Bellefonte patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1818-1838, August 06, 1823, Image 4

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    i TT Smith until the simpleton arrived atlall about it wes to exciipste hom
, Cw ces ony lage. The facts that wok place wiih Petrikin, whom the federalists + §
J o the Democratic ite these men, I have stated inan affida-jcharged with it publicly. On engi
: ranz.ab “vit subjoined nereto vy I found that the federali<ts bad more
publicans of Centre and Bat that which is to affix the offencejto do with it than the democrais.
Clearfield counties.
{upon me, is that | gave Thurston a] With these remarks I leave my
a7 - paix of shoes Now I grant that Ifcharacter and my prospects in lie Iu
t: + be comes my duty to address youldid give him a pair of old shoes, but )
on 2 subjoct relating principally 10h ha, { had any other moive than tojcither to sink or swim, as they may
myself Some few federalists m Bel eudip a poor man a tilling favor is{letermine. As for the federalisis,
sfonte, fricnds and relations of Andrew pig. fle wasa mn whom I koewlithey wili believe the worst that can be
Gregg, their candidate Hr Governor, when [ saw, and nothing more, Helsad, however groundless or false it
hae made frequent declarations, atl, lates in his deposition precisely whatimay be. :
s they would biacken the character of 100k place, and hie was not in ory of JAMES M. PETRIKIN.
he PrRIKIN Familr, BY HOOK ojonper than 1 could take the shoes
OR BY CROOK, so that they would qr yy hoots,and draw on the boots. IMCENTRE COUNTY. ss.
be compielied to leave the Caunty® I je irifluig favors of this kind are to B. {ore me the
order 0 attain this, they have com-| make those who grant them accessa-fsubseriber one of the Justices of the
n | Peace for the county atoresaid, per
re 4 EA
nenced issuing Hand Bills, and mak | ieq to crime, 1t would be very strange 3
ing newspaper publications in other jhqeed, but none but such despicablejsonally came Grorce W. THIRSTON
Jounties, charging members of thei 008 of wax as Humes, Waison and{of the state of New York, now of the
family with every species of enormi-{payerqon would say so. One thivgliowaship of Spring in the sud county,
ty ; even that Henry Petrikin DdRtovig cjoap, (hey will never be hangediwho on his solemn oath doly admis
of the Bellefonte Patriot, had been 1, 10g of charity, nor their candidaieliered according to law, saith, thal BA]
ruilty of playing Cards in tie ChOYeh. eiijer, | would itke to have them|aath a certain kmowledge of all ‘tie
Wico in very fact it was none other ooo came of Me. Gregg'sicircumstances aitending the making
han MATHEW GREGG, son of CHARITABLE DEEDS. Perbapsland secting uh of an Lffizy in the Bo
AxprEW GrEGG their candidate who a0 thay call upon WV ILLIAM AD {rough of Baticfonte called the © Feb
ettetonte catiedgthe « Federal Can.
the hands of my republican brethren, (old the deponent that he was going tolous slauders It
ample Aecoh °
rake away our reputation is villianons
~1date” on the night of the 3d of Julyibevond all paralell. ‘They want you,
inst. The deponent dpes not believe|democrats, to sanction by your voles
it possible that Hg, or any ‘of hisitheir base calumnies. They have
BROTHERS, could have koown anyland are nmking every endoaver, by
thing about it, He further saith.practising on the viltst wreiches, to
that it was George Thurston first thatisupport their vile, wicked and iofam-
was deetinined a
setitup; but Thomas Singleton wasisecret conclave, to destiey pur chars
aol present, wor was the deponentiacier, inorder that the credit wf this
present at the conversation meaddoned paper of which 1 am cditor, might be
by Thomas Singleton, ia the Brickialso destroyed, Men have been found
Yard. willini to lend their names to farther
tie views of this villisnods combina-
‘lon. They are wealthy, and from
the speciren we have Lad, a just idea
may be firmed of the pov eitul agency
rey int lol wealih in accompliching suy end,
CENTRE COUNTY. ss. Ta you, democrats, we appeal for
B fore the sub-lprotection, and I kuow that we do not
scribar one of the Justices of thelappeal in vain,
yeace for Cente County, came James x : oy
i Perriciy, who saith on his sol H enry Peli iL ke
emn oath, that he had no knowledge| July Slst 1823,
whatever that Geo ge Tiueston or
any other p=rson or prrsons, bad it 1
contempiation to s2t up an effigy of
ithe w federal Cond date,” on the night
Sworn aud subscribed the 29.h July,
1823, before me in A
Ll Brat
To the Democratic le-
publicans of Centre and
had dove so, which Henry Petrik
stands prepared to prove. For all
this persecutine zeal the only excuse ,y
AM3! Thisisihe naloriunate mii
who had his barn purnt with
its CONTENTS whereby he
erAL CANDIDATE,” on the night otiof the 3d of Ju.y wisn, por did he
d.e third of July 1ostant, and WHO assis, Or was ne in any manter con
IT WAS THAT MADE AND{vected with him, or them, that did so
SET UP THE SAME; thy JAMES And he further sqith, that when he
Clearfield Counties.
"eLLow CIrizeNs,
lis that the ¢ PETRIKIN FaMILY" as was deprived of the means of pres p TH AM nw SAME:
they say, ave favorable to the election oq pistence, and his only son Kil JM. PETRIKIN, THOMAS J PL
of the democratic candidate for Goy- fed by hghtning, to whom the cold-{RIKIN and WM. PACKER w@ rv
r “None other they can Bave, un joa fed pinless disposition of AD-|iz no way CONCERNED THEREIN, 70
is that 1 mysclt have taken an gq Gregg could refuse a centy be-thad THRY or EITHER OF THEM ay
gctive’ part for the people, dn thelv gp he "was a democrat. ARNO’ lKNOWLEDGE THERE F OF CONN. TION
dispute with the Turopike Company Geo had beep thirty years in offices ruErEwviTi, IN ANY Ww AY UR
With some whose names appear tol B80 EC ay of stale; and MANNER WiIATSOEVER. :
these Hand bills, we bave been 1oti-hi 4 J oiignd thousands, yet he could] The deponent farther saith, on his
mate for some time, and never Save .fige a poor man, upon whom the solemn oath, that some considerable
em ihe least offence. They bavel, 4 oF God had been heavily laid, atime afterwards he was in Bellcloute,
in passing near the office ol
3 !
rtheless, engaged In this bases solitary farthing, or any (0 relieve hisiand : near
d persecuting attempt to ruln our oo : JAMES M. PETRIKIN, was asked
characters. So far as they have gone,’ pio agreed that they shall huntiby hm if the deposent WOULD
Sank Providence, we have bad IU in 4 “Girne ses to prove thar I bad ASSIST HIM IN REAPING the
olr power to show our innocence. on poor’ men shoes, &e. If they next day 5 thar i was iaining at thi
A Hand billy to which is attached {fy only enquired at me, I could have ime and they both went into the fie.
the names of Hamilton Humes, James gi coq (hem to more than they im-{when James M PETRiE(N commenc
Watson, John Thompson, Wm. “aging, who would swear that 1 baveled taking of a flr of OVER SHOES
Patterson, Jobo Holte and Wm Pat- given them hats, shoes, shirts, and’ from his Buots which he was abou
on, has beeo procured and is in C= goon money in their disiresses. It isldrawing on. The deponeat a ked
culation in these counties, charg ich reluctance I state (his, but neces [nim what he would take for rhe shoes
James M. Potrikin with setting UD, OF gjiy compels me I am in very hom-to which he veplied that as he had
causing to be made and set UP AD he oj cumstances myselly aud perhapsine use whatever for them furiher, the
effigy calied the « Federal Candidate,” (ne avowed persecution of Gregy'sidepionent might have them without
on the wight of the 3d. of July St paiives may make me still poorer, fay. And the deponent further saith
in the Borough of Bellefonte. It 1s py oy prayers ave, that 1 may ever there was not a word passed about the
pre'aced and concluded, with the bas- he able (0 give a man that is barefoot-, £ffigy, nor did the ‘deponent Zaow, Say to James Smith that be would en
est vituperation, the most abandonedieq 5 pairof shocs, one that is bare-lov does he believe that it had come tc
profligacy, and the most contemptibie/jeaded a hat, and one that is naked, the knowledge of the said JAMES,
ilingsgate. We are confident, thatig,neihing wherewith to cover his at that time who made and set it up.
Jon Holte and Wm. Patton, neveri,,jiedpess, and an exemplary citizen! “1 he d-ponent further saith on his
jaw this Hand bill, either io manu-j, dolar when he has his barn buroed solemn oath, that WILLIAM POT.
script or otherwise. They are note the act of providence and his only TER Esq. HAMILTON HUMES,
capable of such consummate wicked-ig, kdled. If these are offences I and JOHN HALL, Jr. knew as
ness and meanness, and 1 have rea lbumbly trust I never shall become so much about the making and setting
son to believe that Mr. Thompson'poor by my own conduct asnot to be up of this effigy as James M Petrikin
id pot sign it either. With theselygiliy of them. tor any of his Brothers, and more ; fn
entlemen I have been particularly” | will endeavor to withstand the when tZey enquired at the deponent,
intimate, and I ao uot believe that pepsecution of these men. I am considering them friends, he told
they hold any such opinion, or would ft commencing the world, and must them all about it, bat they se med to
say what is stated in the Hand bill. pest al.ogether for support upon my wish him to implicate others, who had
It is altogether the work of Jamesisqccess in my profession, and as I nothing to do with it ; which be iejus-
Harris, Usq. a fellow who has assum: {have done nothing heretofore to for- ed.
¢] the name of Dr. Curtin, and a few teit the confidence of my féllow citi-] And deponent aiso saith, that altho’
others, equally base and malignant,'zens so I hope I may pot hereafter. it may be that he is not entitled to o
relations of Gregg’s, living in Bolie-] grant that I have, when employed, vote, yet he is friendiy to Mr. Gregg,
fonte. W= doubt not, but H. Humes, taken anactive part 1n the dispute be-|baving no enmity for any one ; and has
James Watson and Wm. H Patterson ween the Turnpike and people, and frequently taken bis part.
agreed to sign it, for they are all mere j(},is together with an open and avow- And he further saith, that on the das
noses of wax, fit subjects for ARCHled determination to su pport the dem-'on which THOMAS SINGLETON
VILLAINS to work upon. Theyocratic candidate, J. A. Shulze, foritook his afhiclavit mentioned io
are so illiterate and naturally stupidiooyernor, is the rock of offence. For Humes® Haod Bill, he told me in the
that nothing short of supernatural a-fihese things, James Hairis, Esq. Dep presence of Thomas Caldwell, Mrs.
gency, could ever enable them tolyry Surveyor &c¢. Hamilton Homes, Simpson and others that JAMES M
produce even such ribaldry, I reallyljomes Watson and others in conjunc PETRIKIN WAS A DAMNED
believe, that they do not understandliion with the relatives of Andrew RASCAL ; that he, the said JAMES
the terms used in the production oi ege are to light down upon a young ad accused him ( Singleton ) «at Mr.
Mr. Haris, and that they signed 1 gan, just commencing the world, and Watson's, in Bellcfonte, with taking a
more for the purpose of inducing peo-{ url him to destruction. For these FALSE QATH once & he the said
ple ata distance to believe that theylsfences he is to be driven from the JAMES should have seid that his
could put such bigi-sounding wordsiCounty. For this exercise of a con. (" Singleton’s ) sister was a whore at
together, than any thing else. Ihave irarional right, he is to be charged /larrisburg or Baltimore and the said
never given them the least cause forlyith an offence of which he never was Singleton further said that the day jol-
the attack upon me, and it arguesi,uilty, and his character blackened lowing the arbitration at Watson's,
on'their part, a more than ordinarylynd destroyed. My situation is that the said Thomas Singleton and lus
degree of moral turpitude and blacks} ,¢ every young man io the communi Brother John, had came to town to
phearted malice, and it must be that) gv and every one is equally liable to flog JAMES. but that Pelrikin left
‘the men did oot understand what Wasise assatled, and in the same way too it when he heard that they were com
read to them. In order to cut theft is an easy matter tor rich men to ing: and he further said THAT HE
matter short, I will venture my
that neither Humes, \Watson or Pat
terson, can put two sentences of Lin-
glish together in six weeks.
In order to estublish this groundless I, TON HUMES. Heis a common and him first formed the
and infamous charge, James Harris &lzavier, a wretched bugfuon, and con make this efficy, not onc ofthe Lam
Curtin have procured the deposition ofl remprible tool. The common source berts were present in the Brick yard,
Thomas Singleton and James Smith) ,f oid wife tale bearing—ibie laugh of as he asserts. And the depoacent for-
2 nephew of Harris’s. It room would) very company into which he intrudes ther saith, that when he went up for
permit they should accompany this fhimselt—and a willing nose of wax Singleton, the only objection he made
Io answer thereto I have procured the| ys to JAMES WATSON, I would was that he was tired ; but wished
depositions of the only persons whi ast observe that 1 have never given that it were done—and it was done.
could exculpate me, and who came him any reason to assail my character GEO. W. THIRSTON.
forward promptly to doso. Iam noifin the base and wicked manner he and; Sworn & Subscribed the 29th Jaly
disposed to comment upon the testi | Humes have doae. * * A.D. 1823, bclore me
mony of Singleton and Smith. It re-|= * » * JOSEPH MILES.
gnires nove. The declarations ol * * - —* This was in an argument to the arbitra.
Singleton to Thurs'on, shews at once . * * reat were trying a sit in which i,
what induced him to swear as he did * ¥ ras Tye be Be er ad about the Fellows Sater
What James Smith is made to swear,|nOW among the first to step forward
is equally untrue, and he knows it {to Yuin the characters of his neigh-| y
YW hat makes it still worse on this poor|bors who have never done bim any CENTRE COUNTY. ¢s.
ereatnve’s part, is, that he acknowled-finjury whatever. James Watson is aj Jefore the sub-
ged to me yesterday ia the presenc
of Thomas Lambert; s¢ that he had ne!
And the deponent further
compli h any thing.
It may be that some of my fellow]
vied to Gregg’s daughter. peace for Centre County, came Say
ead his deposiiion.” The fact 1s] If it be asked why I did not imme-{uer LaMperT, who saith on his sol
he was deeuly implicated himself, anc jdiately, on it coming to my kaowl-'emn oath that JAMES M. Perrikiz
he was prepared for any thing tha [edge who made the effigy, publish COULD NOT HAVE, NOR HAD
woud shew to the world otherwise — {10 the world ? I answer that it wasitHE ANY KNOWLEDGE WHAT
4set up, it occurred to am inthe first,
saith, Shuize succeeds.
3 | 4 . ey 3a WT AE .y . 3 ‘ ny ; ys : . .
citizens are unacquainted with HA M- that when 7H0OMAS SINGLETO kx jand pledge myselfior all others of the (This bas been their song in these
plan to tamily, that no wish of the
. : | . tik LF Dorribiin :
t=nant of Mr. Irvine whose son is mar {scriber one of the Justices ot the} Petrikin in in
A Handbill sigoed
I i ¢ ¢ |
{heard in the morning of the 4th of Ju-lo, : Sek oF
j hed 5: : hy the commiitce of cotrespondence
tly that such an effiiy was mads
ant |
Hriendly to the "dlection of Andrew
rege is WM Chrculation,
ig charging
mes M. Peteiliin, a member of te
instance, that it wes the federalis S11
| thems: Ives that had made ea a- 1p »mocratic Party, with seuting up an
(oh Mes i Wg Mis Hp n Jedtizy styled the « Federal Gasd-date
SJiOlher ol Jam?®s mit, Might ave tha toot Cie : Lay.
known something about it, as she WAKE noi ol the : hi July ast,
in the habit of mak ng effigies : andin iis (harscter daily ER
order to ascertain it, as he federalis'sin: sracter of (Ke while Ded Hic
bad accused: Thomas J. Peuwikin of party, and thereby Bact Va re a
ity the deponsnt asked Jamess Smith, dohn A. Shuts Js Cand dad ria
Vin I Kean Ww oxh you he, teliow
; ns : os s1UIIZ2us, 0 €Xaunee the evidence Hd
a it, upon ! ih I PASI Io.ttipily aed you cannot but concluie
smiled, an? replied, that H the depo. 4, To5° MM: Petileats 3 :
nent « WOrLDNT SAY ANY THING, 1 hated ili : ifn pis Rhos
He then said it was GEORGE Jie Wid fate Yarra i Nou
PHURSTON and THOMAS SIN {10s at or nee the toms i ns
GLETON who made it, for thatthe {£2 Siinncan. he mere atk 2a
had been talking about doing So EARL Sola EL
The depovent did tell James Smith ie (estimo vy of (hell own wi
that he at first believed that it wasj, they have endeavored to inp -
some of the federalists who lived 10) ave James M Petiikin, :
Fown that made it ; but be p1D NT! There is something in this mater
0 which we would call the attention
four Republican Brethren. This
Rev was called ¢ the
‘ehenas say that he is not the Jederal
Candidate, that Mr. Shulze is the fed-
¢rai candidate 3 now who for a mo-
nent can believe any thing else than
‘hat this eflizy, being made by per-
sons ficndly to Mi Gregg, was not
nade in derision of Me. Shulze 2
Uisey perhaps wished to have the
people believe, us they do, that
Mr. Greue is pot the federal candi-
late, but they find otherewise, and
Www thoy endeavour to shew (hat this
fligy was made to ridicule Mr Greg,
titho? re was s yled «+ the Federal Cane
lidate,” and they opealy deny
such 1s the {act.
As to Mr. Shalze having deputy
Bovernors in this, or In &ry o fer
{county in case hie succelds, it is all
nade at, or near
WO Wilpesses,
deavour to put it upsn them Thi
deponent further saith, that he did no’
mect Thomas Singleton in going 10
Singleton’s house, ou the 5th of July.
that he does not know where Single.
ton lives, and never went knowingly
in that direction, That sometime al
ier the reiurn of the deponent fron
Clearfield Couartybe met Singleton it
Bellefonte and told bam, withont any
further conversation with Lim, tha
he ought not to bave done ity and Sin
gleton did pot deny 11; but rathe
appeared. pleased that the deponen
thought be had been concerned in i.
The depouent never told Singleton he
would put it on the Gregg men ; no
did he ever tell James Smith sn
Sworn and sub-evibed July 29, 1823
WD § Coes
When the communication charging
the federalists with having set up the
effigy, was published in the Pauiot,
James DL Petrikin was absent a
Clearfield court, and Henry Petrikin
was in Lycoming county. Tie pape:
was aliogether under my direction,—
Tae latter left home on the 2ad of
July, and did pot return until the 12th
‘The paper issued on the 9th. "ume
did not know any thing about the com
imunication, alluded to in Humes’s
‘handbiil. Any person desiious of
‘seeing the original munuscript, can be
filiacious. Heiss as well, if not beter
qualified to fill the executive chair as
he man they so much adore Ii be
does succeed, we have the hopes that
there will be no more midillion leaps
rom cay Banks. le will endeavane
ro pay the immense jublic deét into
which the state has goulen, without
mereas:ng it. He wil endeavor to
study the Inierest of the pecple ma bis
policy. If sch had hecn done by
vp Greeg, the farmers, and most of
as profess to be of that cluss, would
2 not tave the fear of State Tux hanz-
gratilied by calling at the Patriot of fing over their heads in time of pace.
lice. A aes [t isto the farmers who will have this
T- J. PETRIKIN. |burthen to bear that we appeal.
' et re The federal party bave been inthe
The {ederalists, Homes and others, habit of crying out that
|bave 2sseried in their Hanpiin that £/0°s” are the leaders of, and
ithe 1?
Cul is
wish to
life, procure affidavits, for wealth can ac- NEVER OWED PETVRIKIN AN b§ ithe « Prrrigin’s want to bold the of rule the demnciut'c pasty ; this they
Mr. ldo thinking that perhaps it will (asa
myself, jus from the support of cur candidate,
Gees” in tis county, in case
I state for
heretofore, and tlis
ever expressed or entertained by any year. Examine for yomselves feliow
of us. Ido not intend, and never did |citizens, and you will sce this matt»
contemplaie asking Mr. Shuize for an jin its true lighy, yon can sce that i
appointment ol that orany other kind; jthe shoe does not fitys neither of
nor will I, or one of us, ask or recetveicandidates necd put it on.
at his hands avy appointment wiat- |
kind was counties 15 Go
As an attempt is making inthis way
1 am now in my 27th year, yet ito bjure the reputation of James MM.
I consider inyself quite 109 young to [Petrikin, Thomes 1. Petrtkin end
aspire to any station in public lite [Henry Petrikin, the latter of whom is
other than that of au humble editor ef the Editor of the Ddllcfunte Hatriu,
a country newspaper. Il ama demo {we deen it our deiy a8 members of
c at from principle, and 1 have no in-jthe party to which we belong 10 state,
terest in the election other than that jth t thelr motai characters are uncs-
| which every democrat would feel in iceptic nable, and suffers no Cisparage-
the triumph ot republican priuciples iment in com parison with that of any
Gregoss sons-in law have declared that other sober, industrions young men.
they will persecute aud diive out of |The WO:st that can be said of thera is
the county, before two years, every that they Lave to exert themselves for
DesMocuar,! It re-jalving.
seen, whether you wil
tsuffar us to be sacrificed on the alter
of cderal persecution. We do not
28k you to d termine on this matter
without evidence. We have present
{mains to be JACOR KRYDER,
Both these men are federalists, and the
potorious advocates of Grega’s elect:
Smith, and I would not betray it—
jon. Gregg was the guardian of Jud
My geason
or making apy €nquily al
WAY CONCERNED, with the sei-{to prove all tigit we have asserted.—
ing up an Lffigy in tae Doiough oft The mycaus tcsorecd to, in vrder tol
‘oid to me in confidence by James|EVER, NOR WAS HE IN ANYled to you. and can present, testimony "Democratic Canmittee of Cor.
dence for Centre Coun
{ie A