2 } a x ra LLEFON PATR BELLEFONTE, CENLRE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, PRINTED BY H. PETRIKIN, Vol. Y. A Ww 3 ly = | Mille, in Pennsvalley. They h ave sand a haudsome assortment © Dry Goods, Groceries Liquors, &c. which they will dispose of on reastn able terms for cash or country pros irl a The price of this paper is TWO DOLLARS per annum—but if paid in advance, ONE DOLLAR AND SEVENTY FIVE CENTS only will be charged. LDDNESDAY, Ju wary 22, = town this twenty-fourth day of a Dee. A D. one thousand eight! hundred and twenty two. Jos, Butler, SA'S { To Creditors. i Adveris ts king mo more, ) . Adver'isements, making duce. Green hides also will bo taken in length than breadth, will be in- iin exchange for goods. serted three times for one dolar; and COOK & LEBO. \ Oct. 22d. SPANISH SOAL. for every subsejuent continuance wenty-live cents,— Those of greater cagth in proportion.—Rule or figure work double those rates. The Subscriber has on hand a . No subscription willbe received for quantity of first rate Spanish Soal Leather, which he will sell low for CASH, or in exchange for HIDES. JAMES WILLIAMS. Be'lefonte; Nov. 4th 1822. NOTICE. 1 L i 1) less than one year; nor any paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid. lf the subscriber does not request adis :ontinuance of his paper, ai the end of the year, it will be considered that wis of ABRAHAM WOLF, tate, of Potter township,deceased, by bond, note er book account, are re- quested to make payment, on or before the 31st day of January next, and those having demands against the said es: tate are requested to present them, le- gally authenticated, on or before that day. JOSEPH GILLIL AND, JOHN DAUBERMAN. Nov. 26th 1822, RUNAWAY, From the subscriber, a MULLATOE BOY, about 20 years of age, five fret three or fou: inches in heighth. Had on when he absconded, a roundabout, and other various clothing not recol. lected, together with a half worn ro- ram hat. as a new engagement ; and the paper forwarded accordingly. Subscribers who have their papers ear died by the mail, must be liable for, the postage. Letters addressed to the editor must be pose paid. ~ ry TOBE. SOLD A Lotofground situate at the cor- ner of Spring and High Streets, in the Borough of Bellefonte, whereon there 1s a good two story STONE HOUSE & KITCHEN, ALSO, , A BARN & STABLE, The prentises are now inthe tenure of Mr. Hamilton Humes, and are part of the csiate late of James Dunlop deceased. For terms of sale, applica: fon may be made to : JOHN G. LOWRY, JAMES BARRIS, August 31, 1822. : NATHAN HARVEY. Mill-Hall, Nov. 26th 1822. Fulling Mill. The Subscriber informs his friends and those disposed to favor him with their custom, that cloth will be re. ceived at Mr. Evan Miles’s, Belle- fonte ; It shall be returned to the same § Ez’rs, JAMES POTTER. December 4th 1822. All persons indebted to the estate, d } Admire place alicr being fulled and dyed.— Take notice that we have applied | the Judges of the court of Cemma: Pleas of Westmoreland county for the ‘benefit of the insolvent laws of this Commonwealth, and the sail Court have appointed the third Monday © February next, to hear us and our creditors, at the court heuse in the ‘Borough of Greensburg, when anu where you may attend if yeu think preper. JOSEPH BLACK, & Co. Dec. 4th 1822. WAS FOUND In one of the streets of the Borough of Bellefonte, a SILVER WATCH. The owner is requested to come for. ward, prove property, pay charges and take it away. JEREMIAH MENIN. Bellefonte, Dec’r 17 1822. | “FOR SALLY. | Will be seld, at private sale, a house aod lot inthe Borough of Beliclont, | ; now in the occupancy of Jobn Bia ichard, esq. For terms apply to Joseph W Williamson | Lamar township, Dec. 8, 1822. NEW GOODS. The subscriber has received a tres! sapply of Goods, suited to the scason. which he will dispose of on the mos reasonable terms for CASH, er coun ; ry produce. JOHN HAMMOND. Bellefonte, Dec. 8d 18922, Fulling & Dying. The subscriber informs his friends WW. WARD, ‘Tobacconist, and the public in general, that he sib gontinues to carry on the above busi ness at the old stand, where he is now prepared with the best of dye stuff, which will enable him to dye the best that he has on hand a large quantity of CHEWING TOBACCO, SPANISH & AMERICAN SEGARS, CUT AND DRY, AND SNUFF. All of which he will dispose of ox and most fashionable colours. He tenders his thanks to those who have heretofore favored him with their sustom, and hopes by a strict attention to business to merit a continuance of the same. the most reasonable terms for Cash o, JACOB HOUSER, jr. N. B. Cloth left at P. H. Tierney’s in Bellefonte, will be taken away, and country produce, will be allowed a reasonable credit. PROCLAMATION, Notice is Hereby Given THAT a court of Common Pleas General Quarter Sessions of the finished alter the manner directed.— All kinds of country produce takenin payment at a fair price. § Ray RATAN ep JOBL FBR Plaisterer, WHO now resides at Dunnsburg TRY TER leh Peace and the Orphan’s court, in and or the county of Centre, will be tn Lycoming county, will do any work Inthe line of his profession on the of January next, at sho'®stinotice, in the best possible maineriand on the most reasonable forms. He will, in the prosecution of bis business, visit any part of Centre or ad those persons who wish to employ him : Can give no-| . 2 Tes : : : : : 3 ks d ina lisitions, examinations tice by letier directed to Mill-Ha] ReCOrgs, Ig ? Lycoming 1 ; : + ) ing county their proper persons, with their rolls { Post Office or Dunusburg Post Office! which he promises to answep with promptitule. NEW STO ; EN subscribers ron oan sln } RE. ave onened|depart without leave. x : tO 2 » > y N ti on» Wand’ ys Informs his friends and the public Country merchants meldat the court house inthe borough | of Bellefonte on Monday the 27th day 10 o'clock! A. M. of said day, of which the Cor- oner, Justices of the Peace and Con-/ stables within said county will take | nesice, that they be then and there in| jand other remembrances to do those | things which t their offices appertain | ito be done ; and all suitors, jurors] —————=hnd witnesses are also requested to} be and attend at s~id court, and ne! lthis date. late of Ferguson township, deccas: will be sold at public sale, on the 151] scribed tracts of land siruate in t! conlatting one acres, of which between 89 and 9 house land containing one bundred and OF acies, of ave cleared, having thereon erected dwelling house and bac 1s of an exceciint made known ou (he « premises. given by 1823. a9 guson tewnship, in Mc sud cevily of 3 \ : 'e » Jo Centre, adjoming lands of Alcxander | foboston and others, with «he inp oves oh BR Seized & ven lr execution and to be sold agi s the property of Fdward D up herty, Fi JOSEPH BUTLER, Sheriffs ~ 1 SI, on 3 , Sher fis Ofc, EB liefonte, 1823. —— PUBLIC SALE. By virtue and in pursuance of the ast will and testame : Yler , nt of Jobn Glen! noi and apprrtcnances 1 b . ‘ay of March next, the f.!l wing d. ald township, viz, nuary 1st A hundred and fourtec tract of lan. To Creditors. acres are cleared, with a dwells i ; Take notice tha av alied to? there nn erected. A tract ke notice that I have applied to 0 : 2 the Judpes ol the Court of Common’ ) ICH Pleas of the county of Centre fi oy one hundred ac RI. hie for the} en: fit of tie insolvent laws of this | Conunonweaith, and the said court | " i RIK. 1a | 1 [have appumied Monday the 27th day J y elms ot. i ‘ oR : | UL January next at the court house in « ‘ $.u1€y ON hi} te vorough of Belietonte, to hea: me wd my creditors, when & where you i wy aitend it you think proper. CALLE LEWIS, January 1st 1823, ) F2 ENTE XS ERAN The house and lot of ground lately occupied by JUHN M'KEE. an exceilent Du: vith Db a JAME: JOHN | 18. § $ January Ist Valuable seal tuslale FOR SALE a, By order of th Orphans -r— - 2 o It is -- } Lourt of Centre county, Tavern ‘Stand wil s been occupied ng Al 1 a : x \ Wil be sold on the premises, onlhay ‘ as such Hr : liwen y years. eran tract of land and! Lf 1stand for ary other ki hlie t essa es thereot, siiyate tei]. > r kind of pubite bye - . (s1ness, It is very conveniont t y county, adjoining! ‘ands of the hers of Dr. C. Wistar anes and Jon Potter, William P daturday the fiest day of Februar, I : J tt fc A vo Xt, all that Js the an excellent | in Po! ‘ » Yor'tnhe > wnship, re $v id reek, and possesses many o| it ade vantages, Tie rms upon which it | \V. 1 wit be leased will be re: ty Af) ot'ery esq. and lands of Martha a af nod 5 €5¢ ind atthid tt will be made known by the subscriber, Po! 5 ; rid eguy Potter, containing about fou ica guy y ing abo f Application must be made soon, J. M PETRIKIN D cember 28:h 1822, 1 1 £q re + t wundred acres, it being the rea L f said county, deceased. est: PY i hat was of G oo Potter, oe kt YI & 118 O smeared bettie eesti) DANK ME EXCH ANGE, IN PHM.ADLL: HIA. Ted Sates Branches, 1 it . x OO5TOL, 1 ale— One half of the purchase money x v o be paid in hand, and the residu . {U in sIX annual payments, without tei § Duce aitendance will be given by Dr. Wu be vO ct. dis, do do do st, to be secured by mortgage New-Hampshire, nc Cul w-York City banks new York Coury 1 par 105 ham J. Wilson and John Potter, ad, tos New-Je rsey. 1 ite 8 ministrators. BY THE COURT, Trenton, dis Gillespie and Smith, Inform their friends that they ha commenced the 1 . Boot and Shoemalking business in the borough of Belief nic in thc sbop next to Messrs, Ham mond and Page’s store, where they inte:d keeping on band a quantity ol first rate fast.ianable Boots and Shoes, which tliey will dispose of on the most reasonable terms for cas® or country produce. Viount iH ly, ; par mberiany, Jdo da do cdo do do do [do (do Certified by, FRANKLIN B. SM tH, Ci Bellcioute, Dc. 28th 1822. “TY N Biunswick Bank, IUSSCX B ink +1 tdi Ww ark, 94 ’ Bauk at Trenton, \t Llizabethiown] \t Morristown At Qatterson At Boanswick Pennsylvania, clplia notes, Administration Accowi The seorge Shiyberger and Nancy Barr administ atiix of, & »f John Barr, late of Ferguson tow: ship deceased, has been examined an passed by me, and remains fled in admiuistration accoumt sganuipistrat te Phifad par do do. do ‘yermantown LLaston Bunk, wamden "wn Mi ice for the inspection of heirs, lega | | x - office for the 10s] 5* {Chester county Bunk, do do or ‘edi 2 at hers concern f «xr y tees, creditors and all others concern tyr, Chester Dec. 3d 1822. W. MYERS, Informs his friends and the public, | } i i in geaeral, that he has commenced the; TAYLORING BUSINESS, in the nouse formerly eccupied by Myers & Smith, where he intends carrying on | said business in all its various branch] will be made by him on the shoitest notice, and in the most fashionable manner ; at the followieg prices, viz : Coarse coats 2,50 Fine do 3,50 Pantaloons 1,00 Vests 1,00 and all other work a very reduced s price. AUTIN 49 J BR #721 The public are cautioned not to rrus? ny person whatever on my account jas I will pay no debts of any other persons contracting than my own from John M’Kee. i i i 1 i i ' ' | 3! 1a ed, and will be presented to the nex: es. Clothing of every description KEE must call immediately and pag! liqui i : jand centaining eighty four aeres, be do do do do do NOTES AT A DISCOUNT, 4 i Orphans court to be held at Beilel in and for Centre county, on -the 28. “rT Onto vr tontgomery connty Bank, i Y of iD ipton Bunk that : Fea - {Farmers Bank, Lancaste day of J nva'y next, lor allowance &f, Re, 3 iarrisburg Bank confirinalions 1F: B SMITH, Register, > - i 2 : NICKS Co, ar. BANK Neoar read Bank F a4 - h 1822 YZ 3 "BX 1 TR ) d Bank Carlia L = 2 R £0) 5a 1s sank of ~arlisle, 2 Al persons ‘ndebted to JOON Mf °F B-llefonte, December in, Ir TY + 3 clove bs yr Alt who neglect th's notice wilt beiChambersi ued without re<puct to persons.-—if ile York Those have accounts agains, oii : him please present them also forf ~CUYSVIIE, ation. who Swatara Bank, ist alice NE Pittsburg Notes, J. M¥ PETRIKIN. December 27th 1822, Sheriff's sale. By virtue ofa writ of venditioni ex ‘Centre Bank oy Cl) OT! oe OW WN Be Columbia bridee’co 0 a age com. [ Greenburg _— ~~ ~~ i poenas 1 sued out ol the Court of Con iB nwnsville 10 All the rest of Pennsylvaria mon Pleas of Centre sonnty and to me ¥ wil te vf crv y 3 directed, will be exposed to public sie Notes of Incorported banks no sales en Monday the 27'h : instant, at the court house in the Bor. da TRIP § WP Justices anid Constable wn E = ; JLANKS y «f January is ough of Bellefonte, a certainteact o RE ie | i 1G Salle mole © [{tiate ip E>. i 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers