a miform fodovakist, who collectediloubt but Join Andrew Shulze, the throueh the court house the sabsciip- .andidare of the peonle, will receive in tion of a number of federal gentlemen| : ii an alfa uu 5 ithis and Jefferson county, a majority of of tre bar. it was ‘raced afterwards the bar. rg Wi Oe 100 the ~ustady of Roberts Vaux, 0De5iX hundred votes. ) vanced lederalists inl ~ GC: LLC NMOS flied tune ede nbd th» 3% He, Ww ho Wus busily cmployed The Hiveling Journals of the of- in the ngvel avecation of collecting] subseeiption fur an wothordox demio- fice holder’s candidate are mad with > Aner ¢ ic meeting! £0 : 3 tf cratic” paper. In a public meeting, rage of disappointment, because of the fede. young men of the city, i's prospectus was read from the i } the paper recommended to they sce they must suffer a signal & ecrible defeat next October. One of these creatures is so timid and faint- Coidify alo the natin Age of the meeting » and fh nelly among. 1S triends i those divinterested © People’s Advo active : j hearted, that he is absuiutely said to have fainted away at the sight of a The colour fled from cate? the prarhonotary of the district Coutty the clerk of sessions, and the rocorddr of deeds. 1 1s strange thal experience bas pot taught federalism tht democracy and ignorance are not synoiymons terms bbe party who profess all the talents will hod them- scives as completely tolled by the sterling common sense of the demo-imere light of a Shulze man, how ra- crats in itis new mode of p hi call ly wiil they mclt and vanish away a: fare, as they have eve been 10 the] ud open and many conflicts, which have by the second Tuesday of next Octo: heretoiare taken piace between them oer. Col. Obserter I: is unnecessary. to add, thatthe vio- Ionce and scurtiily of the new ephbe- as was to be Shulze man. his che ‘ks, his lips quivered, aud he prescated all the appearances of a dy- wg man. I such is the effect pro duced now on these hirelttgs, by the ut WW From the Buffalo Patriot. MELANCHOLY CASUALITY. On the afternoon of the 4th instant, meral paper are such . * i Hea ) tare expected trom iis origin, ILS patgniage desipi,. ¢ AN A REPUBLICAN. the citizens of Biack Rock tun) wiiic 7 provements as the Commissioners may deem proper. JABEZ HYDE, Jr. JOHN M’MEENS, SAM L H. WILSON June 24h 1823. Immediately an Apprentice to the CARPENTER BUSINESS. One betw®en the ages of sixteen and eighteen would be preferred. 1In- guire ol the subscriber, residing on a < ofaloe Run. : § K OR SALE. DAVID I. PRUNER. | The subscriber offurs for sale, the N. B. Also, wantsd, a JOURNEY: foliowing lands, situate in the county MAN CARPENTER, whom con-jof Clearfield ¢ A valuable farm con- stant employment and generous wages, taining 300 will be given, by the subscribars, re-| acres, on which ave erected a good siding on Buff:loc Run, DAVID I: PRUNER, i DWELLING HOUSE and a new Comm'rs JOHN BARR. Spring township, May 28, 1823. reer ptm dr Rt —————————— s LOG BARN, 7 dito with about filly acies cleared, seven Iv m. 4 lloway, of which are meadow, and much CLOCK & WATCMAKER, (more can be made with little expense, Iniorms the citizens of Centra coun-la thriving APPLE orehard, a num- ty that he has cummenced the above ber of PEACH and other fruit trees ; i business in the boreugh of Belicionte | ALSO, fis shop 1s immediately on the Not) A handsome FARM, adjoining the East corner of the Diamond, and the above, containing in a 3 , 3 7 » ‘ { Ta same 1p which S. W, Hull bas his 200 { half bands high, with a small her forehead ; the other 18 a § sbout thirteen and a half hands with a bell on. They are supp each 2a The owner or owners are desiy come forward, prove property, ps charges, : Walter Longwell asa tavern. ‘The Jot, contains one acre and a fourth, and the bouse is a commodious one, s and St Possession will be given on the first of April next. i plication to the sub Mills, Penusvalley. to be about seven Yt aud take them away. : SAMUEL FULTON. June 2d, 1823. : fra Toh FOR SALE, The subscriber offers for sale a HOUSE & LOT is why un Earlysburg, formerly occupied by he stabling good. Jt is am excellent: for either Tavern or Store, Any person wisfiing t surchase cap know the terms by ap-| cribery Farmer's LEWIS LONGWEL June 34 lig: sadler shop. He will repair all kinds acres Improvements, a log dwelling] of watches—horizontaly repeating and’ : pateut Leever. He will work on the house and barn, out houses, and about most reasonable terms for Cash op8¢YeUly OF cighity acres cleurcd; six- country produce. cen of Witch are meadow—a bear- Bellefonte July 15th 1823. ing APPLE “and PEACH orchard, tet aie besides a variety of other fruit trecs ; THE AARONSBURG FAIR. ALSO, ‘Will bé heid on Friday the Sih) tract of land adjoining the last men- From the Franklin Gazette. ¥ xiract of a lerier, dated Bucla County, uly 17th 1823. Yau will doubdess sce a flaming! account of a mesting, called b: the fi d-| eralists, democratic, which was held in) Neawtowain this county on the 5i0) jostant - The call dor sad was headed ¢ republican’ and sigped by two or three fudevallsts, and one or two apostates rom demacracy who are inthe employ of the clerk ol the [t was emphatically the officeholders and thir relations, and numbered abou! 11 or 12 who once belonged to the democratic party. The chairman, M: Sith, is a reiavion to Mr Diackian prothonotary, and if it were uecessa vy I could mention seveial others Iu alieadance wao are the gefinexicas of the officzholders either directly or dircetiy 3 but the fact is iis complexion and materials’are so well understood here and 1 presame with vou also that any further exposition would be ua necessary. Suifice it to say, their ob- ject is to make as much noise as pos- sible 1a order that the peopleat a dis: tance who atc not acquamigd with the facts may be deceived into a belief that they’ are numerous, whereas it 18 weil koown to most every body here that all the hubudb proceeds from two o. theee adi eholders 1m Doylstown, wliose imperupent interte concerns of the county is universally condeiaied. on meetliovg orphans cout. a meeting of nce ih tie eS It Andrew Grog should be elect- | governor of democratic Pennsylva- nia, the democrats who declared wai and zealously supported 1 until its fi- nal termination, Wn elevaung such a an, would pass a must severe vote { censure upon their party, headed by Mudtson and Monroe, and the oth- er statesmen who maofully sustained oor conntry in the war against Great Britain. ed to the « invinhcibles’ Jand of old England, that Americans A war that has demonstrat ’ upon sea and will not tamely sit down under the 1o- the once A war that was successful and honorable sults aud reproaches of would be ¢ mistress of the seas :” to our.young repubiic, becanse as re- publicans, in contending with an old aud established government headed by a king, and aided by a mercenary ar. any © we triumphantly beat his royal snajesty from the right of search, and readered the liberty, property, and fives of Americaus safe upon the com mon high way of nations. Iranklin Gazette. in The Indiana Whig, of July 2, says 4 The democratic prospects Ip re- lation to the clection are, In this county, most flattering, notwithstand- ing the assumotion of false names and forged titles to mislead the people 1m- 10 a belief that Andrew Gregg stands! ne nity of cot versing With many of the princ’; are well assured that that bugaboo the Catholic question, is but an cmp- tv sound—theys say they understand “and will beware of the net There 1s litte its object thal is sel for then were firing a saluie, two mien at theigay of August next ; where all kind troned, containing about “ } \ Court week, we had an opportu | cannon, named DEroe and Spoover, of goods &e. will be eXposed to pub- lic sale, irom « needle to a cannon Peddlars and Cake women are re- dis”lspectively wvited to attend on that! iniwiih full cargoes. were very dangerously wounded, ir consequence of an accidental charge of the piece when they were Def:e’s were so badly injured that be had to the act of loading it. suffer amputation in both ; the one near the shoulder, and the other near the wrist ; Spooner lost an and had his mangled. Tt'is thought they may re- Cyc, face otherewise shockingly ~LOYEer, a mo se — From ther Franklin Gazette. We have seen and examined a cal- culation as to the probable result of the election in October next, which oives Mr. Shuize a majority of be. ween fifteen and twenty thousand, It is founded upon authentic and can- did information from all parts of the state. As to some of the counties, we thiok the estimaie rather too favor- the whole, it appears to be moderate, and able to. Mr. Gregg: But on we confidently expect it to be realiz ed. etl es GOVERNOR’S ELECTION. The papers of this state are gener. ally hlled with this subject. We think it uUnnecessavy to take up our columns with it, as we know of but little opposition to Mr. Shuize in the county This county (of Mercer) is the most democratic, in proportion to its population, in the state, and will, no doubt, give the democratic candid: ate a laige m jority, Mercer County Press. TO SOME OF THE CITIZENS OF STORMSTOWN AND ITS VICINITY. The subscriber informs some of the citizens of Stormstown and its vicinity that he will take advantage of that nrotection which the laws oft our country affords, unless some of them cease to spread slanderous and un- founded aspersions upon his charac- er and reputation. He owes them nis perfect good will and wishes them mdividually well, and 1s not conscious »f having merited any thing else from them. He is, however, jealous ol his it by instituting an action of slander against any one who will attempt tc (violate it hereafter. An attention to this may be useful to some who have busied themselves too much with my jcharacter heretofore. If it will afford {the smallest satisfaction to any ouc, 1 200 acres, with small improvements, but ele Armsy reputation, and will inevitably protect} gaot land, and casily cleared; ALSO, It is presumed in that neighborhood, two tracts of musicians will attend withou} unimproved land, containing a speeial invitation. Ladies and gea- _ | 2000acres, Hewen are respectfully invited to at (he quality of which, comparatively, tend : they may rest assured that they 'S the best in that county, will be politely treated. Disorderly hese lands possess advantages, persons are luvited (0 remain— ag Which many in that country are de- Oe. prived of. They are situated three A. MANAGER. ‘or four miles {tom the Susquehanna shat Aaronshure, July 15th 1823 | River ; four or five from the mouth ol Anderson’s creck ; and (rom a mile int Nr jto a mule and a half from the turnpike, Si RAY ED leading from Erie through Beiiefonce, OR The Sate road from Huntingdon in- QUIEN NE ER yn T° tersects this turnpike, and passes the NS i és 4 mi, nN (houses of the improved tracts. Per- FROM the suberiber, livino in Bald. S0n8 wishing to crect water works of cagle township Lycoming County, on 21 description, will find these lands the 5th of June lastya in every respect well calculated tor pS that phipuse the seats on two of the Emmy racts, one improved, ars corsidered BLACK MARE PROCLAMATION. IB Notice is Hereby Given THAT a court of Co mon Pleas Cenersl Quarter Sessions of the Peuce and the Orphan's court, in and | for the county of Ceiitre, will be held at the court house in the Borough ol Bellefonte, on Mouday the 25th day of August next, at 10 o'clock] A. M. of said day, of which the Cor-} oner, Justices of thiPesce ang stubles within sid coumt notice, that they be then and their proper persons, with thei records, inquaisitions, ¢Xamitiations, and other remembrances to do those things which to their offices appertain. to be done 5; and all suitors, jurors and witn ssus ave also requested be and attend at s2id court, aud nog depart without leave, : Given under my hand at Bellefonte! this = seventh day of July, A. D one thousand eight haus | dred and twenty-three, JOSEPH BUTLER, S&F —— a pn, em rege see NOTICE. The subscribers inform thei the best in that part of the county, 4 : ) well supplied by nature immediately! about five years old, fourteen handsj2bout them, with valuable sawing] high, and a natural trotter. Any per. timber, such as pine, cherry, oak, sec) son giving information of her to the Which it converted into boards und, subscriber, will be liberally rewarded Scantling, and sent down the Susque-| JESSIE HUNT. [|hannah, would realize to the owner a’ Baldeagle Township, handsome profit. The land is gener July 1, 1823, $ lly timbered with oak, hickory, &c The price will be very moderate, LOOK HERE ! for ihe impress: by paying half in TE 7 | jcash, and the rewainder in equai rom SALE, payments. The unimproved, by ih A laige quauntiiy of weil buiged {ing part in hand, and the remainder] Boach Lime {by iustaliments, the subscriber willl . : : scil much lower, than any that has! of a superior quality. The kiln is heretofore, or that now is, offered in set on the Old American plan, with that or any adjacent county ; say, from four Arches j=—burmed 70 Cords of g1, 50 to $2, 00 per acre, according! Pitch Pine wood in 70 hours ;—sitna- o the payments, or further infor- ted on the property of Messrs, Wm. mation, enquire of the subsciiber, liv! and John Trvine, adjoining the out ing in Cambria county, William F | lots of the Borvugh of Bellefonte. It Boone, Bellefonte, or Samuel John will be sold on rcasonable terms for ston, near the premises® ih or Country TrEnes at the mar- JOSEPH BOONE. et price. ue attendance will be ~ . Sen on the Weduesday of each suc- Sago county, June 16. 1823 N, B. : There is als ar Ceding mock by pss 3 fae Ss ! ; 0 e thotis ach x e! JOHN MEINLEY, Sn. [2,00 2115 tousant eres, heer ue Bellefonte, July 5th 1823. ; : : lesen A, Nost of! which is rst rate land, and which the subscriber STRA % OXEN. fa sell at a moderate rate J. B. CAME to the Plantatiod of the sub-| @ ? § scriber, living in Ferguson towaship, DUC TAT A TR IRICWARD. on the lst of this inst, Escaped from the Jail of Centre A yoke of Uxen; One a BRINDLE ; the other a BROWN. The owner, or owners are desired to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take them county on the night of the 8th away. 4 {two prisoners, confined by sentence CORNELIUS DALE. | °° °° oy Ferguson Township, ¢ 9, uy mont is amphtson 1 July 4 1825. ‘ment ; one a mulattoe, named JOHN {syivania, for the improvement of the ta . . SAMUEL TAY g! (Susquehannab from Columbia to tie, SAMUEL TAYLOR, about 30 years fricads and the public, that they ha now in complete operation the CARDING MACEINE : formerly owned by Renkin & Steel. The rolls shall be made in the best] manner and on the shoriest notice. They also have in complete oppor tion a ~ . * Cotton Machinery ; where yarn of any quality may be procured, suituble 10 the accom y= dation of every person wishing to, purchase. “They also have a number | of looms for the purpose of weaving, | suttable to all kinds of country work. They respectfully invite thuse who have herctoiore patronised them to continue to do 50; and all those who are favorable to domestic manufac- tures are most respectfully solicited to extend tueir patronage. Work shall be done with dispatch and on the most reasonable terms. : LAMBERT & BROTHERS. Bellefonte, May 20, 1823. A valuable plantation, or tract of | land containing i 225 Aces, situate four miles west of the borough of Indiana on the great road leadmig from said borough to The improvements are 1'wo good cabin houses, Kittanning. inst, and cabin barn, about fifty acres cleap- | ed, five of which are meadow, and more may be made, with a small Apple Orchard, BA : thereon—~ALSO—A tract of land NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN, !BRANUM, about 5 feet 7 or 8 nche® ¢o14i1ing J That the Commissioners appointed high, stout built and very down looks, 142 acres “ bv an act of the Legislature of Penn: The other a white man, nam:d . : situate about five fhiles west of said jborough, on Crooked creek, witn g [pronounce all that has been said hith- {passed the S1st day of March, 1823, of age, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches in height.icabbio house and barn thereon, with lerto groundless falsehoods, ROBERT KELLY. Halfmoon township, July 28 CREDITORS TAKE NOTICE Bw Eo THAT we have applied ty of Centre, forthe benefit of the. in- solvent laws of this commonwealth, and the said court have appointed | Catholics in this county, and] Monday the twenty fifth day of Au. on the day {gust next, to bear us and our creditors slat the Court House in the Borough of {Bellefonte ; when and where you mav attend if you think proper, i JOHN TWITMYFER, JAMES GLLLAS PY. July 28th, 1625. \ for improvement, at 2 ph : >d to thejat STAHLS RIPPLES. and be con- on a sure foundation. Last week be. Covtt of Common Pleas, of the coun-itinued irom day to day, until the will dispose of # N . 2h : ve JI 4 speaks broken English, says that Jeldbout sixty or seventy acres cleared, SEVERAL SECTIONS OF SAID was raised inLaocaster county and of LWeive acres of which are meadow & IVE ‘ A ~ UVER !German extraction. The above Re-! PUBLIC SALE, the 7th day of August next, beginning fonie or ten dollars for either of them. J. BUTLER, Sr'g- ——— ‘whole be disposed of; or so much as ‘the Commissioners may deem proper | (The improvement will be designated CAME of sales—a schedule ofiscriber, liv which is hereunto annexed, to wit : STAHL’S RIPPLES, FRY’S FALLS, ESHELMAN’S SLUICE AND BARR, from the « HOUSE ROCK” to M'CALL.S FERRY, along the Lancaster Shore, CUL- TAT ric na A R co 3. Staabt S 1 oth to the plantation of the sub- ing in Lawrence township, | Clearfield County, on the 18th day of May & TWO MARES, | in. Onc a Lgl qu la quaniity more may be made, with {ward will be given for their apprehen-jthereon. —A further descripiion js to the lowest bidder, to commence on sion and deliwery at the jail in Belle. deemed unnecessary, as it may be best obtained by applying ta the sybe | scribers on the : eal ‘FEA Tr i : : fi | Ne k £% AY 5, Indiana, March 29th 1823. Justices and Constables five sugar camps 5 ore mps aad a small orchard premises. DAVID CUMMINGS, JOHN TRIMBLE, —— 3LARNK i 4. § = FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICK WRITING PAPER FOR SALE i His OFFIC ra