1 E lish, «O1 Ged ! lars: As Mr. Toura was a Jew, his sicians of the present year may have Xclaimed i nglilsiy, 14 . Cave eh on Oo poor soul,” —| caving 25,000 dollars to three instiu- [2 conveniest opportunity of present. The black man det the Pam an tions of Christian foundation, is pub. nd a rac de 1e “, ; ; : A . 8 ihe er the ty from] lished 1a the newspapers as worthy of 1e conduc : the time he left the prison until he last mom-nts of 1s cXIsiCpce, Reo ¥ihed : ho knew bim shed ever grson W : Gadd Ca Ti pe ated, rtactl resigned, andjand superiority to prejudice is wortiss died with : a firmness which would gf praise, but the praise given to it 1s have done honor toa ve Iw | are permitted to judge from externalj ag their accoun’s. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. notice and applause : undoubtedly sucl an instance of universal benevolence tern Let ald. itself a proof of prejudice for it ariscs JE of, &c. of Conrod Plotper, late of the township of Haines, deceased. F: B. SMITH, Register. Register’s Office, Beilefonte, October 28, 1822. Six cents Reward. Ranaway from the subscriber living in Boggs township Centre county, on a prior supposition that a Jew iY pursuance of the last will and tes- amesnt of PAUL WOILL, fate of the | township of Mil s 10 the county of Centre, deceased, will be exposed 10 . itate tolfrom " guld not hesitate to] appearances; We Ww . ral hensvolentss “hr say that hedied truly pecniient. Hislcould not be benevolent : In a Chris 7, oO 4 - } YEN. remains were interred on the even ine of the execution, attended by the . 5 " t tian country like this, a donation to a the 6th inst. an mdenied apprentice named Robert Hamilton, sheriff and his deputies, and a num- [Christian institntion by a Tew seemed of people. —— Q—— osublick sale, on the herealter wien- ioned Premises 8° Days, the follow. | ng part of the real estate, late of the | sald deceased, viz. ON MONDAY ber Indeed to be much less needed than 4 donation by Christians to a sect very From the same. 18th day of ANOTHER MURDER. Oo Friday evening last, near this city, an affiay took place between two J "Wi e . : . men, one named John 'Wilson, th rooms” prot of Wier, heh other Martin Bird, both of Lampeter, Square. The former vvounded the latier, by a cut in the neck with a large pocket knife, so that his life is limited in number ; yet in one state the 3 5 / 1 at least in the union, Maryland, good : : yiece of land, situate ip Baldeagle a man as Mr. "Touro was, he could J about Thirty acres of fine land on which is erected a : Falling Mill, with Carding M inery, on a never failing stream called Beach Creek. ON WEDNESDAY the 20th of November next, a certain tract or piece of land, situated in Locan town ship, Sugar valley, in said county, containing about 143 acres ore which are erected, two dwelling houses, a small Born and Swable. The tand 1s well provided with meadow ground and Timber, and about thirty acres cleared thereon. ON THURSDAY the 21st of Noy- ember next, a certain tract or piece of land situate in the township of Mile: nthe said county, containing abou One hundred & forty acres, on which are erected, a FULLING AND CLOVER SEED MILL, A CARDING MA- CHINLE, ALSO A LARGE DWEL. LING HOUSE ; part of the latte: hath been formerly used for a Distli- ery. . ON FRIDAY the 22nd day of Nov. ember next, a small tract or plece of land, situate in said Miles township, on which is erected an OIL MILL, now out of repair. And on the same day, a certain tract or piece of lind situate in the said township of Mies. in Brush valley, containing about One hundred and thirty acres, most part thereof limestone land; on the same is erected a house and Barn, and about Eighty acres cleared thereon ; edjotning land of Jacob Pickel and other land late of the sald deceased, und ranning across Brush valley. The conditions of sale will be made known on the before re- cited Premises and days, by JOHN SHEFER ADAM GAST, JNO. M. BEUCK, JACOB WOLF, Miles township, Oct. 26, 1822, Sheriff’s Sale. By virtue of a writ of Plurius Ven not have excercised the rights of a dishonors that state. " ntl ¢ Comncce We have been requested to state for the information of his friends, that a young man named WILLIAMSON, whose residence at or near Meadville io this state, and who cama to this city for the purpose of purchasing despaired of, A lew yuinutes after a » nn} rencounterocenrred between Wilson Add and Thomas Buins, ‘he latter of whom received a cut in fhe face, and Dur stabs in the 2bdomsn, of which be died on Mogday morning. Wil: goods, died oa Sunday evening, after an illness ofa few days. Amer, Centinel. son is pow conned in the jail of this yn SPANISH SOAL. The Subscriber has on hand a quantity of first rate Spanish Soa] Leather, which he will sell low for CASH, or in exchange for HIDE JAMES WILLIAMS. Bellefonte, Nov. 4th 1829. — county, and his case will be tricd in November next. ¥ b —— 4 ne From the New York National Adv. PIRATES. Since the days ot Captain Kid, or the no less celebrated Blackbeard, we have not recorded so many atrocious acts of piracy, as are now daily pub: lished in our papers. Those famous| marine robbers aimed at wealth ; but their lives and actions were not stained by so many brutal and bloody acs as the pirates of the present day. It is bardly to be conceived, and is certain- ly not to be endured, that 1n the pre- gent enlightened times and with the disposable force of the United States we should submit to the murders and piracies corpmintied on our coast. It 1s not safe for vessels to approach that accursed spot, Cape Anionio: death and destraciion await the anbappy mariners. | In looking over the late southern papets, our attention was ar rested by an account of the capture of thie ‘brig Hannah, of Philade!psia, which was ciptured by a piratical schooner of three guns, called Creole, and command:d by a Spaniard named! Pancho. They robbad the brig of 460 bags of coffee, and 81000 in cash besides tortoise shell to the amount of 5000, besides stripping the vessel of rigging. sats, &c. After this attro | cious robbery, a scene of villainy and cruelly ensued, which has no parallel ; the peo almast drops from the haud in recording such transactions. The day after the capture, the cap- tain, his brother, and five passengers were lashed below, round the compa ny wav, a fire made round them, ba- fore which they were nearly roasted, and life was almost extinct when the fire was quenched ! they were al fiogged unmercifully ; the cook bung up till nearly dead, to compel him to confess where their money was con cealed ! ‘The ninth day after the capture, the! brig was released, and compelied Lo] take the crew of a Danish schooner, which had been robbed of $25,000 and $5000 worth of cocliincal. The rendezvous of these villians is! at a place called Feuareas, 30 or 40 mules to the windward of Cape Anto-| S COUNTY TAX, Collectors of County Taxes are requested to make payment of the monies collected by them, at the Noy- ember court, Those in arrears may expect after that date to be sued. P. CAMBRIDGE, Treasurer Nov. 4th 1822, Sheriff's Sale, By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas issued out of the Court Common Pleas of Centre cGlnty, te We of and to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at the court house in the Borough of Bellefonte, on Monday the 25th day of November instant A certain tract of land containing ubout fifty acres more or less, with! the improvements and appurtenances, situate in Logan township in the said county, adjoining lands of Spangler and others, NY Execut'rs of, Cc. of the said deceased. ) Seized and ta- ken in execution and to be sold as the property of Daniel Rodebaugh, by ¥ Jos. Butler, SWff. Sheriff's Office, Bellefonte November 4th 1822, NOTICE. to public sale at the court house in The Ficld Officers of t.e 320d the Borough ol Bellefonte, on Mon Regiment P. M ave directed to meet the $5th day of November next, a cer- pe | at the house of Cornelius Dale, Inn. tain tract of land containing four hun. he | | IN ditioni Exponas issued oat of the court of Common Fleas of Centre county and to me directed, will be exposed day ep eey It is time for our government to de- er; on Thursday the 21st day of dred acres, be the same more or less, vise some plan, either alone or in con- : ovember next, and at the house of situate late in Baldeagle township in Junction with some other government, Jacob T Philiosb vi @. or JIACO! 3 1H PDE 7 Lo put an end to these barbarities. Hi) 3600 Jest, Fanpsba Spaia will not allow a force to land 22nd of the same month, then and of William Caldwell, Isaiah Vincent and break up the rendezvous of these. f : there to exonerate Constables and land others. Seized and t prates, and hold possession of the Epot| hip ited | $0as to terminate these cruel depreda. ashiers. “enltlec tions, the question should bs serious.|hold ly asked whether the United States is : bound'te send a force calculated to as also those fecling themselves ag- ensure success. If Spain will vot en. | Brieved In consequence of such war- Ce her own laws and protect he erfitory. we she or. or 5 cof aes Sr and Places above mentioned, Persons the sovereignty of that territory : it is| holding warrants would do well to pre held by pirates of the worst character, pare for discharging any balance that and who are beyond the protection af 2 > {may be due, as no furiber indul ence forded by thellaw of nations. We y ? duly want a few more small vessels of war, ¢an be given. - in that neighborhood, and we require} g, on Friday the the county of Centre, adjoining lands nln un n in Ex- thereto, Constables ‘ecation and to be sold as the proj ing Militia warrants will attend ; of John Moore, by | Jos. Butler, SIF. | Sheriff’s Office, Bollclonte, (October 29th 1822 iministration Account has been exam- erly {rants may have a hearing at the times ’ | Administration Account Take Notice, that the following ad lined and passed by me, and remains 1 t : JAMES T. SCOTT, Brig. In. !filed in my office fur the inspection of some exampies to be made of pirates| ; ’ s d y I brought into the United States, whol Alexandria, Oct. 16, 1822. secm 10 have found some extraordiga. P. S Ty protection here. & heirs, legatees, creditors, and all per- The Inspector will attend!sons concerned ; and will be presented atthe house of Jacob Test on the 22dlto the pext Orphans court to be held of November, and py all claims thal/at Bellefonte in and for Centre coun- Way be presented by persons who con- ty, on the ——— Abraham Touro a respectable mes. on 27th day of November, - ’ - sant of Bostond lately died in thajducted the elections for the first Bat- oext, for confirmation and allowance. iy, leaving legacies (o various insti-it November, next, A certain tract or, owaship, in sald county, containing | aged about 15 years, between 4 and 5 feet in height, dark bair, and very down look. Hud on when he went away, a corduroy pair of pantaloons, la factory cotten Jacket, a wool hat, and a pair of coarse shoes, &c. The above reward will be given to any person (who will apprehend the said appren- tice, but no charges paid All per. sons are forbid harbouring said ap- prentice at their peril. JAMES TAYLOR. VE BD A Wed 5 2% A dd J * Came to the plantation of (he sub. scribev living on Buffaloe run, Spring township, two stray COWS. » ; \ a © p. Liqgnors, &e. which they will dispose of on 1% able terms for cash or country duce. Green hides also will be 'n exchange for goods. COOK & i 2. J 2 Oct. 224. 182 ERO. t A REWARD, Strayed or Stolen trom the nt of James Cantwell, in Blac ship, Indiana county, on t ay of this i:sant, f om the subscsiber, dving in Dunstable tow nship, Lycom- i ing county, FAV) HORSES, one of] them a DARK SORRIEL, short hair- | ed, vising six years old, short taily dock of sorrel color and sorrel mane between 14 & 15 hands high, of a gen, tie disposition. Fhe other an Iron greys rising six years old, supposed to be between 13 & 14 hands high, | with what is called a double mane, his bind legs a little crooked, rather tight bodied and rema kably sprited. "The above rewa:d, and all reasonable ex. One a black cow with a white face, white belly, and some white on her | hind legs. v1! The other a red cow with a white face, white belly and some #hite along the back. reve property pay charges, and take hem away, or otherwise they will be lisposed of according to Jaw- JOSEPH DENNY. Oct, 19, 1822 STRAYS Came to the plantation of the sub. scriber living in Redbank Armstrong county, two red one With a star his forehead, the ther a brocked fac... They are Sap posed to be abu. “i.e years old. © The wner 1s desired to come forward prove property pay charges and take hem away. ownship Steers. JAMES POTTER. 15, 1822 Oct. Centre Bank of i‘enn- sylvania, The Stockholders are hereby no. ified, that an election for “. uy Five Trust o close the concerns of the Bank. will be held at the Banking House i; the Borough of Bellefonte, on Mon. lay the 18th day of November, next, between the hours of ten and three o’clock of said day, in pursuance of an act of Assembly passed the hrs lay of April 1822. By order of the Board, Jno. NORRIS, Cash, Bellefonte, Oct. 13, 1822. ! PROCLAMATION. mins AT Le . . Noticeis Lereby Given, THAT a court of Common Pless Gen eral Quarter Sessions of Peuce an the Oiphan’s court, in and for the counties of Centre and Clearfield, wil be held at the court house in the bor ough of Belletonte, on Monday th 25th day ot Nov’r next, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, of which the Cor | onor, Justices of the Peace gnd Con.! stables, within said counties, will take notice, that they be then and there in their proper persons, with their yolls, records, Inquisiiions, examinations. and other remembrances to do those ees, The owner or| 'woers are requested to come forward! pences will be given for the recovesy of the horses, if strayed, or for the | borses and thief if stolen. WILLIAM DUNN. Hib 1823, ¥. October | e——— List of letters remaining ] in the Post office at Oct. 1, Bellefonte, 1822. William A ranor, Matthew Adams, ] Rebecca Awl, Peter Amia, John ; Adams, esq Frederick Blacher, Same 4 acl Baird, 3 George Bai, Samuel Beck, Ann Boggs, Wm. Beliord Biczekiab Bye 4; Owen Byrne, Same uel Craft, Rogar Charles Crawlord, €8q. 3 Carney, “Thomas B. Callaben, James William Carey, Apa | chitald Carey, Henrictta Craig, John © Dooglass, David Dale, George Em- erick, Catharines Fury, John Fearon James Forster, €:q. Rob Cox, et Gordon, | Sarah ( Henry Hackett, Lydia Ienry Hewey 2; Charles Huston, & Amberg samuel Gardner, riberson, } y Jno. N, ; Heilner y Thongs Hemphill, Geo, Michael Hollenbach, Sumue] Hill, Geotge Hern ng, Mary Helfer, John “homas Jon. $y, Mrs, Ann Nancy Irwin, Alexander Isaac Jones, John Irwin, Jobn Kirk, Est'ep Lamb, Jane M’. ; Kibbon, J.cob Mp Wier, Richard M’. | Jone MP’. {rwin, jr. 1 Johnson, fohnston, © “3 Gilly John M "Elwain, Lainahan, Joseph M’Kibbon, McCor- | Metts, Frederick or Malone, John mick Morgan MK ey, Petey MGayve erny John M’ we, » John M’Kee, John MW Gavern, Henry Moyer, jr. Elisha Moore, euq, Andrew” M Kee, George McClelland, Geos ge Meese, Mary fg | Patton, J hn Paul, Edward Pardue, Henry Pietcher, William Pe Margaret Peusch, due, oples, i Themas Parsop, ward Purdue, jr Jolin Quay, Jacob Roop, Horatio Raw} Anthony Peters, Jd things which to their offices apperiain; to be done; and all suitors, jurors) ind witnesses are also requested (o be snd attend at sald court, and not de- part without jeasve, Given under my band at Belle- fonte this sixteenth day of Ocwber, A. D. one thousand twenty-two. Joseph Butler, < SEY NEW STORE. | The subscribers ! | i $d 5} STORE at Farmer’s Mills, or Wond Mills, in Pennsvalley. They have or hand a handsome assortment of Dry Goods, the 32nd Regiment in the] The administration account of Jacob ‘ast to the 2 nd mu-|{Herring & William ong, Executorsl § £ Groceries a |Shirk, William C, ¥ howp.on, Margaret Smi b, James Ross; Wiiliam 1 Reese, William 1 eotge Seis 4 3 da i L088 4 3 Henry tussie, Jamis Steel, | eyy Hennah Swunzy, Wills am Smyth, Joseph Shays, Martha J» 3 | Stewart, Georgs Sothiday, Wiiliam Tipton, Mosey: | Caleh Thompson, Thomas Wood, Soma Wiieaicroff, 23 Condrod Woificy, Patrick Wall, Mary Wilson, Peter 1 Wonbult, David Wear, John Ziger, have opened !erman. 11. Humes, P.M, ——— Writing paper for sale at this office,