Hoo 83 sens,
‘ious selection of the most approved CORN, # Vy
cemedits Asa Family Physician, it RYE,
meels my entire approbation. Karthause, Feb. 17th 1824.
Yours, &c.
Six Cents Reward.
RANAWAY from the subscriber,
living in the town of Milesburg, on
Monday the 23d. ult. an apprentice to
the REED MAKING business, name
Mr. Gerz.
Reading, Jan. 5th, 1824,
The system of Domestic Cookery
which has nearly been re-written by
Doctor Cooper, is divided into twelve
parts and contains about a thousand
different receipts. The general heads
to these are =
Part 1, Fish
Part 2. Meats
George Merryman,
between 15 and 16 years of age, dark
hair and light complexion, had om
when he went away a new wool hat,
brown coat, somewhat too large, and
a pair of blue pantaloons. The ahove
Part:7. Vegeta-
Part 8. Preserves
Part 3. Poultry and | sweet meats &e
Game Part 9. Bread,jreward will be given to any person
Part 4. Soups and | cakes, &c. who will bring back said runaway, but
Gravies Part 10. Home|no charges paid. :
Milesburg, March 1, 1824.
THE subscriber having disposed of |
the establishment of the Berne FONTE
PATRIOT, requests those indetted to
him to make payment to Zhomas J, |
Petrikine I have lefcall my accounts |
in his hands, and most respectiully
solicit delinquent subscribers to make
payment lo him as soon as convenients
January 23, 1824.
CAME to the farm of the subscri-
bers, near Philipsbui g, about the mid-
brewing, wines,
Part 11 Dairy &c
Part 6, Pies, Pud- | Part 12. cookery
dings, &c. for sick & poor.
There will be appended to the
whole, the art of preserving all kinds
ol Animal and Vegetable substances
for scveral years, by AM. JAppert.
Published by order of the French min-
ister of the interior, on the report of
the board of Arts and Manufactures,
made on the 19th of April, 1810.
Having obtained from the proprie-
tor of the copy-right the permission
to select the above treatises from the
last improved edition of the Domestic
Encyclopedia, G. Getz flatters himself,
that the low price demanded for so
important a family book, will induce}
every head of a family, as weil as;
many others, to become subscribers.
COMDITIONTI dle of Tn bast,
This work will be printed on good! wree Steers,
paper in octave form, super-royal size’ (One a dark brown, the other two red
with entire new type, and will contain and white spotted, without brand or
about 126 closely printed pages, be- other extraordinary mark recollected.
sides three engravings. The steers are supposed to have
The price to subscribers will be on- sirayed trom a drove. The owner, or
ly one dollar per copy, (payable on de-(gwners, of said steers are requested to
livery) peatly bound with moroccoicome forward, prove property, pay
back and lettered. : charges and take (hem away, other-
Any person procuring 10 subscri-|wise they will be disposed of accords
bers, asd becoming respousible for ing to law.
the money, shall be entitled to a copy Philips & Co
Part 5 Sauces, &c.
The work will be put to press in Philipsburg, Centre county,
April next (should a sufficient num-, Feb. 20ib, 1824.
ber of subscribers be obtained) und
finished with despaich.
ate see | TURNPIKE
p= Subscriptions for the above work
will be received at the officc of the
Bellefonte Patriot.
Domestic Medicine,
Altered and improved from Doct.
Willich’s Domestic Encyclopedia, a
work which has already, although ve-
rv expensive, undergone two editions
in the United States.
Domestic Cookery,
Also altered and improved from the
some valuable work.
President of Columbia College, South
The following recommendations are
a family book of Medicine.
I have carefully perused the
short treatise of Domestic Medicine
which you put into my hands, and
which it appears was written as an
article for Willich’s Encyclopedia, by
that scientific and justly eminent man,
Dr. Thomas Cooper. “It contains a
great deal of valuable mater condens.-
ed within the smallest possible com-
pass : comprehending nearly all that
is really useful to persons out of the
profession in the treatment of diseases ;
and divested as it is of al] the scientif
ic matter contained in the bulky and
expensive works ol Tissot, Buchan,
Ewel and others who have written on
the subject, it will if repeblished in a
convenient form, 1m my opinion fur-
Notice is hereby Given,
Mr. Geo: Gerz.
published for the sausfaction of per. |
sons desirous of being in possession of
nish one of the best “ Family Physi-
cians” with which 1 am acquainted.
| To the Stockholders of
the Centre and Kisha-
RESPECTFULLY informs :the citi-
zens of Bellefonte, and its vicinity, that coquillis Turn pike road,
he has commenced the i rr ae . 3
business, ard intends carrying it on in
all its various branches. Having de- : .
voted the grester part of his ie at ofthe Board of Misvagers of the Cente
the above business in the most fashicn- '¢ @nd Kishacoquiliis Turnpike
able and best shops in the different Road Company, the Stockholders are
cities of our union, he hopes by an equested and required to pay the
anremitting and close attention to his {
business, to merit a reasonable share SUP ©
of the public patronage. |
Bellofonte, March 4, 1824.
That in pursuance of a resolution
on each and every share of stock, in
: - addition to that heretofore called, to
Creditors take Notice FORSTER MILLIKEN, Treasurer
THAT we have applied to the Judg- of said Company, at his house, in Ars
Mill Hall, Jan 27th 1824
insolvent laws of this Commonwealth,
By Order of the Board,
house in the borough of Bellefonte,
proper- gw
i respective duplicates, including tiey will be dealt with scdonding oo
linquents, as the County orders must
J. M. PETRIKIN, Zreas’r.
in Centre county are informed, that un- RESPECTFULLY informs the ine
Road Taxes, on or before the 20th day 3, PHILIPSBURG, in the house ree
J. M. PETRIKIN, Treasr) yoo" he hopes to receive and ment
Centre county, for the bencfit of the 15s day of April nest,
26th day of April next, at the court
where you may attend if you think 6 Cents
County Collectors take = vegro gitl named
HAT unless you settle off your ploying or harbouring her, oiherw
suits will be brought against all de- law.
quire compusion to meet them,
Unseated Landholders Attorney at Law,
counties, that he has opened an office
vertised in the general Jist. posite to the tavern of Jacob Test,)
~ |siness,
es of the court of Common Pleas, of magh township, Mifilin county, ou the
and they bave appointed Monday the
WM. A. THOMAS, President
for the hearing of us and our creditors,
Ran away from the subscriber,
All persons are cautioned against
1822, at the next April Court,
be paid, and the state of the funds re-
Bejlefonte, Feb, 13, 1824. WrRE, Se CHRRBISTY Ad
less they discharge their County and habitants of Centre and Clearfic id |
of March next, their lands will be ad.|cently occupicd by Join Viagc!, (op-
from thema poiticn of profe:sivnal bu
| Feb, 13,