them. It itis not worth the dust which tne rude wind would blo aroubd ‘hci ta such an excursion, a to any LEAILG it would have on th opinion ci the pecple. 1 have wilil€én wore intendsd 5 but 1 couid pot help inter-| posibE peLwecl a4 merciless Crngor and his prey » & shail end with this re- mark, which it 1tis of any scrvice to the person wk 1s intended for, shall feel glad indeed ; i 1s his: as the present character of a man, so his bis fiasty, 80 his future. He who recollects his past adventures, knows his destiny to come. The same re- gard you have for yourseil, you ought tn have for others. What is truth, but wisdom —virtue and magnanim- ity, harmony between yourself and others, and every reation of being. Tne most stormy ebuilitions of passion that. 1 first I vier moself to your con’ | JJelecicd I shal: the Inspectors of said General elec To the Electors of Clear-| field county. PR FeLLow CiTIiZENS, General Election. ROCL A: AHA TION. WHEREAS 10 and by an act of the Gen rl Ass mbly Jentitied “ Aa act to regao'ate the Geo tons shall be chosen by balloon Fry lay next preceding the fiest Tu esday a £)ctober (bein 3 the 27 4 day of Sep- sideration as a can.idate for-the office cmba:) at the several election dis 0 of Pcansy'vani tricts 3 and the election of such inspec- Coroner, it the ensuing tor shall be fie'd by the respective con- general elect’on If eal clections within this Common endeavor to discha ‘the duties vf the office with Adciry THOMAS M'CLURLG. lusy who are reqiired to give a ree wealthy” It is enjoined on the Sher one week's nolce of such elcc- ffs of the difftrent conniies to sive assisted hy two gualifiod tuzens, quaifi d present, public noice of such eiccunis to bel : to And dt h ¢itiz ns sen by su Sept. 9h (822. P he dy and to coumerae the office be IJ STR AY (BU 2y Saeriff, do here Came to the plantasion of tte sub ¥ aol scriber living 1 Boggs towoship, som] me iat he hecinnin r of last mooth a Red Steer, rs tu as shail be then e'ected : Therelore Li Khaw e Tospectors chosen are requis h ik by ilk y rh y wil the places of their ve C ND 10 the cioct sity iio : : = ; : day of the (Gaaeral Electivn a'ore AF.) 5d 4 : } aid, ou 9 are less terrific (hao one single act of] | Harge horns, the owner is desired to cool deliberate misrepresentation. PLAIN TRUTH. us f — cohuNTY MEETING. At a plfmerous meeting of the in habitants &f Cleaificld county, held pursuant 0 public notice, at the Court, House, m Lhe town of Cleaificid, Sept} ember 21st 1822 HENRY IRWIN was the Chair, and JAMES HEBERTON appoinied Secretary. It was unanimously Resolved, that) MARTIN HOOVER be supported’ as a candidate to represent (he coun. ties of Centre aud Cleachicld in the State Legislature, atthe ensuing cleg- tion. Resolved, That the proceedings o this meeting be signed by the Chair] man and Sccretary, and published Inj the Bellctonte Patriot. HENRY IRWIN, Chairman, Mauss Heaentos pociemiys DIED. At Mile ao on Wed. nesday lost Mus. ELIZABETH FORSTER, wite of James l'oisier, Esq 7 he deceased suffered severely, but died with the resignation and firmness . of a christian. Haviog full confidence, in the atonement of her Saviour, she! cast hersclf on him; aud threcogh Him, “we believe she now rests in the bo- som .of het Father and God: She was . an orpament 10 society, and a kind and « affectionate wife. MNOTIOE, The "stockholders of ‘the Philips ‘burgh and Susquehanna Turnpike ‘Road Company ave hereby mnotficd ‘that a meeting will be beld on the tenth day of October next at the house «of Jacob Test in Philipsburgh for the purgose of electing by ballot or by proxies duly authorised one President, twelve Mapagers, one Treasurer and oie Secreiary