>t L) 8! FE » 3 Yan , oe yellow 4 3 . - 1n aastod three Umes for one dollar; a BELLEFONTE, CENTRE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, PRINTED BY H. PETRIKIN, et SR Vol. V. ra CONDIT JO NS. The price of this paper is TWG DOLLARS per annum=—but if pai’ + advance, ONE DOLLAR AND SEVENTY FIVE CENTS only wil be charged. Advertisements, making no more jn length than breadth, will be in fol erery subse Quant cpniinuanc vwenty-five cepts—Y hose 8 length in proportion.—R ule or figure work double those rates. No subscription will Le received fon less than one year; nor any pape discontinuzd until all arrearages ais f greaic paid. If the subscriber does not reques. adis:ontinuance of his paper, at the end of the year, it will be considered as a new engagement ; and the pape! forwarded accordingly. Subscribers who have their papers varied by (he mail, must be liable for the postage. , Letters addressed to the editor Must be post paid. ion DEWARD. Ranaway from the subscriber liviog on Buffiloe Run in Spring tewnsbip Cenire County on the 16th lust. an in- dented apprentice, named John Parker. He is about 5 lee, 11 inches high complexion, brown strata hair, and has remarkably larxe feet and ankics He speaks slowly, but is nevertheless, impudent, obstinate and perverse. He had on when be ab- wconded a roratm hat much worn, do- mestic cotton crossharved pantaloons a homem:de light brown cloth coat gauch worn, a pair of course 8 oc: hall worn, a torn linnen shirt, and a .blus élath with erossbarted flanne: backs. The ematuder of his clothing he lett. It is supposed he has went to Mount Etpa Furpace Juntinxdon county where he hos friends residing. Whoever takes up the said apprentice so that the subscri ber can pet him again shall have the ove reward acd all reasonable char. vest of pale ab pss: JOHN BARR. Avg 17, 1822. 9 ~ WEDNSDAY, October SHERIII'ALLY. the Electors Sheriff. To | Encouraged by a nomber of my] f Clearfield county, as a eandidate fori I offer msc ® asa condilae fr ile the office of SHERIFF. Should I bel SHERIFF'S OFFICE, so fortunate as to receive a majority of at the ensuing election. Y suff a. vour votes, I pledge myself to dis] ges will be received with crariiade ‘0 charge the duties with fidelity and im-| Wishing to give gener 1 intormation rartiafiey, of my intentions and an opportunity 10 those who have not known me, of ob- Heory Irwin September and 1822. ining some knowledge of my char- ws i 3 70 THE ELECTORS OF | cter, I have introduced myself ths, . ES COUNTY and 1 deem further solicitation un- I offer myself te your copsideration s a candidate for the office of SHERIFF at the ensuing general election. successful 1 shall endeavour charge the duties of the office accord ing to Jaw——and with humanity. Kichard Shaw, September 3nd 1822. necessary. REUBEN WINSLOW August 2371, 1822. If to dis PROCLAMATION WHEREAS in and by an act of the G n.ral Asscibly SEAR ety Sra a a entitled ® Aa act to re v'a'e the Gen. eral elections within this Common- wealth,” it is enjoined on the Sheriff, Valuable Real Estate FOR SALLE, BY ORDER OF {He RPHANDS COUREL OF CENTRE COUNIY Will be sold, at public vendue on the premises, on Saturday the 5th day of O:tobery next; the following desciibed property, being the real es tate that was of Daniel Fryberger, late of Hains township,in said county, deceased § to wil 2 ONE ract of land, situate in the township of Hains and county aforesaid, bound- ed by lands of Peter Nies, Pete. Heckman and others, contaiiing hilt, ,cres and allowance. ALSO oue other tract of land, situate cou tiguous to and adjoining the last mv .ioned tract, and land of Peter Nivs and others, containing one hundrec acyes and allowance. Terms of sale, one half of the por. chase money to be paid when the sal ts confirmed and the deed or deeds ¢xecuted, and the residue in thre’ of the diff-rent countics te give pub- lie notice of such cioctions to be held, and to cnumecrate the offices to be lected: Tuerelorel JOSEPH LER, She iff of Centre conuy, do acreby make known and give puoic OE #1 Bo N ; 2% 1. to the ol clu 8 uf tiie guunly of Cen- be weld in said coun'y, on the sccond 1 tr OW A- trey that a geoeral clec ton will tuesday of October next, being the lection districts io said county ; at lectors will clect, counties ot Cenirey, Clearfividy Hun ne Umtcd Statess T'wo prersone to represent the coun House of representatives of the Coin- mouwcalth of Pennsyivania, TWO PERSONS fur Coroner {oi said county of Centre, ONE PERSON for Commissioner. wd ONE person for Auditor for sad :gualy. annual payments. Due attendance will be given b; Jacob Herring esq. and Peter Nies) administrators. Fue electors of said county will take notice that the election wili be held TO BE A Lot of ground situate at the cor. ner of Spring and High Streets, inthe Borough of B llefonte; whereon there 8s a good two story STON] HOUSE & KITCHEN, ALSO, A BARN & STABLE, The premises are now in the tenure of Mr. Hamilton Humes, and are par of the estate late of James Dunlop. deceased. For terms of sale, applica tion may be made 10 JOHN G LOWRY, JAMES BAREIS. August 31, 1822, } Ex’rs, Office of Commissioner. It is the determination ota numbe: of the citizens of Clearficld County, tc. support Abraham Leonard," gor Commussioner of Clearficld county at the ensuing general elcclian. oy BY THE COURT. Certified by F.B SMITH, Clerk O. C. Bellefonte, September 1822, MENTING HOUSE. THE Managers notify those who ‘t the toliowing places, viz ; For the disiiict composed of the township of Halaes, in the town ol Aa rofisburg, al the house formery oecu- pied by Christian Meese. The district composed of the town ship of Miles at the house of— Walborne, in the town of Rebersburg The district composed of Potter } { O31) { PET IP rr 3 ) friends I offer myself to the citizens, Clea Bald ouanty Geaeral Rlection, wubey a wie which time and place, the. gualificd wise, a subordinate ’ ONE PERSON to represent the the legislative, executive or judiciary tingdon and M fll.n, in he Congress ol'aiso that cv ry member of Cougiess is ties of Centre and Clearfield in the appointment of Judge, inspector o 22 township, at the house of John Lig The town ship at the house of High Wins 8 of trees overhang 2 the Sia, d's rict composed of Balilea ceding $a} streams, in the same ’ Alar pret 1 & ryer » nner and ~ he » ] The district compo ¢d of Log viancr and g der the Lke penalties for sect of duty as is proscribed for the Liking art] repairing pubi ¢ svads and izhways, township at the house of Auino:, Kiet NTRS L wma Jains Toe district composed of towns ‘1p at the house of \PPROVED ~February twenty. seventh one thousand eight boadied and lwenly- wo, Brown. Por the district composed of the ” | ' , township of Rush, at the house of!. OSEPIT Ira rep Jacob Tes, in Puaiipshurghs And in and Agsemb voi ths state, passed the l vy an ac of the General) >>01U lon olf at LuCle ili ship. ate yy - Br TP ey diy of March 1807; i 1s directed thay! Lhe Parnersiip exisung under the Fa the Inspectors of sug General elec tog Min of Adresam iv, is thi : ; caver, IF co, is this wide Ue Clusty UY budiot we FF lay (da, dissolved by muual } 4 : , 3 preceding the Hal 1 Bid! ns indebled o the fir via) 7.6 diy of ocp-iicquisied (0 make P Ce { i \Weat Se Cha CivCidgi i$ Lom WW eabur, ang CONSENT mr nex vil perso alg Qciober (Dean 0 Auras au n 2 dyinen: house having des al ng die tivdd minds to present thew to him uicts 3 wad (he 'Lluction ui sua 1a ; ; a lor pector shall we hicld Dy the respec. payment, ; | 4 ve constablesg who a. € required of ABRAHAM wi : satiny | RAHAM WEABER, &.¢¢ pre-e wl og TW eh’ { < £ aL : > a “ give RB! 15L id . WCC: BER Catia a A obi is § such election assisied by two quau- a fied citizens, cuoseu Dy such Clizins Ab; alia We b : Yala sabe qualified to vole as shall be then pre- po : r resents his thanks to those who have extended their Paronsge to him, and respec tulj i oe tully all concerne that in fui ure he will, for CASH, Cheaper than ever yet sold in this Place. The ii ghes: price will be giv- cu for old pewter, sent. And the Inspcclois chosen are required 0 be at tue places of their ’ 2 wh 5 disuictsy on the day of the Geucial Fis ciection aforesaid, at 9 o’cock in he sely Ino1ning, to do and peridrm the dulled required of tiem. Aud 1 do turther mzke known, that Sood 5etprdrs es 4 He has on banda by an act oi the General Assembly of aan aro] i swate, this Commonwealth, passed tue 2nd N O 38 NT {day of Apl 1821, that every persoc | i A * NS | | wy | All those that { icebted to Lo shall told any office or appoint- know themselves ine ment of prolit or trust under the gov. the Subscriber, wre pb i srnment cf nite 3 hie herh (HUES'E : v forarat 8th day of the mouth, at the scversl ernment cf the United Sates; when. | do come forward on or. bee s LA : Hore . er a commissioned officer or other |" © the first day of Oclaser next ; aud seitle off ip oe officer or agent, € off their uccounms, Foose ; that cannot pa i i iwho is or shall be employed uvnder Pay muy give their notes, Mi | . “Fg J Ih as neglect this notice m y des end cn having their ace ite | apartments of the United States, and put | re bani nto the hands of proper officers lop leet i lieeon, as my want of inuticy wij) jot admit of any longer ust What, eed will be 'b cis:ng at the same time the office oi law 1capabic of holding or excer- Rye and fi x ma ct 0.18, clover seed taken ot Centre p per, cicik of any election 1o this ¢ ate. the And the return judges of the re, ICiCe. Ul } PER, OF €Ven rpc, will HW payment, JACOB [HOU CER, Jr July 31, 1822 a ——————— olen par pecive distues aforesaid, are requ be taken «d 10 theet at the court house in th Borough ol B liclonte, on Friday nex iter the second Tuesduy in Octabor a REPLICATION. # My sorrows like a 1) nd, Fupaient of veg rain ’ Tuo thy bosom () | my God ’ Pour out a sore complaint. WHEREAS Patrick M’ Donald has published me fr leaving his Led and board, without cavse. The truth ludéd by a false and deluding longue, and after three years slavery at his house, in which time my health has been reduced more then and there to perform thuse things required of them by law. GIVEN under my band at Belle fone; this 26h day of August in the year of eur Lord one thousand ¢ight hundred and twen- ty two, and 47h year of the Inde- pendence of the United States of America. Joseph Butler, SA’ ff ti — rotice to Supervisors 1s, I was fist de van it was for ten years before 1 bee have so generously subscribed to the erection of the Methodist Church, in ‘he borough of Bellefonte, that it is now nearly finished, and the workmen in want of their money. Payment may be made to William Ward. It will be *hankfuolly received. the house of Walto Longwell, Earlystown. The district composed of Fergnsor township, at the house of Willi mi M’Cleliand. The district composed of Ha fmoon township ot moon township; at the house of Joseph 8 Shugert : For the district composed of Pat- i's ['o the Electors of Clear- field county. ton township at the house of William Davis. Encouraged by my friends, I offer] The district composed of Spring myself as a candidate for for the office of Sheriff At the ensuing general election ; should 1 be so fortunate as to succeed I wii] endeavor to execute the date | the office with fideiny and mpa iality. ownship and the Borough of Belle: x fonte, at the court house in the sai¢ borough. The district composed of Boggs township, at the school house in the town of Milesburg. For the district composed of Walk. I remain with much respect l a -r township, at the. house of William 3 = y “os your friend ang fellow Citiz. 0. Smyth. ~ GREENWOOD BELL. | The tings compared of Howard AN ACT for the removal of obstruc-{ 2™¢ his wife; I am now forced ta cave it, together with my propetiy; ba he safety of my life. : tions from c2rtain navigable streams in the countics of Huntingdon an Centre. CATHARINE M’DON ALD; Sect. 1. Be it enacted by the Sen- Spring township, Sept, 1822, Ar———— ate and house of refiresentatives of the GEORGE HENING, HATTER, Informs the public that Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby nacted by the authority of the sam eg Cnrat from and 2fer the first da ot! re Carrie y : ; : on the above business, at Milesbury : : August next, it shall be the duty of 3 wm ail 1ts various brancies. He will scil as reasonable as can Le procured ve several supervisors in the coun ics of Hantingdon and Centre, to ex- | imine the streams within the bounds elsewhere; f their respective townships, which Milesburg, August 26th, 3 nave been or shall hereafter be declar-{ N.B. A Boy who can come w 1 © we ed by law to bz public highways, and lieccommenled, between the due. of 0 remove therefrom as ofien as they {15 and 16 years, will be taken ag an shall exist, at the expense of their sev . ppren‘ice 10 the above business, eral townships, all obstructions occa- Writing paper lop sale at this ofice, sioned by trees falling into tle same, by drift wood, or by tees or thef Me “ as to endanger the passage ul cralt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers