(ees Geof = ms ———— onTon’S SQUADRON. n extract of a letter from an officer or board of the Juckall, dated off Havanna, Apri 9, 1823 } « \When we arrived at Key West, gor Thompson's Island) on the 2d of April, I was in hopes the commodore would have allowed us to remain for |F 3 i a + | Notfor himself, but for his country.” | | WEDNESDAY, June 4. PROVIDENTIAL ESCAPE: On Monday the 26th ult. on 3 PATRIOW i ‘ | the Fy or ad ys oi gheily of lt ome ers should have twenty bours, instead of two, to hold their election for a Tie Democratic Catholics. in this county, estimate this FEDERAL Pastor. Trick as they onghi. Too intelligen to be imposed epon, and too Demo- ~ ratic to change their politcal creed nN. un A hed a 4% % Nh 3 ps . W ~ -» : J Fe 2ef \ re 10 be a neural during the Revol. Then to begin the Reformation, {1onaly War, « He that Is not for uy Let us have a Corporation, fis against us” 1 do pat bolicve that Of Pr LES & Po FINS: barks blisters, there was any other youn man simi- 7 hee 6 olroters » 1 5 Sal-marinum, putes & glisters ; darly circumsianced, that did not take Cathartic doses for pnrgation, b Ly RE di ; : {an active part ong way or the othen, Mercurial drugs for salvation. Althe’ IDDGE WALK | 0 Lhe Iesenl Jiao 4 z Ne In my si ; stated 10k She presenti, of ihe District: court of the, Twit. Xecutly d given evidence ob ¢ : : executive had given evidence ol anh 4 Sires) wos then but Blieen years tical bearing, inthe adminis | bw For Turn PatRi0T. aristocra | { game tithe 10 the port, 10 refresh our road betweenfthis Borough and W bite-| a man di-cbarged a Ri-| selves ; but within ha!f so hour afles j,i Tavern our, arrival, Capt Stevens reccived fe, near to the road side. Mr. Ham-| orders lo prepare immediately for ajn,,-4 of this town was passing along] three week's cruize. Oo the 4th fly (he time in his Dearbourn, having April we gol Bader Seg rd Fup 1n-compapy with bim Mrs Carpenter down to the South Wes: end of thel, 4 Miss Martha Park, of Puiladel Island, and efter taking in nur WALET) Ghia. The bill entered the Dear- géturned to out (ANChOTage In 188 hat lho n, passed through the bounet off bor. On Sunday morning, April 6:0 Afiss Pork, and narrowly missed go- the Fox and Jackall accompanied byl, through ber head. This haut fhe Caters Sailinipper and Msi serve sa caution to those accustom to, all onder the command of Capticd, carelessly, to five near the high: Cassin, weighed anchor and stood tol way. sea. On Monday morning, we aril. ved off the Havana, wheo the Jack- ‘all run into harbor for information, and to procure any letters the cousul : might have received for the officers a lew weeks since, to organize an, op- of the squadron, Whilst we lay atposition to Mr. Shulze, for his vote HARRISBURG MEE FING. A meeting was held in Harrisburg, . of ape, ; carcely able tashaulder for wifes, the ata a wd scarcely able ta shoulder | rgvernmen Xe. . ; {hs . e goyeriu 1S musket, (red with a spirit of soug once extensive and alanmng. 1 with aioism. worthy of Satvat: nw. nursye: the subject tittle far-f.y OUsm, worthy ol a hale avis now, pu sue tne su ject a ttle. tu {ed age, he voluntecied his SErvices iw ther. The federalis's have repeatedly fefence of his ho iurcdt and bleed - " i ALAN > ined air oC ber exposed their aristocratical PrNCHRCSG LL antey sand Io 2 v6 dav this 471 ly es . A 4 ’ HS ay 1 (ru \ othine more than their cot tn waar ; NAG : both nothing ure uae ME veveat man, prides himself In having red cry for incorporations. Say theysiicen a Drommer in the Aprerican a «let us have corporations ;—every ig. 1 A Shy! y 7 od : hi (ny. J. A Suanize had amved at thine is well done when itis done bylaiaiuritv. and a-t ‘ ‘ © : : yo Nr A maturity yand acted as Andrew Greog an Incoiporated company it the fay ost soridiny’ did, Ti would: not = , ai 3 Yoihodp ; 2 a hd people cf Centre County, and of Peot-lioy him, No, indeed 3 he would vot sylvania, had never knowa the tru ‘Ihave been toe candidate 'of Whe demo . . . - x | . \ io character of these kind of associations, crane party no. matter what might have ben their o:tensible object, certainly they JCC y 10) — cannot say but they bave seen within From the Franklin Gaz tie } { Ne FANKA ve Zoe, three years past what thy are, and PIR i ERAL CANDIDATE , av te v iy, ; * vi - Bin } 2 Ae what they tend to. and what chace| \V. have asscried that the claim ofsuccess an individual has mn attempt {oe yn hy the moticy convention a iset uy he : sition at fzderalists have but al(ration of the state poor chance to make Convers o! , them, ry — THE ELECTION. No manrer of doubt exists as to the election of Mr. Stuwwe In Union county Hiester received a majority ol 500; Mr. Shulzd’s prajorny, this cl- cclion, will be upwards of 600. lo Bucks county Hisster’s majority cx- ceeded 11003 Shulze’s majority wiil exceed 600. In Northampton connty Findlay had a majority of only 8503 Mr. Shnlze’s majority will be upwards 5f 2000. In Berks and Schuylkiil counties Hicster bad a majority cf, 1900: Shulz= will receive a majority beyond ali d'spate in both of them ry ha FRANKLIN, on aoa aochor there, we were informed that a piratical schooner hid been off the WA i harbor the evening before and plun- Committee’s of Correspondence were! dered two American vessels After appointed for the diffrent counties, communicating Ou intelligence 10 pope (he mombers of the Catholic, Capt. Cassin, he dispatched the cutters, °l Gallinipper and Mu:quito in the eve. church were supposed to be the mosy ning, under the command of Captain numerous. Jeremiah Menin, of this Siribling, to windward, in pursuit of poroyeh, Edmund Burke and John p the pirate, They fell in with her| Lok : yesterd.y morning, {April gth) about M'Gavern, 9 n’clock~=—about 20 miles to the east-itre county. - ward of this port. She was along side] wentlcmen were not’ consulted 83 to and about boarding a vessel, when ®7 Jit : the boats hove in sight. Capt. Strib-| this matter, and it is a very fair pre- ling immediately gave chase, and af-sumption, ter a running fight of one hour, came ‘up, boarded and captured her.—- I'he; pirate continued the fight unul our t boats were along side, when they ceeding is a DEVICE, a TRICK, t jumped overboard, and swam ashore. Chr carvent ald dgseive. the Cathotc One ot the crew only remained on board, being unable to swini, and was democrats, So far taken prisoner. Que of the boats re-'quainted, in this county, we can safely, mained along side to take possession of the schooner, whilst the other pur- ‘sued the Pirate ashore The Pirate succeed. bad but two men kiled-=but Bo) mat puslish an article, at the instance ol nunber mis havo bon WOU, 3 Meni, signed with bis mame.— beach into the woods. None of our party were cither killed or wounded, | wiich was very remarkable, as the Pian with us can bear® testimony to his rates kept up a continual fire of mus. quotry and grape, which feil in show | eis around the heads ef our men. character, and undeviating Repabli- i: Tae captured schoober had betweenly ism. In religion, Mr. Meola is 1:80 and 40 men (our prisoner Says 36 x "mounted one 12 pounder, and was ~ pientifully supplied with muskets, Pp ec T >apt. ave : : y BRS i ot pL. ede 3 very ics, He is not ashamed of baving it lion—-be stood on the quarter deck,said; that he belongs to the first “along side of a pile of mugkets, which) Christian Church establislied on earth, he ery leisurely picked up and gis. and from which all others have dis charged, leaving but one, (and this bad burned priming) which he had Sente not fired, before he jumped overboard. !approves of the conduct of Mr. Hogan Our prize was an American vessel, of Philadelphia ; but, we believe, he called the Pilot of Norfolk, and was taken about two weeks ago, in sight of Moro Castles The Capt saw her in the harbor, and was so much pleas ed with her sailing, that he offered 3 | or $4000 for her, which the owner | refused to accepi—the pirate then told him, that if he would not take that sum, he would have her for noth ing—and the threat he accordingly ‘put in execution. Capt. Skinner, of the Wild Cut, which arrived here last evening, informed us that the evening previous, Capt. Newton of the Beagle. and himself had fallen in with the Pi- lot and exchanged several shots with her ; but night coming op, they were ‘unable to pursue her any distance. “This was the evening before she was captured by our boats. April 16th we rot under weigh and stood to the westward-—at 6 A. M. the Musuito on the Catholic Bill, as it is called.—~| | | were appointed for Cen It is evident that these that those also who were appointed for some of the other coun- ics were not, and that the whole pro- as we are ac- and do confidently say, that it will pot In this week's paper we With Mr. Mex the citizens of this county are long and well acquainted, independency of mind, his c¢xcellent and ever has been a catholic ; baving never changed his religion or his pol- d. He is one of those who dis- at the same time laments the disturb- ance that has taken place in the church, as much as any one of its members having its intercst and wel- fare at heart, can do. Ile is none of your cphemeral politicians, your yes- terday Republicans : he is one of those who sought and found ao assylum in this country from British oppression, and is not going to desert his earliest pronciples at this late day. After all the dust that has becn raised by the federalists, about the Catholic Question, and all their exer, tions to create a religious excitement in their favor, we believe that Mr. I Jes en i Fw taw nin behalf vf the republic. WL laut~m of ANDREW GREGG, 1 them to an observance of rights. MHoennous and wdouded addition to the M AMMOT LAW! A Palit incorporating a vast number of Turn pike companies, the faders! Legisl ‘Er e . ag) - » Ture of 1830 - 23, when jhey hada ma Ve might'now procesd 10 commen jority in the House of Representa Loo 0 02 0 Sukie (or Governor Sy. tives, attempied to pass a Law creat Hv andi the bre otis Ne Cf ng a m dical, or physical MOnOPaly toe vivania, Bot haviag he Pond or corpors lan ™) he freer, WiOls we yesterday intimated, 1he nRohee were generally Hiesier’s friends, goti ide we shall nase AN up a Petition for a law, that no persontis oie Wi on ‘Si AR should be permitted to follow thelr d war of independence, the war trade of a Physician, unless he bhadioe 104) : got : performed a certaio tou‘ine of study, ander a licensed master, and at certala SCH )OL3y COLLEGES, AND UNIVERSE Ties, and then obtain a licease from & hoad of Physicians, to be created in Cumberland County will give Shuize a large majority ; Findlay received on- lv 53. Puiladeiphia City and county gave Hiester upwards of 2300 major ry; Shuize wil receive a hand some majority In the county ; and the D:mocratic party havinz united ip the City, will reduce the Federal ma jority to less than 1000. We con- oratulate our Democratic brethren of this county upon the fair prospect of correct principles being again ascen- dant in Pennsylvania. We are aware, that this county will do better than i didin 1820; we speak w th ceitaun ty of the Democratic majoriiy being greatly incicaseq. Hiester’s whole majority in 1820 was only 1560. The change in the counties enumerated by 5S distiia Fits d face don from principle, as cariy as 1796, has been proved by a feronceito the congie stonal journals of that day. \ d | | c In the Spring of 1812, ANDREW (GrEGG was at Washington, a ticm- her of the senate of the United States from Poonsylvatia. On the fist of June 1812, President Madison trans- aius, alone, amount to near £0,000, A similar change of sentiment pervades every county in the state in a greater each coun y or district. The highly aristocratic tendency of this law is ob vious to the most sufierficial observe ‘nitted tofthat body his celebrated and wimirable war message, recapitulal- ae the wrongs endured hy the Usited or less degree, : , lesser ft is very certain that the Heard o! Physicians, contemplated by the Till, as rejected by a demscratic senate would Yake care that the numbe: should pot be so increased as to injure the trade ; but beside the onti-repub. tican p inciple of vesting so unlimit states, and recommending that we hould « oppose force by force in de- ence of our national rights, and coin- mit a just cause into the hands of the Vimiehty Disposer of evens,” hy de- Saving war apainst Geeat Britain, [pian : This message was he matuied pros ed autioriiy na fow men, i would ed-lnice of ali those princip es of inter. fectually prevent any but the RICH ig i501 1aw and of fore gn reiations, gv ths Sone ot the Rich, on emits, which tre democratic party, SINCE { 4 2 10 ie pro €S5101) is Nt se won { ] ee n TH a Son three or four years to college, and dats. s most persevering ly and ne then other three or four yearsito at-ldi.nilv contended. The people of this tend the Lectures at Phijadelphia, a5 lepuntry hailed it as the neces S4rys the Was required vy the Bill; yet a sulll- wise, and the pairiotic conswinoiuiion cient knowledge of the profession Calf the republican policy, snd the nan - be acquired to enab’c a man to be use| ful without any such thing. In fact. | tonal THrhise some of our bést Physicians, never) The recommendation of democratic learned the dead languages, at all ;ladini.istration was, of course, essailed and perhaps attended the lectures noliyy ull the force, tiie eit and manages longer thao obe Or two seasons. [tment of federatismn Fo prevent tive isJo fact saying, that a man can learn ise pate from acgeding to i , became an or khow nothing, unless it is withse {ohicet with every oie cf its opposing the walls of a college, a position which, treacherous ENEmbCLs : and the all ought to deny and every farmer in the country resist, This abominably aristecratical dis- position, is characteristic of the pres: ent administration, and 1s admirers — The federalists, generally speaking, are wealthy, and able to send then sens to Co lege, and all this, & there. tore wished its passage. Every man in the community tha ~bhors iucorporated Aristocracics, will turn cut and vote for John A lf represeniatives, who had already Shulze, the democraic candidate ; tor l1ocided upon the subject, sent a con li- if Andiew Gregg succeeds, the at-flential message to the senate, asking «UNITED MAN; ” and have NE withiloubtless, be again made choir concrrtencs in “an act deClar= {10 lucorporate the Doctors ling war between Gieat Biuain au a DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICAN, SNYDER. |iheir dependencies, and the Coited without deviaticn, since my arrival in| ay Staics amd their igttiteiies.” 1h act For Tue PaTrior. twas referivd tothe comuniitee to whom Where was Mi. Gkeca during the faad heen refered ihe President's mes- a friend to liberty and equality ; and! Revolutionary War 2 Al lis com jage, A report was therefore made |mencement he must have been 20 0 fing accordance wiih it to the senatd, on v—— In the Harrisborg Chronicle an enquiry is made © where Joan AX prREW SruLzE was during tbe late war 77 We caapot tell where Mr. Shulz=z was ; but we well know where Vr. Greece was. His term having expired as U.S Senator, soon altel his arrival at home, be was appointed Bank President, at) a salary of $1200 a year. THE GRE \T RACE. —The horse Eclifise, of New Yark, has azxain beat the horse matched against him from Virginia, and won the purse of forty thousand dollars, besides smaller bets iv vindecation of both saturul and na- amounting in the aggregate to at least forty thousand more. Rhe first heat Eclipse was beat. The 2nd and 3d, he won with perfect ease, performing the heat, which was four miles, in seven miou.es and forty seconds. secresy with which they deitbeiated relieved them from the dread of 1m- mediate responsibidity to their copstie wens, Among the most artiul and hsingenuous enemies of the war was he very Anprrw GRECG wuo bas ow the effrontery to ask democra’s to aise him to the chair of stale, i op- iositioa to an uniform znd undeyiating Wlvocate of the good old cuust. On the 5th of June 1812, the house ——— For Tae Patriot. I observe that a political meeting lately held in Harrisburg, has ap- pointed me as one of their Corres- pounding Committee, by the name ol « Darby Meargn” The olject of the proposed correspondence, I presume, is to oppose the Democratic paity. In Ireland 1 was what was calleda) { this country, and am one now. 1 am 1 suffered persecution for my principles captured a small boat in shore—at eleven we came to anchor, snd sent alt our boats in chase ofa strange sail in shore—at 2 P. M. they returned, having succeeded in capturing a Jaunch, and burning five houses in pos- session of the Pirates ; the lauer re- treated into the woods at the approach of nur boats, atier firinr a few rounds of musquetry. April 26th we arrived at Kev West, having been 6t day: out of 73 at sca, which 13 considere as very active cruizing far so small yossel. We wiil remain at Key Wes ul the return of the Commodore wis now cruiziog in Sea Gull accompanied by 2 or § cutters, be- tween Havanna and Matanzas.” —— PE SKIRMISHING. Several letters have been received in this city by the ['lizabeth, dated 21. April ("om respectablehouses in Havr. Shulze will reccive the vote of every United Man acquainted with the rise of parties in Pennsylvania, and the un | interrupted hostility of the federal par-! ty to admitting aliens into this coun-! try, on any terms, more especially United Irishmen. FEDERAL CONSISTENCY. When it was supposed that Mr Biyan would be the person nominated 1s the Democratic Candidate for Gov- ernor, a certain Federalist of this Coun. ty, in his endeavors to injure his elec- tion, told one of his protestant neigh- bors that ¢ Bryan and for that reason, he ought not to vote for him. Yet this same Feder- o demo) Tears of ave, and whether welihe 8th of June 1612, which was cone dic Cindideio: t Gor (judge from the information of men oilidered iva comumitee of the whole, ocratic andidaie lor overnory I those times, or his appearance 2) the ‘ninth of Juve; 7 three score and en, he must bavelprew (REGGE, COBIHCHCInY 1.35 insi {bzen a stout, hale young mu full of | pe i : i * ’ -) S an. full olfions opnosition, moved us reconniitls retain t icht u , : : i | : My ¢ he vik se of reason. I peverilife and vigor. and tall’as a Prussianiment for further amendiicit i'he authorized any one to place my pame! Grenadier He would have made, ati further amendment projucied SMOULL: and R casts * Boe looking soldier. Whatled to nothing wore or less than 1he to= ithen was he about { In latter daysiial des on of 1he characictr aud Ob sn i ‘ tal destruc ion ol he Characic 1 OL s rons Wht alk : PE | : ] wish the persons who have taken thelpe was very Patriotic, it (he substitution of a f desredation and wi- in Ireland. As to opposing AN ! i. yy when never have, and never will, while on a corresponding committee, 3 ; Fa would seen, joc 8 ol the act, liberty to do so, to understand that Iifrom what bis friends say, »nd true it praful system © His tliat he 1s, and was at alt times, ready or hostilities, ! : tiaid . wal d K 110 serve the people. Where was hisjrecource 10 fetlers of magic and re further to state, that 0 not Kpow of patriotism during the revolutionary prisal i Fo sucha mode of vindicat- d Irishmen war? Was he io the cabinet, or inling the national honor and righ s, As- . : : ithe tented field? No. This fe srecG well knew tli having been held in this county, tof - 2 This Alou prEW CnpGe, » Jat ; j young man was securely teaching 2a democratic party in COBEYCss wouid oppose tie Democratic candidate, or bit of a school. Yes, while many of pever agree to resort 2 he knew them to act for our first citizens, heads of familiesslio be for war, and aveise to every in- as well as young men, were fichting termediate siage of tempoiistig and - . . . >i foo linsit ed d unhesitatingly decling serving. 1 wis’ he dimited aud any meeting of Naturalize luc to authorize a delegate . ’ 1 this class itizens at Hariis- i ; . : : was a Catholic,”|'his class ofour citiz ithe _ battles of the country, « in the cowardly policy. He knew the voice burg, ov elsewhere. 1 observe thatitimes that tried men’s souls,” Mr.jof Pennsylvania end of the a ito be they have made use of John M’Gay-| O'egg Was teaching school. What for war. But acting with Federalist: ‘say ye to this, heroes of the Rovolu- his only desire was to defeat the re. which siate that advices were receiv. slist now cries out lustily against Mr. ed there, not published in the Frenct papers, of several attacks baving beer made by detachments of French sol diers 01 the Spaniards helore Pampe juna, in which the former had me wilh veiy seripus losses. i Ss Ph ladelfiiia Papier Hiil creating a slight alteration in the arter of St, Mary’s church : that is 3] ha.ph oth fli 4 * 0 neLU Shulze, inter atia alicdging thet be is They should, at least, have had ap enemy to the Catholics, because, DEE. » ’ ern’s name, for the same purpose.—| ] : y 3 purp | tion £ publican party in one of 1iS best aud some; This conduct of Mr. Gregg, inde est balilant measures. before! CHNIBY to take zn active part for thel Accordingly, on the day following, acquaintance with the men, a : : ; | country, when he bad an opportoniiviihe tentl, of Jun® 1812, we find the Fors: a s und < t for them. Mr! : - ; : iorsooth, he happened to vole for a they undertook to act for them. Mri, 4 when he was in the vigor of life, following recorded 1a the senate jou! - can take|and could have been vselul, accounsinais, page 4287 at once for all his votes in Congress in flavor of the British. 1s there then M’Gavern is an alien, and ‘no pait in the election, whatever, RED Ie % Mr. Gro, OY permission, amended his motion for TECOMMit ng tiie bill to % Ce 2) 13 ©