to conduct the con- reerns of the company lor the cnsuibg ‘ycar. By order of the Board THOMAS LEVER, Sec'y. Philipsburgh, Sep. 21, 1822 Sheriff’s Sale, By virtue of a writ of Venditions ¥xponas issued out of the court off Commna Pleas of Centre county, will be exposed to public vendue at the court Louse in the Borough of Bellefonte, on Friday the 11th day of Qciober, next ; a certain lease of 2 HOUSE and about seven acres of land situat. in Howard township, adjoinining lands of Christian Nessierode and others Seized and taken is execution and to be sold as the property of Willian M’Calmont, JOS. BUTLER, 827. Bellefonte, Sept. 24th, 1822. NOTIOK x Ado All persons indebted to the estate of John Jack, late of Ferguson town shi'p deceased, are to make immediate payment; and per- requested SORS. having demands apaiost saic €stal€ to present them legally au- thenticated for scttiement, WM. MURRAY. GLO. BOAL Adminsstrgtors. September 24th, 1829. L STHAY, Came to the plantation of the sub- ecriber on the 2d. inst. : A Brown Cow. The owner is requested to come forward prove property pay charge and take her way. M 4] H () calied to nd pefoim the dulics he requiced with a white stripe in his face, sop-iii li th | posed to be about three years old, nol Lother marks except that he ha- very \ > (X}. And T de Oy an acCi OD fie ’ 1 : Rp on the secon farther roake kuotwvn, thai | fhe Genoa nmonwexin Apiil 1821. «ail hold any tucsday ci OJ of 1 tie t hay the, mauin, at the seve:all ibis Com come forward prove propery, pay 8 charges and tuk: him away, otherwis: he will be so'd accordine to ss WM. BOG Sept. 16h 1822. hy passed the 23d leleciion fetes in sand couply § at day of thal cvely person which t me and place, the quaofiedjwho s cifice or appoint. electors ai sak cou men of profit or trust under the Uul ond ty will elect, gov. } | { { 4 | \ i { { { | t { me parson 0 repres ot the coun nment of the eed Stal I'S, Wi hethe 1 ties of Ui a fizid, Centre, Huntingdon «nd Mifflin, in ie Couyicss of fae Uuited Dias, 1 COMGLS officer or otlierwise, a oth Ku cmployed uader To the electors of Clear-, field County. GENTLEMEN, Encouraged by a numo- ber of my friend, I offer myself as a candidate for the office of Commissioner, at the ensuing election ; should you lhonor me with an election 10 that office, I will endeavor to discharge the iduties thercof with fidelity and Impar-} ality. AUburdinatle or acenly, who 1s or shall be the legis Two Pers ns to represent the coun- re and Uiecarficid House of Keprescntanves of the Cone lative, cxeculive or judiciary ments of the United States, apart and bat every member of Congress 1s uy ise of Cen 10 the a. 50 wunwealth of Poousyvama, aw Incapable of Golding or excrecis Two persons for onenff for sad|io€ at the same tine the office or ap- ointment of Jude, spoctor or clerk of connty. 3 ry Two persons for Coroner vatty of Clearfizid. Oe Person for Commissioner, and eoson wi Auditor tor for said any elzciion in this siate, Aid the teturn. judges of the res- ELISHA SCOFFIELD. pective disiiicts aloiesaid are requir Sent. 16, 1822 | oon. i said coun-{ me t at the court hovsg in the The electors sq1d county will tak: TO THE ELECTORS OF CLEAR | FIELD COUNTY. FeErnow CITIZENS, At the solicitation of a num ber of my friends, I am induced to oi- fer myseli as a candidate for Auditor. If elected I shall endeavor to dis-it43t lie begivulng at the muh ol charge the duties of said office with! Wicatjand Run and running to the fidelity and impaitiality Wn. TATE, | ' ithe rcof shall hold their ev the 2ud Tuesday in October, then notice, that ihe cicctivn will bs RE there io peitorm those. things re the follows or at Tolaces, viz quired of them by law. GIVEN under my band at Belle- fonte, this 8th day of September B alia LOWES, aiid hat part of fouitoin Bradiord wowustip lylig south ol an in the year of our Lord out thousand eight burdred and twen Mushannon creek, bea seperate elec ton district 3 and that ty two, and the 47th year of the the eicctors general elec tion at the House now occupicd by FOR SALE, O RENT. The subscriber offers for of America, Joseph Butler, SAA CATT ON. Jobin Crec,in Becaria towns ip. The district compesed of Bradfnd township, lying norih of a line begin. My wile Cathaiue, (formerly ning at the niouth of Wheatland Run! Catherine M’Biide, ) and running to the Mushanponu crec ii% p | shall hold their general election atieave wy hed and the house of George Smell. therefore The d : strict composed of that part! ast her on my “Ceonnd, de of Lawrence township in the coun yi ‘termined Roto pay aig debts of he sale or has thought] rent, or in part, his establishment at oper, without any cause whatever, to All not Karthaus in Clearficid county, twenty board per- tour miles fron Belletonte, on the sons ale wa ned (6) West branch of the Susquehanna, con- as | am sisting of a’Furnace, with a good stock of Ore and coals. The orc will make f Cleardeld, lying on the waters ot! contracting from this date. castings of asuperior quality, and bar (Siansmaton ng FATRICK M’DONALD. [ron. Augousi 25:4, 1822. beginoin Wat the There is also a good ass: ortinentinorth cast corner of Clearfield county of stove, and other patierns, with other] {thence west to the district line botween LOUK HERE The subscribers have on hand on: mplements necessary for a furnac. ALSO a complete Saw Mili, now in opera- tion, which will saw lumber forty feet in length. | . John Canon and Hunter’s distric ’ thence south by sad Line to a bach, a corner of surveys in the name of thousand bushels of well buraed George Meade, No. 5294 and 5295) ROACII LIME, thence no. ih ail along said hoe w he, of a superior quality, on, the planta-| ALSO a» Grist Mill, with two pair of stones, nda good French Busr first rate, will be finished this fall, It will be! n object for a person with a moder. ite capital wishing to carry ou such vorks, to call and examine the situa | The clecws of we district compos. tion. Iwish also to sell several lois, lq of Pike wwoship to hold their gen: or tracts of land, at a reduced pricey partly cash, the ballance may stand on tral election ai tic house of William accommodating terms. The salt Bloom, jr. works are progressing and will be ay teading matter, with other advanta- i, . ges, to secure a speedy settloment, [1OWISDID shal! hold tieir general elec P. A. KARTHAUS. ition in the town of Clearfeld. September 34, 1822. J IN, PETMBIIRINT) Attorney at Law, May be consulted at his office (formerly occupi- ed by Esq: Moore) in, Bellefonte. place of ‘begiyinge=it the house of! tion of Philip Benoeryadj ining the) p irpose selling by the hundred bush-| els, at ten cents per bushel, and al under fifly bushels, tweive and a ha if cents. Cash or wiil be taken in mahoning, 0 sid lownsoip. country praduce| payment at value. Due attendance will be given] { a fairl Tue d strict composed of Lawrence| by JOHN M,GIN OWEN CULL. Angust 24th, 1822, NOIR, HEREBY GIVEN, To the Stockholders of, the quil.s Turnpike Com- pany, Resolved, That Whereas the cal made on the 5thof August 1822 has and the ¥ LY, I've disurict composed of Covington ‘township, shail hold their general elcc- jtion at the house formerly occupied by Hugh Riddle, esq. in said town- {sbip. Tlie township of Tox and all that ‘part on the west side of Gibson town-| ship, to a line running north and s ath and parallel wi'h the line b tween the rownships of Gibson and Fox in Clear-| IS “‘antre & Kishaco-! field county, and about three mils from said line between the townships For Sale or Rent That well known TAVERN STAND, House and Lot, situated in 2foresaid so as oiiclude the two first he town of Earleysburgh, now in the{ranges of surveys, shall hercalier be a Any seperate election district, secupancy of Walter Longwell. person wish'ng to purchase can havejtlectors thereof shall bold their gene ‘he terms made known on application Tal election at the house of Jamcs i Green. tha! the said all be rescinded, and that 2 not been regularly advertised, call of ten dollars be made on cach o James Alexander Pennsvalley, or share of stock payable on the 15h of ‘he subscriber, Clearfield town. And in and by an az of the General HOclober, and a furiber cali of five dol WIS LONGWELL. jAssembly of this state passed the 171i , ‘ars payable on the 1s: ovembe: > . i y clock in the morning, to do Mi vit Assemoly of] i own of Cicarficld, on I riday next ais Lid oendence of the ULited Siatest Hugh Coleman, at tie Forks of Sinna< Borough of Bellefonte 5 which they? Far. | BANK NOTLS AT A DISCOUNT, | Bellefonte and Lewistown B) 2 4 oN Sh day the 3d ius‘. a dark) about 11 years of age. white top iu her forehoed, gore, bat not behind. smal bell. come forward prove charges aud take her aw she Wii { Ang. Tih 182%; a. RIFL 0 x The S: 1D3C YI moron ‘ LOI js 3 friends, and RiFLEL GUN the best of materials, and FLE BARGELS, GUN ’ produce. thank f tended to, JACOB BYLI BANK N } i i IN PLHIILAD United 5 ales Brauches, Boston, New-Hampshire, wonneotcul, New-York City banks New-York country notes 'renton, Mount Holly, Cumberland, Newark, Brunswick Bank, {Sussex Bunk, |State Bank at Trenton, | At Lilizabethlown At Morristown At Patterson AL Brunswick Lennsylvania. Philadelphia notes, Hxermantown Ilaston Baok, Catide n Chester county Bank, West Chester | Mow gomeory county dank, | Noithampton Bank, Farmers Bunk, Lancaster, Hairisburg Bank Bank Bucks Co. Cada HE Oud Bank of Carlisle, NW Lop: Bridge, Bank at Miu Ully Chambe: sburg, Late York, {Getty sburg, Swatara Bank, { Viasouryg Notes, Centre Bank Columbia bi idgegecom, Greensburg Biowusville All te rest of Pennsylyania not sciiber living tn Forguson tows The ownar is pioperty. ALS Lio Laks t tis .ncthod ice and on the most reasonable te JV ew-Jersey, December, to be published in pape! y By order © the Bourd of & lanage P. BENNER, TY Prost 2 Ci Came to the plantation vftle sh he? the end of Nita ry moun alts Ol Dad Roan Mare, She has: no steicis, op mark except a soak mixed hick: an Shod | be Sigilad ong desired ® be sold accor dings t te ORNELIUS DALE 3 a the publi penerally, that he has coingienced ANE ¥ first 1 workmen for each branch, viz. SINGLE & DOUBLE BARRELEY RIFLES, AN{) SHOT GUNS, R LOC! K CUESTL & DUOUR LOCK», GU AND RIFLE MOUNTING, He bus, and intends Keeping co ished in the most complete 1enne alt of which he wii sell on rcasonab crms tor cash, or any kied of count He will alsp regulate h wrices according to the times. Repat Ting, us usual, done at the shortest un ully received and punciual Hy ROC Wp, EFONTE, JUNE 18 h 1822 EXCHANGE. | “I.:a HiA. i Ct. dis, i ¥ di de par 1 to 5 di Taha iL Lodis, par.d do do do, do, do, do, do do, do, pas do do do, do, do to, do, do do do 2! 10 i0 of Incorp: tied ed hanks no salo 3 i AN fos | of every description PRINTD & FOR SALE AT 1HIS OFFICE, LOCK-M. AKING: J bus:ncss, Ts opposite (0. the thonotuy's office, in the Borou : Belli fonte, where he is provided wit] [| stantly ou baud, a bandscme assortme: of the arr los alove chumeraed, fix iy Orders, in bis line of business, will 5 1 )”