i Jag - ; BL Oe arth of a ite. ceo-rdine the virtnonst hannd in sheep, with Taicnd bands ;— Ls he anheat { sHing Gi £8 fr wring gers. Sarsicarsices of those who found. and pre.jor each volgme to EORSISL often num Potters Mills towards Toomer "eo baye received De Rep ; CRUEL at y i . he 18h wim : money dor tue FIURAlE DRI, | : his note, payable last November. Lthroueh the Cap, part of the © ihe BY Tas auoH ter Nos at 193. : Ch ¥ gdar nd he fine or] New Testament will bei FB. 8)ITH of Thomas M'Gill; & Co. 2 5 1 evidently connected wil 2a The Ney ament ef : inp3% 1rans ; : ishing of the first mile of stent road comm pisie Ini : I 4 |e and agreed to pay it by giving 50 cents PET DUMDCY, OF Quar-j ve y REN rom the end of the road of MGil AT ween b shy Ap I : Lb ks had fai ou poe « Jo Ca tothe hous ft samuel Stiver BN g - varts of il Fitted CL Ntates & : Lis Quarter Nos. al ¢ | iirtue of the pos vers vested 1 |X Co. to the house of samue yHippe omenes. Be rie, ar jpuoircail a few insertions Id Hern ree era iL 3 : CooL UT dhe Brigadier General by the 6'hion the contract of Philip Benner Ir. shall! Section of the act for the regulation 3y order of the Board. - of Uns commonwealth, Ni, to press : ; 3 Lvl 1D a ya {part of the Regiment command yi Ap 823, and com-| : 3 ily as possible. icoi. Crisweil is haved mence the work by firsti rine to the following on and) bY oun . {ines and all the enrolled work to be.diivercd to sub-lding North and East of the bound, at its coripletion, Oar : hereby attached to ‘the monthly or weekly. | AE 3 E tcommanded by col. Juno kilos A jf y “2 rPTYY fol heerintions received at this! a. . did “qos : { The line to commence f Tuseeys Mountain Ina from the fine between Geo gssel In h a penkmy’ 1011 I's. Jones (ia iC | ] H lc Ct v thence along ieatest order, " fim mill on the Waiior Mark rub, on (he most reasonable teri a1 0€ iow Huntingdon Furnace. irom sald roduce will be taken ip pa aymenta. - on Warrior Marg slrer towns an... 13, 1823. ¥ Cia ; x " Jy Nh, d in about bail 100] ran, fom said mill aliony i . ; covey io Fels NS mn 3 ON the 1Y in-~bi y ht a - { £ ; U ACHR )S ave Conveyel BQYera/ & 3 ; PT IR : i as Fo MO) 9 Joni to Gray vs mu per stills, which by a Pp ocess not | 5¢ 0 th so thfficulty 1 ence SQ FD 1 1 niin i is sit iin Vidine from William Mic Ci ands : op * ' 1 x7 oo 5 “. a ' L / 1 ¥ 4 . \ o asta utatl at on ‘rom Monday unt V CUNESGAY,) | , 3 ma i in ancieht 1TNED . . 3 . } 1( J 134 ips burg » until it S ri , A 4 3 of metalsype ee 1 0: the : Wilno being able 10 gel an) Dg 4 : 5 | ; vos u s Y A | ' 1 \ aln wy ‘ny 1 in 1 OC PATA ‘te yo ~ 2 in 3) hich 15 sci elow.—On Wi dunes wv 10oh he #0 I "TINO Ly LINC, and alo; 3g 3 nforms his friends and the puhlie \ a ; ithinl emissa-lw.s taken off by the big George, of | Liverpool, and arrived atthe ports A oO ality mn pr fui m ! i of the mountain. tin weoeral, that he has conimented the , 3 fa i : ot TAY INC RI 268.03 Commandiog Officers, \YLORING BUSINE in the ’ y sccupied by iyers & . : y . IG CIvCIal et 4 OG Prom the Pitts - Gazette, Feb, 7 N GIDE . - : sain Cates rhe tas XT ata ORT noyty Stewart M Canty, a’. peo Mer, abou 1500 Tickets at ) DNlean, 3000 00 tice © } abeve ep and to.!said 1a in all its varioua hrant | 1 aletacie 10h € he 28 IROL eatiatie an alder dactioniat 2 : nl. boa ops ea! pion on nsidera- 11 o clocs at NEN om Hoyrect to ¢caact ) : Ci-C AVE! themselves acc ordin ri. es, ot! y 4 every ' scription | \ 1s i throat. twas sald In Cv 3 Al : A of & cul hs ow 3] oat A ot TO RE, OMPLY EH ence betore the juny Ve CR AWING A ite 5% h : AYO URAWINIY / A 3 : op 5 . \ been neariv three We Q ts ' v1 i Vik VY Doe Sui : : Yat ¥ ole tishionatiai] respited uit " - in 4 SREY 1 7, | jes Haven il ie BR £14 1 I sa a : ‘ or a typ vine . " [Haste : | j 1st. drawl No. n i150. gay } AY AS 1 .CR OMSK WELL, ima 5 low neg prices, Zea 2 AOS { doav ~v \ | 8% ’ | LIWhHS iD caver CORO . ‘ i arawlie ) ! AID-DE-CAMP. CHATS . ( 9.5 | hereby ordere take no-1Smith, where he intends carrying on, {Ne | and | 13 non who vere t . been execu a . Rk Nos in san while ti inedon Advocate. in ; and : 2nd (D0! do do 2nd 3 \ an. 9 182 3 rr la, \ 1, pe Ys : Tr Lal d, do do 3d oh would semetimes give bim ball a pint hid jo fia: Pzntaloons : vo 4 fla do : FRYE AW w Aof iwhisk Ly cOloe 10 bed 3 then ae h 2 £1 I # i “3 >) XT act Ly of = 3 2 5th. ‘do do t 500 % § RAS. Yeats float or cea | 1.4 + et It onld range a YO it riod Son not gel x wali r : could = 2 : “ub 110 be drawn on the rs he { {dvani, If he coud +3 13s i ’ JOU eg<nIession of sen | vi cointy meee : vould rest pretty well 3 but when hep2t guid rest | J ? Fhe rest all iloat ; oe. repnhlican paety a 4rd &Y . “ithe house ai] niet and could pot rofichout the stake I'he wishes and {'f } fatal t he at a The prizes shall “be -tua Paid 1 accom Pr - of the fatal act ne ale aj ! nerson watever or my accol he even Is A ' : : : Y nis oll ((d ‘ A nne 20 per-( ant 3 Qiuty : i : cthearty sip Ser, vans ree pl ; 2 , 8 f s 1 will pav mo debts 15 Ol . re afier the drawings are complate vill pay mo Geb Ce TR fa FE . bout nine oO Clo kiwent tof ' : BANK NO1 EEXCHAL GE traveller Fhe profits arising trom (hs Lot-ipersons contracting than my own from . P ‘ De( 1 $3738 LCA a ‘ Ty - -~ confidence that iis nomination by’ the Beds Kel \i after dhe 1 jofrery. ave to he Anpied to xtinelinis date IN PHILADSLEHIA. ’ A } Fa aie v went to bed : 3 Ler HY Asad : rl Vou : Lie Lill Alcea clnveauon would produce ne suppor ‘ ) it i Fuish ment of a debt incur in thel pple o N : 2 Gn : . i ; : lord, then the landlady ; all in of a Church or H 50) Tah REI o {United Slates Brancoes, 4 ct dis. {laor, the gan je BYTCL iiousc oi J00Nn V1 nce. | a seem TaD: -syactations of the peop e clai of any other r to concenttate round the cial { any ther 4 BP coqiemangand we con state with beer, ahh 1aay Cibizens +f his ‘OUDLY, Ww ho 2 on x OUD v 32S rod, © 11C VOU LU 1 fram in candid ou Boston, : : 1 1.0. } Aq’ y ’ emo the s heods iI ihe roon, A : ote : ol clonte sendy 91 . : clection. ! { DCU 1] | { ) y A 8 ah w-Hampshire a anted WHISK Ney daMDbDS Ir'ey { [2 i ) } B 2d : A PH A] . i RO T Manas 78 - t a . > diheth canted ‘beer 3 st abt > So a’ > N § OO] a o Connecticut, New-York Citv banks ns indebted t , JOLIN M’- > New-York country notes nust call imme i and pay New-Jersey. 3 Cann nalaon s dreamed he a ' All who newlect this notice will be Lg A i. y hat ay 3 7 » 1 -n - Dre ~ + ni” yf - { cannty of Loam a well water as AG it persons crearied not : "sued without respect to persong—| 1 renton, pofont to [ND he roam, and’ coul | not pass over;| ah assignme nt of a mote which Igayv oho. Bave Accents anRig s1{ Mount Holly, William Mo voks and recollected that he had certain man who calls bimself AN ; same Cromwell, (a vender of a com-| gh bE Inr about ¢ o dreams, Fir i quidaiion. { Newart i ~ . - H 1 slags ’ ro ns sm i DOsition teroied by bim cEMENT Or] Da. 2 AQliLy ss Ld ase prescnt them also for Cumberland, NTI TITY YT” TAT Foi INA LAN. B 2 Ye ann lr yMINSS CK B Ry rYoom, was out a WISTICKING WAX ) for ten dollars, somes; 3 Sil Sussex Bank, | December, last as | at Trenton, keiteceived any value thercior, Y 3 Ex . . 3 ¢ ‘ } : . | ALL IV , \ i LA ge Cer; on fur some minutes: oss as if he was swallow-| h hres vimself ol 2 edn el. | mn eit Oh JOIN ROSSMAN. [pic kson, t nders applared to be ch aking, ~AF Etee he subscribes dle, saw! N, B. The public would do well! 1, ANCASTER 1 rinined not to payithe san rristown terson Bi Ue swick D 3003 221 14 Pennsylvania. | | |! | i \ i -{ 1 { A i i compelled by law. IH dew © e la onl v 2 i gudrd against this mao for the support wii received sce its est Philadelphia notes, —and respectfully t james Sled 105 1D POLS na neg yw, SPN! k elf, may experience tae £000 the public 1 , It $ 4 1 he 4 adi 1 nf wa . Q a dvantur hew » Cune was colled 4 landlord’s ZT, vhich he { ned ahi WwW S peradventu e, they, \ rerma Yh : 1]3 CEMENT, ston ack thon, M Cune and J | 1 pointed Ye'egates for thelwas a well set man, about hive t! Lamar township, Feb. above. .e x1 mdaen cst er county Bunk, est Chester “ iL 1s contemsn Ta Rn £ E MM’ C 21! " Oi the pap Uy LA0 IN y TEA il Ors. v 1 A orOMIAPY CORNY nlc. 4 avemients thet nLgomery cou y Bank, 5 - - me pa sre a — Sp : To's re an ATI TIE ¢ 2 ails > that I have applied to G¢! anagem I3MPLon Lani, y na tics incit ‘ “53 i : Ny nd politic ipal-d Lancaster ‘Bank ymmon pleas of [nc ’ shure Bank 59. Fulton al 1 1 ie . are Tr ith! 1733 salt + sa teteat sd kb mers bk. of Keaqaingy, shortly laws of this state, and sald ult ; , i 2 i “ a v dove “tavo Io x : . : , Ce . i J ne ed. i ok A TIRES 2 a Royal Octave Lditian o ‘have appointed the 4h Modo t : yh oy 4 : BARK NOTES AT A DISCOUNE. lam Clarke's Commentary, onl - ne ’ Bauic nok i : $ 7 ne haher and excellent nring, March next to hear me and my HALL the price of the Q ariofiiors a We at the court house, 1n said § jpnon il wogere you may «isk wr {you TEI ALLA A he ed = am 2 ON ee MN NE aaveriising paneer wil | ; mn ¢! iat - 0 UuLals 4 1 tha « YEE ¥ SEH bt “FY Y FE & isi 2 tabli . ys 3 Paster $43 Y i ~D QAT TT TTT rr in Potter tewgship #a¢ Lu- FUN 254k AT TIIIS OF
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers