a3 54 ry FL ds ry fd rr Ny RPA IL RIOT NE op FAB PATRION Notfor himself, bat for his country.” WEDNESDAY, July 30. —— ER. £ Having a harvest to cut, no pape be was issued from ths office last week. 7 mp ee We assure our readers that we are not disposed to degrade ourselves by descending to a level with every Cap. tain Bobadilla, but as many of them have pot an opportunity of seeing those papers in which we ave kindly noticed, we give them a sample of it this week, omitting the epithets, scoundrel, vil- lian, liar, rascal, &c. so profusely ap plied to us. It Las not a great deal to do with the mui question of the day; but we do net wish to be behind hand with the nobility of our town, in froliteness. We will devote a col- umn or two of our paper to retort, but never to attack. A defensive war is always more honorable than an of feosive one. After the maneer of Capt. Boba- dilla and Dr. Linnwood, his aid, duly appointed immediately afer the bat- tle of Chippewa-—we dedicate tothe best blood of the state the following paragraphs. Linnwood &° Bobadilla, it is said, have agreed to ‘unite their talents — Law and Physic have kissed. The result of this alliance we have in the last Mifflin, Eagle. It is stipulated for that man who disregards the laws of in their treaty, that the one is to con. ceive and the other to deliver black- guardism. Linowood has a diploma; (the only one in bis possession) from Billingsgate seminary, and we can as: sure our readers that he is not un. worthy of it. ft is oot a matter of suiprize, then, that the terms, villian, blackguard, rascal, &c. are familiar to him-—the reader will scoundrel, observe by the way, that those epi thets and Linnwood are synonmous, nee fn It comes well from Linnwood to call any person an « unprincipled vil lian, | We intend exposing his char- acter in all its nakedness ; and then Jet the world judge which of us has the imfirint of an « unprincipled wil han.” : TE LZinnwood has given us a dish on beards. It is but theory—he can’t speak from experience. In relation to bis beard, we assert that he is a perfect aboriginal in that respect ; and not baving given us any evidence of his being a MAN, the presump- tion, at a distance would be that he is a“ deardicss voy.” —— ) Wo—— jue was 50 abandoned as to boast of having wiv.Cucs, whose thuist for power prompts them to make a ladder of re- ligion to scale the walls of our pol itical sanctuary ; & without any prov- ocation, possessed of hearts as black as the demon of darkness, enter the very grave to find food for their malice | We will protect the ashes of nim, who when living was“ a terror to evil do. ers,” and before whom these wretches trembled. Contd § i Io the last Mifflin Eagle, a feder. al paper published in Mifflin town, 1s contained four columns of the most vile, personal abuse of the editor of this paper and his brothers, which would fully justify us in exposiog the characters of those whom we deem its authors, living in Beilefonte. Qur materials for this purpose are most ample, perbaps more so than those gentlemen are aware, They think themselves perfectly secure, no doubt, veiled behind an anonymous sigoa- ture; but their hypocritical, black hearted, white-livered maligpity, fully exp ses them, For the most part. thee productions are made up of FETC And b bles yet uaborn shall sa in office | i abuse and stemmed the tarrent of fed- eral persecution in his lifetime, they might permit his bones to rest in peace. One would seppose that it was enough that Andrew Gregg and his Son-in Jaw Gg Curtin shoud have exuited at his d®ath, and expressed their joy in the st indecent lan- guage. But it woud secm, that to men whose hearts rankle with malice, the very grave affords a feeble barrier. However much those men may say that William Petrikin ¢ was a villain,” and % thar this is the only [atrimony that his sons inherit,” we leave that to the people of this county who knew him well to judge. For - ourselves; we answer, that we are conscious of baving been guilty of no act that would in the least degree tarnish an hotest reputation; aud we uniesitat- ingly say that whatever the editor of this paper may be, be has‘hitherto dis- dained, and does disdain to defrrade himself so far as to keep the company of Matthew Gregg, or any other ‘oi the sonsy or sons-in-law of Andiew Gregg, living in this county, except ing Andrew, pr Roland Curtin. So far from being in tie’ least de- gree implicated in the wicked, vilban- wus and unpriacipled condact of those an that is long enue ’PoOne man. ton advibed viester to borrow wo mittions of dol lars from the City Bunks, - a - a ‘, ¥ a - High fll the bowl, and round i yb and afteg 3 : (while we fiemers will have to pay ir, twine, The laurel wreath of fame, #06 then we will be slaves 10 a lew The wreath that blovins taro’ lates | C1irsed Banks. 