- y on a nv . Te po oo oh RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURE OF CENTRE COUNTY. Statement of money received by the Treasurer of Centre county, from the first day of January 1821 until the eighth day of January 1822, both inclusive. $3513 1364 1045 206 45 373 29 8 25 i $K6512 11 271 58 Orders drawn by the Commissioners on the Treasures: iP from tiie 220d day of January 1821, until the 8th day of January 1822, s ! COURT HOUSE & PRISON EXPENSES. 82 55 75 George Williams for repairing bell of court house Jamcs Willams for repairing court house Joho Hall, jr do and jail Henry Vandyke part payment for building ceurt house steps Rosanna Cull for cleaning court house Daniel Billew for wood for court house H. Humes paper for Commissioners room " H. Petrik paper, advertising; &c. P. Cambridge for glass for court house P. Benner, & co. for a ledger Tho’s Hastings jr wood ior prison W Marshall do do J. Williams do do J Rothrock do do Samuel Flack for hauling D Lewis to the grave J Williams for boarding prisoners &c. J Kelogg for Candlesticks, &c Cash received from county collectors do taxes on unseated lands do from the estate of John Dunlop, dec’d. €o amount of Judgment vs Hugh Gailagier do fsom John Mitchell; esq. on account of his balance do from Wm. Petrikins esq. court fines Balance que Treasurer $6783 69 The following statement shews the amount due the county of Centre from sundry persons In the hands of Collectors Aw’t of judg’t vs Clearfield county, Aug’t 1819 Aut of balance per settlement 28th Nov. 1820 f7147 95 $1348 69 | EXPENSES IN SUNDRY CASES. 146 78 D———— — 1495 47 Wolfand Panther premiums Expenses in cases of the Commonwealth vs sundry persons 1. D Parker, esq. bills, of Philadelphia prison for support of Williams & Hains Education of Poor children Refunded to J P De Haas on duplicate of county tax do to purchasers of land at Comi’rs sales 861 68 233 58 66 20 289 60 12 80 36 68 $85 40 186 31 Coma —C—— CR —By cash, 5th Sept. 1820 do for Wm. Pettit’s jud’t ori 71 1223 76 338 53 RE ————_—— with interest $1266 18 Bonds of sundry persons, Thema Hall and John Hall, sr, execution in the hands of W. Alexander Jute Sheriff—debt $92 and int. from 27 April 1846—H 36 80 Balance in the hands of John Mitchell, esq. late Treasurer, with interest to this date 128 80 2 MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES 1078 13 $9917 17 Supervisors orders on unseated lands Jurors pay Constables pay Auditors pay William Murray, Commigsioners pay M. Allison do J Bollinger do v35 67 1230 og 57 00 30 GO~ 73 ¢O 91 00 91 0Q Total 22121 00 4567 69 95 00 Bern ——— Amount of old orders paid by Treasure? do © Orders issued in 1821 Road viewers paid H. Pet-ikin, cleik to Commissicners, bal. due him Ass ssors pay W. Alexander, expenses in Philadelphia in collecting taxes on lands 140 226 50 00 75 50 Sundry printing avd advertising, sheriffs proclamations, &c Election Expenses Attorney General’s fees Clerk of the Sessions do W. Alexander late Treasurer for the bal.due him per Aud. report 1820. 117 169 50 49 20 00 ‘60 83 505 66 &6785 69 Total amount of monies paid by Treasurer in 182} A 4567 69 294 94 wim en $4862 63 Amount of orders paid by Treagurer for 1821 Road orders remaining unpaid $4862 63 Total amount of orders izsued by the Commissioncis The foregoing is a true statement of the Receipts and Expenditures of the coal, money from the date above stated, M. ALLISON, : I ATTEST, J. BOLLINGER, J. RANKIN, Jr. Clk. J. ADAMS. Le “ry & i, i Balances due by Collectors in Centre county, : FL 1810 $66 ’ 1818 45 1811 5 1813 37 1813 49 1814 16 1814 77 1815 33 1615 14 1815 92 18i6 53 1816 10 1817 44 1817 i6 ditto 106 ditto 3 1818 29 ditto 158 ditto 93 ditto 15 ditto 38 ditto 91 ditto 89 1819 121 ditto 88 ditto 20 dito 48 ditto 21 1819 243 diito 32 82 P, H. Ticrney ditto 185 89{Martin Houser ditto 188 61 Bad Eagle ditto 137 06 H .itinoon ditto 25 51 w Walt Miles ditto 47 20} } Commissioners, 2 pen >t Boggs Miics Spring Howard Paiton Lamar Logan Bald Lagle Walker Halfmoon Ferguson Haines Boggs Potter Borough Rush Fergusen Lamar Walker Bald Eagle Haines Potter Rush Patton Miles. Logan Haltmoon Borough Howard Bogus Spring ditto 1820 ditto ditto dite ditto ditto « ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditle ditto 1821 ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto Wiiliam Fisher John Rhule PhilipBenner John Smith Adam Gray Andrew Eakins George Grenninger teary Snyder James Neil Christian King George Hubler Michael Musser wm. Alexancer John Irvin Join M’Kee Hemy Lorain William Bailey Wm. MK bbon Thomas M’Calmont George Brown Peter Noise | Henry Pennington 451 Jacob Aairs 4o'Andrew Hunter 91 Richard Shaffer 89. Henry Spangler 08 john L. Thompson 7BiGeorge Lonbei ger 57 Jaccb Runner 32 80 13 42 32 31 16 95 88 91 71 87 68 74 321 93 26 10 97 57 41 26 86 73 52 17 260 54 142 63 144 12 50 1 105 1 107 116 159 30 442 27 35 835 243 186 169 356 578 4, 04 343 Howard township Halimoon Bald Lagle Patton Borough Miles Bald Eagle ditto Rush SpLng Pztion Ferguson Howard Baid Eagle Spring Halimoon Haines Ferguson Sorng Boggs Paton Walk ap Eaid Eagle Howard borguson Pacon Lough opring Fo wer Wilker Lamar I ines David Tipton John Scett Join Haziet Josep Pouer James Craw lord Pau! Wolf Wiittam Moore Nathan Harvey Hardman Phaiips Jolin Buover William Toner Jour Campbell Ab:orun fLigoet Phaivip Walker ¥yane's Giohain Joan Spectr ; Benjam: Goodwin Jeremiah Culbertson Ricard Carey Michael dweany Joseph O1ls John His der Jon Quay Michact Meese Henvy Due Jere Mierit Joseph Mics homes M’Ulelland YY uiaun Rank n Av lseV Weaver Tgwerd Sutberland Benjamin Goodwin FPaivick Mocre Sarvel denderson Ant Rt %3 74 69 ww °% 3 58 77 165 7% 59 05 140 1% i77 99 278 76 ant— —— R7147 9% rn —. ha a i CE SNA A re WT William Kerry esq. iu said township, on Friday ihe Istday of March nex, where all accounts properly attesied, will be received for s:ulement. FRANCIS M'EWEN, WILLIAM M’MINN, appy w the subscriber living on the picmises, in Spring township. RICHARD CAREY. Jan. 21.1824. TOTAOR ‘lo those Concerned. The Docket of Wm. Petrikin dec’d Ap, persons indclted to the estate has been retained by his legal reP'®- Sgmyuel Lamb, sentatives, as reeably to the 16th Whereas Acthony Croizer obtamed a pote for ten dollars and bfty cents from the subscriber,in an uniaw fu! Wane, per- sons from taking a transfer of said note, late of Walker town The subscribers having entered into : partnership, make knewn, that they © will do all kind of : "4 a Carpenter Work, on the shortest notice, end in the bess manrer, and as cheap as possibly can be done. ; ship, deceased, are requested t Administrators. tion of the Act of the 20th March i 7ioad - t 5 gmk P Fer siatos ry 0 payment, an those baving i | emands to present their accounts le- 00k Here. be given at any time, but those call- gally attested for settlement The Subscriber informs FURN- ing for them must first fay the costs, JOHN BECK ACE owners, and others, that he car- otherwise they will not be issucd— Wa M’KIBBON, ~ahis is an indispensible requisite. Nov. 27, 1821, “1 lie execuiors have in their posses- ion a great number of decds which 70 Lent or Sell, A tract of land situate on Logars enerally. : generally they would thank the owners to take Orders addressed to him, No. 176 away and pay the R ding J 1 ¥ anc. pay ecording lees. Branch about two miles from Belle. those interested will not comply with gpte, Transcripts of Judgments wi I therefore caution all as I am deiermined not to pay the 2 ’ same unless comnellied by law, } B2're. THOMAS MOORE, jr. ries on the business ot making Halfmoan townsing, Feb. 9th 1822 oiove Patterns, and Patterns for Castings, NOTICE. All persons indchred to the estate of JOHN WOODS, late of Potter North Front St. Philadelphia, will be township, deceased, are requested to prompily attended to, make payment; and those havifig da- Powell Stackhouse JOHN BAFR, DAVID PRUNER. containing forty acres and thirty Jan. 22d 1822. this request, some other means must perches. There are onthe premisesa mands are informed that the adminis- be resorted to, in order to compel the dwelling house and Barn, together L trators will attend at the house of 2nd Mo, lst day 18 id 3 DAVINA