Bellefonte patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1818-1838, May 07, 1823, Image 4

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: > i, “= (the settling of old accounts ; the buffoonery of ural agency: The prison doors were cleared irebound=d from my body; the exceutioner’s
¢ Ta “ - Is ~ 1 al 4 » ~ . : 3 >
THE PA { RIO . Lalf intoxicated men ; the clatter of women ;|and Creel, pale and fecble, but with a bym: and could not strangle me ; the tiger's wor
nd : could not pierce me, nor would the hunpry biog
tiie crying and hallooing of children and bays ;{book in his hand, and a mein all meekness andlin the Clicus devour me, | cobabited wit,
: {poisbnous snakes and pinched the ted crest of
Ee 2 {the dragon. The serpent stung but could not
SLL IT SL PIT IL ISL PS ELIS ETL LESS Fo look upon the scene; to mingle with thecjihe scaffold. He had no sooner ascended itidestroy me ; the dragon tormented but d :
Gare a4
. aw
. Eloquence the soul song charms the sense «+ | nd the barking and quarreling of stranger dogs, humility, was seen tottering from the prison to
BELLEFONTE, May, 1323 crowd ; to listen to thé conversation, or to sur- ‘han his eye began to. wander over the vasynot devour me. I now provoked the fury of
ry ; es ha 3 : - tyrants —] 531d 10 Ne'c Thou art a ble
: fA Ee 3 a rge v \ ook . 8 - = ) A . Hood.
ty? 2 ERD 3 7 3 AB vey the countenances of the assembled multitude {concourse of people aron yd him, with a 1 wund ! 1 said to Christiern, Thou art a blood.
SELECTED, would lead to no satisfactory solution of the {of scruiiny that seemed like faith in dreams ;/hound ! I said to Muley Ishmacl, thou art a
nen 1 CCN eres Bloodhound ! The tyrants invented cruel tor-
tures but could not kil me. fa! not to he
matter was congregated. vict’s anxiety appeared to increase ; he lookeds|able to die—not to be able to die—not to Xe
x os fs permitted to pest after the toil oth \
Within the walls of the old stone goal, at the and looked again; then raised his hands and rd tbe 3 : Ve toil of fife. to ba
; med to be tmprisoned forever In this clay-
foot of the mountain, a different scene had beenjcyes 2 moment towards the clear sky, as ififormed dungeov-~10 be forever clogged with
© Iberian roountains high and hoar, : : . (his worthless body i ge :
; . A ) : at lE . ht x "Her ina breathing a last ejaculation, when lo! as he re oo $s body~-1ts load of diseases and fo-
Whose tops are crowned with vestal snow. fthat morning witnessed. There chained 10 2 g } firmities—to be condemned to hold for milien-
What sudden light beging to pour stake in a miserable dungeon, damp and scarce- sumed bis first position, the very person he des Aiums——that yawning - monster Samancs, and
And flash upon the vaics brlow— : : . 1 cribed stood within six leet of the ladder. The Fime—that hitingry hyena, ever beating child ca
"Tis treedoin rising from her car, ly illumived by one ray of light, now lay the and ever devouring again hep offspring | Ha!
Fo light in Spain her morning star. emaciated form of one whose final doom seem. not to bs permitted to dic ! Awhil aven ser in
with fire while he called out, ¢ there is Lewis Heaven, hast thou in thine armory of wrath a
i : e : : punishment more dreadful ? then let it thunder
Bt Of Heroes and of Saints are scelly, wud little danghter had been with ‘him, having upon me j command a hurricane to sweep me
pled with shining battle blades 3 “bo cojled a hundred miles to meet him once the same moment scized the stranger by the/down to the toot of Carmel, that 1 there way
! | » k
With names to memary ever green. |be extended : 1eay pant, and writhe; and die |
; : en : ollar. At first he attempted to escape, but ; Toay pant, vrithe; and dig !
“They move behind fair freedown’s ‘car, more on the threshold of the grave ; they met. colla A P pe, but io A amis
While she relights her morning star, being secured and taken before the magistrate, DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR.
i cause for which this mass of heterogeneousiand while the sheriff read the warrant the con
orisoner's eye caught the sight, and flashed
ed near at hand, A few hours before his wife
: ! by that light, what gloricus shades \E
Tighe Bs ys ¥: the murderer of the traveller,” and the jailer at
and from that gloomy vault, the song of praise
: vor: ascended with the ascending sun, and the goal he confessed the deed, detailed all the particu | A number of citizens belonging to Masschu.
Wow, while her favorite star she turns, 8 3 & a
3 : : : , : : TC isetts apd New rki who had, i vear 170
And sets it in a sky so clear— ar as he listened to the melodious voice of threciiars delivered up part of the money, informed = Yew York, whe lind, iu the pear, 1783,
Behold, behold, what lustre burns, dd S [purchased of the state of Massachuseits alarge
What Sacra ligrht—"ti8 alory’s sphere : persons whom he looked upon. as most deso.| where another part was hidden, and was fully tract of land lying westward of New York, and
{ ys 3 : P ais 3 - . ; fveit hg re WEE We ia Se ATA To 3
Shout every ‘biil-top from afar ! late and Jost of all in the wide world, blend:<d committed for trial, while Creel was turned Lo Joes of the Six Nuatiovs, sent a
: : on : a 4A € into ntry, t rea ; t
For freedom lights her morning star. 1 d chaunting uri |loose and hastened like a man out of his senses atic nin the oT ie
o sweetly together and chauiling that beautifai]" 8 nations about a qoit claim. The lodians
from the scaffold. heard of their coming; and supposing them to
be another company, who were aiming at the
same purchase, sent them word 10 €One no
immediately after bis liberation ; when the pre- farther, least they should be iovolved in trouble,
Lhe commiitee having advanced a considerable
distance into their country, were unw:liing to
B hthe heavi magistrate by declaring Creel to be her hus-jretrace their steps without eff cting the ob-
eneath the heavicst load, od ject of their mission. Ope of them, maj
rm v ose beneath T : ists a d : that she had assumed the disguise andj : : = 1, Major
What swat ming SHON 43 ars thes as ’ From whose assistance | obtain band ; tha SE 5! anciychuyler, wrote a letter to the commanding ofii-
Inthe dark cavern Sho hey ys To tread the thorny road.” {performed the whole part of his direction ; that/ cer at fort Niagara, explaining their intentions
Poor grovelling lavish souls they breathe, h and requesting his influence with the Indi xy
i a oli + of the ray ; } : : e had given her the money, which he had i. SURE IE Tran,
Wtiou: a pr Fr Almost doubted the evidence of his senses, and 1 8 : ys One of the Indian messengers underiook to
trangers bh : ’ : : ill theo successfully conceal his per- ca ette Vi garagand bring back ik
Eis Llarious morning sie, stood fixed in astonishment at the massy door. y ealed about his p rry the letter to Ni gar: sand bring back the
q Conk : answer. The committee remained whers they
‘ould these be the voices of a murderer, and a were, In the mean time major Schuyler was
urderer’swile and ch 1d? the scaffold scene, was a contrivance to ecffect/takent sick and sent towards Abu.oy ~The
messenger returned ; and being asked i he had
got a letter in answer, to the one he had taken ?
passed, however; those unfortunate ones had regardless of conseequences. Nothing could he told them (through the interpreter) that he
be done with her, she was set at liberty, andibad ; but looking round, observed, “I do got
see the man to whom I promiscd to deliver it”
. ios freedom with a speer They intormed hitu of the cause of the majo’s
Think yes cries i eno Bi a ’ i we 8 absence ; but told him they were all engaged in
4 This light can be exting vished so—= ie assembled multitude on the scaffold, & they et. 1 ET Ome the same business, had one heart, aad’ ihut ihe
slaves with consternation hear, as they said, lo return by weary journeys to THE WANDERING JEW. jetter was intended for them all; ard wished |
YMy ‘sun is rising just below, : i iver i i (use 1
ALY : s J . their sorrowful home. The convict , h a : {he would deliver it. He refused. They con. 4
gis lov ami a i ’ y Worn ou Ahasuerus, the Jew, crept forth from the . RE fn
His glories beaming wide and far; t ’ ’ p sulted among themselves, and offered bum fiity
; . SEC ol r : : . dark cave of Mount Carmel. Nearly two ) : ie
Shall only quench my morning star. with sickness and watching, now slept. 1 ; y dollars, as a reward for hie service and ap ine
Baltimore, March 15th, 1823, A. thousand years had elapsed since he was first Mccment to dettser thor the fetter: H
a His name was Janson Creel ; his place of|goaded by never-ending restlessness to rove cement fo deliver them the Jo RT. CHURN
a \ 4 ¢d at their proposal. Thaey again consselted,
10210 DIC Jil ———— oaide ns yi iebiy ; ! N Save
iim residence said to be Viiginia, He bad I from pole to pole. When our Hav and concluded as they webe suffieieiitly smefly
That light inspires each patriot soul, hymn, {
And swells the heart to noble deeds, «1eisthe Tord | should 1 distrust Three days had elapsed ; Creel had ow
~ Bach hill-top, far as eye can roll, : Or Cotitradicy: his will 1
Now swarms with men & bounding steeds.) Whe cannot do but what is Jost,
_5 “The Patricts-mnext to Heaven they staid} And must be righteous still — tended Lewis astonished and confounded the
= Delcaders of their native land. Tt is the Lord ! who can sustain,
son; and that the whole, from the prison to
Bue hark | what shouts the welkin rend,
From every mountain's shining height, \ :
Adoring millions kneel and bend, This brief and to be final interview, had his escape ; which having cffected, she wae
And gaze on that transtorming light; ’
They swear to die at freedom’s car,
Before they quit her motniag star. loudly commended each other to the keeping of
~Ineither her mor her husband were heard of
{their heavenly parent, and parted ; he to face i
Se Hw i tour was wearied with the burden of bis pon- A fo (he otter: Yagi
From the Trenton N.J. Emporium. taken up while travelling from the northward!derous cross, and wanted lo rest before the ous ta overpower bim and the oll nian
og ko were present, they would take it by force;
: i . : door of Abasuerus, the unfeeling wretch drove » 2 ha tix
THE DEATH WARRAWT. to his home, and tried and convicted at the him away with Brutality. DE Saviour ofl Put first requested the interpreter to explain 0
« The last, the fatal hour is\ me’
county town, some miles distant, for the mur-/mankind staggered, sinking under the heavy him the whole matter, the difficulty they were
e mi ing sti : eavily :
The mists of the morning still hung heavily death appeared before Ahasuerus, and exclaim-
in, their loss of (ime, &, and their deters
mination to have the letter. As $000 8 this
i vi ] indi : . fwas c anicated to the Indian he sternly clen-
on the mountain top, above the village of Red ed indignantly, % Barbarian, thou bast denied a CIA, a2 the dain his Fb with
. . ( re « Tap } a 53 . — . : . ; } ICA i 3 [ec Sh LA
chff, but the roads which led towards it were|'” have had a large sum of money with him, a Te dency thee also, other,and solemnly ceclared that if they
: i y and whe was found in the room in whi y oy dae Gus sh ot the letter by violence, he’ would bot
crowded with the varied population of the sur- which the A black demon let Joose from Hell upon Aha- TUK get the Leto Vio ong 3 ok
. > tani ; both siept, at a country inns near Redcli ith |suerus, goads him n : 0 J eos ) Nao ge tae han
rounding country, from far and near, At Ales- pt, y nny Redchiff with ; Sy 8 him now from country to coun-f fe lL Fey desisted from theie
d h h vy ) he ts Senieg ibe consolations which death yerpose and rr asoned with him agall bat he
. ¢ 8 EC / 11y ag } alin
bury the shops were closed, themhammer Oo ; ' affords and precluded from the rest of the A, inf ; ible. They then asked him i he was
the blacksmitlr laid spon his anvil, not a wag. innocence ; declaring that the deed was perpe- peacciul grave. willing or : ah 2 : R rs A Aris
. g x, g, after having taken so Joby ] ey
ie Clog iiles fa: ther for (he sake of
Ps Mount Carmel. He shook the dust from his go a hundred miles faither for (he sa
cir : Sen : deliver] . letter sjor Schuyler, He
street and even the bar of the tavern was locked [circumstances were against him, and, though|beard,—and taking up one ©: the sculls heaped delivering the letter lo major ao wyler. 0
: § answered, © Yes, I do not value jatiguce, bur I
: g 8 : p ' : there, hurled it dow inence. . - ’
and the key gone with its worthy proprietor be money was not found on him, he was sen- od Fon Bo a ae will never be guilty of a breach of irust” Ace
aS ear / . ’ 1s iy : : Baines ;
) : < i : } Cw and had the satisfaction of
towards the lif, a tolien of an important | era ltevced to be hung, syd hed been temo tofwas my father, roared Ahasuerns, Bivens mote oat, ol Coranement, The Jeter wes
i : . 3 jai deli : scalls rolled f ; whil i In EE Br ed EE
which ws without a parallel in the anbals offthe old stone jail at Redcliff for security, the fori led from rock to Yock 3 whiie the AD vorable to their views, and they entered into 8
~. RR 5 vriate Jew. following them with rei . a ?
a3 > hf PH aly lor the andi Coliwmbion Bbaerver.
exclasimed—And these were my w gr
. : . . * — SS 7 EI ——
itary head looked through broken pane in some the day the execution was to take place; the still continued to hurl down scull after scull | : 13 7 VENTURE
roaring in dreadful accents— And these, and
these, and these, were my children ! They could} At the time when Europeans were not very
ment, or the unruly cries of a little nurshing was round the building, and frequent cries of ¢ bring die ; but | ! reprobate wretch that I am, alas Jnumerous in India, and such individuals as”
cannot die ! Dreadful beyond conception is the could not reconcile themselves to marry the na=
‘ judgment that bangs over me, Jerusalem fell fives, used to send a commi=sion to England,
hod been left in unskilfu! hands, or mayhap The sun at fast told the hour of eleven, and I crushed the sucking babe and precipitaiedihat a female for a wife should be snsiniied
. ty 1d . . myself into the destructive flames. 1 cursedjto them, a gentleman of property in Benga
sary. ragged and illnatured) here could be no more delay. The convict’ » : 3 : : ays ont Tl a d¥
here and there a solitary, ragg y y CUslihe Romans—but alas | alas! the restless curscloave orders to his factor in England to send
school boy was secn, or 2 not less solitary and|CCi Was entered by the officers in attendance |keld me by the hair and Icould not die. him a young lady of good family well educated,
illnatured dog, either seeming but halt appeas- who aroused kim with the information that alii. Rome the giantess tell—1I placed myself be-land with 2 tolerabte share of personal Gams,
: was dy for hi i tes (fore the falling statue—she fell aud did pot crush promising to make ber his wife. The factor
ed by the privilege of a holiday, granted on ready for him without, and bid him hasten|me. Nations sprang op and disippeared be-
. fo ' to bi uti a ._ fore me, but ‘mai and did not die,=—|
Eo Se li a Tey aid hands upos him From cloud Polling Rapiligs al iidgmtt but when the lady arrived in India’
lage exhibited a picture of desertion and si. 2° pinioned him tight, while he looked up to-{myseli into the ocean; but the foaming billows}, o a of those accidents which, though very
Jence, that had forever been unknown before. {Wards heaven in wild astonishment, a- one new cast ms upon the shore, and the burning arrow N : 2 : od for, she failed in
: kd y lborn, and ouly said % the drea “ of existence pieteed my cold heart sgealn. Iiirequent, connot be accoun 3
But in proportion as you drew nearer the ; y sa 1e dream the dream.”~ljcaped into Eina’s flaming abyss, and Youredl
der of a fellow traveller, who had borne him load, but utiered no complaint. An angel of
company from the lakes, who was ascertained
bis throat cut. Creel always had protested his
on of any desciiption was to be seen in the
the place. And, save that here and there a sol (county prison being deemed unsafc.— L'his was!
closed up house with an air of sad disappoint [scaffold was already erected ; the crowd pressed
heard, betokening that in the general flight, it out the murderer,’ were heard.
executed his commission to the best of his
ge ladn ected husband
0 : aptivating the heart of her ex pectes A
. og . . . . . ‘ ’ ~ " . IT - - t s : ¢ 3 th poliulin * * 5 © ost borders
pr «derous cliffs, in the midst of which the little] And what of the dream Mr. Janson,” said the| With he giant for Mo long oats: potlur P1who received her with a coldness almost border
1: ineled agaimnjsheriff,¢ you would do me a great Kind 1 Li the grea) We lount’s suiphureous mouih : The lady scarcely seemed to
town of Redcliff was situated, you mingled agai: y'%. ¥ a great kindnes The yolcano formented, and in a fiery storm oif'ng on gversion—The lady scarce’) fv
in the thick bustle and motion of the world offyou would dream yourself and me out of this Java cast me up. 1 lay down torn by the tor bggtice it, for she was as jittle inspired as the
if ture of snakes of hell amidthe glowing cinders hal TN intervie . 1 the
TIVES . : cursed scrape.” ve Ve det] ” : > rentle _ A few interviews convipeed them
men and women and boys, and horses and dogs: » p I dreamed replied the CORY¥ICl and yet continued to exist. A forest wes of gentleman
and all living, moving and creeping things, thatjthat while you read the death warrant to me fire. Iderted on wings of fury and despair into
the crackling wood, Fire dropped upon me
x : darts -nnsylvania. on the scaffold, a man came through ti i Nis
fnhabit the wild deserts of Pennsylvania ,a man came through the crowd, fiom the trees, but the flames only. singed my
that they were not made for each other and the
lady prepared to embark for Europe. In taking
The village wself was crowded to overfiow.|and stood before us in a grey dress, with a limbs;alas! it would not consume them. i| his leave ol her the gentleman begged to entrust
‘now mixed with the butchers of mankind, andl, her care a letterto his factor in London, who
‘plunged in the tempest of the raging bate J
ing, long before the sun had gained a sufficien,| white hat and black wiskers, and that a bird | oe
altitude to throw its rays upon the deep valleyjfluttared over him, and sung distinctly, ¢ This|roared defiance to the infuriate Gaul, defiance tof had consigned ber ta India. She undertook : ol
3 “Hn mch it lays: There ‘hie bar room of the innjis Lewis who murdered the traveller.” the victortous German ; but arrows and SPeals ye charge, end when she arrived in town, Ww
Rr En rebounded in slivers from my body. The Sara-
whiskey, the jingling of small change, and theltion which ended in a determination to look bells 1 vain hissed upon me : the lightnings 04 .nelosed one for herself, lamenting the circum=
; hattle glared harmless around my loins; 10 vam
perpetual clamour of the throng was safficient{sharply after the man in grey with the white| did the elephant trample on me ; in vain the iro | stances which pr
hoof of the watchful steed ! The mine big With Jing hep acceptance
Testructive power burst upon me and huried me}, at INDS, as
) E24 10 ir + 1 i€AL Cl} UE2 0S of smoking ; imb: THOUSAND pou i i .
evented their union, and begs
Was crowded, and the fumes of tobacco and| The officers and jailer held a short Bi aming faulchion broke upon my scull. astonished to find that the jetter to the factor
of a present of FIFTEEN
some compensa. 5
Re Pr
to rack a brain of commen flexibility. 1a thefhat, accompanied with many hints of the godly
Re atrects there was the greeting of old and langiresignation of the prisoner, and Lhe possibility