Bellefonte patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1818-1838, July 30, 1823, Image 4

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    LL ae a de TAGE a
agen ous pm
known ina public address of the cap-
tain : and also. in the same manner,
they tendered their acknowledgments,
and thanks for the 1mportant services
rendered by the presence of the ship.
io y When first at Lagniva, the yellow fe.
ie eon ver made its appearance on board, by
The United States’ ship Cyane, un
which she lost two officers and five or
six men, but it was soon checked in
its progress by the precautionary mea:
er the comand of Captain RoBerT
ra1L SPENCE, fitted out a year since
or a cruize in the West Indies, ana
‘s sures adopted by order of the captain.
on the west coast of Afiica, to sup- P y
December 15, she sailed from La-
guira for St. Thomas for supplies,
with an American brig under convoy
She left St. Thomas on the 12th of
January for Madeira and the coast of
Atrica ;
through the Sail Rock Passage, arri-
ved off Madeira and looked into Fun-
depredations on our commerce ComM-iqha) Roads on the 7th of February, but
mitted by the privateers fitted out on {having bad heavy weather for several
press piracy and the slave trade, and
» ter, in company with the United
States’ ship John Adams, convoying
the North Carolina from the Dele-
ware to Norfolk, proceeded to Porto
convoyed several vessels
Rico where the attention of govern.
ment had been called by the piratical
that Island, which had captured aldays, without a prospect of its abating,
number of vessels on the plea of vio-|and being at a season when these roads
ating the blockade of the Mainesare exposed to heavy gales irom the
hich existed only on paper, in thejsouth and the west, proceeded down
sroclamation of a Spanish general [the coast of Africa. Arrived at Sier-
The correspondence on the subject of{ra Leone on the 24th February, she
these depredations, between captain there found the schooner AUgUS(A 3
; she was repaired, refitted and officer-
Spence and the Governor of Porto Ri- : .
ed, and manned from the ship ; after
0, eventuated In ap assurance on the
Extract of a letter, dated
Maracaibo, May 28 I'he person who was arrested this
« On the 8th instant the squadro | norning on suspicion has been dis
ycharged, nothing appearing agaiost
origs, 6 schooners, and 3 gon boats:| As that part of the mail, which was
opened, has buen forwarded to the
south, the amount of damage sustain-
San Carlos, under a heavy fire whichiod cannot be ascoeriammed:
On} Upto this time, 2 o'clock, we have
{nothing from the parties in pursuit of
“Othe robbers. Mr. Skinner, the poft-
sisting of 1 brig, 1 brigantine, ilimaster here, has put in requisition all
schooners and a lew oun boats, attack- the means within hits controi, and has
: . 3 written to the postmaster general fos
od the Columbian squadron about 3 rth r instructions.
ieagues trom this place, but in conse-| pp following additional particulars
quence of captain Salas, the Spamishl are from our correspondents of the
Baltimore American.
of commodore Padilla, consisting of 3
forced the bar and passed the castle of}
proved fatal to a brig of 22 guos.
the 20th the Spanish squadron,
naval commander, and his second
having both been killed, while in the] “ The guard was taken about thirty
, . AT ards from the carriage, where the
ac aying a heavy brig alongside ;!¥2'¢ 3a
3ct of hayrug Y 5 5 "ru#ian who had first struck him,
ihe fortune of the day changed, andigiood aver him with a pistol presented
. - . . i re has “ .
the Spanish squadron retired with the to his breast. ‘L'he villian asked the
schooner, The Dutch gud why he bad fired at him; to
1058 of a
schooner Belle Margaritte, which was] dog his duty ; that he was sworn to
pressed into the service received two protect the mal. Some oi the roboers
between called out to theip comrade to shont
J (him, or they would sboot him | the
wind and water, and sunk in glory; robber] Tie guard begged carnus-
the people were saved, and got oily for his life, as they talked of tying
: : ‘him: and kepi him in the most anxious
shore ; with the exception of three f ae : :
suspense as to his fate. Atone time
who remained on board; one was kilt
24 pound shot in her hull,
led in the action, Since the 20th, we eyes of thie guard for about five min
i .
utes. During the time that these e-
‘vents took place, which
but supposes was about half an hour, the
Squadrons, est of the robbers were engaged ip
have had the novel sight of seeing
sea-fights daily from our bouscs,
never very close. Both
Rye . jtook place; and those at
which the latter replied he wos only
we robber held his bands across the
the guard!
nut to scour the neighboring country. {found under the leaves, in which were
teontaived about two bushels of pack-
ares Those on the top were known
(0 be quarterly accounts of post mas-
{ters on their way to the General Post.
Office. The packages appeared to
tbe much stained with biood, The
hag was sally delivered at the Post
iOffice and was forwarded to the Gen-
eral Post Office.
| At the spot where the robbery took
‘place, there was a high hank on each
Side of the youd. The guard, Pat~
rick Green acted with much courage
rand good conduct, having discharoed
this blunderbuss at whe rcbbers when
they” first discovered themselves, and
jalterwards sncpped a pistol at one
land discharged the other pistol at an-
jother before they came upon him. It
appears it was the last shot from the
{pistoly, which wounded Mogre in the
(breast who was armed with a gun.
| We carn that the people in the
neighbourhood where the robbery
the fore,
were mostactive and vizilant in moka
ling search for and assisting in the de-
itection of the robbers They wete
[escorted to the city last evening by
(vader the command of Major M’Clel-
fan.) who promptly mustered and ree
Ipaired to the spot in the morning.
| Phe culprits ave lodged in jail—thieir
{irlal will take place at the Circuit
{Court of "the Upited States, which
{will sit in Novembet next.
| Asum of money in bank
(heen found on the
bills has
pe:son of one of
i, . Y
lithe robbers—it has been handed over
ithe troop of First Baliimore Hussars,
bart of the latter, that as far as it rest-
which on the 21st of March, we sail-
The robber then di-
remain always in sight of cach other,
nifling the mail
ta the Postmaster,
ed for Cape Mcsurado, where the A-
(rected the guard to sit down at the
merican Colony is located. Arrived!
at Mesurado onthe 28th of March,
with him, his exertions would be
sod for the release of the vessels de-
kained, and also to check further vio
lations of our flag and the laws ol
and finding the Colony in a defence. |
& suffered very severely from attacks of
| The arrival of the Cyane, on the
85th of August 1822, at St. John’s:
Porto Rico, was most opportune for
the safely of the persons and the
the natives some time previous, whom
however they had very gallaniiy re.
leave tiem in as great a state of secu-!
rity and comfort as
would admit of.
: Cr itizens
property of a few American Cl ve
: circumstances
residing there, who eveo considered
: : A landing place was
their fives not a little jeopardised, io 5
made; from which to the settlement
. less and distressed state, they having,
formed in line, and now and then be- fot of a tree, at the road side, and not
gin manaovring, which generally to stir at the peril of his life. The
Bv land robber then went towards the wagon.
a ‘and the guard heard one of them say
er of any We Zhe liacket is ready,’ or, the
arge body of Colombian tioops being fracket is waiting for us.” .
General Morales has 3000 Alter a short time the gvard slip-
Ti ped off bis shoes and crawled nto the
'* woods a short distance, where he re
only thing we feel the want of is bread, mained until the driver retarned with
ends in partial skirmishes,
we have no accounts whatev
near us,
disposable men 10 meet them.
pulsed, captain Spence determined tol a single barrel of flour being in the Mr. Rouse, the postmaster a1 Joppa,
and two or three other persons
They {ound they mail-bag cut open,
tremely active, and keeps every thing aud in looking about the spot where
the robbers had been fired at with the
‘blanderbuss, much blood was discov-
place. The general as usual is ex
in order Ly the example be sets.”
June 1, 1823.—¢ The detention of
consequence of the excileinent pio-
duced amongst the gieat body of the
inhabitants by the capture of the pri-
yateer Panchita, alias Palmyra, be-
longing to that port. This having
Subsided, she saiied on the 10th of
September with a schooner hound 10
the west end of the island under con-
yoy, and proceeded through the Mona
Passage for Laguira. In her course
hither, falling in with the small priva-
ees Flora de la Mar, of Porto Rico,
iy - .
which vessel was twice overhauled
hout finding cause for her deten-
tion, she remained a number ot days
in the track of vessels bound to. and
om the Maine,to oblige this priva
teer to quit her cruizing ground.
. Arrived at Laguira October 5, she
remained there nearly a month, foi
the protection of property to a very
considerable amount, belonging to
American merchants, who represent
ed it to be greatly endangered from
the proximity of part of the Spanish.
forces, then at Ocamar, about 15
miles to the westward of Laguira, by!
repine and]
whom an attack was threatened ; and
as their character for
plunder was well known, po respect
was expected to be paid to neutral prongs, on the coast:
property. The presence of the ship
frustrated their views; and affairs
assuming & tranquil aspect, she lelt
there for Curacoa, arriving on the
2d November, to demand the release
of several .American citizens, who
were reported to be unjustly impris-
oned, Of these was B. Irving, who
was detained for trial as one of the
persons belonging to the Bougua Ex-
td to Laguira the 22d of November,
From Curacoa she return-
where her presence was required,
and her stay urgently pressed by the
yesident Americans, who were agai]
‘apprehensive of an attack from gen-
eral Morales, who had just been suc-
cessfut at Maracaibo, and whose bar-
barous and proscriptive decree in the
event of any further successes, tended
to give considerable uncasiness. A-
gainst this decree captain Spence
made a formal protest, their approval
of which the citizens of the United
States at Caraccas and Laguira made
the road was cleared, a house built for}, Especuladoraaffords me the pleas-!
tbe agent, who had previously been ure of again writing to you.
worse lodged than any of the colovistss!;s i, sight this moving; they are
and a stone fortification io a command-i cone up the Lagoon, towards Zulia.
ing situation, nearly completed, called The pews from the interior is as fa.
Castle Stockton. The coast fever, vorable as we could wish. Accounts
however; meking its appearance a-jhave been received this morning from
mongst the ship’s company, the com-{ihe most advanced parties of our att
mander was compelled, though reluct- posts but they make no mention of
antly, to leave this building in an un-'the Colombians in any direction!
; : : :
finished state. The colonists, howey- The expedition of gemeral Montilla,
er, in a short time, with a little ex-'which we were led to believe would
a ‘ ev , :
¢rion can complete it This fever long ere now have come to attack us,
deprived the ship of thirty six offi-jappears to bave been retarded in con-
cers and meny and was confined withisequence of an epidemic fever among
three exceptions, and those very slight! his troops, but this I consider as a
cases, to such as bad been engaged on, mere rumor on foot for political pur-
shore. It commenced suddenly, and poses My opinion is, that he never
its progress was rapid, all the deaths had, nor will be able, to raise a force
occurring within four weeks of ifs sufficient to retake this place. Wq
The brig Paragon, ovly wait the arrival Le Borde, whe
captain Richmond, of Boston sailed will soon give a good account of Pa
from Mesurado about the 1st of Aprily dillay and Morates will finish the rest.”
We sailed trom —-
to {ceward, all well. | pr he B :
Mesurado April 21st, and arrived at| ROBEE amet ay 5
i Avis *
St. Thomas May 31. The siave| It again becomes our unpleasant
trade appears at present to be carried duty lo state, that the great eastern
on by the Portuguese and French.|™al was Tabbed this morning
: : . Ste etween one antl two o'clock, oa il:
The Cyage left the following Englishioute from Philadelphia to Bakimorn
vessels of war, composing the squad-{It took place about two miles east of
ron of commodore Sir. Robert T.|Guopowder Falls, and (6 miles from
‘this city, The driver discovered
X ‘fence across the road, and told the
war Cy-lgnard to look out, and at that instant,
Bann, and Driver, and brigs four armed rofiizns sprang upon them,
seized the driver ; ard the guard, in
: the act of discharging his piece a
In her whole cruize, the Cyane them, received a viglent blew jus
fost 49 officers and men by the fe-jabove the left temple, with the bu
ver. end of a pistol, which felled him tc
the ground. In the fight, the drive:
made his escape, and rap to alarm the
inhabitants. The guard reccived =
very severe wound, and when wi
saw bim, bis head, face, neck anc
By the Aurilla from Curacoa, we breast were covered with bload. The
frigate Owen
Glendower, 50 ; sloops of
Thistle and Snapper.
nD & @——
From the N. Y. Nat. Advccate.
ered and traced to a neighboring
field. Tte faces of the robbers were
No fleetiblacked ! and a shirt was also found,
which has the appearsnce of belong
ing te a blacksmith,
We learn from Mr. Skinner, that
the mail from Baltimore is perfect jo
every part. ‘That part of the mil
{which has been rébbed- was intended
for places sontk of Baltimore, and the
depredation, judging from apjearan
ces bas been only to a small extent
The robbers, it is presumed, hurried
off for fear of being detected by those
whom the driver might alarm.
From the Baltimore Patriot, July 9.
Particulars of the arrest and commit
ment of the robbers,
Mr. Stokes, one of the mail con
tractors, velurned to the city last eve.
ning, and furnishes the following in-
reresting account of his proceedings
in this important matter. He left the
cily yesterday morning with Mrz,
George Bartol, and being joined ai
the place where the robbery occurred
by Mr. Rouse, they went with the
shirt, which was found in the road, to
the Tron Forges on the Gunpowder.
It was immidiately identified by Mr.
Tucker, the manager, as belonging to
one of the forgemen named Lmmon
heiser, and the party at once proceeded
'o his house for the purpose of ar
‘esting him. He denied all knowl
edge of the robbery, and expressed
great willingness to go with them
it being known that another of the
forgemen, named Moore, boarded
with Emmonheiser, he was asked for.
He was said to he sick and unable to
come out ; but when the party shew
ed a determination 10 enter the house,
he came forward, They were both
arrested and taken to the house of the
manager. While Emmonheiser was
undergoing an examination by a mag-
istrate, Moore was sent ou: of the
oom. While Mr. Stokes was talk-
ng to Moore, he saw that his vest
was buttoned up rather closcly; on
pulling aside a black sitk handker-
have news to the. 18th of June, and Mail lor this city and for distribution i
not touched. The bag for Washing.
Ist of June. ton and all south of this was cut open.
On the 20th of May, the Spanish but we have not heard whether much
damage bas been done. Apprehen:
sive that the driver would return with
tbrigantine, 11 schooners, and a few , reinforcement, their stay was short.
gun boats, attacked the Colombian] Assoon as it was found that the
squadron, but in consequence of the, 2) was unusually delayed, Mu
z : Stokes, one of the contractors, pro
Spenish captain being killed, the ceeded on to ‘ascertain the cause, an:
Spaniards retreated with the loss of a;op bis return will furnish more par
iticulars, The guard thinks he mus
: have wounded one of the robbers.
+000 men, and is very active. Thejand from the turning out of the peopic
rom Maracaibo to the
squadron, consisting of one brig, a
schooner. Morales, it is said, has
chief, which appeared to be arranged
with care to cover his breast, he saw
the marks of blood on Mooie’s shirt.
On further examination, it was found
he was wounded bad y in the breast
with six or seven buckshot. Find
ing bimsell thus detected, he imme-
diately made a full confession of the
fact of robbing the mail, in which he
was assisted by Emmonbeiser, then
under arrest, and another forgeman
named Ward. The latter was imme-
diately arrested, and on examination
was found to be severely shot in the
hand by the blunderbuss.
Moore also confessed where the
~ - - » 3 rr } ” i i
Colombian troops destined to operate on the road, Wel confidence is fen
: : .|that they will be overtaken
against Maracaibo baye marched from Mary of the cavalry of this city, and
packages taken from the wail were
hid : he went with Messrs. Stokes,
Riode la Hache, s other citizens on horsehs have £0
Rouse and others to the pi ¢, wi ere
i TR | AR
> On&ing _the
Patrick Gregw, the mail guard,
{is entiticd 10 the bighest credit for
the fidelity and courage he displaye
against ¢“sach fearful odds” He
really made great havoc among the
¢pemy, and come very near losing his
own Wife The most lively interes: is
felt in his bebalf; and we learn with
pleasure tiata subscription has alvea=
dy been opened, under the most fa-
vourable prospects, for the purpose of
making bim a tender of something
more substantial than empty praise.
We hop: the example will be follow
cd cisewheréyas a stimulons for fu-
lure exertion,
Iu concluding we deem it worthy
Jf remark, that at about 2 in the morn=
ing, the robbery was effected by thrice
persons, 16 miles from the citye-two
ff them were badly wounded— they
were before noon arrested—one made
ful confession of all the circumistan-
es=and before 7 in the evening they
were ail lodged in Baltimore jail !
From the N. Y. American, July 14,
A circumstance occurred in Cham.
bevstreet last evening which shoulda
serye as 2 cauiion to parents trusting
their children with servants of irregu-
iar habits. A gemtlemab in passing
that street about 9 o'clock, was at-
tracted by the cries of an infant and
two small children ; when stopping to
ascertain the canse, he discovered a
female with an infaptin her arms. in a
complete state of intoxication, Finda
ing that the child was likely to re
ceive an Injury, or perhaps se its life,
he demanded it from her : the wretch
refused : a scuffle ensued, when the
screams of the three children attract
ed a crowd round the place, who with
difficulty cxtricated them fiom hep,
She was carried to the watchhouge,
Fortunately, the children were recog
n.zed, and taken to their parents, who
nad already become alarmed for their
a —
From the Pittsburg Statesmon, July 8:
Ii is our paintel duty this week to
notice the death of Miss Fliza Gilland,
\daughter of the late Philip Gilland,
sg ol this city This young lady,
faxed about 17 or 18, had, with a nu-
jfnerous party of her acquaintances,
the 4h of Julv in an ex-
lcursion by water up the Monongahela
Eyer The doy was spent cheerfully
{and picasontly. the party little zntici-
(p: ting the melancholy event that was
before them. On the retnrp of the
iboat, at the mouth of Wood street,
{near the shore, Miss Ciland unlortus
{rately fell overboird, it is supposcd
{fiom the shock given by he Loal on
(striking on the shore. Tt was datk,
and the accident instantly
id scovered, hut a« soon as known, Lone
tof the company, Mr. Jackson, Sprang
linto the river. and succeeded iwice in
was not
: . - 3
jraising her above the water, but at .
len stl becan:ig $0 much exhausted,
{that be was himself with difficuity sav-
led. Poor Miss Giliand sunk to rise
Ino More. “I'he deceased was a young
lady of amiable disposition and accom=
plished manners.
EI —
On Sunday af ernoon last, a young
coloured man went into the river
Schuylkill for the purpose of washing
2 horse s he got into deep water, float.
ed off the back of the horse, and was
a iin SSDS