Bellefonte patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1818-1838, September 24, 1823, Image 4

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    J A Ee
. Or the exposition of a Vote against the Right of Suffrage.
A BG OF 07 00 OF W00F FHF FOF 0 pO} 0 5 Fee RMR MFO Fe Re ROT Ne RHR NTR Np I OL We De 03 26-0 fp A 9
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Aristocrac v Un masked . | It passed in the negative, Yeas 3; Nays 27. [county ? But they are determined to make a des 1eourt of appeal ; Such _erses did bawever!
y i ; | And the President having repol ted the biil {perate struggie, by redoubling their exertion-jnccut, and when the act of 1414 passed, coms’
pr The constitution of Peonsylvania, Mramed sOlamended in the first and second sections, or-Hor Mr. Gregg, and stop at nothing to defamc}monly calicd Duane’s billy (having been report-
Jong ago as the year 1790, In relation to theldered, « "Uhatit pass to thie third reading asjand blacken the character of bim, whose virtues cd hy W. J Duane, now onc of the chatupions
Caight of suffiaze, has the lloewing Section. — |; mended.” they envy, and whose well earned fame andjof Mr. Greguz,)a clause was inserted in ad-
«In elections by the citizens, every freeman of| 2yecday, January 5, 1808. The Bill entit-| popularity they dread. The toasts which were|didon to that of 1802, «bove noticed, prohibiting
| the age of twenty one years, having resided in| Jed Ap act extending the right of suflrage|diank at the federal celebration of the furth ofinldermen and justices of the peace, as well as
the state two ycais next before the election, &| in the Mississippi territory and For Ghar July, at Lebanon, were marked with a spirit of judges, expressly [rom issuing any writ or pro-
| within that time paid a state or county 13%,| purposes” was read the third time as amend-| vindictiveness and rancor, without a parallel,cess, with a view to vehear, examine, or Hhstruct
which shail have been asscssed at least six} ed; and, On the question, shall this bill pass (and could only have been uttered by the mostjthe decision of any comet of appeal or court
| months before the election, shatl enjoy the} 45 amended? hardened and depraved of the human species, martial and such get on the part of 5 inde juss
ights of an lector.” The democrats of this] It was determined in the Affirmative, Yeas «ome of whom haye but recently been ¢ called tice, or alderman, was made a misdemeanor |
tate began, indeed very early to consider thelig. Nays 8. to their Jong account.” Federalism aod faction,jin oflice ; reserving however (he yiphis of
position of Lhomas~Jefferson as the cound and The yeas and nays having been required by liowever, may rage a few weeks longer, whenjevery cistz=o under the habeas corp i's gre
| wholesome one j and not a member of it has} he fiith of the Senators present, the people of Pennsylvania will prostrate them, ‘This act was voted for mdiserimipately by
"bees or can ever be so inconsistent with its prin Those who voted in the affiemative are Mcssrs{by the rejection of thew idol, Andrew Gregg, f-deralists and democrats, as will be seen by
ciples as to seek to resivict, clog and curtailiA duns, Anderson, Conduit, Gillman, Goodrich,|aod their selection of Mr. Shuizz. the journal of 1813 14, page 354i-<there being
the right of suffrage, as it is now established (yn G. Howland, Kitchelly, Matthewson, In order to test the sincerity of those who 67 votes for thc bill and 1 agcinst it. In
Camong us, We detese every practice that z[anre, Parker, Pope, Reed, Robinson, Smith puff and blow so much about the unpopularity: 1816a supplement (0 this act was passed,
| savours of Aristocracy, and cannot submit tour Maryland, Theuston, Tiffen, White. of «¢ Shulze at home,” and to show to the world pamphlet laws, page 224, declarirg ¢ that the
“have freeholders, or land-owners, set apart] Those who voted in the negative are Messrs. | how confident his friends are of his success, welprocecdings of the courts of appeal and enur's
. from the rest of the community, as alone worthy | BraMey, Crawford, Maciay, Milledge, Smith of have been instructed, by a responsible person, toimartial, shall in’ no case whatever be get aside,
ard competsnt to choose cur public officers: New York, Smith of Tennessee, Sumpter, Tur-|{make the foilowing propositions. The money or declared void by any jedue of a court of
Not so, however, with’ the federal party =— per. to be deposited, either in the Camden bank of haw, on ground of informality in such proceed-
: Universal sufliaoe has been always apposed DY | Sq it was resolved, That this bill pass with New Jersey, or in the Westminster bank ollings,” and every judge who shall declars
them, 2s 100 DEMOCRATICAL, tending to dee ly mendments. Maryiand. such proceedings void on the ground aforemens-
prive the high-born, the wealthy and the talented | Ordered That the Secretary request the con- &100 that Mr. J. ANDREW SHULZE willitioned, shall be deemed guilty of a m:sdemean-
ew, of theiv due weight in society ; subjecting] currence of the House of Representatives in| have a majority in L.cbanon County. or in office ; and no action of trespass shail be
the government to the vices of the poor, and| (ja amendments. 8100 that he will have 100 of a majority in Leb-jsustaried in any court of record within this
levelling all those ranks and distinctions which Friday, January 8. 1808 Mr. Magruder, clerk| anon County. comnonwealthyin gonsequence of any fprocerd-
| are the relicts of a venerable antiguity, They! of (he House of Representatives retvrns the !3100 that he will have 200 of a majority in Lieb-jings, had by any courts martial or courts of afi-
desire to contract the Tight of voting into as! pilinto the Senate, with the agreement of| anoo County. ficat’’ Here observe, that all the provisions
parrow a circle as possible, and maintain and that body, ard on : $100 that he will haye 300 of a majority in Leb-lin previous laws, go no further than to pro-
Lact upon the doctrive that in this matter, as in Tuesday, January 12, 1808, it became a law. anon County. hibit the removal of the frroceedings, and writ
Levery other, the people at large are their own| rosit is mad: manifest by the most au {$100 that he will have 400 of a majority in Leb- of certiorari. The right of the®™«acrion of
worst enemies. ¢ Why, they exclaim, should) antic proof, anon County —and tresspa.g,’ and trial by jury tor agpalleged in-
a Mechanic Vote 2° Let hioy make shoes, not 1. That @ law extending the right of suffrage in $500 dollars that he will be elected (Governor jury done, remained unimpaired ; but tltis Seca
Governors’) Let the Cobler stick to his last.” | Mississippi had passed the House of Representa- lover Mr. Gregg Carlisle Gazette. {tion (ifit was constitutiona) tock av:y any res
L "Tlis is the doctrine of the f:deralists; and] tives, and was reported to the Senate of the United ey 7% (6 ——— dress for other than personal ibjories,—} lis
ithey have never lost an opwortuniy to enforce| States on the 2d of December 1807, without the . vee o fact of 1816 is decidely the strogges: and most
Pthese unnatural und detestable notions. They Oy i tn Wbien exacts the Correct View of the Militia exceptionable, on the ground ot viviny sunetis
bave cxerted their very best abilities to give |, 1 Tate wrderwing ro phated as it tho Senate Bill SE ority to the military power, Yt I find by looks
| them plausibility ; and they ave perfectly con-|™ gnd on the 21st of December, Mr. Moore proposed 1k. ’ ing into the jonrnal af the House of Represen-
~8cious that if they once succeed in establishing | an amendment exclusively bearing upon this single From the (Bucks county ) Democrat. tatives, for 1815 16. that aj} the members from
them by law, democracy, with all its equality, point. . : There bas been much wilful misrefiresenta- Bucks county voed for it. On pace 674, 4
frecdom and indepevdence of spirit, is practi eo Shdey cansiders- tion on the subject of the Militia Laws of thisi Motion was made to postpone the Lill indefi-
god forever atasiend. ES a the ght of RR el state, and especially of Mr. Shulze’s vote on, hitely. ayes 31, SHE 433 among, tie qdys org
Ihisis a matter of principle, not of declama-| (u( every voter should be a LANDHOLDER or a|that subject at the last sessioo, that I think itjé2e names of Pexi Fourre, Dr, Priveas
ton ov invective. Lach party has its constitQ-| FREEHOLDER. proper, in addition to what bzs been siid on Jexgks, and Davi Wynkoop; and in page
"tional and fixed belief about it. Z%e democrats 4. That on the question being put, it was obviously | pay subject, to present a concise view of 1t (oi075,0n the qu sion shall this bill pass? ayes
\avish all men RICH or POOR to have the thought one of importance and principle, because our odors 49, noes 25 ; among the ayes are the names of
| zit of voting. The federalists wish to deber then forge firsttime, the yeas and nays were call-{¥ The complaint is « that the legislature at the JENKS ‘FOULKE, SELLERS & WYN-
the POOR of that right. No -democrat can “ppg Andrew Gregg deliberately voted in FAVOR last session made an attempt to place the mil KOQP, bat no clamor was ever heard about
Exuchont apostatising, wish to exact a qualifies} of such an alteration in the law as would restrict the itary above the civil power of the state, anditbese votes ; these wembers (execpt Mr Sel
tion of fre chold and no federalist can disclaim! right of suffrage, and exclude Srom its enjoyment alllihat Mr. Shulze voted to that cflect.” To eg. lers, who died soon afterwards) were re elecred
this cardinal creed of his party. It is an un- who were not LANDHOLDERS or FRE EHOLD- tablish the position it is assuwed that to pro- for several years by the Federal party. We
pexring ay Peanut test of politics. ; Whi Andrew Greg, a Pennsylvanian, indefings hibit aldermen and justices of the peace ¢ from ROW come down to 182 1-22 when General
8 ay this tosh I am about ite try ANDREW of the principles of our state “ennstitution and off commencing or taking cognizance of any civil Barnard, as chairman of the military committee,
GREGG, a candidate for the office of gover-) oun jaws, and in utter contempt of the known wish={suit or action against a military officer, consta-{"eported the militia bill which is now the law:
‘mor, Let my foilow citizens read with atten-! es and doctrines of the democratic party of this}hle, collector ob other persons concerned in the of the state: Tlis law simply re.cnac's the
tion the facts which I cubjoin, and which I! commonwealth, voted to inoculate the tertitory offeyecution of the militia laws of this common-iPtovisions ofthe act of 1814, (Duane’s Bil)
- have extracted, word for word from the Jour Mississippi with the poison of aristocracy, and wealth—actually placing the military above with the additien of the clause pirolubiing the
Se ie t Iivk 3 z laid the foundation for political practices i ; i I
t re at A c tices in that wl ti bp . y Ce % ,
al ofthe Senate of the United States. It is a prion of car ifnion i WW: the rights snd ]the civil power.” If there had been no otheri€?u7ts from declariag the proceedings of court
Fucord which gannot be denied ; its language is) freedom ofthe people. remedy for a wrong done by a militia officer, martial or courts of appeal, void on the ground
i plato and unequivocal, and the conciusion in the! What then fellow citizens, is the inevitable [there might be some pretext for such an As. informality 3 an repeals the clause of the.
mind of every pure repablican mast be imme-' conclusion? Think for yourselves; and say, sumption, but it is well known to the declaim-i2ct of 1816, which was voted for bythe Ducks
diate and decisive. . is ANDREW GREGG a Republican, worthy ers against Mr. Shulz2, that the constitution county federal members, Messrs. Jenks, Wyn-
Senate of the United States. (of applause and exaltation? Or ishea feder- [says <¢ the trial by jury shall be as heretofore,” koop, &c. declaring that & no action ef tresspats
'alist of that decided stamp, whose principles|and that under the act of 1821, the right to shall be sustain~d in any court of record within
ave inimical to the sovereignty of the people, & [bring suits « in the county where the cause of [his Somimanweaiih, in conscquence of any pro
Wednesday, December 2, 1807: A etanel easly to the sovereignty cof the few? action shall have arisen 3” to be Wied in the Geedingsy had by 30y courts martial or cours
LT 0 Da : AN NA eth SS Fe court of Common Pleas, is fully recognized :— ol appeal
From the Hous of Represematives by Mr, Mae « SHU] 7E A 99 | This is perfectly clear, aod he who russ may We now come to the section reported by
gruder their clerk 3 is AT HOME. read.—How then is the militaty made superior Gen Barnard at the last session, for which Mr
Mr President—The House of Representa! The greatest pains imagimable have been ta- [to the civil power 2 i Shulee voted, We have already seen that
tives have passed a bill, eotitled— An Act €x- ken by the friends of Me. Gregg, the federal] Tt has never been intended that any profli- {COUT of record were forbidden to issue writs
tending the right of suffrage in the 1581ssippl candidate, to impress upon the minds of the lgate, corrupt, unprincipled man who migit of certiorari, or remove the proceedings ec,
territory and fur other purposes.” ] people throughout the state, that Mr. Shulze is have happened to obtain a justices commisston and aldermen and justices of the peace fobid=
The. bill was read and ordered that it pass yopopalarat home. To this end, meeting al- (and that there are HAR we all know) den to « rehear, examine, or obstruct, directly
to a second reading. 1 ‘ter meeting has been got up in Lebanon, and in {should have it in his power to obstruct and{”F indirectly, the decision of any courts martial
Tuesday, December 29th 1807. The Senate other sections of the county, denounciog him defeat the militia lave for a whole county Jor courts of appeal.” This has been the
resumed, as in committee of the whole, the as incompetent to discharge the duties of the Sup ose for instance that one justice in a colt: law as to courts since 1802¢and as to aldermen
second reading of the bill, entitled—An act siation for which leis a candidate, and enwor- ty Dr se found, so abandoned to ail sense jand justices, since 15 [gage LhiG ection 1s in the
i During the first Session of the 10th Congress,
which began on the 26h of October 1807.
extending he right of suffrage in the Mississip- thy Tr Su RAY ~ Ares RS . = 3 ; tater iarony Fe 2 y
pi teriitory, and for other dd I re ly 1 tes 3 Je iasve, A oe Li XE ehes the passage ofthis art any
with the broposed amendment, aod after having Cane Hg a at tae sou the collegtars of ifn fies, gad give adn: lder 3 or fisiice of die peace shell Sesto
A a Eo gaye: Th | y he igh n Ruin, ment in every case againstihem, for the amount Be, i rns an. vor re
a, hy oH Pieheg 1h he Ros bifter and in 5 of fines collected with costs; would not the » BE is aT
Monday, Januery 4th 1208. The Senate re: | sums on vrs bers cas a hea vt jwhols mifls e hateme a SN fiom iio (not criminal os bas been falsely said)
sumed, as in commitiee of the wholz, the 500s aratic rentr of Lebanon, to Of A J that gonnty 2 Sach 8 ease die oily henpenl, vainst any military officer constable “Collector
| ond reading of the bill entitled —An act eX-iges of vat re oy a ee. . Chester Eoucly’ nd the Mikingss of dei i) other Porson one in the exer viion of
tending tise right of suffrage in the Mississippi lgrrite have been : revailed ; 1 Bo Ek insiesd linia in ee he the militia laws of this commonwenttly;: for any
Se a oars I ede 53 yank upon to attend{remove him, chose rather to make the law is bi Tae m no Hn ry
tion to strike out ET Seaton Ist lipes 6 and 7 Sh and pital : Si Fn fe En prs Tufte iv ibis Cal a or i Sion oF sad ation. Taw in impos.
the bill, thes words— and having paid a coun a bl 2 p ale Tey Tye ocen prejudiced clamor has been raised, to confirm} * Loollectife fines at Or Ig
an enabled to collect groups of men together from ihe prejudiced, and deceive the ignoraat advo: ing and collecting fines ; every alderman OF J
ty cr territorial tax, assessed at least siz months various quarters of the county, who dare not fcates of Mr. Gregg. tice so offending, shall be guilty of a misdemean=
{onan Sxcyetreion ond leon! Ta ete to «dance attendance™ at the mod off I would ask thee attention of your readers to}°" 9 viltees sy thet sessed proceedings mn
1a! CO ie to ro JE . » ’ z . hs . “yxet © 2 1 n
5 Rg fe de, 2 ree ot Fag [ise pH pT) ii ah this man {the history of the provisions of the militia Jaws SHED puis shall be pull and voia.
come the fiurchnser of any rack of land from Un anon Hy {ii en wd nt A, ; on this Bybject since 1803, When the first gen-1 1 think 1t would pnzzie most, if pot 211 the
: Ehatied Sictes. 0 op ui 3 or Sry: rs 1 i a hy : Pp Boe Ings 0 » ich are not only erat and comprehensive law for the regulation noisy clamorers on this subject, to explain the
+ of acvguanitty of Sifty acres, published in the federal papers, but ja extrafof the militia was passed. difference between the effect of this clanse ang
| who may Aokl in Als own right a town lot of the sheets also, and distributed throngh the state in] We find in the pamphlet laws of 1801-2 frhat contained in Mr. Daane’s Bll of 1814
3 value of ONE 1 UNDRED DOLLARS, with-' yast quantities. While the federalists deserve] page 235, the following section :—That ¢ nojBut how is it rassible that any man of com-
| ® he said terruory: : : credit for their unwearied industry and perse: {certiorari or other writ, shall in any case, issue fmon sense, could construe it to take away all
i A division was called for ; and on the ques-|yerance in their suppore of Mr. Gregg, they de-{from any court of law or etjuity in this com-{redress in a conrt of criminal jurisdiction for
: tion for striking out, it was determined in thelserve the severest reprehension for the disgrace-| moawealth, to remove any proceedings thaitpersonal injury 2 The criminal jurisdienton of
| affirmar ive, Yeas 20 3 Nays Fi. ] | ful means they have made use of to deceive th:ishall be had ipany court of appeal or court justices of ‘he neace is wholly untouched, and
! he Yeas and Nays having been required by| people at a distance, by representing Mr. Shulze| murtial, held under and by virtue of this act ;}the remedies for persor a! wromgs, by ndict-
one bith of the Senators present, : |as unpopular at home, and totally unfit for gov {and that no court of law or equiiy of the sid ment or i formation, or presentment, are as
Those who voted in the affi-mative arejernor! If he were unpopular at home, ther |commanwealith, shall iu any case “hear, sustain.|ihey have always been notouched 5 and the ree
Messrs. Bayard, Bradlew, Crawlord, Gaillard, he weuld not receive the undivided support o!/determine, or in any manner take cognizance of medy for anv unlawful injury done to the prep
Goodrich, GREGG, Hillhouse, Maclay, Mat- {bis political friends : but the fact is, the demo-|appesls that may be offzred or attempted from erty of a citiztn by a militia officer, or collector
. thewscn, M, Hedge, Mitchell, Moore, Pickering,|crats are united in bis favor, and many uniform |any sentence or decree passed or made be lof fines, is completely open by the action of
Smits, of Maryland, Smith, of New york, Smith,| federalists who know bis worth, capacity, and|such courts of appeal,or eourts martial, any }ireespass in the court of common pless, to te
of “Yenncssee, Sumpter, Thruston, Turner, honesty, are his sincere and warm advocates,} law, usage or practice othe contrary in an) tried by jurY 5 which remedy be it remember iy
White, which at once proves the falsity of the charges{wise notwithstanding.” {Dr PmixE¥As JExgs, Davip Wysroor, fon.
hose who voted in the nerative,are Messrs {contained in the federal address, headed! The legislature wisely foresaw that ifa cer- {and the other federal members 4p the year #
Ailams, Anderson, Conduit, Gilman, Howland &¢ SAulze at home.” tiorari or an appeal from courts martial ot jvored fo deprive us of The whole amount 0s
Ritchell, Parker, Pope, Reed, 1obinson, Tiffon The popnlatity of the democratic candidat {courts of appeal was zllowed, the fines counldjthe provision is to Put it cut ofs The pover ol 2
On motion to insert at the end of the third] was tested last fall, when he obtained a hand {never be collected. The writs cof certiorari single justice of the peace iq GBYN'Y ‘0 Profs
section the following ; seme majority over one of the. most popula: [might be issued or the appeal entered, and theltrate the militia law of the 8% throughout
u Provided, That the provisions of this act shall| Germans in Lebanon county. If Mr. Ley coulc | ollection of fines suspended for years; but itithe whole extent ot Lis juris ion, bY i.
pot take effect, until the assent of the Jew not be elected over Mr. Shulze, how is it pos-faocver entered Into their minds, that justices ot judgment for the recovering back of =i hoes =a
islature of the state of Georgia shall be giy- sible that such a frail and incompetent old mar jajdermen would attempt 10 « rebear, examine collected in sums jess than £2 33 ets. when i