hat SE =» eeedod in cuting thie animals threat. The boys hand which was badly man- pied, was dressed asa bad wound, and | the skin of the racoon, which was re marbably large, was taken off and sold from whieh it would appear that no suspicions were at the time entertain el of the animal. having been rabid Un'il withima few days of his deaths it was expected the boy would expe rience no serious inconvenience from his hurt, but at that terrible and’ distressing disease, liydrophobia, showed evidently that he bad become its subject, and {rom the diccase baving taken entire posses- sion of the system, must also be its victim, CRY RTRY Ti i 3 THE PATRIOT Notfor himself, but for his conntry.” CC WAONESDA Y, December. 25. MARRIED ——On Thursday the 12th inst. by the Rcv. James Linn, Mr. JOHN POTTER, of Pennsralley, to Miss AMELIA BURNSIDE, niece of Thomas Burnside, eaq. of this] Borough. —t ae DIED On. Saturday morning last, iu the 29th year of her age, la mented. by all her acquaintances, Mrs MARY ANN PATTERSON, con- sort of WW. I. Patterson, esq. of Pot: ter township. -—On Saturday evening last, Mr CHARLES M’LEAN, the Revolution. a soldier of His residence in the town of Milesburg, where re- was side, also, two of his companions in arms—and who assis’ed in bearing him «to the house appointed for ail.” So sink the brave to rest. New London, (Conn) Dec’r 11. TRULY MELANCHOLY EVENT On Friday last, the Hon. Dixon HALL, 2 member of the Senate lof this State, was suddenly deprived of life in a manner peculiarly distress! rz to his numerous family, end to Cu the morning of that day, being in his Factory ay Sterling, in this State, he noticed a derangement in a band on one of th the community. large drums connected with the main shaft und with the intention of rect fying 1t, he applied his band, which was caught between the band and the dram. Fhe machinery at this time was in rapid motion, at the rate of six'y or seventy revolutions in a minute The effect was drawn with irresistible violence, was dreadful. His body through an open of ten inches diame: tery@rushing the bones and depriving him of life. He spected and beloved ; and the circum- r instantly was re stances of his death excite feelings] which cannot be expressed. SP 4 Eran Union ( Fayette co.) Dec'r 3. MURDER A shocking murder was somite? at Break neck Furnace, Saltlick town- ahip, is this county, on Tuesday last on a Mr. M'Kew, The circumstan-| ces as related to us are these: A number of the hands on that day, as- sembled at a Tippling house, conve- a Mr, some- nient to the oar-bank, kept by Michael M’Kendrick, and that time during the day, M'Kendrick went to a neighboring house and in. formed them that some of the men had got intoxicated and he believed some of them had killed old My. once the symptoms of] sh Tg § Co spike ; he died in one or two hours | frerwards., DM’ Kendrick was imme- diately arrcsted and lodged in our jail thereto await his trial. From the Trenton True American. Dec'r 14th. On Tuesday morning last, about two o'clock, the editor of this paper who bad for some time past labored under. a temporary delirium, swung Aiimself out of the “seconds story win- dow aver the lower sash, and on strik- ing the pavement had both bones of his right leg broken and the large At present, Di. bone of the leit. symp.ems favorable. et en Chiefly through the instrumental- ity of our late vencrable President, James Mapison, a professorship of Agriculture is sbout to be endowed in the University of Virginia. Extract of a lotic dated, * Washingioca, Dec, 10. Mr. M¢Duffie and Mr. Cumming met on the 27th ultimo, and seperated) without firing, Mr, Cumming’s sec- ond having taken exception. to the po-| sition of Mr. M’Duffie’s pistol. The once, and at the secondy firggeMr, Comming’s ball struck the left arm of Mr. M:Duffie above the elbow joint upon the center of the bone, and fractured it very much, aext day they met, fired o both missed ; 50 as probably to endanger his arm, ¥, Caz, The British frigate Seripgapatam, Redwing, and Grecian eutter, arrived at Havanna, on the| 24th from England, for the express purpose of suppressing piracies in the West India seas, We are happy to find that at last the English govern. (brig of war ' ment have awakened to a sense of the duty they owe to humanity, and have {despatched a force (however inade. quate) to aid in the protection of the commerce of mankind. It was reported at Havana, on the authority of letters from Matanzas, that his Britanic majesty’s schooner : Speedwell, lieutenant Geary had cap- tured off Matanzas, a piratical schoon- ery, killed a number of her crew some weie drowned aod fifteen made prison- ers, who together with the vessel, bave been sent to Nassau, to await their doom ; where no doubt they will expatiate on ¢¢ that venerable picce of architecture, commonly called the gal- lows,” the many sins they have com- mitied. A number of these men, we under- stand, were residents of Matanzas ! { We presume more need not be said to rouse the vigilance of our govern ment. ew & C— Sometime during the recent sick- ness in the city of New York, a coun: tryman found his way obstructed by a fence built quite across the street, he inquired of a bystander for what purpose it was built ; he replied it \was built to seperate the healthy from ¢ Well said the countryman, ¢ I have often heard of the board of health, the infected district but I never saw it before.’ Poulson. Sma mc PROCLAMATION. Notice is Herchy Given McKew, and wished the man of the! house to go back with him fo exam: | ine the body : on Bathering some of the neighbors “they ‘rerypned, and] found Mr M'Kew still alive, one of his thighs and ort'argy broken | and his scull fractured fop several inches, but still hac faculty of speech ; them ‘tha, Michael M'Kendrick was the per petratoryand had done it with a hand. the he informed but hadi, their oper pers THAT a court of Common Pleas Quarter of court, in and (General Sessions the Peace and the Orphan’s ‘for the county of Centre, will be Howell, the surgeon, pronounces Lhe two or three inches records, inquisitions, examinations, anther remembrances to do thos: igs. which. to their offices appertain ; e ; and all suitors, jurors “sses are also requested to be and attend at s°id court, and no depart without leave, ole my band at Bellefonte “townthis twenty-fourth day of Dec. A.D hundred andtwenty-two, JO one thousand eight T'o Creditors. Take notice that'we have applied to A the Judges of the court of Common Pleas of Westmoreland county for the Commonweal: hy, and the said Court ‘have appointed the third Monday of February next, to kear us and our creditors, at the court heuse in the Borough’ of Greensburg, when and where you may attend if you think proper. «JOSEPH BLACK, & Co. Dec. 4th 1822. CASE of Bellefonte, a= # SILVER W The owner i request d ward, prove property, pay charges, ted and take it away. JEREMIAH MENIN. Bellefonte, Dec’r 17. 1822. 3% las Turnpike eompany. "The Stockholders are hereby notifi d that an election will be held at the house of John Kerr, Innkeeper, in Potier township, on the first day of January next, for the purpose of elect tng by ballot, Cne President, Twelve Managers, One Treasurer and Une Sccretary to conduct the concerns of the Com- pany for the ensuing year. By order of the Board, P. BENNER, President. y 1322. FOR SALE, Will be seld, at private sale, a house and Jot in the Borough of Bellefonte, now in the occupancy of John Blan chard, esq. For terms apply to Nov. Lamar township, Dec. 8, 1822, | | Gillespie and Smith, Inform their friends that they have commenced the which they will dispose of on the| most reasonable terms for cas orl® country produce. c Dec. 3d 1823. Special Cott. Agreeably tc the provisions of an act of (he A