A I laro% team ELLER BELLEFONLE, CEN [RE COUN he PLN vsYL VANIA, , PRINTE OY H. PEI ew mie ee TT ee ee con a WED ESUAY, December 1 8. 1822. to thelr ofite ppc © ile : f Wer yr : i : C8 ty av 5 Hs 1 bed to * " £7 3 or et mem meee (have $0 gCNEFOUSlY SUBSCH TALOMHOUSER. jr. {to he done y and “all sators; juro:: re »Y i oo ~ . i x RN { Jord, Lyin li C N PI iB 10 iN 5. ‘erection ofthe, 08 Qlactudist Khurshid HE p on vat : 1 x vy 5 soaked a FARA ¥ Re CRERITES Leg) 1 iS ~ a : +53 7 : : A . The pr re of t his, a Der Is 1 Ww 0 the boroug yh of Reliefotne, that it 3 LAr 4 : So atiend atl sd oul, hid ne ; A Le Lah i 1 0306 1 >y wi ye age a a waif ! TU W tho t i ave. ow - - . ? = §, bD 3 I ARS per annum-—but if paid now nearly finished, and the workm . ae Oi fou on igh di. Had 4 nz mished afier the manper directed. —} Given uider my hand at Clearfizli |, i when he gbscond: J, 2 rounda’ iotty Sui adv > IE D A 3X town this mincteenth dav of Ne Kors vm jy in Roms ONE;DOLLAR ill be ¢ ME kinds of country produce taken in) RB ol Yor Ner-yanicus ng nis Wig 'Y FIVE CENTS only will be made to William Ward. It will be ye A 1). one thousand eight Lund ted ayment at a fair piice. red and twenty two, R AND ip want oftheir money. Payment ma vaeind : Pam hat. are - i. xI'ee nwood 14 ¢ 1; SES ¢ ATHAN HARV vv. Adver isements, making no more = . : ; J Ts Ma Hy ii, Nov. 20h 1923 z re AN § EIEN EY | YQ — : in length than breadth, will be in- N otic e to DU] pe SIVISOrs JO ny Ih doi | £ u LLIC Sd LE i i Cand wd, watoait wot od mead 3 waa i . . Mh R. NP . { The subscriber will s + | ACT for the removal of obstruc- Ylaistere | sell at publi : : inuance a . Li aloilitd, neue, at the house of Evgn Miles is Come to the plant on 4 for every subsejuent contin ! tions from certain pavigabie streams : |the Borough of Betlctonie, on I ; as plantation of the: Sade Jui : hose of greater. ) ’ WHO now resides at Dunnsbu: g Fav The 98. h dee of nr on hus Leiber, on 1] e binth instant twentysiive conls,— 1 10SC 01.0.5 { In the countics of Huotingdon an |, . i {day the 28th day of November, in: ait fcneth in proportion Rule or ficure C : in Lycoming county, wiil do any work] A tact of lar % rrivia A LIC HT SORR A MARE, a propo S77 Centre, Ntainng IGHT SORREL ‘ork double Se rates. boa ; iin the line of his prefession on the Bk (a ink os TE ors igsuiie those rat {or Seer. 1 Beit enacted by the Sen-| HERE {Upposed to be about fopr years old, No subse ription will be received ot shortest notice, in the best possible { situate re i then cat oi : hi Ap ale and house of representatives of the! ; rRatln A oping tow Laka, entre) Talher small, al pit pair of shoes on jess han one year; nor any pape imanner and on the most reasgpabld! county, adjoining la, ds of Joha Fu discontinued until all arrearagcs are | chy Vancyke, and othecs, ‘1 thankfully r eceive aol, ‘ae IERES TOP nd sarted three times for one dollar; a AN . clore, a stnal Ie «rd Wry Aim Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in : ! 1 white streak from ¢ E] erms. y of her forehedd die nd is © fs 8 superiov q Ha ity. A ZOO I HOC HCHO down lo he r no ’ “a1 . ‘ ’ > t t {or POY AY yy! 1 pg y 3 paid. enacted by the autherity of the sam e ie Will be made to the purchaser —| "€ tight torefoot white, bout hind fret " a Q MH 161 ’ ? art f C tp if he subscriber dees not request ; : business, visit any part of Centre of not sold at public sale, it wi HH the subscriber i 1 Lbat from and after the first day of |f | ale, it UC hart way up to the knee. ‘Tig General Assembly met, and it is hereby ycoming county ; and those personsibe offercd gt private sale. fers 5 He will, in the prosecution of hi ile | | a disontinuance of his paper, at the ts desired 0 come forward ent of the year; it will be considered Aug it shall be th \ august next, it t ¢ duty of! who wish to employ him can give no. |inade Knewn uy john G. Lowrey. eddie a i several supervisors in the coun- ice by Jerier d ected to Mil-Hal 1 John Vy ison. Aes PRP og oF Huntingdomand Cintre, to ex. Pa forwa are accordingly. amine the streams within the bounds! Q N th y ’ Ler » t Subscribers who have their papers eo... respective townships, which’ car ded by the mail, mustbe liable for jaye been or shall hereatter be deciaestl 2 Ti the pos! age. 3 : ; e senior eduor of this yaper i vente & Ki IsACo - Hi ddresict ro thet editer cd by Jaw to be public highways, and © BW 7 UU Be. | ends 16 devote his ome 5 Paps Ye HACog uil- gliers adaressed \ HL : p IO y «31 Wo ; to remove therefrom as often as the The subscribers have openedithe columns of the Zuzell: gencer du fas 5. °F UFpike compu ny i y! > , : ? { i Zn i es . shall exist, at the expense of their sey- STORE at Farmer’s Mills, or ¥ ood s{the sessions. He wiil atteid ie, sii 7t. The Stockhoiders are hereby notifi ee perm—— | bi I ob y Milley in Penusvatiey. They have onilngs personally, and pote the proceed | mintidlat am, He eTChY Dol ii. } A wr tr COD : . ( is miner eal > + t ; A ; cra townsuips, all obstructions occa hand handsome assortment of Inge, KIving a faithiul compe from © bt aiuriner cali of six dollars UR sioned by trees falling into the same, : 7 day to day, of the arguments un pusliciearh share of 516cK Las Beeh resatis | } ¢ 3 £ Bry Goods, 5 een resolved or by divift woed, or by trees or the! questions, ¢ board of Manage s ayall Fx 0d, or Ly 0 2 3 GC roceries For teyms of subscription, sce fay » Pagatle on (F'mbs of tices overhanging the same, ! ; age. Those desirous of sub crit the first day of January next, PEN 1 % | 3 OR &c or the session, are desis eo {on { P SENNER Preside 34g 2 | so as te endanger the passage of cralt| Aq! ACES, oe od re on as Hoy ren AY Ry A oalctife BEFe | i wiv names, with the amount ofsul. November 11, 1822 \whichit they will dispose of on reason |scription, in due time, exhici by mal————— ene (manner and under the like penalties fog able terms for cash or countiy pro- or by members of hea) legislature, Ny a} TAN IR; : neg lect ol duty as is prescribed { for the d uc Gree n hides also wiil be lake i NOSE Wiig 8 aud mdeoied, vOoule Q 2d AERC LY RD, Centre County on the 16th inst. an in-} in exchange for goods. jconter m great favor, by forw irding ais ' y : : making and repairing public roads and Toubaccont Sk, | Fore raperty, pay chai ges and 2 i9 rt . gh Blatt d , Pe Bw Po x Office IY abit. burg Post Office; "Nov, 1152 Seas, Ey Bt | Fi om the Penn sylvania Int ligencer od = Yo We {DER ATES IN THE Lbixisll/ promptitude 3 TURE. ~ FREDETICK FE. SENSE hg Wirsiig Nov. 163 —————— which he promises to avswer with ” — em ne Al So must be past paid. % HR (descending said streams, in the same Ranaway By the subscriber living \ on Buffaloe Run in Spring towns! hip, | > TN ast Re IL f aeir Dallancs 5; by mem : ; | Oct. 224d. Sons iS. : y luforaus his focods and the public, | Cc C ’ 53, : Er Prt . gh : that be has on and a larcs nit e. fohn al ker. ApproyED—February twenty-seventh PZ BJ I fmiers, in this stat 3 wil a4 o qua a ry we escolar ol dle i : y ’ py i? }Y at Edy &I€ Tospoctiuriy | \ CRIT NTL EP og tae Teo ny paettheusand eight hukdrcd and iodine] SERN ahi, CHEWING TOBACC Y 1 5 ; 1 I { He is abent's fee 11 inches highs dy ir. the. above, 4. few SPANISH & : ; Foal twenty-two. i We desire 10 exchanve with CANISH & AME RIC AN yellow complexion; brown straight rn ; A 3 WE ROL SEGARS ’ foot] . JOSEPH HIESTER GILOTS HD this siale, provided Liiey Ta ) 6 4 hair, and bas remarkably large feet! thes 5 CUT AND DRY, ek . rt this notice, AND SNe and oles He speaks:slowly, but is! AND SNUFF. i TR ¢ ¢ ® eT ~ | AH of which he will ds rowers mpuicnyonminie wt GEORGE HENING,) DOLLARS | Soaniuson 1) minal saps or | L teasonable terms for Cash ow Ve rverse He he wher hi ATTIRE R X re ; ; produce, CC raneichohi perverse, He had on when he al | H AT ER, | RE WARD. The Subscriber has on hand of Hit bo ) ~ounity meichicnin Sean = Sarge i \ fam 1 4 tiv ofc Bre " . Pail ce ! allowed Fess nable cre ts sconded a roram hat much worn, aE Strayed or Siolen irom the Tavern|d'2ntity of first rate Spanish So br tsi re a — of James Cantwell, in Blacklick lows : iented apprentice named : dented appre a highways. fom edt Informs the public that ae carries eather, which he will sell lo \W ( ANK NUL EACHANGL. | mestic cotton crossharved pantaloor 1S) G > | ; \ 1 1 Pil 1) l / : on the above. business, at Milesburg, ship, Judiana county, on the 8ih diy) ASH, or in exchange for DES | et ot te Os mds t 114) | | | J A ME S WwW I] I, % A MS S. LINiGd Jo. aes AIL AICIICH, 3 Ct, dis, Bellefonte; Nov 4h 1822. a : NeW-Hlampshire } wy homemade light brown cloth coat}. i : eo {in all its various branches. He willlof this ircient, ficm| the sib much worn, a pair of course SHOES{ 1] as reasonable as can be procured 'iving 10 Dunstable township, Lycom. baif worn, a torn linnen shirt, and a} X og county, TWO HORSES, one ofj——— et ~ Connecticut, elsewhere chem a DARK SORREL shor bil WEI GOODS. 5 a el {ry al Ee) Milcsburg, Angust “sth. ed, rising six years old, short tai flannel backs. Theurcmainder of his N B. A Boy who can come wel) [40ck of sorrel color and’ sorrel man: 18 saps : clothing he left. It is supposed hel detween 14 & 15 handsbigh, of & gen. {IPP ©! Goods, suited to the scason t de dt isposition. ‘I'he other an Iron} ich he will di pose of on the mos i5and 6 wears, will be takenas an grey, rising six years wuld, supposed reasonable terms for CASH, er coun: Cimber isd Huoatingdon county where he b 5 apprentice to the above business. to be between 13 & 14 hands bigh,|'"Y Procuce IOI 1 A RARITI Ea rk, ? ricods residing, Waooever takes up| ‘with what is calicd a double mane, his Bellefonte 1 ie Ha MMON D inswick Bank, Oreo Aq (hind legs & little crooked, rather tich ellelante, Dec. 3d 1822, dus! Sank : 19 5x Bank, do 1S HEREBY rik EN bodied and remarkably sp rited. The[——— TT ber can get him again shall have thej :? fabove reward, and all reasonable ex 1X cents irewad d. Un vest of pale blue cloth with crossbarres -York Civ banks The subscriber has received a fro gh} $¥~Y0rk couniry notes /Ye Wadcrgey eccommended, between the age of oun 1 Las went to Moant ILitna Furnace ( Mount Holly, the said apprentice so that the subscri- ————————————— state Bauk at frenton, 0 Wo dLlzabetiitown do above reward and all reasonable char- |" the Stockholders of Leuces weil] be given for the r cape PRR a Ty : {At Morisiown do of the horses, if strayed, or for the] Ravaway from the subscriber livin horses and thiet if siolen. in Boggs township C x AN Lnire c ty Ne t tia v the Centre & Kishaco- WILLIAM DUNN. | ogss “Enire county, onfAL Brunswick do October 141h 1823, Joe 6th inst. en indented apprentice Lenn sylvania, gquillis Turnpike Com- nanied Au Latlerson do Puiladelpl ia HOW, par i Germantown do pany Stray. | Robert Hamilton, [Eston Bau, da o 2 ’ Camden do “ame y Jhester county Bank to That Whereas the call August last, a vid ject In height, dark hair, and ver | West Chester do a Qo . bin vy 7 1 c { . ” 1 14 ev ¢ 3 made on the 5thof August 1822 has Brindi d and | ¥% DIE {down look. Had on when h nt] YAOmgomery cownty ilank, do he wes uot been regularly adverused, that Northampton Iz : Ls, fawavs a cord salt oF rena: , HR, do the said call be rescinded, aud that a bUL jan '¥s a corduroy pair of pantaloons Farmers Bank, Lancaster, do cali of ten dollars be made or each i2 factory cotten Jacket, a wool hat, aud} Harrisburg Bank do share of stock payable oo the 15th of[Sopposce 16 ( Jas Far. Bank Bucks ce, do BANK NOTES AT A DISCOUNT. ant f the Sub.iaced about 145 vee tut yes olved, Came to the plantation of the Sub.jaged about 135 years, between 4 and 8 A Lotofground situate at the cop-| "a pair of coarse shoes, kc, The a : : October, and a further call of five doi spring. The owner Hs requc oe! LO ner of Sp Ligh Streets, in the fp payable on the 1st of November,lcome f{orwaid prove property, By will be given to any person Forotith io of Bel hr whereon (herefand five dollars payable on the Ist of charges and wake him away. iwho w Old Bank of Catlisle, december, to be published 1 th JAMES CLARK. sel but 16 chapel paid. Ad wor] New Hope Bridge, Bellefonte and Je ist own papers t Walker township; Nov. 16 i : oD Py > PET Bank at Milton, By order ff the Board of% nagers | te come cette nate nme. SONS 2a {01hid harboy ring sald ap- Chambers UL gy P. BrNNE R, president PROCEL AMAT IO x, [previice at their peril. (Little ork, & ST ABLE eet aT ark JAMES TAYLOR. {rcttyshange, ——— Dwalara By nk, ooveE vs 1s a good (wo story STONE HO ep CMISes ave n OR eh v . . 2 ow Inthe tenure Fr 7 - . \ ULLEING & Hire. f Lore By : {/1Usburg Noles Mr. Hamilton Hum<s, and are part : EE Dyeing L Yolice 1s Her Ie eby ven N O11 FEN : : g Noles, A oy lil 41'C pal T : 3 : } a i | -~ AS. {C LNive Bask & the csiate “jate of James Daniop, be subscriber informs his friends THAT a court ot Common Pi (cas 1 : iia 1Columbia bridge com Ste Ss10nS of the! All persons mdebted 10 the ects ales © . - Lareenshy ra 10 ty Brownsvyil ie 1 . “a La} : Es ¢ 0 tor the county of Clearfield, will beiiate; ol Potter wnship, deceased, by; Aj EF Wore 08 00 Uy . { hls 3 spall *War he il} General Quarter ad cased. For terms of s icq {20d the public in general, that he s'ils x a Cel ae f sale, applica ! . {Peace and tne Orphan’s court, in and'that ws of ABRAHAM WO; won mav be made tn continues to carry on the above busi. : ‘i : x 7] he rest of Penney anit JOHN G 1 ow RY; ness at the old st and, where he i IS DC WwW! welder the court house ine Lown olibond, DOLE OF BOOK acc Ounty are re. N res of bs yh nD of 2 w JAMES RIS ’ LE el Ls ino avested to mak o 1a 0 or haterar 2. Tana foul HOTLeL Darks no sales As Ades PARR Lz’rs, prepared with the best of dye stuffs,/Clearficld, un Monday the 16th day quested to make paymenk on or bp! re ——— gust 51, 1824. : } tir! ext. 8 % *elockithe 31st day of January pext, and thes « ; which will enable him to dys the best - December next, at o'c 28) ie demande Ser the : ad a ons stables i MM. of sakl day ’ of wi nich the Cot havi ‘ig acmanpds agai 1st th said: ¢s ‘FYE ~ and most fashionable colours. 2 ner, Justices of tbe Peace and Con-{tate are requested to present them, le-| i] sy I : ud 4 BIS his : ) : : z terall authenticated, on or before tha 4 ™ A & JV ME i i N x He tenders his thanks to those who|stables within sid county will sly ’ hat w re iniday. re kor J buye Wh favored him with thei elice, that ti icy be then and there i Of ET y descr Rigen t i their proper persons, with their rolls! JO®EPH GILL LAND, ar FH) US fo custom, and hopes by a strict attention [-ccoras, inguisitioos, examinations) JOHN DAUBERMAN., } Hows] Pil: AE FED - BxL Aan 5 mouly those WBO lL 0 busines S $ to RICE Pit a onlinuance oijand other remembrances to do those Noy, 26.h 18 pra » I i :
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers