Uaitad States, of the follows . « Resolved, that the hill entitled act declaring wir agamst Great Brit. tain and her denendencies, and the Unit- ed States and their territories,” be re- metted to the com nittee to whom was com pitted the message of the President. of the first Instant, with i clions to modify and am:nd the came in such a manner that the Pres:- of the United States sha have auth rise the public armezd 1 vessel ¢ of the United States repr upon the public and is ps vessels, gi oods at 1d) » 16 the erown of com stad 0 It po ywer to Lie Ps anc To m= ke Tim ivate merchandize, be aug isals ant 1 first of June, asining Post, to the 16h of April. + A vork of destruction tenants, lhew codeol laws, and had preduced Wage, 152: | John M’Kinley, Jr. rp I'AILOR, Informs his friends and the public, that he has commenced the above ba. siness in the Borough of Bellefonte. flis shop is on the north east end of the lot north of the Baok, and directly cross the street. He will work cheap for cash or country produce, all) kind of which will be taken in payment. Belictonie, June 3d 1823. The Dublin papers state that the is sull success- tally carried on by General Rock aud 11s mon. A great number of dwelling houses and out houses, with their contents, in the surrounding country, were lestioyed, A Mr. C. Brouder and Mr. Cross had their premises fired. and the cause assigned by the gener: al’s men was, that they had taken ‘farms over we heads of their former which was contrary 1g his ed of the provisions of the said Act of] Congress upon the terms and condi tions mentioned ia the fourth section thereol. THEREFORE Sect. 1. Be it enacted by the Sen. ate and House of Representatives of] the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and (tis here- tby enacted bY authority of the same. ‘That the Auditor General be and he is hereby authorised and required, to ake legal measures to recover all monies in the hands of those who now are, or herctofore have been, Mar- sion and delivery a at the joi fonte ot ten fora for sith Uh The subscribers inform 5G friends and the public, that they i. ve now in complete operation the CARDING MACHINE 4s formerly owned by Rankin & Sieel The rolls shall be made in the b. st 5 manner and on the shortest not €s Bs G eal of Britain} ov (othe subj CLS ( | ) thereof ; 111 the Usted ki aed ni 1 Teelaud, 1e usual pusishment, baring he FOR SALE. ne also {o jetters of { ant ant | u ie r suitable regulations to provid. ite the bill, to. private ar- +d shit ys and vessels, to m ka like re- Tinks ihe ection of Axprew GREGG whose only motive a d tendency we alrearly declared, and shall here: afier more particularly shew, was, on the day following, the eleventh ol, sapported with all their zeal a! the force of every federalist in enate, and for the moment pre against the koown sense and deiermination of the democratic par- ty On the re sported: an rey : 18 1 mn ! have tie voted 12:h of June, the committe: bill agreeably to the in ‘HCLIODS iets n in the reso'utions ol Mr Gregg, with a praposed amend- ent to 1s tle, Striking owe the words laring war,’ apd sw situting the | oi ¢ authorising re frisals.” Upon| the iestion bem put, whether this Lill should be adopted, with the pro: posed amendmeut to sfrike out, prev GREGG, with fifteen others ¢f whom were notorious voted in favor of vy every sound den ocrat voting azalast it Another expediznt to distract and ball: the republican party was short 1v «fF erwards, on the hitesnth of June 1312, devised by ano'h:r senator, bey Ww S$, al marge and premises. An clegant tract of land, situate in Baldeagle containing 210 Several fires were seen in the coun- ty of Coik. —lD Er Charleston, (5. C.) May 17, By the brig Charles, we have re- ceived Mantanzas papers fo the 10th inst inclusive. I'he trade of puacy begins to be one of much danger and listle piofit, since the establishment ol convoys on the Cuba coast by Commo {dore Porter ; and the constant cruiz- mgr ol his vessels on the north side of the Island, and that of the British on the southern side, will we hope com- pletely finish the business of outiawed robbery and waoton murder. ri tim— From the Montrose (Penn. ) Gazelle There appears to be a scarcity of Henry James, and others, is well improved, and is one of those lately owned by J. P. De Hass, pur- chased by Mrs. Craig, and sold by her to Thomas Goodwin, Philadelphia. For terms apply to him, ov to Wm R. Smith, Hurtingdon. June 3d. 18238. FOR SALE. AN-| Federalistsy! wheat throughout this county; wel The subscriber will sell, at have therelore to depend on the + L vii {coun ry’ tor our flour. This is not as 1 should be, the fault is with the farmers, Too much attention has Bellefonte, |tillories ; and our prudent agriculiurs -l. lists must ere this bave seen their mistake. . and commodious Lit TAN-HOUSE, Mobile, May 1. fwith.a good Two seamen belonging to the brig! Phoenix were, on Tuesday, commit-| TANYARD, township, Centre county, acres more ot less, adjoining lands of The land private sale, the HOUSE & LOT he now occupies, situate in the Borough of The lot contains two and been paid to raising rye for the dis- 5 half acres, and has also erected oq ita good dwelling house, and a large shals or Deputy Marshalls, or which (may be in the hands of their legal re- presentatives which may have been collected trom the fines atoresaid, after deducting the expense of assessing and collecting the same, and also to settle and adjust the accounts of the said Marshals and Deputy Marshals, for monies by them collected as afore- sald , under the provisions of the act of the thirtieth March, eighteen hundred and eleven, entitled, *¢ An act to amend and consolidate the scveral acts rela- ting to the settlement of the public accounts and payment of the public monies, and for other purposes,” and for this purpose he is hereby author- ised and required to exercise the same powers for compelling the said Mar- shals and Deputy Marshals, or their legal representatives, to render their respective accounts, and for procuring the attendance of persons whether par- ty or witnesses, and the exhibition and delivery of books, accounts, documents and papers which have any relation to, or connection with, the said ac- counts or fines, and which he may deem necessary in the investigation and adjustment of the same, as are or ton a Cotton Machinery. where yain of any quality maj | procured, suitable to the acec dation of every person wishing 10, purchase. They also have a num’ er of looms for the purpose of weaving, suitable to all kinds of country wort 1 They respectfully invite those who have heretofore patronised them to” continue to do so ; and all those who are favorable to domestic manuf c+ tures arc most respectfully solicited to extend taeir patronage. Work shall be done with dispatch and oll the most reasonable terms. LAMBERT & BROTHERS. Bellefonte, May 20, 1823. Yi 4 Valuable "Real or For Sale. BY ORDER OF THE ORPHANS COURT OF CENTRE COUNTY, Will be exposed to public vendue onthe premises on Friday the 20th ; debtors or delinquent public officers of this Commonwealth. ne proceeding shall be instituted Provided that| may be exercised in the case of other{day of June next, the following des. .cribed property, being the real estate that was of John Jick, late of F crgu- They also have in complete. opps consisting of seventeen tan vats, with two lime vats, baites, &c. t=d to jail fcr stabbing the mate of against them or any of them previous son township in said county, deceass : “els, brig, and cap ain Cornell, of the Dr. Micgael Leip, whose politics to the first day ot August next. And ‘eds may weil be eomnpired with these The terms Mr. Gregg. Hos plan differed but Lutte froma bis colleague’ : but to chew his adoption of fidirsl notions. his accordance with vulgar fed- eral clamor then ratsed against the demaciauc party, he had embodied in bis project. hostiiities as well agains. ¥ ance as (3rew Briraing and in favor of this impirovemrnt, we find Mr Gregg on that day record ne his vote, dppcatly © with all the federalists Nac was he satisfied with this hberal play’ of his opposition ; for an the sventeepth day of June 1812, he sub. mitted a motion remodeling the idea of his fiend Dr. Leip for issuing letters of marge and reprisal 2gains ance and Eagland ; and for this he LU rincd every federal vote, though 1 was finally and eficctaally put Sang by a repuahican majority. Ir confirmation of the federalism ol Me Gregg, displayed in particu- Jar ane of the most siriking, crit- cal and trying epochs of our history. tended to have added another proof ; a document from under his own land Bot ourallotied space for to cov is more than exhausted, and the ihject well deserves patient devel- op ant and cons deration, More a the is at WC li LO. ——) Ow The vote in favor of Jay’s treaty, given by Mr Grice in congress, in 1796, was considerca by all partics as a decisive proot of his apostacy, and of his conversion to federalism. A reference to Cobbett s Pohical Ceisor, of that year, will shew that Andrew Gregg, the man who is now the fod coral candidate For Governor of Peon syivania, wuS then heid up, even by «pat detestable British hiveling, as ao ubj act for the admiradon of all feder. alists, ilo federalists and Laglish Taint, hee uae of his vote in the fa of the Birash treaty vd that M. Geewp was one of the converts, and favorably distin in publishing, his name Ngee of other members, Iu the treaty Such a And (GGeeoer is ther fore a candidate support ol the time, vor new ¢ riched, Linnng grivieg Jay VOILCS, ow for 1c tlic present oO rank iin Gazette. Yan {it \ iS xi t ti federal pacity a y J et Ty Pa ESC Ny ROY APL. WMtack the French Fortress of St. Sckas- s are said to have dis- de- of sO die 3 oh (QC tian, tion. sed themselves to suc h grec. that the Duke d’ Angouieme dis- tributed erpsses of hooor to them with his own hands, The i observed him ordered forward a 24 pound LY tnev were So slow in mounting «it that re Duke had time to leave the grou ih. 44 hen fided off, the ball passed through house, and suck a pla toon precisely where the Duke had been disteibuting: his decorarions, killed aod wounded fillicen the soldier i a Spaniards hav- 34 from fort, AL their I'rvom the New York Advocate. IRELAND By the ship Giecaner, Sapein Puase, | arrived yesterday [rom Londonderry, | ve have recived the Derry Journal} lof Cobbeit]. | schr. Sopia ot Philadelphia, SUICIDE. Dr. Daniel A. Wheeler, of Lisle, Broom County, hung himself on Mon- day last—supposed to have been de- ranged. may be known by application subscriber. BENJAMIN WILLIAMS, May 27th 1823. MARRIED —On Thursday the 29th u't. by the Rsv. Winrniam Sru- art, Col WILLIAM MURRAY to Miss MARGARET HUEY, both of Ferguson Township. Oa Monday last, in tlis Jorongh by the Re Me. MGARRAH, Mr. DANI¥L MKIVISTON to Vaiss SARAH CUJ.L. i ee — Pe OCG Meeting, A meting of the Democrats of Cen. Si Reward tre county, is requasied, to be held at the court hou e, in the Borough off Rubaway from the subscriber, Bellefonte, on Friday the 20:h day of’ jing in Ilains township, Centre county, June, Instant, to put in riomination; on Sanday the 18th instant, an indent- some suitable person ut the Demo cratic party, and a citizen of Penasyl- ed apprentice named vapia, as a candidate for the office off JOHN THOMAS, Ts a } beg Pr esident of small stature, black hair, and with- f the United States. The members! of the Cammitice ot Correspondence or Centre county, are requested to'szonded attend on that day for the purpose of organ.z ng. liv- pout hat or shoes at the time be ab- be given, but no charges paid, lor his ap- The above reward will MANY. |preheosion. HENRY REEDER. Hains township, May 2° 22d 1823 OL WANTED, Immediately an Apprentice to 2 de CARPENTER BUSINESS. One between the ages of sixteen and In- GEO. HENNING, HATTE and customers, that he has again com-| Respectiuily informs friends menced the HATTIN BUSINESS, in Bellefonte, in a shop adjoining the, cighteen would be preferred. G quire of the Buffaloe Run. DAVID I. PRUNER. N.B. Also, wanted, a JOURNEY- MAN CARPENTER, 'stant employment and generous wages subscriber, residing oo house formerly occupied by Charles Huston Esq. ; where he intends to Water! whom con- Stiffened Hats, {will isiding on Buffaloe Run. DAVID I. PRUNER, JOHN BARR. S# pring township, May 28, 1823. JT VEY AN ACH FOR the recovery of fines assesaecd) upon citizens of this Jor the of wulitary duty war with Great Jor other purposes. WHEREAS it is enacted in and by keep a general assortment of Proof and Common b b . e given the subscribers, re- which may be bad on moderate terms 5 » oy ; He flatters himseif that hie can give general satis. bv whole sale or retail. faction, as he has been lately to the city, snd has procured good stuffs. Country lamb wool will be taken in at his shop lor trade. BOR SALE. The subscriber offers for state, pon-performance g the Britain, and fal Pp tec C rR CRT sale a pe |iCt lecontlains one acre and a and] men. HOUSE & LOT in Laclysburg, now occupied by Wal- Longwell as a tavern. The fourth; the house is a commodious one, and the stabling good. Itis as excelicnt (of Pcaonsylvania lor the nov-perior- s and for cither Tavein or Stare. | mance of militia duty during the late Possession will be given on the first) war with Great Britain, shall be and [ April next. Ady person wishing to the sane js hereby vested in the said p: webhase can know the tens by ap- .istat € to be recovered by the same un- tolication to the subscriber, Farmer’ sider such regulations, provisions and Muss, Pennsvaliey. restrictions, as shall be prescribed by lan Act ot Cot ogress, passed the fourth ot and ‘twenty two, that all the right which | the United States have to the fiaes assessed upon tue citizens of the state Xs SGA to the shall be the duty of Lhe Auditor Gen- day of May, eighteen hundred and 'ment ; one a mulatioe German extraction firovided also, that in settling and ad- justing the accounts aforesaid, the! rccounting officers shall allow a credit to the several Marshals and Deputy. Marshals for all sums heretofore paid by them, to the officers composin the Courts Martial held under the. authority of the laws of the United! States, and the laws of the Common- eaith of Penusyivania for the trial of lelinquent militia men. Sect. 2 And be it further enacted the authority aforesaid, That it by cral to procure for the use and benefit ff the Commonwealth, the bonds or authenticated copies of the same, giv- :n and executed by the said Marshals and Deputy Marshals and their res- pective sureties, who have received monies collected from the fines afore- said, and which bonds or authentica- ted copies shall be evidence in Courts. of Justice on any suits br ought on the same, and also to cause this act to be published in one or more newspapers, orinted within the bounds of each bri- rade, and all the expenses incurred yy bim lu performing the duties en-| joined by this act, shall be paid out of the State Treasary on the settlement and approval of an zccount thereof by the accountant department. JOSEPH LAWRENCE, Speaker of the House of Refiresentatives. WILLIAM MARKS, Jr. Speaker of the Senate. ArprovED — April the first one thousand eight hundred and tweaty. three, { JOSEPH HIESTER. April 22 NOTICE, Take notice that John P. De Haas | is no longer agent for the executors ; of the late John Nixon, esq. his au- ed some time since. All applications for leasing must be made to H. NIXON, May 15, 1823. REWARD. Escaped from the Jail of Centre county on the night of the 8th two inst,! B igh, stout built and very down look.! The other a white man, of age, 5 was raised in Lape The he a and of} Lew 5 LO jth legislature thereof. And whereas VLLL. e shove Re- - - thority to lease and receive rents ceas- 750 Prize Ist. drawn No. on 1st. day’s 2nd 3d. { 4th. ‘5th. risoners, confined by sentence to be drawn on the first da lof the court to four months imprison- | Oue lot of ground No. 2. struate in the Town of Springfield, with a house and stable thereon erected One lot of ground No. 6. situate in said town, with a small frame housed and kitchen thereon— Four other Lots No's4 5 9 and 12 situate in said town, cleared and fence ed i ALSO, Two acres 100 perches of an out lot adjoining sald town. TERMS of sale, one half of the pure i ‘chase money to be paid in hand, and ‘the residue in one year without inter- ost to be secured by Bound and Morte gage Dee attendance will be given by | George Boal and William Murray | administrators, Cerufied by I. B SMITH, Clk. O. C. Registers Office April29th 1823, AABONSBURG CRU RO! & LO LEB. SCHEME. $500 200 100 50 Prize of » 1 1 1 2 3 1 0 8 50 654 1500 Tickets at $2 00 each, $3000 00 750 Bink? a surviving execulor, Sect to a deduction of 20 per-cent, ITO BE COMPLETED IN FIVE DAYS DRAWING AS FoLLows! Viz: 3 2 26 50 50 500 The rest ali floating prizes, liable drawing 2nd. day 3d, do 4.h do 5th do do do do do do do do do y's drawing The prizes shall pe ounctually paid | » bamed JOHN (deducting 20 per-cent ) sixty days RANUNMI, about 5 feet 7 or 8 inches fier the drawings are completed, 9 The prolits arising from this Lod) pamcd ery are to be applied to the extiga SAMUEL TAYLOR, about 30 years, guishment of a debt incurred in the! 5 feet 8 or 9 inches ip height erection of a Charch or House o | speaks broken Loglish, says that Le Worship in Aaronsburg. ADAM NEIDIGH, DANIEL KEEN. : } Maras