Bellefonte patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1818-1838, July 14, 1821, Image 4

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    Fulling. | Coverlet and Diaper I.AWS.
pectfully informs Weaving. THE quota for Centre and Clear.
blic, that he has field counties of the act f tl
* - » i 5 &
mg Machine and] The subscribers beg leave to inform 5,01 ue
lil-Hall, and has|, i fri ; eet’ See
iSociness. Rolls eir friends and the public, that they
ens per pound, yfjsrectsd a loom for weaving double and tartok olfol tie aa
: ; 4 ; otaries offic ere th
of January next, single Coverlets, double and single car- § oifice, to be" delivered to the
at 7 r : nti CODI
at time, cents) ‘pets, Counterpins, Damask and Diap- several officers, entitled to copics
t the old price and]
at.onc dollar per|©T flowered, and French Huckubuck, thereof. Judges, Justices, Consta-
| be done on equal. {and all other kinds of table linnen. bles, &c. will please to apply person-
He returns his They have employed Mr. Charles ally, to sign the receipts required to
er customers for VG Hod le i taken.
pes they will con |* Favern who 1s complete master o Jc
Session of the Legislature of Penne
sylvania, is received inthe Prothon.
. LOWREY, Protk’y.
; che business ; they flatter themselves) Bellefonte, June 25th 1821.
ohn Rich. that they will render general satisfac- TO THE C ITIZENS OF CEN.
iy 15, 1821. tion to all “who may favor them with TRE & CLEARFIELD COUN
ee ———————————
heir custom.
ERE. J ; Lambert & brothers. who are entitled to vote at the ensu-
veg leave to inform : Ih General election
: Bellefonte, May 7, 1821. 2
have established a elicfoniey ay Ty IE bin myself as sends for the
, where they willj—
ds of To the free Electors of Sheriff.
If] am thought worthy of receiva
ARLE Centre and Clearfield ing a majority of your votes, I shall
ner— Also sheet-iron ndsrys to execute the duties of the
. . ~N . f
, &c. which they will Counties. office with fidelity.
the most reasonable John Rankin.
FRIENDS AND FELLOW CITIZENS. Bellefonte, June 20th 1821.
sale or re- i
{, by wholesale In compliance|
0 be sup-{ , " NET
sfchants £an 9c ‘Fp with the wishes of a number of my q i BNP] PIKE
quantity they may]. .
friends and fellow citizens I offer my-
| be delivered to them A
He boned self as a candidate for the BH
ithin the bounds ol Sy wre :
Big ite. wi Sheriff’s Off ice iad .
ie highest price will f 3 I'his is to notify all contractors who
{have accounts against the
We: ’ -|elected will use my best endeavors to Ino i .
Weaber, & cof y ol Huntingdon, Cambria,
give reasonable satisfaction.
: and Indiana
Nm, M’Minn. |tornice
Fornpike road Company, for
Copper and Pewter. Jat the ensuing general election ; and it
hy 15, 1821,
Potter township, April 30th 1821. [done before the 26th of March last,
JE, ween that the President and Treasurer of
. . sald company, will 3t » hou
Dissolution of Partner... > or Y" mesa the hovss
: of John Blair, Blair’s Gap, on Tuesd day
HE partnership trading under the
: firm of M’KEE, & Co. in Bir- ;
as issued orders) ~, : i . |grant certificates to each, of the bale
mingham, Huntingdon county, 1s this
he public, that
bhervisor in this the 3d day of July next, to settle the
township) since accounts of all such contractors, and
avh county i ance due him, so as to enat him t
carfield ) day dissolved by mutual consent. All ’ able him 0
as enti- ..|draw his money from the State Treas-
n he was ¢ debts due the late firm are to be paid y from the State Treas
i tothe subscriber, ary. It is hoped that all persons in-
ywnshi ’ d wi Oi ei .
Ws Pr John M Kee. terested will be punctual in their at
ARTHAUS. tendance, as no money can be drawn
u i, i qe
June 5, 182 by any individual, until all the scttie.
ments are made.
> Wii Stewart & Carland ;
ors of Cen-| * J 2 John Blair,
learfield TAILORS : President,
. 3 ' Arh AR
June 14th 1821.
hiles. Bellefonte,
ttering encourage-
J ! Vr avr
Pump Making.
HE subscriber informs the pub-
you, by being : lic that he makes and sinks
ot the last elec. |[ccute all business in the line of their {PU Mrs, in webs, in a Corpse mend
Aa i A : per. I1€ Insures them for one year.
frduced, again, to profession with neatness and dispatch Ward: left with Joseph Butler, ki
idate for the of- I'he work shall be done in the most|kceper, Bellelonte, or Wm. Alexand-
fashionable manner, er, Mill Hall, shall receive immediate
iff May 26, 1821. attention.
your suffrages: pn Ao Sey dell.
terest as well as FOUND, . ¥
e¢ me to execute] On Thursday last, on the road lead Banl Note Exchang ge
nd correctly, ing from Bellefonte to Sellers’s Inn,
h Butler, Beitklon fina United States Branches, } ct. dis.
Watch seal and key, [Boston ki: go
| New-Hampshire, 2 do
The owner by proving property and Connecticut, 1 do
po Ipaying for this advertisement may New-York City banks par
CY. have them again, ‘New-York country notes 110 5 dis
. JOHN BARR. | New-Jersey.
June 9, 1821. \'Trenton, 1 dis
Antes, bot Mount Holly, par
in the Surveyor Wool Carding. |Cumberland, do
Land Offi Newark, do
ec Lan ICE pn . . . A i
the I'he subscribers inform their cus, Brunswick Bank, do
Sussex Bank, do
State Bank at Trenton, do
they have their At Elizabethtown do
ther Public Offices ; . At Morristown do
Carding Machines
JVeIrnment.— At Patterson do
y 15th, 1821. in complete order, and will card wool At Brunswick
Philadelphia notes,
payable in cash or country produce.|Germantown
Easton Bank
Rankin & Steel. Camden
Chester county Bank,
West Chester
Beg leave to state that they have
entered into partnership, and will ex-
~y 16, 1821.
i -ansacting all ;
g if Iransacimg tomers, and the public generally, that
in and connecte
at the rate of six cents per pound,
tors of Cen-
wees. ———r ] Mon gomery COA nty Bank,
le . - mn 8 Y 1 £2. 1»
\t the solicitation of 1 urnpike Officers. [Northampton Bank,
luced to offer my- : 3 : Farmers Bank, Lancaster,
oe : At an election held in Bellefonte, Harrisburg Bank do
2 1 Bucks co. do
lat the house of Fvan Miles, for Pres- ¥ ar. Bank
fT the Bellefonte & Philipsburg Turn- Old B ook of Carlisle, 2
1 J " Ter
herit {nike, the following named persons New Hope Bridge,
Pe : : Bank at Milton,
President—Thomas Burnside. Little York 8
Bellefonte, June 7th 1821
ration, as a candid-
oo elect . hel 3
ig clection, for thei, . Managers, and Treasurer, of
hd to solicit your votes ere duly elected:
application—I do not|
comports with genuine] Manazers—Philip Benner, Roland| Gettysburg,
i Green Hamilton] Swatara Bank,
so to do. I shall how- IC urtin, Joseph ) Pittsburg Notes,
ted, be thankful for the Humes, Wm. W. Potter, John Ran ceive Bank
ndeavor to discharge the kin, John Norris, Robert Hays, Johr|Columbia bridge com.
se office faithfully. Blanchard, Thomas Hastings, James Greensburg
: 4 Brownsville
BENJAMIN GOODW IN|Rothrock, Daniel Dobbins. All the rest of Pennsylvania
wnshifty May 10, 1821, Treasurer—Joseph Miles notes of Incorported pa 1S