(ree r IR) Ck talalailel ONT, x a Vil. Y. ~e er, pest NOTICE. All persons indebted to the estate that wis of ABRAHAM WOLF. LTT —— EE ee CONDITION 5. The price of this paper DOLLARS per snpum-— s TWO buat if naid) 3 ads in anre, ONE DOLLAR AND pond, note or book - account, ep Je 251¢ t, on ov befor EUENTS I will quested to make paytoen a VENT I FIVE PENS only hie 31st day of January next, and those) be charged, having demands against the aid = eat them, le rei king mo more late are requested to pres Adyer SHINS mak eally authenticated, on or before that day. JOSEPH GILLIL AND, JOHN DAURERMAN {Nay 26.h 1822. in leneth than breadth, will be in- serted u ree times for one dollar; and, for every subse juent twenty-five cents.-—— Chose of greater leneth in proportion. —Rule or figure n 1 M i work dou! ble those rates. u ing 4 1ii. No subscription will be received for The Subscriber informs his friends tess than one year; nor any Paper and those disposed to favor him with! rag cs are their cistom, that cloth will he re. discontinuad antil all arrearay te ttre paid. ' fonte ; Itshall be returned to the sams If the subscriber does not. request place alter hems or he led and dye 6 (Jae | a dis ;ontinuance. of his ape ry, at the Es Wo WARD “+ Vobacconist, continuance | | { as a now engagement; and the paper forwarded accordingly. Subscribers whethave their papers jae, of Potter township, deceased, bud ? Ad mrs. “nus date. wNITRE COUNEY, Pi: {§BYLY TANIA, PRIN IED BY H. PETRIKI = 3 » em re eS Sl PR ee A ogy Sn WEDNE 3. Dd yr February 5, < 16 823. olice, and ia the most fashionable waoner ; at the following prices, viz :! Chaise fouls . $250 Pod aloops “1300 Vests 1,00 and all other work ‘a very reduced price. OU. AUT FON, I bs public are cautioned not to trust any person whatever on my accouit, as 1 will pay wo debis of any other persons contacting than my owa from John M'Kee. Bellefonte, Doc’r 21st 1822. Tee SALE. By virtue and in pursuance of the is | jast will and testament of Jobn Glen, late of Ferguson township, deceased govern themselves accordingly. i forte, six miles from Baldeagle creek, Wi caving uf ait kin a done in the best and neates: order. and ‘0 the most reasonable terns. “Coun vy produce will be taken 1a payme: ita Walker towusiin, Fin. 13,1828 issolunioh of Cartner= The partners! ap P MITCHEL & SHIPMAN is this day dissolved by Auilal consent. All persons indebts d tothe fiom ave requesied to make jo pay wat, and those baving | cmands W present tiem for s ttle ent, 3 Militia are hereby ordered to take nojiN any valley jtice of the above regulation uod to By order of Brigadier Geseral Wm R. Smith. THOMAS T. CROMWELL, ALD DE CAMP Jan 9 1823. 10 REN] ‘the Washington IRON WORKS, Sliuated in Nitiany Valiey, Ceuux county, about fifteen Miles below Belic JAS MITCHET! AB'RM. Ch pul A NEY Jan. 15,1823. gy 3 i . y Jb 3 iF aian J i Purchasers Beware! TWO men who are trav ersing t part of the couniry, vend: nsw Baty i call cement for vepaiviig broken chi ware; have tmeugh tod ad Uilse ‘epresentaiion, obtained a deed fiom the subscriber for the tract of Jad and nine miles from the Susgaehannz river; the works ate well situated and on never filing sireams ; the Furrace is watered by a large spring’ ”\ fa and the Forge by I'shing-creck, eithe of these streams seldom ever freeze: will be sold ai public sale, on the 151 hi day of Masch next, the following de. scribed tracts of land situate in the! ear-icd by the-mailj must be liable for “the postage. Letters addressed to the editor must be post paid. “TOBE. SOLD A Lot of ¢ ground si fuate at the cor- wer of Spring andelTig h Streets, inthe Borough of Bellefout + ¢, whercon there Ea good two story STONE HOUSE & KI TCHEN, ALLO, A BARN & STABLE. i The premises aie 9 ow inthe tepuse of Mp, Hamiiton 4] um: s, and are part of tLe csiate late of James Duniop deceased. LFor tems of sale, applica wo may bedmade to JUN G 10 | RY, JAMES HARRIS. August 31, 1822, ’ of CHEWING TOBACCO, SPANISH & AMERICAN SEGARS, UT, AND DRY, AND SNUFF. All of which he will dispose of es. ihe most reasonable terms for Cash o country produce, Country merchant, will be allowed a reasonable credit, : of Bellefonte, a SILVER WATCH. The owner is requested to come for ward, prove propery) pay cligiges and take it away. 54 JEREMIAH MENIN. Bellefonte, Dec’r 17; 1823. FOR SALE. Will be sold, at private sale, a honse $ Ex’rs, » Luling Lyin , The subscriber in forms jus friends . - D 1) and the puilic in g cneralythat he sili busi [00 io the occupancy of Jolin Blan shard, esq. For terms apply to Joseph W Williamson “Lamar township, Dec. 8, 1822. NEW GOODS. The subscriber has received a trcsh supply ol Goods, suited to the season, which be will dispose of on the most reasonable terms for CASH, or coun: euaiinues to carry on the above poss at the old starid, where he 1s now prepared with the best of dye suff, which will arjable him to dye the best and most fu: hionable colours. He tend have herve fore favored him with their 28 his thanks to those who eustom, an | bopes by a strict attention to busines s to merit a continuance of the same. JACOB BOUSER, jr. N. B. CigtR left at P. H. Tietney’s i! Bellu! nteg will be taken away, and ghed after the mabner directed. — - 1 ry produce. JOHN HAMMOND. Bellefonte, Dec. 8d 1822. 10s of country produce taken in at at a fair price. Gillespie and Smith, Inform their friends that they have commenced the Boot and Shoemalking NEW STORE.» ‘Tle subscribers have ovened BTGFE at Farmer's Mills, or Wood’ Ss Miile,/ tn Pennsvaliey, They have on band a handsome assortment of Dr Y Goods Jy Groceries Liquors, business in the borough of Bellefonte in thc sbep next to Messrs, Ham- mond and Page’s store, where they first rate fashienable Boots and Shoes, | &e. which they will dispose of on the, whichthey will dispose of on reason able terms for cash or country pros duce | Green hides also will be taken in exchange for goods, COOK & LEBO. WOSt reasonable terms for cash or country produce, Dec. 3d 1822. Informs ols friends and the > ublic wn general, that he has commenced the TAYLORING BUSINESS, in the house formerly sccupied by Myers & 22d, aan ” — : TOL SPANISHYSOAL. The Subscriber has on hand a guaneity of first rate Spanish Soa) leather, which he wiil sci Jow for CASH, or in exchange for HIDES JAMES WILLIAMS, Bellcionte; Now 4th 1932. Dect. -— Smith, where he intends carrying or said business in all its various branch. {°% Clothing of every description Informs his friends and the public,’ WAS FOND. [. In one of the strects of the Borough and lot in the Borough of Bellefonte, intend keeping on hand a quantity of} L8 made by bim on the shoitest said township, viz. A tract of land aining one hundred aud fourteen that he has on hand a large quantity scree. of which between 80 and 90 acres are cleared, with a dwelling ‘house thereon Fesected, land contaiiing one bundred and fif ; acres, of which oof” hundred acres are cleured, having thercon erected » dwelling house and barn. The land is of an excellent quality. | Term: jade known on the day of sale, on the premises. Due attendance will be . Bl¥eD by ” JAMES GLENs 3 ban. JOHN BAILLY January 1st 1823. NOTICE, Al perso s sudebied to JOHN M0 5 Al who neglect ths noc ¢ will b sucd without respect to persong- Chose who have accounis agains him please’ present them also | liquidation, J. M. PETRIKIN December 27th 1822. TO RENT, The house and lot of ground Drei «ccupied by JOAN M'KEE. It an excelleng? Tavern Stand, having been occupied as such fo ‘weD'y vears. 1 It is ’tho an excellen stand for any other kind of public bu- siness. Itis very convenicnt to Spring Creek, and possesses thany other ad. ‘antages. The terms upon which i will be lcased will be reasonable, an will be made known by tle subscriber Application must bganade soon, J. M.PETRIKIN. December 28th 1822, Brigade Orders. BY virtue of the powers vested in he Buagadier General by the 6:5}, Section of the act for the regulation], of the Militia of this commonwea'th part of the Regiment comm nded b; ol. Criswell is hereby struck off ac ordinz to the following describes ‘ines, and all the enrolled militia res.» ng North and East, of ihe said lines iare hereby aitached to the’ egiment \commanded by col. Jno Hasson, The live to commence at the Topia of Tuseeys Mountain ina direct line from the line between George Mat hernand Mrs. Jones (late Mrs, Mc Cer ney) thence along said ine to a old mill on the Warrior Maik run selow Huntingdon Furnace, from said mill ts Grays mill on’ Warrior Mark “un, from said mill allong the road lea dng from William Mec Clelands te 2uilipsburg anti it strikes the Centre County line, and slong said line to tuc op of the mountai Commanding Officers, of Regi ments, company Ocers, and ewroled] 2 A tract of “with conducting Iron Works, KLE wiust cai} immedia ely and pu ° the same was obtained fom me in whercon he now res des, situate ig Hanes township, Con c COuDLY, CO} Latping 44 acres more or less: aig { having thercon erecred a Folling mi cardio machine, &¢. They called 4 ibemsclves Wm. Newton and Joh Cromwell, ang fasts ited to convey i one, about two and a halt miles, and ex lange for the above lind and ig the other three fourths of a mile from/P OVemen's, a quarte section of Jad : j10 the state of Ulie, which the sa the Furnace. The Ore is equal, $ : equal, if {Newton said be w.S authorized 10 o4 not superior, to any in_the Wai ited! or amae of the noms of John States. The Forge is ig gold tepair| Mennix, and also a tract of da.ation Haud situated in Crawford or idercert and has been working uatil list spring. v county. The undersigned has good The Furnace has pot been in biast fur icason to believe that (ne title 1o tics some time; and wijl require some rel 1a0ds 18 Got in men. As it is , “i . : able that they will off ie land puirs. @'he owner is unacquainteq)PIOVABIC that they will offs: the land of, ph the subscriber jor sale, hie gives this | and wishes to rent them, therefor any hotice that purchasers may beware, as | 12 1s dete mined to romain in poS= person wanting to rent Iron Works [3€3810n 1 possible, and oy yield the will findit to their advantage to come and view said Works, a» the subs. here is about two thousand acres of tex cellent wood and adjoining the hwo ks, there are two excellent “ Ore Banks, (> . those e same, unless to one (0 whom hie may hy self cLnvey. JOIN ANDERSON, December 22:1.d 1822 cr lives on the premisés and wil wake the terms easy and liberal. JOHN HENDERSON. Jan. 27th 1823 BANK NOT IN PHYLA Fs . United S.ates Br aris; Boston, New-Hampshire, Counecticat, New: York Ci ty banks New-York coun try notes Ney. Jersey, x0 Ha \NG FHIA lis, J do 2 do 1 do par 1to 5 1 et. The Editors of the Pennsylvanis In- i cehipencer, I reisbutg 5; Laucastr inrelligencer, Lancaster ; and Balui- more Patriot, are requested to inser he shove In thar poctive papers. weekly foc three months and forward thelr bilis to thie subscriber for pay nont JH, res a Trenton, Mount Holly, Cumbe riand, Newark, J Brunswick Bank, Sussex Bunk. State Be bk at Trenton, At Elizebetiown At Moris town At Paterson \t Brunswick dis par do do do do do do a do i bog Caution. All persons are hereby natified no 0 receive a pr emisory note: which gave to Franklin IJ. Smith, as I an ‘letermincd not to pay the same unles compelled by due process of law 3 As fraudulent manner for which. I veve feceived any cous:decation. JOHN SILAR. Lamar township, Jan 28, 1823 Ey L- NOTICE 3 sd = IS hereby given to all persons in ebted te the estate of Isaac Prshe: dec’deto cBme forw ard on or before he best day of Murch next, and settle off their accounis; as .fter that date their accounts will be lodged in hands of James Crawiord, Esq. collection, All persons having mands against said estate, wil to produce them properly’ alles sctilement, JOHN M'CALMONT, Adm slamty 13, 1823. do Pennsylvania, Phitadelphia notes, par Germantown aston, Bank, Camden Go Chester copnty Bank, West Chester Montgomery county, Bank, the Northampton Bank, fo: de ple a8: ted fo Farmers Bank, La mcaster, Harrisburg Bank Par. Bank Bucks co. BANK NOTES AT A DISCOUNT. Reading, _|owW Bank of Carlisle, New Hope Bridge, Bank at Milton, Chambersburg, Little York, Gettysbu STRAY SHEEP. Came to the plantation of the sub scribers, living in Potter ownshi some time in September last. eig SHEEP. The owuer 13 desired 10 come for ward, pay charges and tale themit way Or they will be disposed of ac. cording to law. Urgy Swatara Bank, Pittsburg Notes, Centre Bank JOHN PETERS, Columbia bridge com, JOHN DURST. Pottar township, Jan. 15th, W.SANKEY, Coverlet, Diaper & Car pet Weaver. Greensburg Brownsville All ite rest of Peansylvaniy Notes of Iicorported banks no sale Justices od Constables wy EY Informs the pmblic that he carrie: on the above busicess, in all jis vari: ous bramches, al VV, ME en's Je FOR
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers