| be charged. / BELLEFONTE, CANIRE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, PRINT LD BY H. PETRIKIN, WEDNESDAY, November 6, 1522. mrtm— == have so generously subscribed to th C ON N DI T 10 N S. rection of the Methodist Church, ii The price of this paper is TWO/| pe borough of Bellefonte, that/it is DOLLARS per anpum—but if paid lho w nearly finished, and the woikm?? n advance, ONE DOLLAR AND fin want of their money. Payment mag SEVENTY FIVE CENTS only will be made to William Ward. It will be{ thankful! y received, aly oa. are Adver‘isements, making no more | in length than breadth, w ill be in-| Notice to Supe FVISOTS. - P ay, : That Whereas the call nade on the 5th of Angust 1822 bas Tadverssed, Resolved, ot been regularly that he said call be rescinded, aud that a -all of ten dollars be made on each shave of stock payable on the 15th of October, and a further call of five dol jars payable on the 1st of November, lar ; and] serted three times for one dollar; IAN ACT for the removal of dru for every subsejuent contluGRBCE} oo fom certain vigils ot soars twenty-five cents.— Those of greater in the counties of Huotingdon an length in proportion.—Rule ot figure Chive. work double those rates. No subscription will be received for’ jess than onc year ; nor any paper Sect. 1. Be it cnacted by the Sen- ate and house of refiresentatives of the ' Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in discontinuzd until ali atrearages aie General Assembly met, and it is hereby paid. enacted by the authority of the sam e, If the subscriber does DOtTEqUESL py fos ood fier the first d: ay of RUPLE QW and five dollars payable on the 1st ol \December, to be published in the Bellefonte and Lewistown papers By order the Board of Managers, P. BENNER, presiden ; Ss LODO a dis ontinuance of his paper, at thei yer negy, it shall be the duty of end of the yeaty it will be considered, o coveral’ supervisors in the counsli as a new engagement ; ; and the papelitics of Huntingdon and Centre, to ex- L forwarded aceordingly. Subscribers who have their papers of (het ies pec “towoships, which carried by the mail, must be liable for have been or shall hereafter be declar- the postage. ed by law to be public highways, and Letters addressed to the editor to remove therefrom as often as they ust be post paid. REWARD. Ranaway from the subscriber living n Buffaloe Run in Spring township, Centre County on the 16th inst. an in- pented apprentice named John Parker. He is about 5 fee 11 inches high brown stratghi ‘shall cxist, at the expense of their sev- sioned by trees falling into the same, or by drift wood, or by trees or the limbs of trees overhanging the same, ss as to endanger the passage of craft! descending sald streams, in the same neglect of duty as is prescribed for the making and repairing public roads and highways. AprprovED—February twenty-seventh one thousand “eight bhusdred and twenty-two. ycllow compl cxion, JOSEPH HIESTER, has remarkably large feet He speaks slowly, but is impudent, obstinate and hair, aod and avkles. Dissolation of Parser: nevertheless, perverse: He had on when he ab sconded : a roram hat much Ww do- arred pantaloons, ship. The partnership existing under the firm of Abraham Weaber, &2 co. is this Ory mesic colton crossh : homemade light brown cloth coaliday dissolved by tnutual consent.— a of course SHOES n shirt, and a All persons indebted to the firm arc requested to make payment to Abra. ham Weaber, and (hose having de- mands to present them to him for payment, ABRAHAM WEABER, & Co. August 1, 1832. much worn, a pair half worn, a torn linne vest of pale blue cloth with crossbarred flannel backs, The remainder of his clothing he left, It is supposed he to Mount Etna Furnace where he has has went Huntingdon county friends residing. Whoever takes up the said apprentice so that the subscri- the Abraham Weaber Presents his thanks to those who have can ret him again shall have e reward and all reasonable char- ber abov ges. extended their patronage to him, and . ' JOHN BARR. Avg. 17, 1822. i SOLD A Lot of ground situate at the con. per of Spring and High h Streets, in the Borough of Bellefonte, whereon there isa good two story STONE HOUSE % KITCHEN ALSO, A BARN & STABLE. The premises are pow in the tenure of Mc. Hamilton Humes, and are part of the estate late of James Duoiop, deceased. For terms of sale, applica . a & e to "= po OWRY, JAMES HARRIS. 1822. respectfully informs all concerned, that in future he will, for CASH, sel) cheaper than ever yet sold in this place. The highest price will be giv- He has on hand a good assortment of Tinware. en for old pewter. GEORGE HENING, HATTER, Informs the public that he carries m the above business, at Milesburg, He will scll as reasonable as can be procured ‘0 all its various branches. lsewhere, Milesburg, Aogust 26th. N B. A Boy who can come well olconinsiie, between 15 and 6 years, will be takenas an apprentice to the above business. ROLLE; IS HEREBY GIVEN, '{ Bax’rs, 31. DIRETING HOUSE. flu Managers notify those wh August the Centre & Kishaco- /quilhs Turnpike Com- famine the tr the ii KIN iE GUN manner and under the like penalties for] i s of a superior quali and Dat! the age of Casting P tys {To the Stockholders of AMA RINE The Subscriber takes this method of informing his friends, and the public general ily, that he has commenced the AXD LOC CK-MAKING business, directly opposite to the Pro- thonotary’s office, in the Borough of ‘eral townships, all obstructions occa- Bellefonte, where he is provided with] the best of materials, and first rat workmen for each bh: auch, viz. SINGLE & DOUBLE BARRELED +451) RIFLES, AND SHOT GUNS, R] FLE BARRELS, GUN LOCKS, CHEST & DOOR LOCKS, GUN AND RIFLE MOUNTINGS He has, and intends keeping con istantly on hand, a handsome assortmen of the articles above enumerated, fin ished in the most complete manner ; all of which he will sell on reasonable terms for cash, or any kind of county produce. He will also regulate hi: prices according to the times. Repair |’ ing, as usual, done at the shortest no tice and on the most reasonable terms Orders, 1n his line of business, will thankfully received and punctually at. tended to. JACOB ROOP. BELLEFONTE, JUNE 18th 1822. "STRAY. Came to the pianiation of the sub scriber. living i in Boggs township, som time i in the beginning of last month a Led Steer, with a white stripe in his face, sup- posed to be about three yeais old, no other marks except that he has very large horns, the owner is desired tc come forward prove property, pay charges and take him away, otherwis he will be sold according to law. WM. BOGGS. Sept. 16th 1822. FOR SALE, OR RENT. The subscriber offers for sale or rent, or in part, his establishment at \Karthaus in Clearficld county, twenty four mites from DBellelonte, on the ‘West branch of the Susquehanna, con- ition. |Party cash, the ballance may stand oi, {leading matter, with will be finished this fall. It will be an object for a person with a moder custom, and hopes by a strict attentiog to business to merit a continuance of gE . igh , {{he same, ate capital wishing 10 carry on sugl me JACOB HOUSER N. B. Cioth left a1 P, 11. Ti I wish also te sell several lotsii, Bellefonte, will be (aken away, an {finished after the manner directed, All kinds of country produce takenia payment at a fair price, TY RG ‘7 Y&R JOBE, EHS Bh) Phiten. WHO now resides at Dunneburg in Lycoming county, will do any work i n the his profession on the shortest notice, in the best possibla the most reasonable works, to call and examine the situa Xs jr.) ierney’s or tracts of land, at a reduced price accommodating terms. The salt works are progressing and will be other advanta- an DIR AR ges, to secure a speedy settlement, PLA. XK. A218 September 3d, 1822. J IR, PRABILKTT Aitorney at Law, May be consulted at his office (formerly occupi- ed by sq More) in Bellefonte. line of Manner and on terms. He will, in the prosecution of hig any bart Lycoming county; a business, visit ol Centre or nd those persons who wish to em ploy him cn give no ce by lever directed to Miljupry Post Office or Dunn shure Post OTfiog which he Promises to angwep | = For Sale or Rent That well TAVERN STAND, House sityated ip : wit promptity 1c. * i 4 O 1. 4 AT In pursuance of (he last testament of Ludwig R; Haines 1 known ud Lot, 3 i the town of Earleysburgh, now in the secupancy of Walier Longwell. Any person wishing to purchase can have will and shel late of township, dec, ased, on Satyr. day the 26th day of October, on premises the Jate plant deceased, cont he terms made knowa on application the ation of said aining about one hunde red and forty acres, o James Alexander Pennsvalley, or he subscribers Clearfield town. LEWIS LONGWELL, Joly 23,1822. A RE a ee TRAE Pe rT 2 LOOK HERE, The subscribers have on hand one thousand bushels of wel burned ROACH LIME, of a superior quality, on the planta. ion of Philip Bepner, adjoining the Borough of Bellefonte ; which th: ’y purpose selling by the hundred bush. Is, at ten cenis per bushel, and 2a! under fifty bushels, twelve and a hall cents. Cash or country vill be taken in payment at a value. Due attendance will be by There are Crect- Saw mili dwell ing house, guth ouses, and B : Arn, —— 2 1 arse meadow, and a fine orchard am Ti dite SST i® conditions wil} be made cd on the premizes a known If the same 13 not sold it wili Le’ rented, JACOB KRYDER "MICHAEL MO SER. LEx’rsl 1899, on said day. Haines townshin, Oct. 5 pr oduc ry fai AN uC he BANK. NOTE EXCHANGE. IN PHILADELPHIA. th ited brates Branches, 3 ct. dis, 1 New- Hampshire, 2 2 Lunnecticyt ] da New York C ily banks ew: York country notes New. “Jersey, 1 dis par : uo do do de JOHN M,GINLLY, OWEN CULL. Angus! 24th, 1822. STRAY. Came to the plantation ot the subj 7 scriber on the 24. inst. ¥.. xX. A Brown Cow. The owner is re quested to Come orward prove property pay charge and take her away WILLIAM MULHOLAND Boggs tow: sip, Sept. 16. LO] 1s par 1to 5lia ‘enton, Mount Holly, wumberland, Newark, Brunswick Bank, Sussex Bank, state Bank at Trent on, At Elizabethtown | At Morristown Al Patterson At Brunswick Lenn, sylvania, Philadelphia notes, Germantown : Ha ston Bank, Jamden “hester county Bank, West Chester Moni gomery count Northamp: on B Farmers Bank, Lancaster Harrisburg Bank Far, Bank Bucks co. do BANK NOTES AT A DISCOUNT. Re: Wing Old B: ak of C ark sle, New Hope Bridge, Bank at Millen, Chambe rsburg, Liule York, {Ge ysburg, iSwatay ‘a Bank, Pittshu rg Note 3 Centre Bank » do do do do do NOTXE. All those thaf Fi in 'ebted tio the sub et par do do do ao do da do do do 'I'y al. re- quested to come forphrd on or be fore the first dag dt October nex: and setle off their accounts. Those y Bank, that cannot pay may give their notes, kiik, Such as neglect this notice may de. pend on having their accounts pw into the hands of proper officers foi collection, as my want of money wil! Ry: clover seed flax at the market price. Centre paper, or other par paper, or even specie, will be taken!) in payment. JACOB No uot admit ol any longer trust. What, seed will be — ots, and taken HO Jr jsisting of a Furnace, with a good stock 'of Ore and coals. The ore will make! iron. There is aiso a good assortment cl stove, and other patierns, with othe: ‘inplements necessary for a furnae. ALSO 1 comple.e Saw Mill, now in opera. Lion, which will saw lumber forty fee. n length. ALSO 1 Grist Mill, with two pair of stones, USER, Columbia i : nr idge com. July 31 ’ ltulling & Dying. The subscriber informs his friends and the public in general, that he still continues to carry on the above hasi- ness at the old stand, where he is now prepared with the best of dye stuffs, which will enable him to dye the best Gf coery descr iption ind most fashionable colouts. : PE £0 He tenders his thanks to those who Pi ir L Ni .D & 1822 Greens sburg Bro, WHS Vi ie CO WANN Sr — All the rest of Pennsylvanis notes of Incorported banks no sales ey Summer Justices and gnetabics DF € AY AAR ™ £5 3 a good French Barr first Tate; ha have heretofore Iayored him with their TOR SALL \T 1 His LOUFICE,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers