Ra. FH A A nt ei IRA, - ’ — e BELLEFONTE, CENTRE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, PRINTED BY H. PETRIKIN, Vol. IV. SSIS T ISP LLIS TET IL ESTES PEE EL LLS ISIS SLPS ELST LTT CONDITIONS. The prike of this paper is TWO DOLLARS. per anuum--bat if paid in ONE DOLLAR AND adcanor, | meee: hand, every five or ten minutes ; and at] the end of three weeks move the ¥ skel- eton of the wreck” was seen walking on the deck of the amethyst; and to the #ypiise of all wo recoiicct that dx SATURDAY, July 21, 1821, i FITS LLIEL EL GILLES SLL LEE LL LLL EE PLS TLDS L DSL EPLL SL LIT PPE PSPSPS PISA S IP & the objects of this gentleman’s noblejthe discussion about the bounds of hospitality. Louisiana, thesubject seems to have nnade a deep impression on his min’. Ube pipuder voice was agaiust him ; owe The Fotis MB circom. vas. ay and he lelt some irritation. From stance occurred on the cvening the grovel in the dust ; your snuff: weiz.d you as St. Dunstan did and if the redehot pinchers # ; he performed the teat, could occasions of a hubit which literally mal SEVENTY FIVE had becu Lified into the ship by a cabip boy, presented th: stawely figure of & Jre Man aearly six feet high. —— i CENTS only will be caaiged. Adverusements, makiug no me in length then breadih, will be in an re rid or one dollar ; and “ THE HEART OF MID-LOTHIAN for every subseguent continuance] Ia the year 1736, two sinugglers, 0 twenty-five cents LUhose of greaterithe names of Wilson and Robertson, lenzil in proportion.—Rule or figure ropbed the collector of cusions ai work doubis those rates. Kirkaldy of a considerable sum Of No sub. 1 will be received forimoney, which was the property ot gov- Jess ian one year; nor any paperierpment. ‘They were both takei, discouLmucd until all arrearages ave prought to trial and condemned tw paid $ ldgath. The fate of these men was if the does not request universally pitied ; but Wilson, by an adis ontinuance of his paper, At the| act of extraordinary resolution, gene: end of tha vear, it will be consi cred: posity and fidehty, exciied the general as a hew gngacenfent; and the paperi sympathy to ardent adwiration, and forwarded act cdingly. fixed it solely to himself. The two Subscribers wio have their papersicriminals under sentence of death wore car ied hy the mail, must be fable foriaccording to custom, carried on a Sun- the postage. : day after their condemnation, to join 10 Letters addressed to the editor he weekly public services of religion murt be sos paid. {Four sold ers of the town guard ol Epi re st eraser) Gui burgh were their conductors and From rhe London Kobiedescope. Ithey entered ihe ehurch befors tie THE SKELETON OF THE WRECK. congregation had fully assembled and “While Sir. MicHAEL SeyMoUR waslbefore the commencemeént of the ser- in the command of the Amcthyst fil fvice. The prisoners were’ entrusted {peiol thant Bilao SuHECIrIDE grate, and was cruizing in the Bay ol Biscay, the wreck of a merchant ves- without fetiers to the custody ot their guard. In these circumstances the king of England was at Dtury-lane Theatre : A gentlemen of Clerkenwell who was in the crowd, missing His watch seized a man who he supposed had robbed bim, and challenged him sith the offence. Tae leilow immedi- ately took from bis pocket a watch nd seals, which he gave up and was affered to depart. On returning home, the genueman to his utter as. tonishment, found that he had 1e%t his avn watch basging up in his bed room ! the watch and scals given to him are woith 50 guineas. a] HAUNTED BED CHAMBER. Professor Gassendi, in one of his letters, says thit he was consulted by his friend and patron, the count D’ Alais, governor of Provence, on a phe- nomenon that haunted his bed-cham- ber, while he was at Marseilles, For several successive vighig, as soon as the candle was taken away, hz and his countess. Saw, a imighuy spectre, sometimes. of an oval and some- times of a triangular form ; that it al ways immediately disappeared when a light was brought into the room : that some quotations, it appears that hisjally start up from an Ormskirk snuffs icelings have been infused nto his box, it might have a saluiary effect in guisado, of which the public will be our real and psendo-lushiotubics. very curious to have a taste. It is) and others very differently from the of the nose mentioned in Solon manner in which they commouly view Song, which we are informed themselves. “ the tower of Lebanon look ns | We allude to the introductory part wards Damascas:” But] appt ‘of the work, entitled ¢ A Memoir up- ¢d that your readers will begin ta jon the Negotiation between Spain and think that | have led them be the i rse : : ! It was my intention to have writtem said he views members of congress a desertation upon the probable form book. Tt seems to be a high seasoned checking this masty propensi'y ameng the United States of America, which long enough, and lest you Myr, Editor ted to the treaty of 1819,” by Don should suspect that I am makiie a Luis de Onis minister picnipotentiary: handle of the subject, f ely tut you A Translation of this, we ate grati- may pay through the nese for my com - fied to hear, is abou’ to be put to press mur ication, I shall conclude at. once by Mr. De KrarrT, of this city. w iti * am J a . won From the Boston Centinel. Sonnet {0 ny own nose. The gallant tars of the Macedonian already keep parts of the town alive with their jollificarion Ve learn that... : $80,000 are due to them for wages; 1° 3, must fe 4 and that they will all be psid off inls Since we are bhaurd together die time for their characteristic cele- | denture, bration of Independence. The occa-',, sion will doubtless be embraced by (1 ‘them to get rid of the root of evil, and be ready a short time afier * to go to O Nose! thou rudder in my face’s centre, low thee antl 1 d he master thou, and the apprentice 3 gy. O_be to your Telemachusa Meat A gel drove past. Her deck was jusijchurch door being open, and ‘the per above water ; her lower masts algng!sons who wire present not unfavorably he often struck at i, but could discov 2 : : ! roti er nothing solid. Gassendi, as a nat-> oo 283i. ural philosopher, endeavored to :ac- Je—— standing. Not a soul could be seen on disposed towards the criminals,’ Wil board ; but there was a cabouse ot! Sui, by a sadden effort of astonishing count for it : sometimes attributing it’ to some defect of wision, or to some ‘Wincbago ludians who had been con- Prom hostile Tho of’t invisible, forever nigh, Guard him frem all disgrace When Judge Pope enquired of the! = misadycnture, a ds the Pstroggliv g with the difficulty of get "ting thro igh 4 high ruohing sea close dick, which had the appearance of] being recently patched with old can- wvass and tarpawlhing, as if to afford shelter to some forlorn remnant o” the crew. It biew at this time a song gale ; but sir Michael listening only to the dictates of humanity, ordered the ship to be put about and sent off a boat with instructions to board the wreck and ascertain whether there was any being still surviving, wiom the belp of his £oilow man nixht save from the grasp of death. The buat rowed to ol drifted mass ; and whil along side, the Crew shouting all the time as loud as they could, an objet like in appearance toa bundie of clothe was observed to roll out of the cabous apparently against the lee shrouds o the mast. : With the end of 2 boat hpok thes (gnanaged to get hold of it, and haute it into the boat, when it proved to be the trunk of a man beat head an knees together, and so wasted gcarce to be felt within the ample cl thes which had once fitted it io (he gtate of life and strength, The boat's crew hestened back to the Ameothys with this miserable remnant of mov “tality; and so small was it in bulk, tha a Jad of 14 years of age was able will: his own hands to [itt it mto the ship.— when placed cn deck it showed for the §st time, to the astonishment of all signs of remaining life; it tried to move, and the next moment uttered in a hollow sepuichral tone, ¢ there is another man”’ the instant these words were heard, si Michael ordered the as strength, grasped with each ob bis dampness of the apartment ;: insinuat- hands one ‘of the attending soldiers,/ing that perhaps it might be sent from seiz:d a third with his testhy held heaven to him, to give him warning in hem inextricably fast, and called to'his due time of something that would hap- comrade Rtbertson to run. fordife.— pen. The spectre, stifl continued; its Robertson did run and made his escape. | visits all the ume he staved at Mar. Wilson, overjoyed in having delivered! RT : of tweak, or love's. blig : vi, victed ol murder, if they had avy thing | to say, why sentence should not’ bel pongunced agdinst them; one replied | “what can we say-—~we know that el killed the mem. When we saw our Young man, who was with us lay his) nd upon the book, we hoped th mas ery So shalt thou quit the city’s ster and smoke, For hawthorn lanes, and copses © : it! i ‘ha young oak, hig friend, remained padently behind to suffer for his crimes. : Such 1s the historical fact of wich the ¢ Mysterious Unknown’ has made such admirable use in his romance of « The heart of Mid-Lothian.” meen et roe . Westchester, June 27. Attempt to Murder. Two or thres weeks ago a negro lellow was committed to the prison of this countyy for “having attempted {to burn the barn of Me. Joseph Carter, of Westbradiord. [Last wecky actoa ted by a dosperater maligaity, he at tempted to set five tothe jail, on which he was ironed and putin the dungeon On Moaday lasty about poor, it was found that he had broken the lock o his door, and Sher ff Babb, accompani ed by Mess s. Sweney end Jefferis, at tempted to enter for the purpose of making him more secure, Undoubtediy prepared for the mue derous attempt, the villian stept up & held in Lis hand, and «instantly made a 8iab at his breasty with a penkcife, repeating bis blows onthe neck, groin shunider and belly. Inthe whole the Sherif received ten wounds, some of them very bad. Mur. Sweney re cetved two wounds. The follow has a las aisn boat to shove off again for the wreck. The sea having now become sHme- "what smoother they succeeded this time in boarding the wreck ; and look (been amply secured. The wounds of the Sheriff have been dressed. He has passed a pretty good tnight, and his physician considers him in: into the cabouse, they found twolout of danger. other human bodies wasted like the ons they saved, to the very bones, bat without the least spark of life remain- apr. They were sitting ina shrunk ap! postare, a hand of one resting upon alattendin USES WRECK OF THE MEDUSA. Among the peculiar circumstances g the drzadfal wreck of the tin pot in which there was about a gill, Medusa, on the coast ot Afvica, the lol of wateryand a hand of the other, reach-{lowing is not among the lczst worthy ing to the deck, as if to regain a bit o gait heel, of the size of a walnut, which had dropped from its neiveless grasp. Unfortunate men ! they had starved of being recorded After passing ‘thirteen days on a rafty subject to eve iy privation and exposed to a parching theat, which produced maduoess in alll blew out the ¢andle which the Steril] strength re maining to lift the last mor- relieved fi skill could suggest, to achieve the no jer Ithank you, but 1 cannot leave my on their scanty store, till they had notiits hid-ou= forms. they at length were} : om this perilous situation, sel to their mon hs ! The crow. hav-ihaving lost one haadred and thirty-five ing completed their last meiancholyout of one hinndred and fif’y men. On ‘survey, returned on board, where they shore they were crowded into an hos found the attention of (he ships compa-{pital, where me liciments, and even ny engrossed by their cfforts 10 pre the common necessames of life, were serve the generous skeleony Ww 10; wanling. An Euglish merchant went seemed to have just lite to breatheitc see them. One ofthe poor uphap- 1 heir remembrance that there was sili; py wretches made the signal of a tree- fanother mon,” his companion in suf-imason in distress; it was nnders ood, Afeing, to be saved. ; iand the Englishman instantly said, « my oGaptain Seymour committed him to Lrather you must come to. my house the special charge of the surgeon wholand make it your home,” The spared no means which kumanity or|Frenchman nobly replied, & my broth- ble object of creating anew, as it werejcompanions in misfortune.” « Bring a tetlow creature, whom the most un-{them with you.” was the answer and paralleled famine ‘had stripped of al-jthe hospitable Englishman maintained mest every living energy. For threejthem ali antit he conld place them be- weeks he sonrcely ever Jeft his patient jyond the reach of misfortune. M nt thd OnTRe Atay oe {lamentable and scandalous to see gq /lem of the head become dor: need. § seilles. Some years afierwards on) their return to Aix, the countess con | 3 1.5 ; fossed to her husband that she played SY. 9, Sie Hare . Sid ; him this trick, by means of one of her 35% 2 ask Fae age aren women placed under the bed with af oe iced them to be hung Julpli4, phial of phosphorus, with an intention to frighten him away from Marseilles, | ¥s.3t aot adic for : . 3 a place in which she disliked to live. >a Bol Bie i mor mocsery An ——— [ask a man Who has been legally tried THE BEWITCHED LIEU BEN. Br convicted what he hes io say wis ANT. : [sentence shobld not be passed upon thim ; Is it not also idle in ary case, to i JB; ee Tie lenquire of the prisoner what he desires man, a; lieuten? n th righ navy, sv whom: he’ will be tri applied to the lord mayor of L Ron oy whom he wl be weds ied! wider the flowing circumstances. — |. o teiecrmived upon a certain course He stated that the “lady of the house| p proceeding, be the desires of the Whee he fives phos daughter und SEV prisoners what they may 2D, Press. eral ofthe lodgers; had conspived (0 deprive him of his existence by means of « electricity and the attractive pow er;” that they had utterly deprived him pf his ancle bones, the nobs of his wrists,and bad superinduced a con- sumption. His lordship * remarked, . ‘hat his appearance by no means war- protest agajnst a barbarous abuse, to ranted Lhat conclusion ; but he assur- which they are so often subjected, by ed fis” lordship, that bis rotundity was(COPverting them into dust holes and occasioned by theit contrivances, and 300t bags, under the fashionable pre) you would have pity on us. you and 6.P. M « ON NOSES.” “ And liberty plucks justice by the nose.” Shakespeare. « As a friend to Noses of all denom- inations, I must here enter my solemn Ve ded more | between the hours of 9 o'clock A. M : Scenting the gates of Heaven that have not yet wt their fresh fragrance since the | i 1 morning broke, And breath of flowers « with rosy i May-dews wet, The prim iose—cowslip=—blue belly violet.” ART nN SIN A DANGEROUS QUESTI A simple ostler one day at confess sion to his priest, was asked by the father, if he had never greascd the their eating the affowance of hey and » oats ? « Never,” replied the ostler.