Bellefonte patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1818-1838, June 25, 1823, Image 2

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    ¢ re a hn at
The briz Alonze, Gold, ariived at!
Baltimore from S{. Thomas, sailed
f;om tho later ca the Ist of June, vo-
der convoy of the United States brie
aterprize. The Eaterptize had in-
formation ofa Puate at the five Isl-
| ands, and she was bound in pursuit
of her. It was reported that she had
taken a brig in there two days before.
The Upited States ship Cyaue, cap
tam Speice, from Airica, anchored
justas the Alonzo came out. She
"had been at Sierra Leone, thence to
the American colony at Mesurado, and
from thence back to St Thomus.
She arrived at Mesarado sbout the 1st
of April last, when the colonies were
found in a mosi wretched state ; they
bad not only been attacked by the na
tives; by which thelr numbers had
been greatiy decreased, but they were
| suffering for the want of coiamon
materials for building a shelter from
“the open air. 1i was said to be morc
owing to good fortune than their
means of deface, that they weve not
“all butchered by the cralty savages
who surround thems, their dependence
| against thousands being two or three
small cannons, enclosed with a kind
of rail fence for a breast work. Cap-
tain Spence supplied the colonists
. with arms, ammunition aod provis-
jons, and buiita strong stone castle,
mounting several guns, and afford-
“ing a complete defence. He left the
schooner Augusta, licutenant Dashiell,
to aid them. The crew of the En.
| terprize have been sickly, and several
of them died on the way from Af-
‘rica to St Thomas. Captain Spence
bimself is m ill-health, and would
“soon proceed home.
Mr. Becrey of Westmoreland,
Pennsylvania, was robbed of about
3000 dollars, near Stoystown, on the
Pittsburg turopike, on Tuesday night
i Gr
From the New York Gazette, June 16
The arrival from Cadiz has given
risc to a report and a conjecture.
The report is, that Joseph Bonaparte
is invited to Spain by the liberals ;
and the conjectnre is, that she brought
out commissions for privateers.
ct —
From the Savannah Rep. June 5.
This morning between one and
| three o'clock, the store of GAubry &
L Duraurg, corner of Bull and Bryan
strects, was broken open by some vil
Jian or vilians, who took (heteliom
an - Iron Chest, containing notes of
hand and due bills, to the amount of
| upwards of fourteen thousand dollars,
‘together with sundry other papers
In the chest there were also bank
bills, specie and gold, to the amount
of eleven hundred and fifty-six dollars,
making in all #fteen thousand one hun-
dred and fifty-six dollurs. ‘The rob-
bers entered the east window of the
store which was opened by the use of
a screw auger, by boring through
‘near the bolt of the window, by which
means they were enabled to remove
the key from the barr, when free ac-
cess was then had to the stove,
There must bave been two or three
concerned in this theft, as the iron
chest is 100 heavy for any one man to
carry off. At the time our paper
‘went to press, nothing had been dis-
covered that would lead to the detec-
tion of the villains, or the recovery of
the chest.
—raD eG Grr
Mrs. Avy Carson, who lately es
caped from the Trenton prison, has
returned to it. She hurt her instep
io jumping out of the second story
window of the room in which she was
Notfor himself, but for his country.”
etl 4 (pm
Democratic Meeting,
The Democratic Meeting adver-
tised to be held on Friday last, has
been adjourned, to be held on the
Wednesday evening of the August
—— 4 ns
On the evening of the 11th instant
between 9 and 10 o’clock, as the ed-
itor of this paper was passing along
the main street of this town, towards
wis office, he was struck with a stove,
thrown by the hand of some person]
unquestionably prepared, aod watch-
ing for that purpose. The violence of
the stroke was such as instantly to
prostrate him, and causc a momentary
deprivation of lifc. The occurrence
of Thursday evening last has account.
Curtin, the very worthy son-in-law ol
Andrew Gregg! and several othe
federalists, bad been drinking and car-
ousing at the house of Patrick Tier-
ney, a despicable minion of Curtin’s
There cannot be a doubt, but it was
then finally determined, if opportu-
nity offered, to inflict personal chas,
ed for this assassin-like conduct.
tisement upon vs, for advocating the
election of Mr. Shulze, the democrat-
ic candidate for governor, in opposi
the state at large. Knowing that his
chance is desperate, we do not wonder
at their exasperation, considering that
all the fine castles they had built in
the air, have vanished like the morn-
A high note
The people of Peunsylva-
ing mist before the sun.
indeed !
nia must be taxed to keep in power
and splendor, a few men, and because
we objected to the favorite of public
debt, we must be beat into a com-
If Me Gregg should be
elected, from the specimen we have
pliance !
had, what may the people of Belle
fonte, and of Centre county, expect
{rom the arrogance of his foreign re
lations 2 But the people of Pennsyl-
vania are too well aware of the unpasr
alicled waste of the public money,
profusely lavished ou the friends and
favorites of the present federal admin.
istration, to again place power in thei
hands ; and Mr. Gregg will undoubt-
cdly obtain leave of absence, and, with
his return, the arbitary and high-hand-
¢d measures pursued by his immedi.
ate friends aud connexious, will be
curious, tho’, to observe what plans most active, intelligent apd inflnen.
ial persons were sclecied to consti-
Bo : {tute that committee. It consisted of
attain its end ; and how complaisant! o vo members ; of these nine mem-
and devices that party will adopt,
they are sometimes, to men whom bes of the committee of correspon-
dence, to support the election of
? {General Joseph Hester, there is now
der was a candidate, and as long as hebur ONE, wn fuvor of Mr. Gregg, one
was Governor of Penusylvania, the!is undecided and the remaining SE-
N, are DECIDEDLY in favor’ of
The change in this city and county,
when compared with the election of
: 1820, 15 equal to three thousand votes
mans were not at all national, and Were against Mr. Greer, We mean to
Now say that in 1823 the majerity, in this
tho’, that Mr. Shalze is the democrat- g i Rn Sy rai
Htester had a majority of 2500.
Stmifar cliauges have taken place in
: : o her districts. What possible chance
Such paitry conduct is un-ly. ony Goegg of success 2. He has
worthy any cause. none. The well informed men of the
federal party candidly adel he has
vone. His name is blazoned loath
just to ¥ fun the limbers” The ad-
Der Shulze sieht auf cinem guten vice of the cduor ol tre New York
grunde | Event g Past in his fetter to the ¢di-
{ the Village Record is acied ups
they despise. As long as Simon Sny
. net
Germans were called every thing] Vin
When Mr, Hies-
ter was their candidate, then the Ger-|
but clever feliows,
said to be very good citizens.
ic candidate, the worst word the fed-
eralisis can say of the Germans is too
——r 4 een
For Tur Parrior,
{for a \
Shulza ‘on by the Foderalists of Penusylvan.a.
basis, too firm to be injured by the They may 4 fan” but they will produce
no flame. The only cffeece ® will have
will be to secure heoulthiut aod vigor.
‘ous action to the Democratic Pay,
That pink of decency, Walsa, Edi
tor of the British Gazette, may pour £707 the Pennsylania Intelligencer.
Yes indeed stands on a
rude shocks of the federal tempest,
that has assailed him.
confined within their proper bounds.
We appeal to our readers, whether
we have not strictly confined our
selves to Mr. Gregy’s public life, and
his official acts? We have. Then
why all this wrath ? Because what we
have published is but too true.
—— rr
The impvdence of those who assem-
bled at Lewistown to register the
name of Andrew Gregg, for Governor,
tion to Mr. Gregg, the federal can-
didate. that they
had, some days before, threatened that
they would do so. About twilight,
We were aware
we heard an unusual noise before Mr,
Miles’s tavern door, immediately op-
posite Curtin’s house. We repaired
thither to enquire its cause, and at the
moment of our arrival found Thomas
J. Petrikin engaged in combat with
Dr. Curtin. Being peaceably Inclin:
ed, and also knowing that it was vain
to expect fair play, from the evidence
we had before our eyes, we exerted
ourselves, and with some assistance
the combatants were seperated. Be-
lieving that peace was then restored,
nor dreaming of the murderous in-
tention of Dr. Curtin, we were stand-
ing on the pavement, when he ap.
proached and struck the editor of this
paper under the eye, with a stone
which he held in his hand. This re
newed the combat, and we can assure
our friends abroad, that the blackguard,
coward and dastard, who struck us,
received the chastisement he desery-
ed, and but for the unjustifiable mn
is beyond a paralell. Desperate, in
deed, must their cause be, when they
were obliged to steal the title of
« Democratic Convention” to answer
That name which for
they have reviled, they now
cloak their proceedings with, in order
10 deceive the unwary. The most en-
their ends.
venomed federalists were in the con-
vention,and but very few that eve:
bad any pretensions to Democracy ;
and none thdt were at any time dem
ocrals longer than it subserved their
interest. )
—— i ——
« Was it considered necessary or
proper, we might carry your attention
back to his [Joseph Hiester’s] ances-
tors. We might mention that they
were among the first emigrants from
Germany who settled in this state, and
it ought to be recollected with gra-
titude, even at this distant day, that
bis family comnexions were numbered
amongst the most active and zealous,
in procuring support and assistance to
those, who were suffering from the
depredations & cruelty of the Indians.”
The above isan extract from Mr.
Gregg’s Addressin 1817, to the clec-
tors of Centre and Clearfield Counties,
terference. of a person present, he
to which we adverted in our last, and
Secretary Greg's paper ycleped
} e* Commonwealth’ comp’ains bi.
the federal Editors may rail, the peo |terly that some of the presem office
ple will support the man of their [holders will not be bridied, but will
choice, JOHN A. SHULZE. He 1/75 /or thems lues and vole for the
emocratic cundidate J. A. SIJULZE,
one of themselves ; none of your dan-| 4,4 Hugh Maxwell, who is second
dies. His manners may offend thejonly to Capt. Getz, in Seerctary
by, GVeBg’s confidence, makes similar
XRT A a or. : ‘lcompiaints ; and what then ? Aye!
their simplicity 15 pleasing to the peo- and what then ? Why they ate most
ple. His democracy may uot suit ted- manfully mauled in these vew official
papers, for their Democratic piineis
ples. Here’s a rod for the uffice
life, but the honest rustics, who love bolders— held over their beads in a
cquality, think the better of him for] TO5¢ /Witealening postare. I you
(dare say a word in lavor of the demo-
Fortified in the good estimation cratic candidate, © your all gone suck
pers!” If you dont call Gregg a
‘democrat although he has opposed the
clection of every democratic candid-
ate withio his reach. for 18 years, you
shall lose your offices! If you dont
say that the Lewistown caucus threce
fourths of which was composed of as
flaming federalists as ever asstmbled
in Fanuiel Hall, wus a democratic con.
vention, you shall be turned * peck
forth his billingsgate, and the vest of,
would be lordlings of our state,
eral potions of distinctions and bigh
of the democratic party, the shafis o
federal malice full harmless at his
feet. :
Extract of a letter, dated
Pittsburg, June 6,
« We had a more numerous meet.
ing of the democratic republicans on
Taesday night last in this city,jand heels” out of office. M you dont
than we have ever had before. ITijcubmit to the dictates of a tra of the
was held during the session of thelmost noisy and disingenuons demas
United States court, and several dis-|gogues that ever had the control ofa
unguished democrats of the adjacentipress, you may prepare to “ walk
counties were present, all of whom Spanish.”
approved of the resolutions that ‘were
adopted by the mecting. There can
be no doubt ef our giving a hand-
some majority to Mr. Suurze.”
z, Franklin Gaz.
From the Harrisburg Intelligencer.
« Tt is curiently reported and gen.
erally believed,” that a raprure has
taken place between the three mighty
branches of the administvaton, Gover
Morristown, June 10. [nor Hiester, Sceretary Gregg and Aus
The prospects of \he republicans oflitor Duncan. The cause of this
this county are of the most flattering blondy suite is enveloped in mystery.
kind. There 1s no dissausfaciion|Some say that the goveroor antempt-
among the democrats. There arcjed to reprimand his secretary for the
no oldschool men nor iadical:, no dis-[mcans which he bas practised for two
affected democrats here. The wholejyears past in order to have himself
democratic party have again become [nominated to the prejudice of bis ex-
anited io favor of the democratic can [cellency, Others who are more 1oti=
didate. All those who, in 1820, se |matcly acquainied with the parties,
ceded from the democratic ranks, have |.ay that Mr, IHiester has taken vm-
again returned,and are’ now amongs hiage at Mr. Grege’s attempting to
the warmest friends of Mp. Suurnze.lappear younger than ée 15, which was
Those persons in the eastern corner|manifested by his laying aside his
EE ——
Extract of a letter, dated
would have ¢ paid dear for his whis- which is now before us. He had re
tle.” We did not see the beginning course to the merit of Mr, Hiester’s
of the affray, but understand that nj famely connecrions,’ to aid the elec
took place between James M. Petri- tion of Mr. Hiester. However ex-
kin and Wm. C. Welch, a creature of trinsic such circumstances might be,
confined, and remained but a short
time in the neighborhood. She is io
good spirits, and says that this adven-
sure will aid in furnishing matter for
a second volume.
Frank. Gaz.
— it
Goshen (N. Y.) Patriot.
June 10.
REMARKABLE —=During the few
warm days we had in the month of
April, a yoke ol Oxen, belonging to
| Mr. Richard Jackson, of this town,
were feeding in a Meadow : they came
| by a small thorn bush, and put thei:
noses down, apparently to smell of
something there, when a huge black
snake, with incredible velocity, fasten
ed himself around the neck of one of
| the oxen. The oxen, which were
yoked together, ran and bellowed ter-
ribly : a young man who observed
their movements, hastened to see what
was the matter,aud with difficulty got
near enough to give the snake a blow
with a stick, which caused him to
loose his hold and fall off ; he was
killed and found to be six fcet long
There is baraly a doubt that if no per-
son had been near to render assist]
arce, the poor ox would have fallen a
prey to the reptile, by being choked to
From the
—> § Wren
There are counterfeit notes of the
denomination of $5 on S. Girard’ s
Curtin‘s, and making some preten Mr. Gregg thought proper, at tha
sions of relationship with Mr. Gregg./time, to call them to his aid. He is
Welch was soundly thrashed, before perfectly welcome. Now who would
we got to the ground, notwithstanding suppose that these « family connec
tions of Mr. Hiester who succoured
the helpless frontier settlers, are the
very family Mr,
SHULZE'!! We grant that they
were the earliest emigrants
he had the aid of Curtin and two or
three others.
It is but justice to state, that many connections. of
‘democrats were on the ground, but
\not knowing that Welch was sent to from
Germany, and settled in this State at
an carly day.
make the attack, were ignorant of the
true nature of the affray, and ouly in-
terfered to preserve peace. The whole
Mr. Gregg said what
was nothing more than the truth, but
affair was concerted some days before
can prove such to be the fact ina
court of Justice.
we really think the abuse that Mr.
and this was its consummation. 'Gregg’s friends think proper to lavish
upon Mr. Shulze and his « family cin-
nections,” come with a very bad
We assure our democratic friends
that the attempts at
grace fiom them, after thus lauding
midvight assas- them to the skies. We really think
not deter us from pursuing the COursCiand i sneeringly call him a dutchman,”
chalked outfor our government, im- {for by Mr. Gregg’s own shewing,
mediately afier the Lewistown nomin
ation. If Mr, Gregg’s sons-ln-law,
for the sake of personal gain, are
anxious to fight their father-mn-Jaw in-
to office, they will first have to wade
these dutchmen whom he now detests,
were at one lime very useful men in
Pennsylvania; and we are disposed
to thivk so yet. Ii they have hither-
to received a good deal of abuse from
sination and personal violence, shall they ought not to turn up their nose,
through the blood of a vast majority|Federalists, it is because they were,
ot this county, who got up one or
two meetings and Sct delcgaes
Lewistown for the purpose of having
Mr. BoiLieau taken up, have, since
the nomination of Mr. Gregg, nearly
all come out in favor of Mr Snurnze
the democratic candidate row
present appearances, ~the democrat
majority will be larger this year inj
this county than upon any fermer oc
casion. To rate it at 600 is, mm ny
opinion, a low estimate.” ib
Extract of a letter from a respectable
‘gentleman to his fricod in Phila
deipia, dated
® Easton, Juae 15.
« We are all here heart and band
united for J. A+ Smurze. He will
receive certainly 1700 majority hh
Northampton, and at last 1300 Wu
Lehigh, Wayne and Pike, making Li
majority in Old Northampton 3.00(
or upwards.” 1b.
—— | WS
ow huge oaken stoff”” and folding up
his head and endeavoring to keep from
falling, es he rotiered rom bis lodg-
ines to his office, so soon as the Smut
Machine had announced that he was
1d sixty-five YY Some mh words
passed between the dispuiamts, who
bv ihe blue light
man 10 procecd to fist yeuls, ws the hope
il 18 presumed, of sicpping into the
anticipated honor of the s-eretary In
of tis discomfiiure. Let the
cause ofthis warring be what it may,
it is ceriain that the ofc has made
he Governor galicp ofl 10 Reading,
auditor genoral to change his
place ol boarding and the young s€C-
retary is left in undisputed possession
of their late place of residence.
were encouraged
Nosy ewho is the i 0
On the 5th of 7 uniform
federalists, of f.anca cry. addiess-
ed a secret circular 10 the ledersl lead-
ers in other counties, to induce them
redoral yndidate 2
From Binnsg’s Democratic Press.
{ ANDREW GREGG is not JO-|
{SEPH HIESTER, nor will he re
jceive any thing hke the support which)
(was, from a combination of citcum-
erences given to the present Gover
oor. We will illostraie this asser-
tion by stating a faci, which it is in
[the power of any man in the distric
'to testy, and which we know will beas
{the strictest scrutiny.
Iu the year 1820 at a general meet
ing of the Democratic Young Men of
the City and County of Philadelpbi:
favorable to the election of Josep!
- -
to support Gregg Fhelw circular
commences thus: “ We, as federal-
ists,” &c. What more evidence do we
need that Gaegg is the federal can-
didate. ib.
9 the Demotrats of Pennsylvania.
M’€ARTY — No. 7.
Before 1 say a word to my fellow
citizens about the election I would of.
fer my tha ks to Mr. Binns, for the
different country papers he has been
pleased to send me in which my let-
‘ers are publishing, and 1 must say to
‘he Democ atic editors in the country,
. »
Hiester, it was determined to gppoi
4 e10
Ls Bg