pg SAR EAR 2 Enolan 1 3% Y xy as SO! M ‘delaying iis xec i Hves of a few madmen, Who t ‘gkeck it. 3] ! ©! ithe m whe ak alone: Ww estrain them 3 & : 5 forme osition from i Rener te kings sitnation stil | persons wlio can -gurrounded {AW INTELLIGENCE. Associate Judges. #8: 2 Court of Common Pleas for the a case was stated for the :, being a question of ing jpn wipally upon the i He Cary Jamison’s Will. It ad the ju 1 res dif ay 3 the two 2850ctale “judges , favor of the plaidtill, and the Pres f the conrt in favor ef the defendants. ont thus given by a majority th; WIT in favor of the pi laintiff, the de- fodants took a writ of error to. the Su- and what is worst of all, has himee!f an 3 a conquerable rephghance for the insthtions which his people ask of him I lear that troubles await him.” Stray Horse. irayed away fi ‘om the subscriber, live ing in Bellefonte, on Friday the 30th ult. a BAY HORSE near 16 hands high, anc about 13 years old, large joints and” feet, attalli aining. Battallion Ty 8 high in the withers, some saddle Erk, The first Battalion of the 12th Reg’t.lone ortwo white feet, and a switch tail.— P. M. Weaver, in Walker township, on Satur- ‘will meet at the house of Andrew Whoever will return the above described duy the 19th day of May inst. at the hour shall be liberally rewarded. ‘ s proms: Cent of Pennsylvania where the case w2s recenly argtied by counsel, and the judges of tie Su; areme Court unani mousy onfirmed Lh ¢ opinion given by the Bic | Judges ol “Bucks county. r A. 3 owney for thé plamtiff. It appears from cert ain official docu: ments which have been - pubjis} wcd- by the executive of Georoia that General 0. B. Micrel late Am ic in agent with the Creek tbe of Ine . was dismissed {rom office : by the Presid i ont Eo being concerned in the Wigit introdu oi aon of African slaves int 0 that state, and for sffording facilities to their transportation int€ Alabama. The sident has done himself honorgand 1 16 accordance with the sentiment s of if merican people generally] in thus decis- jvely setting the mark of his rep vobation of ten o'clock in the morning, completely » Robert D, Machride -quipt for service. Belleforite, April 4, 1821. : holding The tine and. place of appeals will be made koown on the day of trai ning. HENRY BARNHART, Major. May 1, 1821. iCentre and Kishacoquillas Tarnpike road Company. Notice is hereby given, that in pursu- ance of an act of the legislature of this Battallion Training. oe willbe opened for receiving subscriptions of stock : to the Centre and The 2nd Battallion of he. 32nd Reg’ t |Kishucoquitlas Turnpike road comyany, P. M. wili méet at the house of Chris-jat the following places, on Wednesday well \ hitehill, on Friday the 18th duy of{the 28th of Muy next, that is to say :— May. ist, at the hour of ten o'clock in the! At the house of Mis. Jacohs, in the bor - . . | ' . .. . morning, completely equipt for service.lough of Lewistown ; at the house of vpon 3 pubiic officer implicated in counten- ancing and abetiing the nefarious practice of introducing Africans as slaves into the county in defiance clits laws and of every ‘other law huinan and divine. Gaz. am INTERESTING FROM:BRAZIL. Extract of a letter froma ge ntleman in Rio kb. de Janeiro, 10 his friend in Washington Fok “City, dal ed : 4 Bia de « M. F. Ao sc send his ti ee rn A Janeiro, Feb. 18, 1821. ¢aty has at last decided ot dedt soit Portugal, with the and full power to grant amnesty ‘and re-¢st Cthoriiy. Chis determination. was made known on the 6th inst, to the anigisters o if | Ansivta, Prussia and Russia, Gsot Ri hete, with the exception of | France. higlt Allie ed Powers, and having been mare of (CSS ¢ A gedin producing il fierwapds iuformed, that.the “Prince oid feave this as S00a as Poss ible after the confiff@ment of the Princess which was expected to take place on the 18th, an 4 ray now be looked fore every d ay. In asking whether she Fouid. ace alg: fig er in fsband. I was answercd, that Lhe LF insisted ppon it, the king would not opp der wighess bot thay he wor Id retain bh | ehildien, as pledg es to this country or t i pgrmancnoy of the throne am! wi e “What gflect however the revolution at nt AYA 5181¢ hia, of wi hich we have just Heard, may have npon these dete mination y 15 DOL KNOW. AS the king has adop ted the measure Auctantlyy be may Seize ihe first pretext £ rT Mion, a and thus thwart all which Count Palmela ex- pected from it. Suchmy friends is the Id=| #neniable state ol things here. As carly as) the beginning of Dece smber it was % own | kere ih at Bahia hung upon a thre d, and Hathiog has been done siice that iend 10 gthen the bo nds whieh’ unite the dif ferent parts of «his country. “Lhe que ce is, that Bahia shook off these lec ble bends on: the 8th instant, and is now under a provisiopal government, wi hich proposes to recognize no other power buthat ol the = eustitios which 1s tobe framed for Por- zak, KY ere od tugmese the adval MAZES atten evolution wes brought about by the reotments, and pnly cost thie endeavored to Kin Count 2 810 nas, Was called to preside over the new- bi formed gavernmant, but declined, on the ground of the oo th which he had taken to Er § Maj SY. +g e other meer of ¢ OTe IDG nt Ww reg it 18 said od men koown for their talents, Since hearing oldthia Revolution a pal Vhe o's AxOvei nor, con- ablish the royal au-| as t | consc- will meet for the same at the Wm town of Clearfield, in the county of Clear. | purpose, Thompsons in Kishacoquilias val. lev; at the store of James Potter; and the house of George Weaver, The time and place of holding appeals | valley field, on Saturday the 19th inst. in Penns- and at the house of Evan Miles in . x : ‘ } % : will be made known on the day of train- the Uorough of Bellefonte 3 at which plas ing. ces one or more of the undersigned com- | missioners, will attend to receive Wn. MURRAY, Colonel. | os May 1, 1821. 3 {SCF iptions. ’ (for six hours in each day, from the 28th + To Bridge Builders. Notice is hereby given, that the under of May until the evening of the second of .' June next. Ta. BURNSIDE, = Jos. MILES, Ivo. FURLY, JAMES POTTER, “JOHN BRISBIN, Wn, THOMPSON, Jos. KYLL,. ; JOHN JOHNSTON, JAMES BRISBIN, Wm. BROWN, Ir. Wn. BRISBIN, ves H EED; 4 Wm. W. I'ER, WILLIAM IRVAN, . IN MM DOW BL OBERT U. JACOBS. April 18th 1821. \signed - Commissioners appointed by ap {act of the general assembly, for building a bridge over the West branch of the Sus- quehanna river, near the mouth of Ander- lsons's creek, where the turnpike crosses’ the same, will attend at the house of Wil- Tam Packer, in Clearfield county, on Wed- {nesday the 9th day of May next, and re- celve the said “The suid bridge is to be con- - opeaala. far hat ling Bridge. BE ted with good and substantial mates ifs, with stone abutments and pers cessary) of a sufficient width, well com] Harse, ot give information where he is, The 1st Baftallion of said Re gimen'’ ‘Georg ge Sidman, near Brown’s mills; at] The books will be kept open Twenty dollars Reward. THE subscriber was met on‘ the evens ing of the 16th instant on the road loading fifrom Bellefonte to the end of Nittany, | mountains about three miles from the fornia ler place i Bant k y and robbed of forty five dollars in notes of the following Pescription see 3 ten doliar notes on the bank of the United States—2 five dollar notes a bank in Wheeling, and one three, and two one dollar notes on the bank of The robbery was perpc on Scenhenville. trailed by (vo BIEN, armed with two pistols one large and one small one, and a dirk with an ivory handic. One of the men was of a sandy complexion sandy whiskers, extending under Lis ching about 5 fect 9 or 10 inches high, wore a straight bodied bottle green coat-—dark coloured pantzloons with a broad fall down, and one or two bulict bultons on cach side, his 1ight eye was marked with a small white spot on the ball. tbout five fect five inches high, of a pale complexionyblack hairyand wore a coarse ¢ blue cloth coat with short skirts, and the buttons The other was a= very farapart on the henches. I hig little man was remarkably {erocious in hig behaviour. As the good of society indispensably ge= quires that those two marauders should ba apprehended and brought to justice, the subscriber will give the above reward for thesr apprehension and conviction, Charles M’Gavern. Bellefonte, April 17, 1821. Brigade Orders. The ensuing Battalion trainings of the 2nd Brigade, 10th Division, P. M. held in the following order, viz The 2nd bat. 62nd fegt, commanded by Major Shave will meet on, Mouiddy the 14th of May. The 1st Major Raymond, will meet on T uesday the 15th of May 3 The 1st. bat. 29th regt. Major-D niinger, will will be bat. of said regt commanded by — commanded by! In el on Wey sib] the 16th of May. 4 3 The 2nd bat. of said regt. commanded b $ =. + Turnpike Election. D: «cled together with lime and sand mor- tar above low water-mark ; well floored {with oak plank, and covered with pine shingles. The contractor will receive the’ holders of the Belicfonte & Philipsburg | Governors draft on the State Treasury Turnpike road Company, that an Elec for ene meiety ‘of his contract as soon as ‘tion will be held on Monday the fourth e piers and. abutments are erected, and day: of June next, at the house of Evun oe ‘when the Commissioners certify to the lect by ballot, to be delivered in person, Governor that the werk is completed. e vara se will be pald in like manner Miles in the borough of Bellefonte, to e- A or by proxy duly authorized, One Presi- detailed plen of the berdge ang work will dent, twelve Managers end” a Treasurer, be expected with the propusals. JAMES HARRIOT, THOMAS BURNSIDL, Com'rs. FRANCIS RAWLE. - April 2, 1821. | to conduct the ousiaess of the said com- (pany for one year; and until such other officers shall ‘be chosen ¢ By order of the Board, BURNSIDE, Press. Bellefonte, April 26th 1821. Six Cents Reward. Runaway fiom the Tw. subscriber living in : . +. Haines township, Centre county, ¢ >. Between Robinson’s tavern in Fergus Bpine Spy h-Enlie Cpon'yy @h .ap B icrable anxiety beins to mani fos st ere-=but apathy has Become. so sate, that the King wil fer himself to be surprise d here, as he has ey en elst aywhe Ce We have thrée regiments of Portuguese in garrison at his porL, who ate known to! genterta in sentiments similar to those of their | brethren at Bahia, The government isi $justly afraid 0 f them, and has either not the | ameans or courage to send them away. Aj quiddle corse was taken which Was to. a sk A ther they wavled (o rewirn to rideal ; and és they aimost unanip ously |, Rotéssod that wish, and no preparations are | p33 Lo § satisfy it, they @re move uncasy i’ pet for revolt thay they were betore. hatiye troops which are ifecrior to in pumber and die! pling, would not sd they do not look which, like yabitual aj them the mili tia, gC e interested in a change. To Il more alarm- posed of three nothing ; 1s not msel’ yes are istry oT eeu po! n ing he has a ml " by sycopha nts, who ‘arg even, Wise ¥ nough to he alfa raelf1O0 township, Centre county, and the Ivs-| self Rn 8 pp osed suf-lyounta iin, Huntingdon county, a l, and show it ; {shortest notice, at this offices ‘prentice 10 the Blacksmith trade, named { ot : 114 idence of Mp. Maffet at the foot of Tussty yi: James Collier, ie ‘. Vk bout 18 years old, five feet two or thre inches highy dark hairs The sbove rc t ward will be given, but no charges, 1 ut of fair leatheryc ontaining a quan: brought home. Pocket Book, | IM ade tity of .money ‘in Bank note s, with papers Daniel Stam) of considerable; value Haines township, April 26th 1821, to the owner. Any person finding the came and returning it with its contents to the owner, shall be Dissolution of Partnership i 'he Parinership of ARMOR & CAL: + LAGHEN, Tailors, Belleionte, i dissolved by mutual consent. wandsomely rewardeds The above was| fost on Monday the 19th inst. Wm. Robinson. Bellefonte, March 21, 1821, PRINTIN G bills, Cards, Magistrates’ Blanks Deeds, Bonds, &c. neatly printed, at the s this day The busi- ness will hereafter be carried on by Charles Callaghen for himself, and Wm. Armos for himself, in the same shop where they now WOrk. : Wx. ARMOR, CHARLES CALLAGHEN. Bellefonte, April 25, 1821. Hane NOTICE is hereby given to the Stock. Major Caldwell, wili meet on Thursday the 17th of Muy, The 2nd bat. 320d regt. commanded by Mzjor Hasson, will meet on Fiidiy the the 18ih of May. dey df The 1st bat. of said regt, communded by Major Ogden, will moh on Saturday the 19th of May, SORE JAMES T. SCOTT. J Inspector, 2nd B. 10 DD: P, M:| April 10, 1821, \ : OO) NE VER % NOTICE. The Stockholders of the B llcfonte Philipsburg Turrpike Company, are ree quested to pay an instalment of two dols tars on each share of stock, on or before the 2nd day of April next, and instalment of four dellars a further on each share on or, before the first day of June next. W. BRINDLE, Zreasurer. Bellsfonte, February 27, 1821. WM. ALEXANDER, FROM Bellefont te, informs the publis that he has taken that well known Tavern Stand t Mill Hall, Centre county. .He hopes by an assiduous attention, to business to merit a share of the public patronage. He keeps on hand a constant supply of very thing necessary for the accommor jation of travellers. Ho CAUTION. THE subgeriber cau tions all persons wgainst teking,an assignment of bis note o James Gallaher, for ninety dollars, dat= edin April 1819: he amount to Gallaher. "HOTHER HAGE. 1891, : hiving paid the Af ril 8th,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers