ey J T i a tr "3 adh Pi mur One! - . 2 en. WY roma Tuffians, egro men, W dered him and robbed the store. o ~ ¢ of them has been Sopahend se J DIED —In this Borough, Mes. CLASS PENNSYLVANIA bad convicted, anc was to have Xd REL g REY -gnsort of A nk rhe , : . aa «C v Te a " fasta Anodi: PERI iL LOW I E XY y COU S i A 1 I LOT i IR ¥ 3 on the eround precisely at ten © clock Ue . . ’ 1 3 2 executed on 10 | te fORN been concerned, is : cry sal {iO nave begivicd in a day or 1wo. St a 3 nly A— ; nation, Tyr Te FS 2 OI DY A, | Gb A : REPUBLIC GM OLD A851 3 ner a glorious resurreciion: #, is 4 2 of £6,000 Fao THE BALTIMORE PATRIOT, thappy thing thus to die ; it indeed 9 2000 |= : ee 4 APRIL 22. renders death a glorious triumph pe 9 ~1,500 {TO THE S71 OCKHOLDERS OF] By the rig Greek, Bits Soom morality, for it clothes the ja 4 oe THE CENTRE & KISH ACOQUIL.- Lo learn, that the Span-capuve with an immortality com! 10 c 5 Qania Ngriha, we jrarn, tna P capuve wit 7H a3 i: r AQ TIT > : \OMPA.- les had retreated intojgyrate with the ¢ Great Fternal, him: 12 100 LAS TURNI oe hoa COMI AN > 1h cendral Mora Marae ybo, where he vp She had jately lost 600 men in a remained shut self. solic, ed there from Bago sue suffered long and 3 Oh ! that all of us weve prepare President Bolivar Was expect she indeed, cou Live full olyjne sincerity — on Wednesday the 21st of May next at the house of Joseph M’Kibbon in La-] mar township, Each Battalion to be | " CAPITAL PRIZ 7 5¢ 0 ®. ars. ( Communicated J Es on the THIRD L.ov REY, €3(- en of the forenoon ot said days. HENRY BARNHART, Cel. April 26th. 1823, TF, Maxn4GER, tor which be immediately advaoc- which doubtiess, insvred “Oled when drawn, ’ y HG. Ww wail firmness and chrsuan res 5% lehe Cash will severely, Ye ia wr] i Q x as Well Besides numerous Prizes of $50, and d to die as this good woman - smaller Prizes. 1d exclaim with 8€0-1 1 0p Number will be Drawn from « Oh death where 18]. on lo) NOTICE IS hereby given, that in pursuance 5972] T. John Taylor, John T W. James Williams, David Work 2, ATR Sidman, John Shirk, Mes. E. Simp? x, son 2. 1 oo hompson €8q. James Taylor. Jos. White, Abraham Wiser, Jobo Mrs. Williams, Robert Wiester, Wallace. H. Homes, P. M. ete ee —— er ———————— AARONIZTRG (OR QU pRIGHE Loa Ta Ye | ¢ & power, both in Russia and Who sold and paid ali the prizes in 3 ' 1 ‘ . oF AN 1 | rl ” Ins A Maracaybo and Porto Cavello wWasihy sing, Oh, grave where 5. thy! Ibis Lottery contains only st etc tiie Board af -Nah ji iy lacked for daily. jictorv.” Do we speak of her os ©lqumbers, and those Who purclase two a resolution of the board G ana- SCHEME. te member of the social compact ! let! i okets of the same number, may draw! oers of the Centre & Kishacoquillas 0 From (he Boston Evenine (Gazette. | he lamentations of those who have | ay two of the above capitais, and the Turnpike road Company, the stock- 1 Prize of $500 18 £500 RUSSIAN CLAIM loeen bereft of her society answel.—, Lion often tickets, which will Gost olders are requested and required, to Loin 200 ol < Ea ite Al oiholders ¢ sted } Ar . fi ap ime wadelBo we speak of heras a m net and ony 260, may draw the handsome | cd a q 3 1 » 3 JOO » 100 ' It is now for he ho he £ ant wile ? She was excellent In both andi um ol pay the sum of thirty dollars on each 2 ay diy 50: iy 100 nown that the Russian govertimsis * oR d husban v | ry 3 95 1 Kase ae s 1 or a carry jn-jcndeared to her child and | usband oF | @ ROD QDY and every share of stock, on the sevy 7 » 5 » 75 ny 2% mn otter affectionate solicitude for their] Todd a IS teenth dav of May 1823, to Forster 0 in 10:50 100, (Foct their preposterous cial 4 : We retfal 31 Lis : gnteenth day of Ma o Forster ad fo effet tol A od and sea within happiness and eternal wellare. Shel, Ye drawing will be announced in @ ’ y oy 28 5 4p 5. pn 140 BR on 0 ; i west|1oW cently slumbers in ihe gloomy. dans Milliken, Treasurer of the said com-{ 50 ,, Sh 150 certain ladtudesy on the nor Bh oP paras \ Ave lens ik 621 i to st OEthIS Conteh t. We use the prison of the grave ; bo the Bs | Wiiole [ickets only H6 00 pany, at his house in Armaugh ov 354 vy ys 2 50 9 y 1638 2451 O11 OR : 1 ids its captive for a time fiero. 3 00 To ree Ch rin DrehoSterouss. DECAUS tinslonly holds I {Halves x E133 hw : high term preposterous, DECAYSE tle pi-|when the strong lung’d cherub shall |e Mar ters 1 50 {ship Mifflin county. his sum em-1750 Prizes £9 3 ave of t word it is not a nt e «us or ~ : 2 & i a Ge 3 1 $v rl 5 ; pr i : gl ¥) ; a ar “lk -0¢ HE as b vb .rous, to as. {sound the last trumpet the prisoner ho, pq 75 |upaces the various calls previously 750 Binks § ha H 11015, as WEL 2 al or art ofishall be released, and soul and body | For the above Rich Priz2s apply : 1 comps 144s te rae Be a SL ore A Sn mption uatting shall sing praises to the Lamb| iar Iv at made by the said company. 1500 Tickets at 32 00 each, 3300000 Ie man ocean, Auch a Fh = 1. Ase . kind Lely pate 1 holde 1g \ Hs who red and died for ma kind. TA GI ] 3 O&A gested, t the stockholders will belg, 0. : : . g Pg A we are convinced has nevertboen at |who suffered an 4 oF A TR7LR 25) quested, that » {Subject to a deduction ot 20 per-cents as Lor ate Yar. ACRE 3 : tt nd eb . 3 3 i ‘ > aq yg. 4 tempied by any christian potentate for | GEEHTe i ht CEE OLD ESTABLISHED punctual In making the payment, as TO BE COMPLETED IN FIVE A : . Wey £4 ‘ - = ots OY LO LT ADLIO LS % . AY 404 2a WN ol + vO more than two centuries, or Sint PRIVATE SA £4, ? SU / indiscriminatel titut- re 5 Te etioienoaeat of the freedom olf E RIVATE SaLEe | yuo ronroars ores. suis will be indiscriminately INSUIN:p ays DRAWING AS FOLLOWS 33% a : . or , ve 3 . (Ny : 16d 2 ira ing - pr 13 Vig 'S . the seas, by the treaty of Utrecht in] A valuable plantation, ol tract ofS auth. West Commer of Chesnut anc) :d against defaulters. dire Managers Viz: he wear 1TES land containing Third streets, Philadel hia, | are pleased to have it in their power, i NS the year 171 | rep P "1st. drawn No. on lst. day’s a i 2 95 United States in 225 Acres, Tae trade of the 7 J : oy ca Xana Batts of the cogst vith | Semer classes of «he Penusylvania ins on some parts of the co8 v : ; the former Cie 3 : Lor, o : in e prolitbited iasits, has hereto igityate four miles west of the hort State Lottery, and who so.d and paid road will be completed on or before! 20d Sa 55 2 day 25 AY ME ely ale ana on the ereat road leadaing : \ £ ; Logi hoki viii 0 3( 0 30 ore proved extremely nrofiiable, and of 1ndiana on the § HS izes ampountiog to U wards o Cw s : BR y fos igve: e3 wit ontiicom waid boroagh to Kittanning. prizes am g p the first of June, and are of opioiod 4.1. do 6 Th "de rast qeal ol property gil=atis . . A ~ 1 > ; a . .y at! Todi of this traffic is transported to China,} 1 he improvemends ure SEVEN MILLIONS OF DOL } yar tie sum now required will be 5th. do do 5th da 500 44 3 o . IR “al J vila \ : . . : x . LA 1S . 3 : 2 ; : ry and thence brought home In (€A5.) § W() good cabin houses, ’ eo adequate to its completion. The rest all floating prizes, liable i nd nankis is country » op, es unt of prizes Forde the od: . gL silks and nankis to this country } 5 in, about fifty acres clear- Being the largest amol | By order of the Board to be drawn on the first day’s drawing © a} < ever sold or paid by any other Broken in America. Almost all kinds of Bank Notes bought on the lowest tevms, {5g Ovders ipclosing the Cash will) i. n V Yaad ye promptly atiended to, and all Lot- The merchandize imported 10to Can ton, from the north west coast and the Sandwich Islands, is disposed of fo! atiout two-fifths of the whole amoub of imports in American vessels, from “ iy five of whic h are meadow and mn Y be At 1S Cy with a sm Wl Apple Orchard, # ) ‘hereon—=ALSO-——A tract of land nore every part of the globe, This 1s to sontaining tery inform ition given gratis. valusble a commerce te be excluded 1 12 A a neigh from by force. No doubt the empe 4< acres Regimental Orders ror Alexander is determined to riskig ' ilas we f said Coit b hos v Alexander 18 determint sitnate about five miles west of said ¢ his credit as a statesman, for the put-lysrgueh, on Crooked creck, with al The enrolled inbabitants Compos- pose of protecting the trade of bisfcapbin house and barn thereon, with ing the 32d. Regiment Pconsylvania favorite north west company, WHOSClaa¢ sixty or seventy acres cleared... 2 » 5 Fe. : Viilitia will meet in Battalions as fol- ges almost amount to sovereign welye acres of which ave meadow & out of tly guantily more may be made, with within their trading districts. But gee gyoar camps and a small orchard remas to be seen whether the naval eon A further description is powers of Bagland and the United lyonmed gnnecessary, as it may be States will patiently submit to this. ot obtained by applying to the sub: flagrant aitack upon the freedom of lo ribers on the premises. he seas. The assertion of a ¥ide) DAVID CUMMINGS, territorial sovereignly by Russia 18 JOHN TRIMBLE. upon grounds net only not supported Indian, March 29th 1823. by facts, but quite untenable In argu- ACARD, rivile priv lows. The 2d Battalion commanded by} Major Isaac Haslet will meet at te|B honse of said Haslett on Friday the 16th of May, - ‘be Ist. Battalion. commanded by vfejor James Irvive, will mect an Sat- + arday the 17th of May in the town ol ment. Springfield, with their arms and ac CTI —— From the New York Com. Advertiser. FIQQ (IO) coutrements i 1 ? ¢ % Q cCmen:s in combiete rder for PIRACY. MISS CROSS, Brad . pe bt raining. Each Battalion will meet The brig Transit, Gillet, has arri-{ Respectfully! informs the public : : : : orecisely at 9 o'clock inthe morning ved (iy anorning, in 20 days from that she intends opening a school fo 7Trindad de Cuba. One of the pas-| YOUNG LADIES, f the above mentioned days, schooner Lady’s Delight, of Baltimore,iday the 12th insiant ; where strict at- rention will be eiven to the moral con- duct as well as the mental acquire ments of those committed to ber care o receive instruction, in the follow- ng branches, to wit ; Orthography, sengersis a captain young, late of ticiin the Bell fonte Academy, on: Moo- FON HASSON. Co! . . EA ZX DK) Ny LO which vesssl bad been captured by 2 NOTICE piratical vessel calic d the Saragozi, iy commanded by captain Arragovaiza. Sue had since captared two Ameri can brigs, and a French ship, and took a “ in the Lewistown and Kishacognillas Turnpike Road, who are in arrears them into Ocange harbor, on the north{Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, En-|, Stocked! toss tl : i: / side of Cuba. {he news of these pi {alish Grammar, Ancient & Modern) °F ©t0¢ y that unless the same be ful \G. Thomas Greens James Grant subscriber. Application must be r racies having reached the United{Geography, Ancient & Modern His |ly paid up, to William P. Maclay,| : made S000. 2 | Jacob Gratz. { IM PETRIEIN 3 ae “a Ne tory, Composition, Drawing, Plain & Ornamental Neediework.—For terms and further particulars enquire at the Ces Yor s It 1 ‘ : « Stale frigate Lissex, lying at St Jago [reasurer of said company on or be-| de Cobu, she sailed immezdiately 10 pursuit ofthe pirate, which mounts fore the first day of July next, the one long brass 18 pounder on a pivcts| Academy. payments already made will be declar- five 12 pounders, and 2 long 9’s taken ed forfeited from the Lady’s Delight. REPLICATION. (The above pirate was captured the By order of the board of Managers 31st ultimo by the boats of the Brit ish frigates Tyne and Thracian, in the port of Mata ; ten of the pirates were killed and twenty-eight captored ) The United States brig Enterprize. lieutenant commandant John Gallagh- er, bound on a cruize against the pi- rates, has dropped down from the navy yard. and lies as anchor off Old-slip, awaiting the arrival of Thomas Rao. Whereas Jacob K Hettinger has ye . : thonght proper to advertise me as a SAMUEL MACLAY, Pres’. RUNAWAY APPRENTICE, and as also made some unfounded char- April 23, 1823. wa : ee : ud a3 n AR EC rus against my character ; therefore, a ¢ 2X AY a BRE in vindication of myself, I wish tol A HOUSE & FOUR ACRES OF! > i . p LCA. . 1 tate that I never ranaway from the LAND said Jacob K. Hettinger, but was "Ne A {~ - - obliged to attend a lawsuit on the day [Centre Co. on the road leading from on whi aHedoe oy raw fro X on which he alledges 1 ran away from |gellefonte to the Big Island, 8 miles] bim, and when I returned he refused] , situate in Howard township} | ion of John Ligget. For terms ap 1.1 to . Vv 1 OY OE 3 dall, Esq from ‘Washington, who is tod oe yo aos ) ; Vvashing spd To fia "below Milesburg ; adjoining lands of] going to Porto Rico from our govern- 1° receive me. The charges made : Bs / yan | ment. painst me are base and un- {Michael Meese and others. The a- ee founded. bove premises are well calculated for From the i fobile Register. N D H KIMPLE. any person who is disposed to keep al ANOTHER PRIZE TO THE |Aaronsburg, May ud 1823. {Tavern and Store ; Now in the occu | 2 { | BRUTUS. VAITES OF y gp IPA! g 3 ] I A 4 £Y S O / FIC E nly to rhe subscriber livin i H al A smack sioop is coming up the bay aay HE en CH Cn: township: ent in under circumstances similar 03 i a 1 AVI] Ef to those under which the polacie) In the Second Class, ABSALOM LIGG April 26. 1823. Carma was'ordered for this port, be-| ca | ports be Pannsylvania State Lot- | : ing without papers. : fees | tai | Regimental Orders. to Foo ‘ . o ' 3 - . A letter from captain Kelly, of the! : Ys The enrolled inhabitants of the wkich was recently completed in Phil- 111th Regiment P. M. will meet i ior E1000 ane. of ~ brig Good Hope, of Boston, dated New ladelphis, all the following prizes, comin vations for review ‘and ) DAL i { aviey anc Orl ays: « Theday 1] . SS e a . z Sen. Gio Sg ¥ R Lagu-l, i ne nearly the whole scheme, have jra, eighteen miles from the Jand, twoibeen paid— All the Capitals, viz. as follows : large boats, full of men, attempted tof 15.000 Doilars, 8,000 Dollars, 5,000 [nde by Major Marshall, on Thurs Hi OO NN NYAa'lare 2.0 3 " PS a 3 bE 2,000 Dollars 2, 00 Dollars, day the 22d. day of May next, in the of 81200, 10 of $500, 14 of 3100, bs ; fos of Milesborg, and the Ist Bat and nearly al} the Prizes of 86, a : naunling to | talion, commanded by Major Shields -~e Sans, § inspectior the 2d. Battalion com board me, but after standing 088 shot J 3 they were glad to make off ; N. Y. Amer. to assure the stockholders that the C. Robt. Clark, D. Constantine Dangherty, Stephney { ia IS hereby given to all Stockholders) {HL I. John Irwin, drawing JACOB VALENTINE, Pres’. The prizes shall be puactafily paid (deducting 20 per-cent ) sixty’ days 3 a ’ a (ay Je ¢ 3 1 or . 1st ol letter S remaining afiev the drawings are completed, The profits arising {rom this Lot» tery, areto be applied to the extine i . | in the Post office at jguishmeunt of a debt incurred in the Bellefonte, April 1, 1823. . Jos. Adams 2, Anna Ammerman Robt. erection of a Church or House of Worship in Aaronsburg, ADAM NTIDIGH, DANIEL KEEN. : Managers Miliheim, Feb. 16th 18 ov TO RENT, | The house and lo: of around ately? aN M'KEE, It ig: 1 2 John Adams lisq Anderson’ 73 verse} ersoch . Wm. Burris, Henry Bow Jacob Barnhart, Silas Brown, DBar- tholomew Barpickle, Frederick Jarger, Margery H. Boggs, Ehjah rei pom Biglow, Jolin Brownlee, Philip Ber occupied by JO ner. hy William Coope excelient James Curry 24 Pr. TAVERN STAND, | iy ¥ James Campbell, John Curry, Margaret Clark; James having been occupied as such for twenty years. Collins. It is ’tho an excellent wit. stand for any other kind of public bys 1 | sin h to Spiing Creek, and possesses many Dorset, Jacob Deckenbaugh, liam Dooy, John Denney. i 2 |sincss. 18 very convenient 2. John Ecker sr. Henry Eisenhour 2. William lurey, William Fletcher, Benjamin ‘hadeus Farrey, other advantages: upon Fers- Which it will be leased will be reagons The terms ter, Geo. Fulmer, Jacob Flick, able, and will be made known by the { Elizabeth Ww. Hastings, Wm.| December 28 h 1822. Hull, Joo. Hasson, James Icth- rington 2, Adam Heoniog, Jesse ’ : Mr. Petriking Hant, Jos. Henton, Ino. Henton | 1s the: Rete ny Geo. Henning, John Henderson 2, in your paper of debtsdue to Clearfield 4 county, | find one against me, and 1 {do Liercby certify, that three fourths of | Jacob Houser. J. Alexr. Johnston 2, Geo Jack. Ithat debi was to have been settled with K. P. A. Karthaus, Mariah Karthaus, Arnold F. Karthaus, Which both partics agreed to jo, James Kirk, Mary Kleckner, since, and the remainder will be ‘sete .. Mathias Lesure, Caleb Lewis, Ro- tied in a ballance due to me from | bert Lipton, John Lino. county as exccutor of Samael Cole- Elisha Moores han, deceased. 1do not attach any Robert Collins and the.Commissione: K arthaus jr M. Joo M’Camon, David Myers, James M’Coilough, Plame (0 the Commissioners for have | M’Cormick & Metin, Wm. M'|I0g done this: as the thing stood we Cammont, Owin Mabon, Margaret setded, they placed 1 suppose, that | M’Clister, Jobin M’Kce, Peter M 200g other ballunces due to the Couns Clain, John M’Neely, Sol. Miers, ¥5 28 it siood on their books. 1 JOS. BOONE, March 22d. 1823. 5 Danl. M’Mullen, Hugh M’Cleliand,, Geo. M’Cormick, Michael. Miess. $ N. Jobn Neff. 10. Daniel O’Brian. ! ] i { —— [P. Richard Peters, Isaac Parson, A Journeyman Wanted, Joho Petrikin, IR. Evan Russel, Casper Ross, John By making application to the sub. scriber, living in Bellefonte a Joura Reed, Mary Ross, Wm. Ross 4 1 3 3 IIE -— 4 . ] John Roib, Wm. Riddle, Joh: |PcYman WHEELWRIGHT and CHAIRMAKER, may receive Cola stant employment and mood wages, JAMES DUND ASS, | Jan. 31, 1833, dy Ross, Susan Robertson, James Ren kin jr. Jobn Ramage, James Re sides. : 1S, Jos. Shirk, Peter Spangler, Geo