Bellefonte patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1818-1838, July 14, 1821, Image 3

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    i cot
ed States—Justice to all nations, sub- and got all he
mission to none. |the election werd
5. The memory of the Father of
this country—George W ashingLot CT
ay evening last,a man 6 "pie patriots of 76, who fought{large majority.
: erty and obtained 1t. sm—
name of Flanders, with histe ———
W 2 aced 11. 15 and 17, came} ~ homas Jefferson; the boast of
hrec sons aged 11, 15 and 1d, homas Jefferson; 5 aN 1 x
thre tnd 1 0 those
. : i 3 eh and oth-| an J
in order to pret some sand fis ana oun tof his country. A number ol Ww
down from Amusbury to Piumb Istand, Democracy, the pride and ornament
er articles ; in the afternoon at low] "go pio enemies of Democracy in a a
water they went down the Middle Pennsylvania, they have risen like aldepositea In the ba
Sands in Plumb Island river leaving of 244 are falling likethe stick.” {cp by Mr. W. Rob
the boat ai some distance ; finding the 9, Joseph Hiester--¢ Kaow all men
tide comin in fast, they started for thel, = 0 presents, that” in two years
boat, but found themselves surround-{ eco oq oper October nexty Pennsyl-{ The owners are ref
ed with water ; the father attempied) yp nia shall be released from the dis- pay for the repairit?
10 ford across to the boat, but in vansl oo oi heine ruled by a ponp-man” |" °
he returned ; took bis youngest son on|™ 4 William Findlay, late fxovernor
his back, and told the other two tool | ,¢ pengylvania—put down by political}fonte, shorily.
Jow 3 havino lost ‘gibt ot the boat Dintrigue ; he shall be exalted by polit-
consequence of the f gy he directe hisl; a1 virtue. CHARLES J
course to where he supposed the near-l 14 pe soldiers of the late War—
est land to be; but, shocking to bis They risked their lives for their coun-
feelings, he heard his aid st son CIV try ; may their country honor thelr
out he was drowning, while he himself oo vic 6’ Tet the badge of infamy P Fo OCL A
Di:'ressing Accident,
From the Salem Gazettes again this fall, I's
on his departure fi
away, as 1 contempl
July 14, 1821.
was straggling for life, with bis boy 00/4 on these who refused to illuminate
his back, amid the, thunder and Beht-1r.. Weir victories. =
ning of that evening. Being near) ony, meaic manufactures through- Ew
sinking in the struggle tosave himselt the Union—may they speedily be WHERIAS the
his child was disengaged from his established and enable us to issue an-|Huston, President
back, when by a fhsh of lightning helo pe ociaration of Independence:
discovered land and in a few moments, 13. The American fair may Colum-
grained the shore, with great difficulty Ibia boast of daughters amiable and district, composed of '§
He spenta a night on thel,eqytiful ;and may Hymen join them|Centre, Huntingdon,
feck, and was relieved 1n the morning, Er ialei¥n i
with the allicting loss, however, of) Republican merit. ford, and the hon. Ad
his three sons ; one of whom we have Volunteer Toasts. Isaac M’Kinney, Judg]
heard has been picked up.
ee Sens By S. Douglas, Esq—May every
Abad Fars, Marruew ErLsecoon|ireeman of Pennsylvania this day re-jth=ir precept bearing
and Davip Winsox were each sen-[Solve no longer to support an adminis-
tenced by the Mayor's court to pay altration whose policy is founded on thef .
fine of twenly dollars, for a riot and|detestable maxim that % a fsublic debt for holding a court of
disturbing: ; the Baptist church andlis a public blessing.” Ouer and Ter
congregation in Samsom street onthe] By ML. Ketly-—7he Democrats of Y t ;
evening of Sanda;
Common Pleas 1n
court in Centre county
day of June 1821, t
0 Pennsylvania —May + they ever be
The Ricorder. in proneuncing the |tound {faithful to their favorite motto
General jail
in the town of Bellefo
sentence, adiresscd the offenders in! let 8 virtue” preside over her coun
very impressive language on the crim-|Cils-=%¢ lberty” guide her arms, and of Centr ho
inal and agesavated nature of their of-llove of & Independence” prevent them|COUDLY Of Lentre, on Log
fence ; and. t! punishment would|{from selecting for the man of their]of August next, being
have been ox eg to imprisonment, choice, one whose Zead and whose
but the church interposed and said that 2cart disqualifies him from promoting
their only wi as that the sentencelthe good of the people. N O
should be as lenitent as would be con- By G. Eichholiz,~~ Cumberland and - ’
sistent with the protection of their] York counties,~~whose political integ-
house of worship fi ature riot ard{rity like justice may slumber but ney:
disturbance er dics, oners, the justic
We hope that the punishm~nt of The late administration of Pennsyld Constables of thd
these persons wil ove a warning to|vania. Spurning the attempts at dic
the worthless young men who so scan-|tation by unprincipled men, it became :
dalous'y plant themselves every Sun-|the victim of their unhallowed efforts [BIT proper per
day niizht ia the street and on the pave |The only revenge they need ask is,|the forenoon of
ment near the church, to the annoy-|{that history may be impartial and pos-
ance of a large and quiet congrepation,|terily enlightened.
ly preventing ladies from pass-{ The present administration of Penn. |ce$) to do those t
Is therefore here!
tre, that they be
Ing in and outy and sometimes insult-[sylvania—npolitical intrigue and faction
ing them, ZL, Gaz, Ihave caused it to fall into a galloping]
— an consumption.” ®lthose who are bo
A secon d So lomon. 5 The democratic harty mn Pennsylva |©€8 LO prosccute
: nia. Resembling Sampson only in
The Sierra Leone Gazette of the(he temporary deprivation of its locks.
25th of November contains the follow-|1t Will rise in 1823, with renewed vigr-
ing article : « On Friday, the 10th in-407 and prostrate in the dust the Philis-[Prosecute against
stant a select party. was made to *visit|!1N¢S WhO Tow unjustly riot on the
Almamy Da'lah Mahommadoo, on the SP01s of the commonwealth. :
Bullom shore. It'wés a secret known| Z7¢ clections in 1821. Let firmness Dated at Be
only te a very few in the colony, that/208 Vigilance be the watchword of ev- day of Jul
this worthy chief had a grand festival SY republican, :
on that day, on the occasion of taking! WILLIAM Finprav, late governor of
to himself 16 new wives, in addition? ¢#sylvania. More respected fy his
to the moderate number of 89, to w homiretirement, than his SUCCEesSOry Wilh
he was already wedded ! All the chiefs|?!! the ¢ fragments of faction” at Lis
in the country, with their principal re- heels.
tainers were invited. The company By the President of the day~-— Sam
altogether consisted, of many hund- wel Dy Ingham, Esq, late sccretary of
reds” the commonwealth.
offices appertain
ers that arc or shai
of Centre, are to bé
en ER —
Fab | qe
- ly 4 [Sod - v . TEN r » G3 TE
From the Providence Gazette. There is a singular feature and co- A ed itors
VY chrbot ro TH amt incidence i € cour Th:
D istressi Th Fy ent. nce inthe course pursued by the That we have |
X/ Hiesterite yan re 1 p - : : .
J 3 11€¢ ri apers., a ' ves of the ¢ ;
A distressing accident took place inl. Prite papers, all "overithe stateiRSSURshe Court of
our river on Thursday morning last, There is not one of them that pretendsit"'® county of Cen
{ Tris ne Rn hinh ahs ths s fa s i
the particulars of which are thos stat-|to defend their own measures—bhut of the insolvent Mp. Stephen Slocum, son of they level all 3 Tr |
Mr Joh Slocttn, ithe two or. (hae, cy level all their artillery at Mr, monwealthy and t
oie persons, having proceeded in af’ indlay, repeating the stale epithets appointed Monda
sail boat to board the shi Z.cenhve i 191] :
I we ship Zcephyre,land denuneiat : / rE Piet ?
then bound out from this Hod h ner Ions H at ware 50 nes Auglst Pex i
Mit ! #3. POL, DAA AC | ~npecefirliv : ! :
complished their object, when in push ully bandied about before the Jate|the Borough of
ing off from the ship, near. Kennimi. election. If it be so, as they reiterate ls and our creditor
cut Point, some part of the. rigein $f
rigging oriirom one to another, that Mr, Find/ny vo av ote :
» ¥ ' r 5 3 i ’ 3 vir. 77 1 ou Vv atte
theiship stuck the boats mast, when ¢ indlay may attend if
. > 119 nt i £, “wo 1
she wis; capsized, and the two remain-| ©. COD IOTCVET It 1s contrary t PATRICK
ing men on board were precipitated in. [all the rules of gallantry, reason and DAVID
to the river 5 one of whom after swim. ! ftv ; : 1 j
Niven one Mm aiter swim- humanity to war against a fallen ene July 14, 182
ming sonic distance was taken up by a! 2 } 2 —- gh
at Prone al ' r 7 %imy. Bat what i ff TT
boat From ship Butthe wi Bont) y- But what does this course of 3
Slocum sunk to rise no more. He Conduct indicate ? It isy in facty strong New
was a deserving young man, the sol isi :
: y youns an, toe solejand decisive proof that they fe h ’ i
ry Y 1 1Q © OF r » ¢ oT gg cy 2 pg 5 ; CTibe
prop of his aged parents, to whom hel... : : ye HE Dupes
was greatly endeared by is affection Te arog popularity of governor Find- [forms his friends A
ate and dutiful conduct. He was jp] aY More than any other coming event
s OQ} hs £ hig aoe 1
the 28th y« ar oi his age, and had been |And why? Becpuse they know tha
a member ot the artillery company in
this town eleven years. His body hasf, 1 : they
Bot yet beer found ed the popular tide agaigst him ;
“ A /
— 4 Ee and his mangled reputation constant. GG 4
r « ly d 1 1 3 : * Cs )
Selected Toasts. y haunts them, in their Imaginations; Suitable for the sci
. 1
as the ghost of a murdered man is/lately occupied br
want to do, the dreams of his ass | :
.{rally, that he is no
t by Som
some and general
the foulest misren: i BR
) misrepresentatio :
I ns, Kinds of
: Harrisburgh, July 4th 1821.
1. The 4th of July— Though it may assins, Page, at the house o
yind us under embarrassment, may i And well they may be afraid ——If a €sq. in the borough
s free, vote for governor wasto be taken one{Which he will be ena
2. The Presid : tac)
‘ ent of the United 1 -
Ce. / . ’ JHICU week Yaar ™ yy + the tv . .
States—A life devoted to i.%s country’ k from this day, and William|the most reduce d pric
service'is best rewarded ho SiFindlay and Joseph Hiest pala
- t rewarded by its orati }Seph 1IESIEr were| country proc
tide. y its grati : try produce,
: known to be the candidates 7
3. ‘The United St. es, Wm
tes—may ti Find] 1d JOH
i . ele Not SP Smt ay ICY | Lf nNaiay w [8 avy ( » 20) t 1 )
ever remain as 'thicy were declared tr J 'y ould have 40 or 50 thousand| Bellefonte July 5th. 183
be in ¥, soverein ch majority. We heard % fi .
4 yo Sree, soverdign and ind: a man of inteli-|—————
iendent, AY 0 ; “gn
sence say, hot two weeks ago that he Writi ng Paj
1ad voted for Joseph Hiester, last all;| FOR SALE 47 THIS (
4. The Army ang Navy of the Unit.