v ore can be made with little ex yense, Lg oh o appointed, who shall forfeit 2 n case of &iinquencyr si. “4th This constitution ma Seoded at any regular meeling of] Sack ith the Society, Wil con | o thirds of the members present. L 15th No books treating on dis puted po excepted) sha hool. pig 16th At any of the stated mieet- ings of the society a majority of the members present may adopt by-laws for the regulation of the school. James Rorarock Pres’s. GeorGE HENNING Sec’ry, Janes M'Gee Zrcas'’r. Wicriam WARD Janes HETHERINGTON Erisan REeves Benjamin al Super’dts, Erisag REEVES —— —— 5 sony il be admitied Into the Managers, HONORABLE SPANISH CON- DUCT. The gallant Commodore PoRTER, on reaching Cuba with his squadron) to aid in the suppression of piracy, found, as he believed, that an order ALSO, a tract of land adjoining the last men- y beliioned, contsining about 200 acres, the concurrence of/with small improvements, but ele- lgant land, and easily cleared; ALSO, ints of doctrine, (catechisms jin that neighborhood, two tracts of unimproved land, containing 2000 acres, the quality of which, comparatively, is the best in that county. These lands possess advantages, which many in that country are de- prived of. They are situated three or four miles from the Susquchanna River ; four or five from the mouth of Anderson’s creck ; and (rom a mile o a mile and a halt from the turnpike, leading from Erie through Bellefonte. I'he Stateroad from Huntingdon 1o- tersects this turnpike, and passes the houses of the improved tracts. Per- sons wishing to erect water works of any description, will find these lands in every respect well calculated for that purpose ; the seats on two of the tracts, one improved, are considered the best in that part of the county, well supplied by nature immediately had been issued by the then governor general of the Island, ¢ forbidding] above them, with valuable sawing ‘timber, such as pine, cherry, oak, &c. the entrance of his squadron iuto itsjwhich if covoverted into boards and harbors.” ports, this order, whether it formally existed or not, was actually enforced, to the manifest encouragement of the pirates,and to the great obstruction of the operation ol the American fleet. The Commodore, therefore, wrote two successive letters to the governor general, stating the facts, and calling upon him to ¢ counter mand the order.” General Vives, the successor of the then governor general, very promptly, on coming in- to office, replied to the commodore, that the government of Cuba had no! issued any order prohibiting the’ en trance of any vessel under his com- mand into its ports, but assured bim on the contrary that the squadron un der him « would meet with every aid and co-operation on the part of the Jocal authorities inthe pursuit of pi- rates who may shelter themselves io the uninhabited coasts, compatable with the territorial privileges conform: ahle to the Taw of nations.” In ac. cordance with this frank and honora- ble declaration; General Vives issued a circular to the several commandants of the Island, requiring their aid to be given to the American squadron. (dommodore Porter immediately wrote “a letter of thanks to General’ Vives, felicifated him on his arrival at Hav- anna, and assured him that nothing {but a severe iandisposition had pre- vented him from paying his respects in person to him. Piracy may now be confidently expected to he completely exterminated, ¥ — nin 3 The Hessian Fly is committing great ravages in all parts of the Unit. ed Sates. From Virginia, we learn that the wheat in many counties is fotally destroyed. A similar fate at- tends it in many parts of Pennsylvania, Maryland, Ohio and Kentucky. Mr. Forsyth, American minister at Madrid, has arvived at New York from Spaiu, in the ship Othello. Democratic Meeting. A meeting of the Democrats of Cen tre county, is requested, to be held at the court house, in the Borough of Bellefonte, on Friday the 20th day of June, 1wostant, to put In nomination some suitable person ot the Demo- cratic party; and a citizen of Pennsyl vania, as a candidate for the office of Vice President of the United States. The members af the Committee of Correspondence for Centre county, are requested to attend on that day for the purpose of organizing. MANY. NN 5 FOR SALE. The subscriber offers for sale, the following lands, situate in the county of Clearficld : A valuable farm con- taining 300 acres, on which are erected a . DWELLING HOUSE and a new ia 00d : LOG BARN, with about filty acres cleared, seven of which are meadow, and much a thriving APPLE orchard, a num- ber of PEACH and other fruit trees | . ALSO, A handsome FARM, ad above, containing At several of the small | STRAYS. Cue a light bay, about fourteen and a’ ; half bands high, with a small star in twenty -twq, that all the right which \her forehead ; the other is a grey, joining the about thirteen and a half bands high, scauntling, and sent down the Susque- hannab, would realize to the owner a handsome profit. The Jand is gener- ally timbered with oak, hickory, &c The price will be very moderate, for the improved, by paying balf in cash, and the rewainder in equal payments. The unimproved, by pay- ing part in hand, and the remainder by tostallments. The subscriber will sell much lower, than any that has that or any adjacent county 4 say, from R1, 50 te B2, 00 per acre, according to the payments. For further infor- mation, enquire of the subscriber, liv- ing io Cambrla county, William F. Boone, Bellefonte, or Samuel John- ston, near the premises® JOSEPH BOONE. Cambria county, June 16. 1823. N, B. Thereis also a large body of land, some thousand acres, near the above described, most of which is first rate land, and which the subscriber will sell at a moderate rats J. B. NOTICE, To Bridge Builders. The Commissioners of Centre Coun ty, JACOB BOLLINGER, JOHN ADAMS and JOHN HAYS, will at- tend at the house ot William Alexand. er, Mill-hall, on Wedaesday the 25th instant, for the purpose of receiving proposals for building a BRIDGE, [ or near Hervey’s Mills, over Fish- ing Creek. Comm’s Office June 13th 1823, ELIJAH REEVES, Clock and Watch-Ma- ker, Informs the citizens of Centre county, that he carries on the above business in all its various branches, in the Borough of Bellefonte, next door to the office of the « PATRIOT,” where he will thankfully receive all orders in his line of business. He! will work on the most reasonable. terms for cash or country produce. An apprentice to the above business, will be taken, it application be made soon. June 17th, 1823. ATTENTION |} VOLUNTEERS. A meeting of the BELLEFONTE LIGHT INFANTRY VOLUN- TEER COMPANY, will take place! in the Diamond of the Borough of Bellefonte, on Saturday the 21st in- stant, precisely at the hour of 1 o’clock, P. M. at which place and time, a prompt attendance of all the members of the Company is expected, for the purpose of training, &ec. on By order of the Capt HUGH L. M’MEEN, 0S. CAME to the plantation of the sub- scriber, living in Lawrence township, Clearfield County, on the 18th day of May last, Tyo heretofore, or that now 1s, offered in i Buffaloe Run. PUBLIC SALE, Will be sold at pubiic vepndue; ©n Saturday the 28th of June instant, a valuable plantation or tract of land) contalping 102 acres, situate in Tyrone township, Huntingdon county, on the great road leading trom Bellefonte to Pitsburg. The improvemens are a good LOG HOUSE, and a good BANK BARN, eighteen acres of Meadow, well water- edy and more can be made—a large orchard, containig the best of trait trees, and two never-failing springs It is part of the first rate land con- tained within the ¢ Sinking Valley Manor.” Sale to commence at 12 o’clock of said day. Due attendance will be given by the owner JOHN HENSHE FOR SALE, The subscriber offers for sale a HOUSE & LOT injEarlysburg, formerly occupied by Walter Longwell asa tavern. The jot contains one acre and a fourth, and the house is a commadious one; and the stabling good.” It is an excellent stand for either Tavern or Store. Possession will be given on the first of April next. Aay person wishing to ‘purchase can know the terms by ap- (plication to the subscriber, Farmer's { Mills, Peansvaliey. : LEWIS LONGWELL. June 3d. 1828. Johan M’Kinley, Jr. TAILOR, Informs his friends and the public, that he has commenced the above ba siness in the Borough of Bellefonte. His shop is on the north east end of the lot north of the Bank, and directly across the street. He will work cheap for cash or country produce, all kind of which will be taken in payment. Bell -tonte, June 3d 18923. ~- Six Cen eward Runaway from the subscriber; liv ing in Hains township, Centre county, on Sunday the 18th instant, an indent- ed apprentice named JOHN THOMAS, of small stature, black hair, and with- out hat or shoes at the time he ab- ssonded. The above reward will be given, but no charges paid, for his ap prehension. HENRY REEDER. Hains township, May 22d. 1823. 7H : WANTED, Immediately an Apprentice to the CARPENTER BUSINESS. One between the ages of sixteen and eighteen would be preferred. In- quire of the subscriber, residing on DAVID I. PRUNER. N.B. Also, wanted, a JOURNEY- MAN CARPENTER, whom con- stant employment and generous wages will be given, by the subscribers, re- siding on Buffaloe Run. DAVID I. PRUNER, JOHN BARR. Spring township, May 28, 1823. AN ACT FOR the recovery of fines assessed ufion citizens of this state, for the non-fierformance of wmulitary duty during the late war with Great Britain, and for other purposes. WHEREAS it is enacted in and by t MARES. an Act of Congress, passed the fourth day of May, eighteen hundred and the Ubpited States have to the fines assessed upon the citizens of the state of Pconsylvania lor the non-perior- ed of (he provisions of the said Act o with about 80 acres of cleared land—! of the court to four months imprison- ment ; one a mulattoe, BRANU high, stout built and very down look. = Congress upon the terms and condi tions mentioned in the fourth section thereot. THEREFORE Sect. 1. Be it enacted by the Sen. ate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and itis here-| by enacted by authority of the same.) That the Auditor General be and he is hercby authorised and required, 10 take legal measures to recover alll |monies in the bands of those who now fare, or heretofore have been, Mar- Ishals év Deputy Marshalls, or which may be in the haods ol their legal re- preseutatives which may have been collected from the fines atoresaid, after deducting the expense of assessing and collecting the same, and also to, settle and adjust the accounts of the said Marshais and Deputy Marshals, {for monies by them collected as afore. | sion and delivery at the jail in Bell & funte or ten doliats for either of then J. BUTLER, Sif. NOTICE. The subscribers inform their friends and the public, that they have DOW ID complete operation the CARDING MACHINE formerly owned by Rankin & Steel The rolls svall be made in the bese manner and on the shortest noticed They also have in complete opperas tion a | Cotton Machinery 3 where yarn of any quality may be procured, suitable to the aceommo: dation of every person wishing td purchase. They also have a number ot looms for the purpose of weaviiy, said, under the provisi i of the act of, SUMtable to all kinds of country work. the thirtieth March, eighteen bundred and eleven, entitled,“ An act to amend! and cooselidate the several acts vela- ting to the settlement of the public accounts and payment of the public monies, and for other purposes,” aud for this purpose he is hereby authge. ised and required to exercise the same powers for compelling the said Mar. < ‘Ishals and Deputy Marshals, or their legal representatives, to rended their respective accounts, and lor procuring the attendance of persons whether par. ty or witnesses,and the exhibition and delivery of books, accounts, documents and papers which have any relation lo, or connection with, the said ac- counts or fines, and which he may dec necessary in the investigation and adjustment of the same, as are or may be exeicised in the case of other debtors or delinquent public officers of thls Commonwealth. Provided that na proceeding shall be instituted against them or any of them previous to the first day of August next, And justing the accounts aforesaid, the accounting officers shall allow a credit ‘0 the several Marshals and Deputy by them, to the officers ihe Courts Martial beld under the authority of the laws of the United States, and the laws of the Common- wealth of Peonsyivenia fur the wial of delinquent militia men. SECT. 2 And be it further ervacted by ihe authority aforesaid, That it shall be the duty of the Auditor Gens eral to procure for the use and benefit of the Commonwealth, the bonds or authenticated copies of the same, Ziv provided also, that in seltliog and ad-| Marshals for all sums heretofore paid) composing! bave berctolore patronised them 1 continue to do so ; and ail those who are favorable to domestic manuf.c- tures are most respecifully solicitec ‘to extend toeir patronage, Word shall be done with dispatch and oi the most reasonable terms. LAMBERT & BROTHERS. Bellefonte, May 20, 1823, wv respectfully invite those wio Valuable Real Estate For Sale. BY ORDER OF THE ORPHANS COURT OF CENTRE COUNTY; Will be exposed to public vendue on the premises on Friday the 20th day of June next, the following des cribed property, being the real estate that was of John Juck, late of Fergus Son township in said county, deceas: ed : . Oane lot of ground No. the © 2. situate in Town of Springfield, with a house and stable thereon erected One lot of ground No. 8, situate is Said town, with a small frame house and kitchen thereon — A 2 Four other Lows No’s459 and 12 situate in said own, cleared and fends CQ ~ a ALSO, “Two acres 100 perches of an out lot adjoining said town. en and executed by the said Maishals and Deputy Marshals and their res- pective sureties, who have received monies collected from the fines afore- said, and which bouds or autheptica- ed copies shall be evidence in Courts »f Justice on any suits brought on the, same, and also to cause this act to be published in one or more newspapers, printed within the bounds of each bri- yade, and all the expenses incurred by bim in performing the dutics en) joined by this act; shall be paid out of tne State Treasury on the seulement and approval of an account thereof by the accountant department. JOSEPH LAWRENCE, Sficaker of the House of Repfiresentatives., WILLIAM MARKS, Jg. Speaker of the Senate. APPROVED —Aprii the first one| thousand eight hundred and twenty. three, i JOSEPH HIESTER. April 22 RNOTIOC] 4 OE 2 Take notice that John P. De Haas is no longer agent for the executors of the late John Nixon, esq. his au- thority to lease and rec ive rents ceas- for leasing must be made to i May 15, 1823. $20 REWARD, Escaped from the Jail of Centre ° wo prisoners, confined by M, about 5 feet 7 or 8 1uches , ; ; 750 Prizes ed some the since. All applications 756 Blaoks J Ist. drawn No. on 1st. day’s 12nd 13d. 14h. TERMS of sale, one half of the pug chase money to be paid in hand, and the residue in one year without inteps est, to be secured by Bond and Mort gage. Due aitendance will be given by George Boal and William Murray administrators, Certified by F. B SMITH, Clk. 0. CG, Registers Office April 29th 1823. AABONZBURG CHULOH LOT UWalW, SCHEME. $500 200 100 50 25 io 5 3 2 50 Prize of ” » 15 “3 13} 5 » 3 is » bl] » ” ba » » Bs500 9 20 OU 100 75 100 140 159 1638 fr 65 et w— - } H. NIXON, |!300 Tickets at $2 00 each, $3000 00 surviving cxecutgr, Subjectto a deduction of 20 per-cents. |TO BE COMPLETED IN FIVE! DAYS DRAWING AS FOLLOWS: VIZ: drawing 204d. day 3d, do 4th do 5th do do do do do do do do do {3 3 ; 25 40 ic th. 500 county on the night of the 8th inst. The rest all floating prizes, liable scuteuce to be drawn on the first day’s drawing The prizes shall be punctually paid named JOHN (deducting 20 per-cent ) sixty days fier the drawings are completed. The protits arising from (his Lots with a bell on. They are supposed . i toi. dese} each to be about seven years old. cres Improvements, 2 log dwelling|y, i : €o Bouse anditarn, out houses. AR pba wper or owners are desired to seventy or eighty acres cleared; six.[c0Mme forward, prove property, pay teen of which are meadow—a bear.(charges, and take them away. ‘ing APPLE and PEACH orchawd,| SAMUEL FULTON The other a white man, named tery, areto be applied ‘to the extins SAMUEL TAYLOR, about 30 years guishment of a debt incurred in the. of age, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches in height, erection of a Church or House : speaks broken English, says that be Worship in Aaronsburg. was raised in Laocasier county and © ADAM NEIDIGH, German extraction. The above Re} DANIEL KEEN. 200 mance of militia duty during the late war with Great Britain; shall be and the same is hereby vested in the said state to be recovered by the same un- der such regulations, provisions and restrictions, as shall be prescribed by the legislature thereof. And whereas § Mandy et J