a fryidess consumption of time would be obviated ; for pages des. titute of merit might be subsituted many of value now remainiog un known and inacessible. Of several British journals of the science and erudite castyand o hers indeed of a more general and at the same time of a very solid character, little or no use 13 made by the editors and com- priers of peiiodical works priuted in De United Sates, : The ovjzct of the one now adver- ised, is tue accumulation, 10 a per- menant form, ol the materisls thus aeglected, and of the literary aud sci entific arucics worthy of being re- printed in this country, but which, when so, are accompanied by others possessing no claim 10 attention. A misceliany--the Sel:ct Review——akin in the desi, but not equal in com. pretiensiviess, to the piesent, flour- ished ‘or some years in this city, and wou .d,1t muy be presumed, have con. tinued to be supported by a wide spread subsciiption, bat for an aliera- ion of the plan, and a series of adven- titlous reverses. The revival of it, with a larger scope, would seem likely to be attended with sill more signal success thanits orignal exist. cuce, owing 10 the great multiplica ton of readers of periodical works, and the wide diffusion of the habit of seeking 1a them, both into:mation and amusement. « The Museum commenced in July, 1822 It forms two voluwns a year. Pubdshed monthly—-Price Six Dollars a year, payable in advance. boing provided {5 by law. Mir. Dechert, of the Roman Catlo- Jes of Waynesburg and Chambers: Jyivg, egamst aiiering the charter o St Mary's church. ; Mr. Kurz, against changing the place of hoiding elections in South Bmpton township Somerset county. Nr. Rimmer; lor a new election distric in Peters town,hipy Washington county, ett § The legislature of South Caroling have authorised the enlistment for five ycars, of an armed force of one hundred and fifly men to be stationed st Charleston, provided Congress shall give their assent to the measure. D, Press, ERE — An American has obtained the priv- lege of csiablishing a steam boat oy the Leman Lake m Switzorland. Sr i a on i sa Sn A pe MARRIED ——Oa Thursday the 30s day of Jan. by Joseph Miles esq Mr, Jonas Haovery to Miss filiza Pe- re, daughter of Leonard Peters ail J Boggs township. NOTICE. dd ® The note which I obtained from Joho Silar, advertised in the Patriot, was for 4 jodgmeont which I obtained agaiust bis wife Martha, in 18!7 Wien scire facias issued, be appear- 3 cd and agreed to pay it by giving me y his note, payable last November F.B. sMITH. ES—c———— ¥ ¥, 1823. > . > Christain Advocate. A Journeyman Wanted. The union of literature with genu- By making application to the sub- ine christianity, at ail ties important, scriber, living in Belietonte a Jour- [18 peculiarly 80 at ths tune, and In neym.n WHEELWRIGHT muy re- this country, The enemies of the Church, laity, impartially selected. All communications oh the smbjec of the work are to be post paid, and addressed to the publisher, « E. Lir- TELL, Philadelphia.” This work, which is a continuation of the Presbyterian Magazine, began in January, 1823, Published Monthly—Price 3 2 year, payuble on delivery of the June rumoer; or $2 50 if paid in advance. —— } American Journal of Science and Aris. CONDUCTED BY BENJAMIN SILLIMAN, Professor of Chemistry tc, in Yale College. Ths Journal begun in the year 1819. Two numbers, between which their ‘is an interval of about three months, form a volume. Price three dollars, fiayable in ad vance, E. Litre, and R. N Henry, re spectfully solicit subscriptions to the above work. The North American Review, aud the American Journal of Science, are now well established. and have a decided claim to public |, gUPPOrt as forming important parts of our aational literature, ( Subscrifitions received at this Office. ) Listof letters remainin in the Post office al Bellefoute, Jan. 1 1823. J ceive constant employment and good truth asiils jo Jesus, are using all WaU CS their endezvours to maintain their 2 cause and extend their jufluence, by the powerful auxiliaries of erudition and taste ; and if the truth be ft naked, or appear only in a careless or slovenly garb, it will not be Likely to atract the attention and win the hearts . JAMES DUND ASS. Jan. 87,1823. TAN TER ARTE ENE CAYRTUON All persous are cautioned against trusting any on: en my account, as | am determined to pay no debis bat! those ol my own contracting, JAMES CLARK. Walker township, Jan. 27, 1833. \ PERIODICAL LITERATURE. the community which cousists of the young, the cultivated aud tbe aspiring We Know, indeed, (hat the success ia inculcating evangelical tiuth must come frum Goudy and that nothing but his grace will ever change a single human heart. Still we are not to ex. pect miracles—wo. are oaly expect the smiles of providence, and the ip. fluence of Divine grace, in the uss of 7 The following peri- odical works are Pub«!vigorous exertions, aud of means naty- 5 {rally adapted 0 tue effects inteaded be lished 4 by E ‘LITTLE, b: produced. When the epcmies REL Lc pus > of vital godhuess assauit with leara- kt Chao hilg lcombatied with the legitimate use of Chesnut street, i hila ‘the arms whch they abuse. In this delnhia. and in f'ren- service the Christian 2 pires to (ake a puit ; s.nsible, deed, ton, and by £ Norris Advocals as- [that it must be an humble part. it $ HENRY. 129 Broadway, laos: to be somewiat mstramental ''? New York : In preventing the evil effects of itera. ture misapplied, in culttivating and diffusing sound biblical criticism, ig i cxposiug misrepresentation and so- a cs |pbystry, in clothing the pure doctrines TERMS OE SUB- of he nest in A il aod at- tractive dress which may give full ef- 3 : (fect to their native charms, in endeav- 1 for ress than a volume, and they must ouring to cherish the Joye of learuiig § begin with the beginuing of a volume.l,nq 4 just taste amoug the younger 2 No subscripton will te discontinued ¢leypy) and to promote, generaily, 0 unid all arréarages are paid, and un- among orthodox Chiisuiar 8, that tone a less notice have beep given beforeior (rue and evangelical piety, which shall demonstrate that it is not © GENERAL ® SCRIPTION. “No subscription wili be received! 3 the commencement of a pew volume. I Allletters to the publishers to bel post paid. ¢ The Magazines are strongly pack - “ted, and forwarded by mail as secon as Y published. ever things are rue, honest, just pure lovely, and of good repost. © If, under the divine biessing, It shall be found that these resalts, 0 any considerable ¢xtenty have been produced by this pebitcation, it will have rendered a service in which all who shall have given it their aid will have reason for- te nt —— ¢ Museum of Foreign of that large and important portion of ‘ hos- tile but tughly favorable to whatso-! "Wm. Armor, Rebecca Adams, Isaac Alexander, Robert Anderson, Jon Arvoer, Andrew Allison, Coleman Ad. ams, Joha Adams, Poilip Benner, Join Benner, William Brown, Peter Bader, David Bishitz, John Brown, Wiliam Baily, Elisha Bennet, Joan M. Buek. Samuel Baird, Margareta R. Boggs, Edward B. Burk, Charles J. Brown, Joho Brettend, Michae! Delany, Jacob {Faclin 2 ; Charies Fisher, Mary Good fellow, James Gallaspie, Moreiz Hil- ner, Charles Husion, Wm. Huil, \George Henning, Catharine Haun, Henry Hacket, Randel Harvey, Jos Hinton, Abraham Hubler, James Har ‘bison, John Irwin, John Johnsen, Maf fet Jedlie, Frederick Jacobs, David R Jacobs, Jacob Keplinger, William ‘Kean, James R. Kirk, Samuel Leaver, William Ligity, Jacob Lex, George M’Eatire, Charles Michan, James M’- Key, James Milliken, Robert Moor, Lewis M