BELLEFON PE, CENTRE COUN [{, RENNSYLVANIA, PRINTED BY H. PETRIKIN. WEDNESDAY, Liccember 25, 1822. oe pi V. ¥y RE pe a mm rnb bt memati Ha so generously subscribed to thef he same. ~ AT ~ ¥ 4 - 23d : so A . CONDIT ro id “rection of the Methodist Church, I NB Cio Toler]. Pro routs 1 ne Su! scriber has on ‘band Bh le. loi is The price of this paper is TWO. borough’ of Beliefonte, that it i: ’ ; 5 a Br dh SADABYIEE Sheth al te te and To crest being DOLLARS per apaum—but if paid how nearly finished, and the workma 14 Bellen will Ge Faken KWay, er Year h he will ry A dite Cslale of Miclisc{ ts Simpson, the ge bo ane RR Sa , |inished : h rected. ~~! » OF 1b exchange for HIDES teferidant ] : In advance, ONE DOLLAR ANP Waa uaa uldney. - Payment mas Gh plies toe manner 4 ji ; JAMES WILLIAMS, | “f¢dany as tenant by the curtesy; of SUVENTY IVE CENTS only will be made to William Ward. = It wil} bef ull kinds ‘of country produce taken in Bellefonte, Nov. 4:4 i822. be Ira certain act of Jand Sila ¢ in : peymel fair price. — ew a rh be charged. : havkfully received, Paying ata fair price bE TX ~ aT Ping township Cin ihe county ~ f v ; 30 3 Adverfisements, making m0 more ~————— td ~ ¥ yD Ww G 9, 0 /) S : ~cutrey and adjoining Spring ci s : NY ts iy : = dh 2 The subscrih eee a frost id dy TILT Slo in length than breadth, will be in- Notice to DUPervisors. JY : SERRE supply of oe or has Toned afros id ands Jate of James Smith, ’ : a anal § ‘wrdl —r Hy #2 320ds, sulted tothe s ASOU Fao ; Ho ; ig 4 scrted three times for one dollar ; and A Pi. . tore which he wil disp s+ of 09 the mao: sed and of ETSs Conta hig 150 alsiei er, reasonable terms jor C ASH, er coun | Cres be the Sd more or lousy 5 alka : ry produce. | a8 ’ : . : WHO now resides at Dunnsbore tl the estate, 4 : : in in the countics of Huuiogdon an | . a H : JOHN TTAMMOND. : length in proportion,— Rule or Hare; Cepite, in Lycoming county, will do any work “Bellefonte, D.c. 311822. Work double those rates. |S hi Bey 2's 5 : No subscription will be received for : wi : x macy y hcl shortest notice, in the best poss ble S1X cents Reward ol EFz beth 5 mpson bis wife, in it o : ill ap GLC and house of refircaentatives of the ¥ : : ; : WADE ne less than one year; nor any paper / | Belicfoute Mills aud & S PA NI it SOAL. aren 1 of Bilicfouie, the follo i re ¥ ; I ¥ +1 i i JACOR Hi USER, 3. Property, viz, 4 ACT for the removal of obstruc- ? : ubse jue continuance | 3 for every subsejuent co tions from certain Beviable sireatas twenty-five cents.— Chose of greater ght, title and h3t the sai Michael 4. EY sum 1as and hcids i in the line of his profession on the We rglie of the owe ol : [fnanner and on the most reasonable L : Commonwealth of Penng: lvama in| « Ramaway fiom ¢ Jscri discontinuad until all arrearages are / J “oy Irom ie suber] Plantdtion and 3 ; terms. F General Assembly met, and it is hereby { ber living ; : "Hiprove . . ; in Bogus township Centre Coty. bo provements thereto attached, ada Joluing the boroug a3 paid. enacted by the authority of g He will, in'the prosecution of bi he. Goh} . Le chery of the sane, ; a 3 the 6th just, dente NNTS fear rot Fes If the subscriber does not request business, visit :ny par of Ceotite o; 15t. an Judented apprentice h of Bellefonte, Comte Phat from and ufier the first day ot nan a dis continuance of his paper, at the) y Lycoming coun Yi aud those persons d tal Nor o , “lame 250 acres pe the same more or ot oy : ‘August next, it shall be the dot of | : : ; : end of the year, it will be considered: © 2 4 : y [who Wisli lo employ Lim can give no. Robert Ha milton the several supervises in the coun. by letice directed 10’ M il-Hal fa d abd : : A nl '¢ nt; a1 ie paper: . ; \ See to MLH-Hal ffaged about | as anew engagement; and the paj Wes of Huntingdon and Centre, to ex-! he t' 13 yeas, Seized and taken ag exccuiion © and to be solq és the Propeiy o . hotweenat nd A Michael T. Simnapdited bi f Lis : Post Office or Duns SL UTE Doct O Rca Teas t in EPRI TE on Crh ead a “ Lah as 2 Bw #0 Ae } Re cor r : ‘ 3 ci A eH 3 _- Pe IN Ve Pg TEE RE 1 ii i ‘ Rs forwarded accordingly. amine the streams within the Logis 5 3 i Bm Li hd veryp gi i Ea ; 0 pi i i y ; : Jos Butle : Sh ; inhseribers who bave thein sancrs shee rey VE pi Yate Beco twineh hc JOMisScs er. with down look. tz i r 2 Subscribers who bhava thelr bas of their respective towns ps, which, ] . with Had op when he went J . . . ‘ i on Fa va ! 11 Cu \ ’ n "0 “1 S } 's ie 3 eat ted by (he mail, must be liable for bave been or shail béreulter be docjqr. PTOMPtitul away, a corduroy pair of pantaloons,| Sheriff's Office, Beliefonte, the postage. | eT TAR 1 we factory cotten Jacke ; . “4 ed by law to be pubic ghways, and, IR ts \¥ - Fu Ri. 1 ack ry cotten Jacket, a wool hat, and, Dec. 2 : 8 i rr ia a pair of coarse shoes, &c.. The above kK ull ino Mill. reward will be gly 2 Letters addressed to the editor LO remove tuerchiom a8 olicn as they! must be pose paid The subscribers have ovencd BET. rr msm. 3 ALL CX ISL, BL LUG OX poise of Uieir sey- STOKE at Farmer's Mills, or Wood's { a > a 3 a . - 8 | ‘0 to any person The Subscriber informs Lis friends : Mids 2 all They have oplw iil apprehe said ‘annraadandthose disne Faw i . cral townships, ali obsuruciions 0CCa~ YHA lo Fenusvalicy 'hey have on!who wii) apprehend the said appien- i 105€ disposed to favor bin with band & handsome assortment of lice, bit no chars lA (HEI custom, that coh will pe re. Di ; Good j i uarges paid. Al Perceived ar My Evan dliles’s, Belle. . boa J A 3, 300s are foibid harbouring said Houte It shall be retur og jor by diift wooed, or by trees or tiie! C 3 : i & WiQ ap. iolte; : shal Sune to the same i | POO PIR prenuce at their peril, place alicr being fulicd atd dy lnnbs of tices overhanging the same, roceres yed.—s f 3 oF) : wn ‘ TAMES TAYLOD. JAMES POTTER, 2 : 4 YW A BRD a {50,8 to endanger the passage of craft! ’ Liq uors, &ec. I ——_— a ci ons ns] December 4th 1523. ern i gf Ta | oo descending said streams, in the same; .. 2 i. ’ tr mtn tr © 8 a by which they will dispose of on reason NU 1C i. S WV} VF manner and under the like penalties for 'able terms for cash or country p WMI Q 2 : v ~ : . y } All erson inde » ! tats neglect ol duty as is prescribed forthe duce. Green hides also will be (akc. P § indebted: to the. estate sionzd by trees falling into the sams, Ranaway from the subscriber living TERY on Buffaloe Rua in Spring township, wh tn Centre County on the 16th inst. 80 in- _deaied apprentice named re i iS : ; in exchange for goods. hat Ws of ABRAHAM WOLT Fobucconrs inaking and repairing public roads and 4 : ate, of Potter township, deceased, by| liforms Lis f, : highways. Oct. 934 COOK & LEBO. | nd, note or book account, ove ct. . qucsied to make payment, on or bef i J ohn Par ker. ApprOVED —Fchruary twenty-seventh ~Ithe 31st day of Janvay y next, and those | ! - y " oe : 3 ; : | CHEWING rosacceo, eis about 5 fee 11 inches high} ©u¢ thousand eight hundred and having demands against the «aid re SPANISH & AMEKICAN iE \ if . 1 ; Care regnested to resent ih mn. le { {ids a R Yes ea : : . tralpht! twenty-two. d Tye present then, SLGARS | or i : JOSEPH HIESTER ally auicuticaicd, on or before the CUT AND DRY hair, and bas remarkably large feet . /, i day. AdD SNU| I, and ankics. Ie speaks slowly, bat is ; JOSEPH GILLIL AND, ) NS which hsinil gn pave of on by . 3 7 ! I TY ATX y > ’ He 11 sl Casi, > ps i J peverihoicss, idinedentyiobitioals’ znd GE ORGE HE NIN G, I) 419 LARS JOAN 0 y GLERMAN § Ad mrs | : 2, a BE Crus tue Cush op ov. 26.h 1522, I bate,» Logon perverse; He bution when is ab HATTER, REWARD. |. rl be wiloned 3 vous omits ening ‘ ram hat . . - y- NE RTE ee ACR —————r—— sconded a roram hat much worn, do Folhitnts tie public that. de eavties Suayed or Stvlen ram the Tavern 3 ¥) N A vy A WV BANK WLLL Bac dniNGLy of James Cantwell, in Blacklick (own | *- LR. Ly Of ri AN EHLAL LU HA, on the above business, at Milesburg, 84ip, lodiana county, on the 8h da.| rom the subscriber, a MULL A] Of ued Sas Liang in all its various branches. He willlsf this stent, fiom 1} e subse | | BOY, about 20 years of ape, five fee] vSLon "' ; scl as reasonable as can be procured ivi 1g in Dunstable township, Lycom- taree or four 1iches in heighthe Had] oN -ampshire, 2 half worn, a torn lionen shirt, and a wae Ing county, | WO HORSES, one {on when he absconded, a roundabous. Section \ ost of pale blue clots with crossbarreditiyehere, hem a DARK SORREL, short hair- and other various clothing not reco | o%: GLK Luty banks par Ves } Milesburg, August 96th. ed, rising six years old, short tai |iccted, together with a ball worn ro |*Y¢W- Yuk CUuatry uotes 1g 5 s NB. A Boy who can come well tockof sorrel color and sorrel man |Tam hat. Cre New-deryey, between 14 & 15 hands high, ofa gen NATHAN HARVEY. |!renton, : de disposition. The other an Iron Mill-Hall, Nov. 26:11 1822. sulting Holly, t5and 6 vears, will be taken as an grey, rising six years old, suppose] TTT meee | MIR OCH GY do Huntingdon county where he has apprentice to the above business. 10 e between 13% 14 hands high. STR AY # A do friends residing. Whoever takes up Cet With what is called a double ane, hi Crs > ae Bgons ich Bank, do 1a sald tice so-that the saseri NOTUC 3, hind legs a litte crooked, rather tgir Lo eme to the plantation of the Sub ussea Louk, do the sald \apprentic IS HEREBY GIVEN padied and remarkably sprited. The|sciiber, on the ninth inetant, late Bauk at Trenton, ber can get him again shall bave the = Lai above reward, and all reasonable ex L LIGHT SORRELL MARE. i Elizabethiowy do above reward and all reasonable char: frp the Stockholders of Pences will be given for the recovery Al Moutiistown : . ban i 15 do ot ithe horses, i strayed, or for (he/2°PPOosed to be about four years old f Al Paterson y ges. : do : Sn > horses and thiet if stolen. rather small, g light pa; f 8! Al Biunswick JOHN BARR. : utr & shac - ITY 3 ’ E00 pair ol shoes . do { hie Cen C Ki 0 WwW 11.1.1 A M DUNN. belore, a small white streak {rom the 4 envsylvania, October 14th 1823, ; . . Philadelphia no: i Iv i . Hd 0 quiliis Turnpike Com- top of her forehead duwn to her pea Cran HOES, par : do her right forefoot white, both hind feet] “35100 Bak : any Stray. : aC feel Caceh do ? about haf w nden ; Sout hail way up lo the knee. The : do Ressiodd, Came to the plantation of the Sub. . : oo Ste county Bang, do ; - That Whereas the cali|>ctiber in August last, a Owner 1s. desired (0 come forwaic) West Chcg ie; do & 3 4 hy ) - - ee : TL. * a op to : J LOOT "pn Gm 4 BD DT hide on the suhef August 1523 hel ‘Brindied -and White Prove Property, pay charges and tuk, M08 0mLLy county gag 92 not been regularly adverused, that Noilbainpion op 5 her away, Bank, d 3 R.5 ; 4 ER ms wits HE Dg ns sed ef rarmers Bint 0 : ki be said (ail be rescinded, aud that a ank, Lincastan FREDERICK I. SEvenwl Han ner ido call of ten dollars be made on cach IL RI\CK RB. SENSER |! aritsburg Bank A Lotofgraund situate atthe cor share of stock Payable on the 1 ii of Supposed to be two years 24 last Patton township, Nov. 1g, Fax: Banik Bucks Co. gs He Cy Creme 1a [October and a further call of five dol spring. The owner is requested to, 7 rrr ——— | BANK NOTES AT A DISC UND | ner of Spring and High Streets, In 13:8 lars payable on the 1st of November, come forward prove property, pay Centre & Kishacogq uil SH 5 £ Carls |. Borough of Bellefonte, whereon therefind five dollars payable on the lst of charges and take him away. las 'T . 03 Bar oi Carlisle, ig good 1we story Li to. oe poblisied nigh JAMES CLARK. -BFDpike COMPANY. ro obs liridge, STONE HOUSE & KITCHEN, [M95 © WC Lewistown papers | yyqppe, township; Nov. 16 The Sto-kholc | - , h ih hambye re v By order + the Board of Managers ‘eT are hereby notifi {Cham ersburg, ALSO. P. BENNER, President PUB], IC SAL, I jed that a further call of six dollars o aiitle York, A'BARN & STABLE | The subscriber will sell at public ©ach share of stock has been recolvedls. HE The premises are now inthe tenure Fullino & Dyin a, jvendue, at the house of Evan Miles ny by the board of Managers, payable op Pirtsur, wr of Mr. Hamilton Humes, and are part S ithe Borough of Bellclonie, on 1 DUIs-the first of the esiate late of James Dunlop,| The subscriber informs his friends day the 28:h day of November, inst. ) cus and tie public, arc re qhal lie bas on faid o large ‘ i talilil f b* g y mestic colton crossbarved pantaloons, . s . 1 . ' a homemade light brown cloth coal Cis 3 ct. dis, Go do uo much worn, a pair of course shoes flanpel backs. The remainder of hi: clothing he left. It is supposed he has went to Moant IStna Farnace 1 dis par reccommended, between the age of «oO Ang 17,1822: 22 ren Cp ee day of January next. Centre Hay : Columbia bei. = A Be P. BENNER, President |, umbia bridge com . 3%, . t ntaining * Ph resident jy b¥. ‘ deceased. For terms of saje applica and the public in general, that he vill A tract di A FIRE November 11, jgog. ha cetshurg. Le : xr ) : ‘ ¥ : 4% ) = (189 3 a. Drowns yilie gion may be made to continues to carry on the above busi. | £3401 Ld L an QRheoriff. All he t {p > . ry : 3 ater - 3 y ‘an : if 3 i“ > resto enn F1Y I JOHN G 1 O\WRYy ess at the old stand, where he is now Situated Ip Spring township, Centre DIET s dale, Notes of I ennsylvanis SAVES HARRIS. Eitrs county, adjoining lands ef John F ury, ] . 7 Ihcomorted bunks ne s2les A ust 31, 1822 “|Henty Vandyke, aud others, The] BY virtue of sundry writs of "Tes. TT — © LEU Oily 1044. . - ' * i . x . ye . which will enable him to dye the best land is of a superior quality. A goods. al un : : . \ y fs a upe : Ea he good tatum V enditioni Exponas isgued out Justice and Constables and most fashionable colours title will be made to the purchaser — 5. Pa 31 9 BER OE Fa iv i A i : f the court of C y P ) "YT FN EATEN ST 4 ; ; If not sold at public sale, it will then” ommon Fleas of Hyp. 3 1 A RTE. §. 1 VE VY MN AN NH He tenders his thanks to those whois offered st private sale. Fermsitingdon County, and to me directed wD ALD E% tu] = have heretofore favored him with their {made known by John 6. Lowrey. will be €Xposcd to public sale on VF every description bn {3 3 | & FD ; “nstom, and hopes by a strict attention John WW ison, Thursday the 26h day of December PR} ANTE I i Ral Es vo CC® ~~ 00 vw » a prepared with the best of dye suff ———— —
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