— 1b a subsequent confession the ostler sion of that fravd. « How? said the « No more I had then,” answered the that it consisted entirely of nflamma-(t¢3t of taking snuff. an abomination for ble fatter ; and that (hey had cut three which Sir Walter Releigh is respon: | setons in his neck, bled him four times 3'P1€; 2nd which ought to have beon in.) onthe arm with lancets, and seven cluded in the articles of his impeach. | ‘imes on the forehead with® Jecches, Ment. When soma Sir Plume of and the young lady had applied the at- amber snuff box justly vain,” afier, tractive power with so much violence, gentlytapping its lop ‘with a lock: of as to extract two of his teeth ! which 4’plomauc complacency, embraces a teeth he produced in court in corrobe. Modicum of its contents with his fin- ration of the fict; at the same time SST and thumb, curves round his hand, he handed vp a voluminous written 50 38 10 display the brilliant on kis statement of his grievances, and con Mi'tie finger, and commits ihe hihi. cluded by claiming the protection of © Pulvilio to the air, so that noth his lordship but its impalpable aroma ascends ine The lord Mayor remarked, that he to his Nose, we may suile at the cus-| did not see how he could interfere with ‘Om as a harmless and vot disgraceful the attractive powers of a young lady, foppery; but when a filihy, clammy though she had used them with such CO™MPostis perpetually thurst up the powerlul effect, mostrils with a voracious pig-like snow The licutenant said, that it was not!itis a practice as disgusting io the be against this particular family oly that holders as 1 Lelieve it to be ibjuriousy lie bad to complain, bus that multitudes|'0 the offender. The Nose is the were in the habit of tormenting him €Mupctory ofthe brainy and when “its with a tube and a spring, and it was/tuncuons are impeded, the wiole sys : Fou great nation conspiring against an indi- Every professe dy inveiejatg, and ir- vidual who had served his country in curable-snuff-taker, (says lord Sian so many battles. hope) ata moderate computation, takes one pinch in ten minutes. Every pinch, From the Washmgton City Gazette, With the agreeable ceremony cf blow ing and wiping the Ncse and other in- A DISH OF DAIANTIES ! ’ # cidental circumstances, continue 2a It is well known, that a book was minute anda half. One minute and written by the late Spanish ambassa: a half out of every ten, allowing six- dor the Chevalier d¢ Oais, and printed teen how's to a snuff taking day. soon after his return fiom the United or one day out of every ten. One day States. He was lavduibly zealous in out of every ten amounts to thirty-six the diplomatic business entrusted to/deys and a half in a year. Hence, if him ; so managing itas to proiiact the we suppose the practice to be persist negociations to an unusual lengihy andied in for forty years, two entire years of finally to mzke an advantageous treaty. [the snuff-taker’s lite will be dedicated other purposes we need not now en blowing it.” Taken medicinally, ores| quire : He was hosti‘e of course, ola simple sternectatory, it may be ex- South America. Diligent, strenucus.oused ; but the moment your sauff ie giving him aourishwent with lus own Correard, bookseller of Paris was one of § i “ i : A, indefatigable, and even importunate In jaot to be sneezed at, you are the slave] - . What sort of means be adopted forlto tickling his nose, and two more to /0roke mine p'pe mit fostler 3 ¢ for «iil you told me, I never : (HN knew that greasing a horse’s tecth would prevent his eating ; but since you first put it in my mind I have been 5 tempted 10 practice that fraud.” Paradise, (Lancaster Co.) June 30, Remarkable instance of Divine Power, During the thunder storm, on Wed win. Herr, (son. of Tobias Herr of doors of his fathers bam, the lightning siruck the tio ber pearly above kis head, passed in an olique dircdtion to $ to pieces, without jarring bint in the casty except slighly blistering bis foot.~T'lic barn doors were considoras oly shattered, x Hornet. © Spm teeth of the guests’ horses, (o prevent & struck one of Lis feet and tore the shoo od - 2 22% % acknowledged the frequent commise © 2 priest, you said you had never done go? nesday of lost week, while Me. Henjas Strasburg township) was closing the A he eanh where he was standing 73 L . yo A Dutchman, walking to the gala : lows, very detiberately smoked his > ge TA - Th pipe till he arrived at’ the spot, Whilst ascending the scaflo d hg run iis pipe inthe ribband of his hat, and was swung off ; but unfortunately the rope broke and let him to the grogod 5 when looking thoughtfully at his p'pe, he exclaimed, % dere Bow, youl have your teylish non. sense.” is Li The population of Georgia ig Shh 3 778. In 1810,252,451. Iucresse 52,340 4 — > She CEN