Bellefonte patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1818-1838, February 26, 1823, Image 4

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i ftatement of money received by the Treasurer of Centre]Orders drawn by the Commissioners on the Treasurgg i
County, from the 8th day of January 1822, until the from the eighth day ofJanuary 1822, until the eighy TF
i 8th day of January, 1823 ; both days inclusive. day of January 1823.
— i Gorman
~ Sshreecived from county collectors 4138 94 1-2 COURT HOUSE & PRISON EXPENSES
ao taxes on unseated lands 1791 28 1-3 John M’'Kee, stationary and candles
da Thomas M’ Clelland, constable’ fine 40 00 Wm. Alexander, esq. boarding prisoners in 1817
<a Commonwealth vs Hagerty & Sianley 4 00 James Williams repairing Court House
do Samuel Harris, house rént 22 00 Jacob Sherick weod for prison
do Wm. Alexaoder, part of Tho’s & Jehan Hall Sts Judt. 61 42 Philip Benner, Tow Linen for prison, and glass for court house
do Joka G. Lowrey, Esq. his note 41 52 Daniel Billiew wood for Court house, attending Court &e,
see F, 6099 17 Samuel Flack attending const and sweeping Court bouse
James Kellogg jr. Inkpowder &c.
Joseph Williams boarding Jos. Smith &ec,
Samuel Flack attending Special court
Samuel Flack attending court
Joseph Williams wood for Jail
P Cambridge recording deed for Jail lo%
James Dundass Chairs {or Ceurt house
Jos. Williams boarding priseners
§ , Samuel Flack attending cout
The following statement shews the amount 1 James Williams repairing Jail
13 ~ > { Matthew Adams wood for Commissioners office
due the county of Centre from sundry pers 1 Abraham Weber repairing spouts for offices
S 1 Jos Williams boarding prisoners.
ons. 1 Samuel Flack atiending court
In the hands of collectors #093 68 James M'Ghee work done to Court house
yf Amountdec from Clearfield county, exclusive of interest 1509 68 | Henry Vandyke do do do
bl Joon G. Lowrey, Esq ballsnce of bond with interest ? 144 13 1-3 Joseph Butler sheriff, Sundry expenses for Jail, court house Se
al Charles Huston & Thomas Buroside’s judgment, with interest 164 98
3 homas & Joba Hall, Sr. bullance of Execution ia the bands of
Wm. Alexander, late Sheriff, with interest $9 11
Ballance in the hands of John Mitchel, exclusive of interes: }
for the last year 1038 44 i ' >
Aoonnt of judgment against A. Hamilton & B. Sn 1 EXPENSES IN SUN DRY CASE S.
with ipterest from the 27th of April 1815, to this date 284 52 "Wolf and Panther premiums % 390-27 13
3210186 1-3 Exp nses in the cases of the Commonwealth vs sundry persons 48 67
TY James M’Ghee, Coroner, holding inquisitionion the body of David Lewis 10 87 1B
$otal 9304 54 1-2] Thomas Burnside, Esq. bills of Philadelphia prison, for the support |
{ James Hains, Lewis 1'reaux, Sr. Lewis Treaux, Jr. Benjamin Treavx
i and Joseph Hatfield 139 92
TL ducation of Poor Children 207 881-3
Refunded to Heary Spangler on duplicate of county tax 87 1.3
do purchasers of unseated lands at Conmissioner’s Sales 14 10
do P. Cambridge, overpaid on Joho Liggit’s duplicate 3 44
John Mitchel, Sheriff, advertising proclamations, sheriff” fecs, &c. &c. 51 00
John Johnston, Ledger for county 11 o®
£773 88
Pallanec due Treasurer at fast settlemem® gIsY1e
Amount of Commissioners orders paid $085 40 1-3 M1 SCELLANEQUS ARTICLE Se
do Road onders 16 00 Ss 4 d d land 4
$sllance ia the baads of Treasurer, subject to his commission 726 19 Hpervifors orders. ontinscaiediands $1727 43
Jurvor’s pay 1393 94 1.2
Total amount of monies paid by Treasurer for 18233 £5099 17 Cansilus re 61 oi
Sls pay Sail 18 50
u William Murray, Commissioners pay 22 08
Matthew Allison, do do 99 go
John Adams, do do 97
Jacob Bollinger, do do 76
John Hays, do do 13
James Rankin; Jr. Clerk to Commissioners, his sallary and extra pay
allowed him by 2 1157
Assessor’s pay : 308
Sundry printing and advertising Sherifl’s proclamations, &c. p 89
mount of erders paid by Treasurer thls yeod ®:085 40 1.9 Election Expenses 190
90 do remaining uapaid 899 86 Attorney General's fees 9
§ tm? ' Clerk of the Sessions 49
$5985 26 1-3 P. Cambridge, his percentage as Treasurer 217
desount of old arders paid by Treasurer this year 559 40 i Wm. W. Potter, Esq attorney for Commissioners, two years! 60 00
4549 0B
¢ $5625 86 1-2 =
min eee ‘Total amount of orders issued by Comreissioners B35625 80
The foregoing isatrue statement of the Receipts and Expenditares of the County money
from the date above stated. o
THOMAS J. PETRIKIN, Clerk. J. ADAMS, } Commissioners.
Balances due by Collectors in Centre county,
David Tipton Howard 1813 16-99 Henry Lorain Rush
Joseph Potter Patiocn i813 37 43 William Bailey Ferguson
James Crawford Bellefonte »do 49 30 Wm. M’KilLbon Lamar
Wiliam Moore Baldeagle i814 77 11{Thomas M’Calmon$ Walker
}jardman Philips . Rush 1815 14 85 George Brown Baldeagle
John Hoover Spring do #2 91 Peter Neese Hainse
Wiliam Turoer Patton 1816 53 71 Henry Pennington Potter
Francis Graham Spring 1817 106 32 Jacob Airs Rush
John Spencer Malimoon 3 93! Andrew Hunter Patton
Benjamin Goodwin Hains 29 26 Nicholas Shaffer Miles
Richard Carey Spring 3 77 Joon L. Thompsom Halfmoon
Ptichael Sweeny Boggs 15 57 Geo. Lonaberger Bellefonte
Joseph Oils Patton 23 41 Jacob Ronoer Howard
John Quay Baldeagle 15 84 P. H. Tierney Boggs
John Snyder Lemar ? 68 15|Martin Houser Spring
Michael Meese Howard 43 Wm. M Williams Ferguson
Henry Dale Fergusen 67 | Matthias Seook Logan
William Rankin Potter Li Ag 28 Joseph Garbirich Miles
Edward Sutherland Lamar oy 57 james R nysee Rush
Benjamin Gosdwia 7 Hains 61 Jaspes M zhee Bellefonte
Patrick Moore Baldeagle 39 69 Joba Shank Howard
Samuel Henderson Halfmooa 51 nid Richards Patton
" Aothony Wolf Miles 20 bide ad a. Walker
Philip Bevaer Spring 2 Pe Fel owel Halfmoon
John Smith Howard 32 761 a : emily Po ter
Adam Gray Patton do 6 46 Hoar Ba RNa Haigse
Andrew Eakens Lamar do 8H 3 a: cart Boggs
Henry Soydew Baldeagle do 19 Doi Ww ays Baldeagle
Christian King Haifmoon do 82) ree aoa Lamar
Gesrge Hubler Ferguson Ferguson 1829 67 rge \.ob\e Spring
Michael Musser Hains do 79
John Irvine Potter do 137 39 . R6060 87
ST —
£, 2 ad ’ - . MY - op .
d to be a fact, but I do not vouch for its correctness. A member of the legislature, from a neighboring connty ; whose ebservations upon city manners and
The following anecdote is sal z i ; 2 . ; ' 75" e
customs were other fimited, put up atone of the most fashionable taverns in this city. After dinner, as was his usual practice, he sat regaling himself with bis pipe and tobacco. The room
158 D . x . - v . - - g - o a 3 ala ¥
was handsomely catpeted, and near him stood a spit box. [he waiter observing him to make no use of so necessary an appendage, moved it nearer, but the gentieman pushed asi with
Lis foot and continued to spit upon the carpet as before. Again the servant replaced it; and again the representative removed it. Once more the servant offered 10 replace ity, wien the wis
1S s Sl : 3 :
man exclaimed— Ii you don’t take that damued thing oul of the way; I swear I'll spitia it.” Lo Microscofies