7 HIT 4 | Notfor hi PATH aselt, but for his country,” \caibo. say 900 strong, they bad arriv- led at their des!inaiion before Morales IER 2r ; ———lhad landed at Cujora ; as from Coro) WEDNESDAY, Movember 6 J 1 ee four days march. DI¥D ~In July last, near Reading, Rizr SAMUEL JM, KNOX, eidest #00 of Mr. Gilbreath Koz, of Spring township tn this counts ——— yr perish in the struggle. ish frigate Ligera bas bow drag oH) ind ob this parbour ror six days, wair- ing to take provisions to Morales. —- According to the declaration of ue comamander Laborde if he does no! get provisions to day, he will sail fo Havanna and leave Morales to his fate. The American brig Mary, ot Phil adeiphia and the Dutch brig Henny, of St. liustatia, arrived here two days ago from St. Barts, laden with provis- 10a and ammunition ana full of men.— The brig has been seized by this gov- ernment, and I fear will be condemn: ed as it is reported her papers are furged. “ From report it appears that the vessc] was io company with nine oth cr vessels forming an expedition un- der gen. E» Coudray Holstein to rev- olutionize Porto Rico. In the lati tude of St. Thomas the Dutch brig sprang a leak and bore dowa for this piace, 1200 musque!s were found on board, and a great quantity of gunpow- der, &c. ofl] { ANfroiatment by the Attorney General SAMUEL M GREEN, Esq. to be “Deputy Awtorney General in and for the county of Clearfield. _— SS -- From the Philadelfifiia Erin. The continual s'ream of abuse that poured on this country by the Eng- 3 ; °~ (war preached on Sunday the 13th inst, stoce [rom Rio de fa Hache tor Lagu-! He Bei i ek , AT raphy + lat the expiration of fifty years of his ara. Sheds said to be a very superi-f oo. : Vier jministry over that parish, he stated— or ship. D. Press, kit the chanel : vi : that the couch over which he is now pastor, was organized in 1713, that since that time three ministers had pi) been settled. The first was the Rev. « An expedition of 13 vessels with Benjamin Colton, who: was graduated 2,500 men started fiom From Laat Yale College in 1710, continued Guvara on the 15th Instant, and were with his charge 44 years ; the second . 1 » + - iy seen off Aruba on the 18th inst. bound (he Rev. Nathaniel Hooker, was 13 to Marcaibo. No doubt is entertain- years minister over the parish ; that i ed but Morales’ expedition will be'was two years and a half without one ~~ . - y wholly defeated, as the Spanish brig and then he came, and had ever since Hercules, thc only strong vessel be- been under his care. That in the Ienging to them is here ; all the rest whole, there had been two thousand of the vesscls will assuredly be taken. bantisms, at one thousand of which he Sb — Extract of another letter, dated Curacoa, Sept, 24 wuodred and fifty written sermons, —| ind which could not be expected to] 2 | to Alagracio, in Maracaibo, is onlyjcotinue a great while longer, hap | pily chosen. ¢ And now brethren | ¢. Morales must now either give up! commend you to Cod, and to the word The Span-lof His gr ce, whicn is able to buiid yoo un, and te give you an 1nheritance amoag ail thein which are sancufied.” ———— From the Boston Patriot. DARING ROBBERY. About six o'clock on Tu:sday even: ing last, as“ two voung ladies were passing down Common street, they were rudely assaulted by a white man, who came up behind them and seized hold of a velvet indispensable, then in the hand of one of the ladies, with which he made off across the common, and succeded in escaping without de- tection. Immediately atter the rob bery was committed, two men came up to whom the ladies stated the fact ot the robbery, and requested them to pursue the scoandrel. These persons however, not only refused to pdrsne the thief, but made some impudent ob- servations to the ladies and passed on The ladies not discouraged by the rudeness of these rang ata door at a neighboring house, the servant of which, on being informed of the cir- cumstances, readily went in pursuit of the thief then in sight but so far dis- tant as to be unable to overtake him. The assault on these ladies should put all others on their guard against the future attempts of this highway- man, who baving met with such good success, in this instance, may be in duced to repeat big villainy. In this indispensible stolen was some eight or t#a dollars in money, and some other property. The bag itself was scized with such force as to part i from the clasp. —m® § Cp From the Greensburg Gazette, MELANCHOLY ACCIDENT. A friend of ours gives us the tollow- ing particulars ofa shocking accident which happened on Thursday, the 17th instant, at the farm of M+. Chris- tian Brenoeman, in North Hunting- don township. Br. Robert Fulton and his apprentice boy, John Thomp- son, about 18 years of age, were dig ging a hole at one extremity of the handle of a cider press, so as to give more rogin to raise the beam. While engaged in digging the prop which supported the beam unfortunately force, which struck the boy direct! under the jaw on the left side and kill- ed him instantly. Mr. Fulton, who was stan fing on the opposite side of the handle, was struck in the same way, but recovered in a short time.— A young sonof Mr. Rrenneman’s was thrown some disiance but not materi- ally injured. Every assistance was given tothe unfortunate. Thompson, but to no effect. What an admonj- tion to be cavelul, and to be ready for eternity ! LE — From Niles’ Weekly Register, BOLIVAR. The following is an extract of a let- ter from this great man to his corres. pondent in Caraccas. If our own lov ed Washington lived, the ctiief of Colombia might stand beside him, without fear of disparagement, except as a copy of the great original. H ts, surely about the most illustrious] soldier and statesman of his day. « This beantiful country, so much Colombian and patriotic, that none exceeds it in these sentiments, ig ve- ry fertile, populous and affords the best hopes : It will form the grand est department of Colombia, and gen- eral Sucre, its liberator, will command it with the greatest applause of its inhabitants. ¢“ I shall remain here some months, and then, at the end of the year, I go to Bogata, to resign’ my presidency. because I have fully concluded the duties of my office as a soldier. Al present in Colombia there are no Spaniards,y and thus I have conse- quently fulfilled, beyond my hopes, the inestimable work of peace. I owe He An aceount of tie pitacy and ple fer ‘spicuous C place, that all had an tunity of seei The eriminal ap ! oppo committed on board the brig Rose- “Without crow dine, in-Bloom. at 10 o'clock made her to be a sche. sweeping far us, having but light airs; at about 11 o'clock rounded to and fir «d a gun ; in answer hoisted our en: sign at the main, and set our fore top. readers, that Thomas Burps of Stras Rast steering sail; slie then contn-'hurg, was stabbed last night near ued sweeping for us and hoisted Lng- Lancaster, by a man of the name of ish colours ; at about half past 11; Wilson, who was immediately appre- A. M. fived another gun 3; we then'hended and committed to jail. Our hovel to, she still continuing sweeping informint, who was present, states for us ; at halt past meridian hailed us!ihar My? Burns is yet livin but mots and sent her boat on board with 8 Men tally wounded 3 wmed with catlasses and poinards.— : One of the men was an Engiishman with his face blacked, who acied as an interpreter. When they came on board, they asked the captain for his money ; he lold them he had not any ; they then commenced beating the cap- tain, mate and crew, and swore they wouid burn the vessel and the whole ot the crew if we did not give up the noney. We told them that we had not any. They then drove the captain up the fore rigging, and ordered him 10 rie out the fore 1opmast steering sii boom ; if not they would instantly kill him. Three men continued bea. ing the mate in order to ascertain jf! there was any money on board ; buy he told them as before that pe had oot any. They then ordered the boy down in the cabin, and swore he was the rascal taat knew where the mon. ey was bid, and if be did not te]] them whtre it was, they would kill him ip. stantly. He told them he did not know of any ; but on searching the passenger’s birth they found a small purse of gold. They ‘asked him who that belonged to- He told them that tt was the passenger’s, and that he did aot know of its being there. They then made the boy go the passenger, n order to make him give up what / We stop the ts tn From the same. I was at the city of Lancaster yes. terday to witness the execution of the distressed John Lechler.— It was an awful Although the exccution was sa well conducted that it does honor to the managers there of. It was performed in the view of many ‘housand scene indeed. fpcctators, some say ore his upwards ol 20,aud nearly allon foot. The whole was con greatest ducted with the solemnity, ~The behaved exceedingly well, criminal and met his fate with firmness, praying appa. rently with sincere penitence to Al mighty God until the platform fell, The confession of the criminal was carried about by persons for sale; | Purchased one, and my neighbuors arother—but they were published by different persons, and are now before Me, one certificd by Samuel Carpens ter, (Mayor of the city of Lancaster.) and the profits arrising from it to be ared truly pei tent, 3 is fate with an as~ noney he had. He said that he had ot any. They beat and stripped him, wd found about him a gold watch and ‘onsiderable money. They then com. appropriated to the support of Lech le’s orphan children, the other by the Jailer of Lancaster. We should fike some further explanation rela, meuced plundering the vessel, keep. ing the boy with them in the cabin. Part of the boat’s crew continued on deck, beating the captain, mate and crew, and killed our dug. By this time, having well searched the cabin and chests, and taken every thing ou deck, they ordered the uf er hatches to bs opened, Afier search- ing there, and not finding any thing, they proceeded to put the plunder in! give way, struck the other end of the the boais, which being both tilled, they ocerly the fullowing manver :— handle, which raised the end over/Went on board the schooner ® hes which they were leaning, with such they returned on board the brig, they|three volunteer corps of this city ‘ase When y he told them as at first, that he had tive to those confessions. — From the Lancaster Free Press. Exrcurion. On Friday last, at 25 minutes past one o'clock, P. M. the unfortunate Jolin Lechler termine ated bis mortal carcer on the gal- lows, in the preseuce of from 20 to 30.000 persons. The solemn cere- monies of the day ware conducted in At 9 o'clock in the morning purpose of * conducting the prisoner ordered the captain down in the cabin jjsembled at the Court House, for the i not any money, with which they up | peared satisfied. After drinking our; nealths, they left ws, about four to pro- ceed on our voyage. aS Wea From the Sackett’s Harbour Rep. DREADFUL SHIPWRECK Loss of the schooner App:lona, W.| Merrit master. This vesse) Ioft Os wego on the evening of the 14th io- to the place of execution and of pre- serving order on the ground, About 10 o’clock the Lancaster county Light Dragoons, the Union Troop and the lLieacock Phalanx, having previously volunteered their services to the Sheriff appeared in parade order, and were marched to the commons for the purpose of guarding the gallows un- tl the arrival of the prisoner. At stant, partly laden with pot ashes,i11 o'clock the city battalion formed in salt, and about 16 tons of stone baliast,!a hollow square, in front of the jail, bound to Gznesce. About half past|in order to receive the prisoner—the 10 P. M. Oswepo light bearing E. S,icart with coffin was drawn up mn the El. 18 or 20 miles distant, and about'centre. The concourse of people at 16 miles from land, the schooner ly.Jthis time was immense ; the city had ing to under close recied foresail, and been kept in continual bustle by the a heavy squail rising from the west, larrival of strangers from carly on the vessel was siruck by lightning ;{ Thursday morning. The crowd the master and crew on deck alll nocked down, the tiller, rudder head, iinnacle windlass, bulk head, cabin) the lightning stove the pumps, potash] and salt barrels, and went out of the pressed very hurd onthe military, and it was with the greatest difficulty they could sustain their ground— the stairs, all shatiered to pieces ; then!constables in some instances had to make use of violence. At 12 o'clock the prisoner appear- ed. larboard side, tearing off a streak of; He wus accompanied tothe cart, plank about a foot below the water’siand also to the place of execution, by sdge.. We then prepared the boat,!the Rev. Mr. Holland, Pastor of the and five in number got in, and the Catholic Church of this place, several vessel sunk mn fifieen minutes from the other clergymen, the Sheriff and dep- time she was struck. The first Gealtics. several membegs of the bar, that came filled the boat half full ofjand a few others. At bis own request water ; the wind blowing N. W. withihe was permitted to walk behind the a heavy combing sea, kept her before cart. When he arrived at the gal- ity and about an hour before day land- lows, (which was a platform about 9 ed 13 miles below Oswego. Thelor 10 feet high, with steps—the plat master was very much injured in his form consisted of two boards fixed on sight and hearing, but is fast recover hinges, and fastened by wedges) he ing. lascended the steps by the side of the Rev. Mr Hollaud, and sat down on EXECUTION. the upper step. where he continued it to myself to resign public affairs, because having grown grey in the service of my country, I ought to dedicate the remaining third part of my life to my glory and my repose.”| —— From the Boston Daily Advertiser. anx and Lancaster (Grecus, and ac- sitting for nearly an hour. During that time he was employed in read- ine. and in conversation with Mr, Holland : the Sheniil then placed him onthe platform, and the rope which had been placed on his neck in the jail, was fasteoed to the hook attach. ed to another rope fastened to the The unfortunate John Lechler was! executed yesterday, on the Commons, west cf the city of Lancaster, between the hours of 1 and 2 o'clock P. M. He walked on foot from the Jail to the place of execution, escorted by the City Guards, the Lancaster Phal The Piracy and Plunder. 4 Amoncst the Colombinn vessels are'nfficiated ; that there had bess within companied f . I'he rose-in bloom, via quarantine,ltwo troops of cavalry and the Leacock[iff put a cap on his head and the cler-/ by the city band. galiows, by a black man. The Sher -~ ios "18. 20 90 thr . We - » aa bv ars 3 3 i four good Brigs of 18, 20 and quos the last filly years, eight hundred and; sailed from Havanna 29th ultimo, in'Phalank from the country attended onjgymen, the sheriff and his officers L Ly » o Se % ~ 3 > . - - * a Ketch, 3 Brigantines, shooners, forty deaths—sixty of those who died company with bri g Marcia, Brownel, the ground, and formed a guard round then shook bands with him and’ o 9 and one fellucca, &c. Mov.ies has'were between seventy and eighty made no progress since he landed at years old, thirty between eighty and Cujora. (ninety, eight between binety and ani © Accounts have reached us from hundred, and two over an hundred, Rio Hacha by the schr, Mary, the cap- tain states that Morales on the 16th alten, and the least between thirty and Garaboya was on the India coast dis-ififiy. Thet there had been nine hund tant 35 leagues from Maracaibo andired and sixty members belonging to and the garrison of the Fort had beenjthe churchsince it was first organized ; remiorced by 800 Infantry and 200/and that he had preached exclusive Ean for Providence, and several southern vessels, which were to have been con-! voyed by the U cock, but as she did not arrive at the! out her. gone to Mariel in pursuit of pirates. Captain Neal has sent up the particu- rates in August last. ed. : nited States ship Pea-inumber of persons present, some saythim he had twenty minutes to live, and the most lars of the robbery of his vessel by pi-|vild: : the gallows before the criminal arriv-lbim farewell. The sheriff then Many estimates are made of the|’rew the cap over his eyes, and told 15 thousand, some 20, and some 30 : Lechler then commenced praying au- ‘that the greatest number were uhder appointed time, the fleet sailed with. [for our part we cannot offer ap opin-idibly in the German language. Af. It was supposed she hadlion. : : . selves in a manner worthy of credit,ithe sheri fitold him he bad fificen The whole conducted them-iter the expiration of five minutes utes—ihen ten—then five—then profound sileace pre-/min Ve ~ Lia hei g—then one. He then told him hen Lechler go