4 ay { Fed. I say hizza tor Gregg. thine Dem, SW] i f To deck the Hers’s name. { en. oi sav huzza for de- mocracy and John Audiow Shiuize, In fact ‘twas a bloody day--and a ; k sorely did that uofortwaate British i voted for Snyder : His Rdmimisl 4. Officer {twas the General himself) Hou pisaged ue, aud 1 iam hy repent with the loss of is an, as "22 Lo 23 SmArka man 93 bituies; well as ninety-nine dragoons in cold|2¢¥1¢®s De and Shalet were bosom blood, the hour they met met wich| 19908 5 and itis said Shuize advised Cap:ain Bobadil, {was a bloody Mim to. rciuse 10 cstabiish the Banks. day, but the reward of our hero’s val | Fed. Tsay huzza for Gregg for he our was glory, (repo - My valor, to recite.” ~ i A 13 the smartest man ie sun beams werel na xx ; Fhe sun ve i { Dem. Well; but I do's think s wantonning on the now placid bosom! _“¢ nis PIO of the Chippewa, when our Hero an. * 94 Sai le have ahway; said that > . | YO! "eo » is 2 nounced his name to the commanding] YOU hed ¥ all the talents ; General. © Ah l—from Centre coun. 3d that Soyder was a booby, and ; : Sree Aimseld wai a 0G {4 ory ty 3 and is it so? I’m happy to learn pit Cor il that be Jos an : Gide : teh Ox th atd ret jr your name ; hitherto 1 could only cail # ia Al Oyos hi a : : ras’ nt true. in ‘ g “ rou the « Mysterious Stranger? Wasnt a, Now 1 have JECH a¢- “ ‘I'he courage you have displaved in fuamie Grit il Lirenrg fora Engh cutting off the British General's sword 0F He and 1 always cousidered Lira a very common san. In duct § thougin bima rather vascilatiny tha otherwise. Ps troe I am and you arm, and killing ninety-nine dragoons entities you to the country’s warmest gratitude.” «1 wii} thank you to accept | NO rest of a General's Commission immediate 179% but 1 can and hear und ly under me.” To which our valiant sumetimes reflect. Surely Mr. Greg ¢ SCC common place grub-street observa tions, uppermost at all times in weak and vulgar minds, and always ready for use, which none but a man of sim | tlar feelings would attack, but there is something so tangible in the latte part of the whole, that we cannot re frain from woticing it. These are the words to which we call the at tention of our readers: From tue Misrrix Eacre. When the editor of a public Journal holds himself up as a leader of a party, & makes claim to pure Patriotism and love country ; it is of some consejuence to ascertain HIS principles o morality, BY HIS ACTIONS and DECLARATIONS ;| his country. the principles of pure mor. ality, and OUTRAGES the RELIGIOUS institutions of a Society of Christians, is most certainly unworthy of personal of political confidence, {The writer then goes on to say that we are without either character or reputation, a scoundrel, rascal, unprincipled villian, &e. qualities handed down to us by our father, ‘“ which have’ descended to as as a paurisnony.”” He then makes the following enquiry and assertion. ] ir 1take the liberty of enquiring of this patriot, if ever he heard of a young man, carried a deck of cards into a respectable church and amusing himself by playing a game of cards with a companion during di. vine service ; thus insulting the majesty of his creator, and outraging the religious feel. ings of a christian people. 1 would ask, is such a creature calculated w be a iéader in a free country, to direct the votes of dem- ocrats and to instil and impress his ideas on the people, &c. One of the PEOPLE, Thisis an attempt to fix an offence upon us calculated indeed to destroy our character, and render us in every respect what they allege, but if we do not make it recoil upon their own beads it will be because trath is una- ble to do it We are peculiarly bap py to have itinour power to complete. ly exculpate ourselves, and not that only but to & filace the saddle on the right Horse.” We have heard of young men who ployed cards ib a respectable Charchy and that one of Linnwood never jost a patient by! kis negligence in all his « long expe- federal Candidate for Governor. {can { rience,” as capt. Bobadilla would say. How many sorrowfel hearts and his unfounded Let those answer that weep for what he weeping eyes lament Jibels,y and groundless charges ? has said, as much as for the loss of] their befoved children and friends. eT “ What's bred in the bone will never ome out of the flesh.” Who can pect any thing like decency from a Dublin Grub Street Apothecary. ‘ Linwood says that we are « a La- eX: dy’s MAN.” We are sorry that we cainot return the rempiliment, Poor creature ; he is neither % man, nor 3 mouse, nor dong tailed rat,” —D SE Devoid of character, and baving neither talents, virtue or respectabil- ihed a candle, that he was one of the them was none other than MATHEW GREGG son of ANDREW Greco, the We prove by two young men who sat in the pew with them, one of whom persens who defiled the sanctuary off the living God, and insulted the Majesty of Heaven by playing cards in the house dedicated to its service Of this vile, base and infamous con- duct, the editor of this paper never was, and if he retainsthe right use of reason never will be guilty, and he de- fies the malice of the worthy authors of these communications in the Mf flin Eagle, to prove that he has been gullty ot that or any other act unwor- thy a man of honour and the strictest integrity, which they will probably have an ample opportunity of doing. If the editor of this paper ever had conducted himself as these very wor- thy correspondents of the Miillin Ea- gle, or been guilty ol as many base, m-an 2nd contenptible acts as the sons of our would be nobility then in- deed ought he to be branded with in- famy. Our readers will pardon, any thing ity, Linuwood and Bobadilla have at- tempted to destroy ours,in the cod We are charged with every species of crime, ums of the Miflin Eagle. and crimes, too, committed by them selves and their relations. We are that borders upon personality in our endeavours to exculpate ourselves against 30 wicked and villainous a charge. We are confident they would bear with us if they saw the communication, part cf which we are answering, These men don’t con- fine their attacks to ourselves, but determined to rescue our character row the calumny of those unhallowec they rake up the very ashes of the dead! It were certainly enough that Vjuired to survender instantly to to the FerLrow SCLDIERS, hat did play at cards, in tue church, as stared in the Eagle, ve can AnD WE WILL PROVE IN A COURT OF JUSTICE, Hero 1eplicd, with a vebemence of 8 be=n in office all hus life, and made gesture too imposing and terri be thousands by it too and it be was fic tO O¢ “ . J i i i “1 : nar CO { 2 > 5 See 8 ath described: gf you will resign your Stari © d’nt you let us see some 03 oy » TA ~ » a y grrr ) t v : . ; ~ . hig witli a nT ~ Se) (THAT WE WERE NOT IN THE CHURCH! ~ymnyssion in my favor, Pll accept iy #3 Wiles or his spect hes. Fed. Dem, what He did make a speech. Yes I did hear that be read at their bead ; 2 speech in Congress agalust the gay, but one of neighbours told me THAT EVENING. ‘Lbis is Mr dand not otherewise, for 1 plainly see Porter would call in legal lingo, a0lihae the army stands in need of a man Alibi, and takes away every Presume lof. tong caprerience ton of guilt. We can also prove thatjg must, however, return to my anx. 0 py the unlatlowed boast © of having play-iioug fiends io the first piace 7020 Harrison Gray Odis, the grea ed cards io the church,” or to use his! yy ich be was permitted to do - by federal H viord Convention man, had owp wards «LT was sioging to the! General Brown. ’Pon honor its true, WHET RB Lim . 520d Psalm lastnight in the churehy” opp, wit you lay it’s a Li. Sed; [hats Bot trae, was made by Mathew Gregg. Before retirine be issued his Gen | Dem. Well it ny be, but it will = Yeral Orders to the army ; an extract LCAule other proof - than your bare After the manner of the Mifflin Eagle. whereof we can now oaly insert : (denial to convince me. 7’ S53y t AA An TPE General Head Quarters, | #ed, 1 say, huzza for Gregg. Clafiiewa Plains, Dem. Weil I say, hezza for Shatze. : And then they seperated. The fed- valiant Volunteer Aid to General dn the hour of Sg wandering. where Jacob had Brown. Who dare you Si? The peril 1 arrived amongst you.— You Said pe tyrmation (sey, recy: sword-arm of the unfortunate man!{were engaged with a sanguinary foe. i wake : ne democrats will never paid the forfeit of bis curiosity ; for, I arrived in time to cut off the arm ‘OTE! SOME thingy 3 REL RNA Xr in that scif same instant his assailantlof the British General { "Pon honor I HOGER SEERMAN, proudly raised Wimself in his stivraps,'did ) and 4it ninety-nine British Dra. ro Se oe ind flourishing his faithful ferrara, the{goons, ("pon honor I did.) ‘The vic. ro He, Frans fn Fazerte, limb was scvered from the body.tory was gained—I must reire for] ak LES ALY LAY E. "Twas a bloody day. The beams of a season—It may be that T will come, RRA den the great luminary of day, as it de- amongst you again.” h is He as bech isvued Within a dew clined in the west was playing upon! These weie his last orders. Some! YS ed us ony. iot G0 should the limpid waters of the Chippewa, say that he tarried om the news of Hig’ Yo been d19p0scd to ; or Rt now purple with the gore of thous-enemy’s approach and assisted in de-|P/O8Fess Othe shades Wi 10ut 2.28. ands. The murmurs of the stream fending Fort Erie, where he killeg}'®8 remark, saiislicd that the Dye. mingled in delightful and bevevolent and wouaded sixry men at ence, and|™ €°VINE i Cha, acrerigos is sympathy; as it were, with the groans’took 20 prisoners and surrounded phejsoiamas a be then be BANGOL, ¥ of the dying, killed and wounded. rest. He now reposes 10 the bed of) fo 2 hot eel tat some BF us wetg Altho’ nature smiled, yet there were Grory at Blllefunie | {1} calied HpINA0 oXnesss oy hd P = : few hearts that witnessed the bloody ———— tobation of ihe Cis-0NUTRYIE Cada : rencontre that were not sad. Our For THE PATRIOT. which Bh ihe ie: ; i bare Xo y Hero tho’ was not of the wumber. Give the federalists enough of rope ga ors Wo Pi , a Neither the havoc and desolation, nor and they will hang themselves, {norm her En hon 3 the awful objects of human misery few days since one of them commen- pave jouna 13D ay: : A AN that surrounded the. valiant Volunteer ced an clectioneering colleg iim with |r e gi ! dat ro iw, devin Aid-de-camp, couid move his un- an old Republican, who he flattered PAT owl % oy lo ie daunted spirit. Such scenes might himself had torgotien all about purty BI g. amis oar, Ni er an iar is‘ have produced despondency in those distinctions. In the sequel he found gnera: o BE ¥ oe ” 53 who had acquired no glory in the vic- himself mistaken. The following yop yom LE LT tory, but he was covered with immor- the substance of their conversation, Fe rn tal gloty. He had every thing tolwhich you may publish if you think 'l'S @epecies ol rand, ihe Tom HS SR is : y ye y MBE on of which should stamp every ine buoy his spirits and flatter his hopes [proper ; jo A 9 ek Lh iar The incense of a grateful country he| #ed. Well Jacob, I am elad thal! SE er whan, tice f could suuff as he returned to his anx-/vou and I are together in politics this |” © © a ) be wil > de atl 2 ious friends, who had heard the day time. I am going to vote for the anlitary 3% Sond: mise Py od betore the battle that he intended to democratic candidate, Mr. Gregg. 1nd ajthough | je oS i oe he share 1s dangers and glory. His Dem. Aye, but they tell me (hat the citiz hoo! of bis, Som be ] oe: (riends were 300 miles distant. Pon Mr. Gregg is not a deniocrat, but ofc MepPs OF €qual "ho a Pi hower it’s true. ibitter federalist, and I guess it is so | 0 common 0 an cate 56 calls He had been on his travels from for you wouldnt be for bum if lie was] Lhe v Peoples a tollowi, Centre county in Foreign lauds, and a democrat, I recollect that (regs (00 179 Ksons Since he omits passing along the Niagara frontier, past lor a democrat ; bat “e told unc BT ne rotor siotatriia about forty miles from it he heard the of ay neighbours iu 1808, that he : tobi ches His only Chunde of Suc- awlul thunder of Cannon and the would be a federaiise, fur (he demo-|ST <4 Lad oh their inposing him peals of musquetry, the clash of swords ciats did’nt use him well. Ki ite as - democrat.” The and the “dying groans of horses at| Hed. No, no : he always was 2 x aa re ir Philadel tis Notion. Chippewa. ’Pon my honor it’s true, democrat. Fu U, a iis pa Feces what wit you lay it’s a Lie? His ar-| Dem. Well, I know he was once A Ye] - nd D fy Nvertiser, dour for the bloody fray burned within elected to congress by the duoc ats. a book Facies So theta and nearly consumed him, and on the but be voted for Jay’s Buush Treaty ae a To tes a "oF the wings of the wind he flew thither to and then the democrats would’nt have i S BS A rn i participate in the dangers, and reap any thing more to do with him. Tre | Ee ~ yr ine ecetstry for a moiety or scintilla, or iota of the gio- collect that the federalists elected him } nus yo icy £9, a honcrable ion ry of the day. ’Zwas a bloody day af-ito the U.S. Senate, and to please them! © PD i fli lon Japer ter be arrived and deigned wo Le a he voted against the war, Par determined, 10 Smpioy a | io Volunteer Aid to the General whose wrote a leticr to Carlisle 10 teil Faded ri ¥ Om—_s Who are you Sir asked a British Officer, vauntingly, when he wus re-| coming a moral and religious freofile. hod jibe the ¢ Catholic Advocate rH te ah? inal.” started: 3 this , j i ishmaa’s Jounal started in this fame was on/y eclipsed by our Hero. tories that there was going lo be A G4 J ¢ dis ute among the Let us sing— laltho Ae was sworn to keep it se (is. ”, SE J oo 5 the two-doll obs 1 O CSy LY yl tac \ “ly Lune— Washington's Death.” |cret. Catholics, by : Fale . : : r LT : ject of cheaung the democrats ab Where eer he mov’d, the god of lied. Well, but he did right no olin tho catholics might be zccom= war [to vote for the War. uihng cat Ee Nt dons lished. A commie, gf which JORI Mare fiercely seem’d to glow, Dem, Yes, 1 sce now that you ar WURTS certainly was one, and proba- Destruction like a baleful star ihe old thing yet. I thought you saic ly Roberts Vaux another, 8s he was Rain’d terror on the Foe. {you were a democrat ov was going frerwards consulied in relation to it, {vote for a democrat. rated with “the. eultor Jolt the : > yy - 1. » . vi var “a ~ From sou! tosonl the pride of fame. #¢d I'ieie is no distinction be Capolie Advocate, iorils purchase ; The love of country flics, tween a federalist and ademocrat. and one of that committee, as the Edi< joe of that paper alleged in a suit | i And every heart receiv’d the flame Dem. Well then you bad bette That lighten,d in bis eyes, bea democrat, i there dis wo differ brought by him agains: the committee jtoce, 5 : i-pan belore a: city alderman, for a No longer rocks the battles sweep, Fed. No I would ss soon be #ic speach of the coniralt, acrually made” On Chip’wa’s stormy shore, cvil as a democrat. the purchage. ‘The Catholic Advocate But on its wild and ruffled deep | Dem. You peed’nt get angry, buljis as like the catiolics themselves Victorious pass’d he o'er. let me tell you, I shall never turn fed-{ will be when these fderalists have leralist. { am a friend to cguality [done with them, thiown aside ; and And up to General Brown he goes, 4,4 a doc to PUBLIC DEBT and{ibe joint labours, the officeholders, He dofi”d his cap and bow’d, {STATE TAXES. The federalist!and federalisis have produced the “Ive kill’d and wounded half your are for establisbed churches, and hay Peoples Advocate.” A few facts, foes, ling titles of distinction which I bate [will establish its character. The Enough to make one proud.” 1 will never vote for Andrew Grege |orospectus and subscription list was for he was going to be a preache first seen in the hands of one of the % Full many a widow mouras my|uniil he fouad there was to be ni}liederal conferees of his City, It way arm, established church aud then he quitit] ex: scen in those of Nathan R. Potts, WiLLian PrrrigiN received ne| So pow erful was its mighty He has since thet} been aboy { Esq. the clerk ofthe Orphans cou a 1 p. ir . rad < A Cuma SRR
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers