Bellefonte patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1818-1838, July 30, 1823, Image 1
BELLEFONTE, CENTRE COUNTY PENNSYMVANIA, PRINTED BY H. PET RIKIN. Fols VI. WEDNESDAY, 4 July 30, 1823. Sm Pr * to Thomas Goodwin, Philadelphia x DITIONS. For terms apply to him, or ta Wm > is TWO,R. Smith, Hurtingdon. June 3d. 1823. CON The price of this paper TW POLIARS per annum—but ii paid in adeance, ONE DOLL AR ANDry . w re pers EE Te CHVENTY FIVE CENTS only will List of Letters remain be charged, ing in the Post Office Adver'isements, making no more : in engi an bread, wil be in) at Bellefonte, July 1, 1823. sorted three times for one dollar 3 and for every subse jucnt continuance Jolin Adams 3, William Ad ams, twenty-five cents.— hose of greater , wrth in proportion.— Rule or higurc Fo le a ot Antis Barthus, James M. Brady Joseph Bartles, David Jacob Bergstresser, Hetty Bryson, No subscription will be received for toss than one year; nor any papel Jno. Brown, Michael Buttorf, Joho Bendel, Benjamin Ross discontinuzd until all arrearages alc Baker. paid. " . It the subscriber does not request adis continuance of his paper, at tac end of the year, it will be considerex Margaret Carson, John Carson, Venus Coal, Joseph Cox, Rachel Coleman, Ann Cross, Robert Clark, Ciark & Hills, Richard Carey. as a new epoaxement ; and the paper James Dickson, Jonathan De- A B Bischitz. Brown, C car ied by the mail, must be liable fos the post Apes Letters addressed to the editor must be nat paid. LE TO RENT, The Ww ashin gton IRON WORKS, Stigated io Nittany Valley, Centre forwarded accordingly. D tong. Subscribers who have then papers Gratz Ettiog. 0 | : 5 A LR Na Jacob Fely, G Peter Graybill, John Grub, Mary Goodfellow, Nicholas Glazurs James Hall, Jobn Heffelfinger, Jobn F., Hanson, David Hall, Bar- pard Hazel, Mary Hastey, Wm, John Hannah, Huston, Jeseph Haire, H county, about fifteen Miles below Belle- conte, six miles from Baldeagle creck, : S Hunter Charles and nine miles from the Susquehanna nier, a river; the works ate well situated, [ K Jobo Irvin jr. John Irvin. Peter A. Karthaus 3, John Kern, John Knox. David Love, Joshua Ludley, David Lamb, Nicholas Lucas, William Lillyett, Thomas Lambert M = Hugh M’Namis, Peter M’ Clain, Jobn M’Neely, John D. M’Mullen, John M’Iiwain, Ed- ward M’Intire, Samuel M’Kesson. Isaac M’Kioney, John M’Kinley, Andrew M’Mican, William M’Con- nel, James Mitchel, Edward Med- calf 2, Jeremiah Menin, Margaret Moss, Joseph Mason. Tho’s. Nor, Christian rode, John Neils John Patterson, Michael Poor. man, Rachel Patton, George Pee. snd on never fuiling streanis ; the Furnace is watered by a large spring and the Forge by Fshing-creek, eithe: of these streams seldom ever freeze. Ls ‘There is aboot two thousand acres of wood excellent land adjoining the wo ks, there are two excellent ¥ Ore Banks, re, aboui two and a hall miles, and the other three fourths of a mile fiom the Furnace. The Ore is cqual, if not. superior, to any in the United States. The Forge is in good repait and has been working until last spring The Furnace has not been in blast for N some time, and will require some re Nessel- prs. with wishes to rent them, therefore any 7 The owner is unacquainted NW ’ y . iP conducting Iron Works, and ee RR SE NE JE ters, James Powell, Thomas C. Parsong, James M. Petrik in. Elijah Reeves ‘3, Frederick Reedy, John Reid, Jane Ramsey, Mary Ross, John Ross, Frederick Reiter. John Solloda, Ino. Stump, John Shrack, Michael Sweney 2, Jacob person wanting to rent Iron Works will find it to their advantage to come R and view said Works, as the subscri- ber hives on the premises and will make the terms easy and liberal, JOHN HENDERSON. Jan, 27th 1823- ; The E fitors ot the Pennsylvania In- teligencer, Harrisbare ; Lancaste Incelligencer, Lancaster 3 and Balu nore Patriot, are requested to inser the Love in their respective papers, weekly for three months and forward their bills to the subscriber for pay J. H. NOTIOF. All persons are hereby warned not Singer, Jacob Stigews, Abraham Smith, James D, Stark, Wentle Sinith, Selsey, Martin Steele, James Smith, Micle Sueare, George fisents George Shinabergay, T James Tumbleson, Charles Freziyolny, ¢ WwW Mary Whiteman, Jerrymiah Wilders, Noah E. Wathams Thomas Waddle. H. Humes, P. JM GEO. HENNING, | HATTER, Respectfully informs his friends and customers, that he has again com- enced the HATTING BUSINESS, in Bellefonte, in a shop adjoining the 2 "| FOR SALE. | : : . house formerly occupied by Charles An elegant tract of land, situate in H : 3 . uston Isq.; wher ‘Paldcagle township, Centre county, T e he Intends . to keep a general assortment of “Water ~ eontaining CB / Proof and Common Stiffened Hats, / / which may be had on moderate terms \ : L-¥ acres more or less, adjoining lands of Henry James, and others. I'he lane is well improved, and is one of those Jately owned by J.P. "De i{ass, pur. p to tke an assignment of a note which a certain John Elder, of Nittany valley Centre county, holds of mine, as I am determined not ta pay the same ‘wnless compelled ; he having obtained! itit ina fraudulent and unlawful man- ner, is JOHN. CHARLES. Mifflinburg, Union county, May. 0th. 1822. ovis SAR a aL ESSE ct A EE a He flatters bimseif that he can give general «atis- faction, as he has been lately to the City, and has procured good stuffs Country lamb wool will be taken in at by whole sale or retail, SALE. Toe subsctibe: + figc!l, at private sale, the HOUSH & LOT be now sccupies, situate Lu he Borough ‘of Bellefonte, dhe lot contains two and half acres, and has also erected on ita good dwelling house, and a large and commadious TAN-HOUSE, with a good FOR 3 NOTICE. The subscribers inform ° their friends and the public, that they have now in complete operation the CARDING MACHINE formerly owned by Rankin & Steel. The rolls shall be made in the best mavner and on. the shortest notice, TANYARD, ‘Thy also have in complete oppera- ind 2 ith tion a consisting of seventeco tan vats, with a k wo lime vats, bates, &e. Theterms) Cotton Machinery ; may % applicati to the: oy Te kat by application where yarn of any quality may be 5UDSErIDErs A ; I procured, suitable to the aceommo- 2 any WILLIAMS, dation of every May 27t 2 — purchase. WAITES OFFICE. TD Ce ER —ren In the Second Class, Pennsylvania State Lot $2 of looms for the purpose of weaving, suttable to all kinds of country work. ‘They respectfully invite those who have heretofore patrovised them to ‘continue to do so ; and ail those who are favorable to domestic manufac- tures are most respectfully solicited * to extend taeir patronage, Work \shall be done with dispatch and on the most reasonable terms, LAYBERT & BROTHERS. efonte, M4y 20,1823. PRIVATE SALE: tery, which was recently completed in Phil-'gen adelphia, all the followdng prizes, com- prising nea'ly the whole scheme, bave | been paid—-All the Capitals, viz | 15,000 Dollars, 8,000 Doliars, 5000, Dollars, 2,000 Dollars 2,000 Doliars land containing 5 of $1900, 10 of $500, 14 of $100 | 225 Acres, a aay al the Rfizes OF ‘Bie situate four miles west of the borough iy of Indiana on the great road leading 75000 Dollars. said borough to Kittanuing. {The improvements ure from TAL PRIZES in the THIRD y+ . : CARY AL PENNSYLVANIA 1 WO good cabin houses, and cabin barn, about fifty acres clear- STATE LOTTERY, G. W. WAITE, MaRv4GER, for whichjed, five of which are meadow, and more may be made, with a small the Cash will be immediately advanc- Apple Orchard, ed when drawn. 2 of thereon—ALSO—A tract of land containing 2 142 Acres 2 4 10 200 (situate about five miles west of said 12 100 borough, on Crooked creek, with a besides numerous Prizes of $50, and cabbin house and barn the reon, with smaller Prizes. about sixty or seventy acres cleared, Every Number will be Drawn from twelve acres of which are meadow & the wheel. a quantity more may be made, with five sugar camps and a small orchard ithereon.— A further description is deemed unnecessary, as it may be best obtained by applying to the sub- scribers on the premises. DAVID CUMMINGS, JOHN TRIMBLE, Indiana, March 29th 1823. OTIOE N Ye All persons indebted to JOHN M’- KEE must call immediately and pay. $6,000 2,000 1,500 1,000 This Lottery contains only 5972 numbers, and those wi.o purchase two tickets of the some number, may draw any two of the above capitals, and the holder of ten tickets, which wiil cost only $60, may draw the handsome "$28 000 The drawing will be announced, in a few days. Whole Tickets only tialves Quarters 50 Biphths 75 For theabove Rich Prizes apply immediately at Yi TH WALTESS OLD ESTABLISHED AND FORTUNATE OFFICE. South-West Corner of Chesnut ane I'hird streets, Philadelphia, Who sold and paid all the prizes in the former classes of the Pennsylvania State Lottery, and who soid and paid prizes amounting to upwards of SEVEN MILLIONS OF DOL. LARS, Being the largest amount of prizes ever sold or paid by any other Broker in America. Almost all kinds of Bank Notes bought on the lowest terms. $7 Orders inclosing the Cash will be promptly atiended to, and all Lot- tery information given gratis. FOR SALE, A HOUSE & FOUR ACRES OF LAND, situate in toward township | ! ! { $6 3 1 00 00 All who neglect this notice will be sued without respect to persong— Those who have accounts against him please present them also for liquidation. J. M. PETRIKIN. December 27th 1822, @ 2 VEINS AN TEDDY #d WRWAIRD, Yas stolen on the night of the 21st or 22nd of June instant, from the house of Thomas Hastings, Innkeep- ety in the Borough of Bellefonte, a DRAB GREAT COAT, with thiece seperate capes, each bound, a drawed back and strap, and a pock- ¢t, bottoned with a small mole, on the outside of the left breast; the collar was covered with drab tabby velvet The above reward will be given to any person who will retura the coat, or give information, so that the sub- scriber, whose property it was, can get it again, MATLOCK BENNER. Bellefonte, July Ist 1823. ELIJAH REEVES, Clock and Watch-Ma- ker, Informs the citizens of Centrs county, that he carries on the above business in all its various branches, in the Borough of Betlefonte, next any person who is disposed to keep a [door to the office of the « PATRIOT,” Tavern and Store ; Now in the occu.{where he will thanklully receive all orders in his line of business. He will work on the most reasonable ply to the subscriber living in Howard terms for cash or country produce township: An apprentice to the above business will be taken, it application pe made 100N. 3 Centre Co. on the road leading from Bellefonte to the Big Island, 8 miles below Milesburg ; adjoining lands of The a- bove premises are well calculated for Michael Meese and others. pation of John Ligget. For terms ap- ABSALOM LIGGET. ebascd by Mus. Craig, and sold by hETAIS shop for trade, April 26, 182 gune 17th, 1823. Q 35 person. wishing to! They also have a number A valuable plantation, or tract of FOR SALE, The subscriber offers for HOUSE & LOT in#arlysburg, formerly occupied by Walter Longwell asa tavern. The jot contains one acre and a fourth, and the house is a commeodious one, and the stabling good. It is ap excellent stand for either Tavern or Store. Possession will be glen on the fist of April next. Aoy person wishing to purchase can know the terms by ap- plication to the subscriber, Farmei’s Miljs, Pennsval ey. Lois LONGWELL. 823. i PROCLAMATY oN, Notice is Hereby Given THAT a court of Cop General Quarter sale a June 34d Common Pleas Sessions of jie Peace and the Orphans court, in and lor the county of Centre, will be held at the court housein the Borough o! Bellefonte, on Monday the 25th day of August NeXt, at 19 o'clock IA. M. of said aay, of wiuch the Cor joner, Justices of thePeace and Con- stables within said county will take notice, that they be then and there in their Proper persons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, jand other remembrances to do those things which to their offices appertain to be done ; and all suitors, jurors and witnesses are also tequested to be and attend at said court, and net depart without leave, i Given under my hand at Bellefonte this seventh day of July, A. D. one thousand eight hun. dred and twenty-three, JOSEPH BUTLER, svg —— John M’Kinley, ra TAILOR, Informs his friends and the public, that he has commenced the above bua siness in the Borough of Bellefonte, His shep is on the north east end of the lot north of the Bank, and directly across He will work cheap for cash or country produce, all kind of which will be taken in payment, Bellefonte, June 3d 1823. the street. ® BANK NOTE EXCHANGE. IN PHILADELPHIA. Ugited States Branches, Boston, New-Hampshire, Connecticut, New-York City banks New-York country notes New-Jersey, <] 1 ct. dis: I do 2 de 1 do par 1to 5 dis (Trenton, Mount Holly, Cumberland, Newark, Brunswick Bank, Sussex Bank, State Bank at Trenton, At Elizabethtown At Morristown At Patterson At Brunswick Pennsylvania, Philadelphia notes, Germantown Easton Bank, Camden Chester county Bank, “do West Chester de Montgomery county Bank, do Northampton Bank, do Lancaster Bank, do Harrisburg Bank do Farmers bk. of Reading, do. BANK NOTES AT A DISCOUNT. I'ar. Bank Bucks ce. 1 Carlisle Bank, 1} New Hope Bridge, 1 ‘Bank at Milton, 15 Chambersburg, 3 | York Bank, . a cttysburg, 'Swatara Bank, Pittsburg Notes, Centre Bank Columbia bridge com. Greensburg ‘Brownsville par de do = do A 11 Justices and Constables BLANKS ' FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE