Bellefonte patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1818-1838, April 28, 1821, Image 2

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    PVEY 18 2) iN 1x
Retires TRI
The foliowing extract of a letter writ:
ten on board the Macedonian, and received
this morniug gives the first direct informa-
tions of the bloody conduct of tse Spaniards
in South America towards our fellow “eiti-
Extract of a letter, dated United States
Jrigate Macedonian, Callao Now. 11 1820.
“ As you no doubt Jong before you re
ceive this, will have heard of the outrage
which nas been committed on our flag here,
I will Driefly state to you what 1 was an
‘eye witness of, and what has since transpir-
ed. On the night of the 6th instant at half
past twelve, lord Cochrane sent in fourteen
boats to cut out a Spanish {frigate (the Es-
meraida) of 36 guns ; she was lying within
musket shot of the batteries, with 18 gun
boats and two brigs of 18 guns each around
her. He succeeded in gaining possession
of her in about fificen minutes, We lay
about a haif a cables length astern of her
As soon as she had cut her cables and paid
her head off shore, the hatteries, the castics,
balks, and 1n fact every thing that couid
mount a gun, began to play away upon her;
upon us, and even upon the inoffensive
mazrchanimen in the harbor. We and all
tae American and English meichantmen
immediaiely sipped our cables, and as the
wind was very bzbty it wos some ume be-
fore we could get out of reach of their
guns, Hl appeared to me that they pointed
their gung particularly at us. The shot
flew about us thicker than if we had been
envaced with a vessel of the same force
within musket shot. But,as is usual with
cowauds, they are too much conlused to
take deliberate aim 3 otherwise they would
have sunk us i ten minutes. Lhe only
injury we received was cur cross jack-yard
shot away with alittle of the rubuihg rig-
ing. Immediately on slipping our cables,
have seen.
two servants in Lima; whether he will eve
er getthem or not is uncertain.
P. 8. A flag of truce has just come off
which brings the news that Mr, Marshall is
not dead, but wounded and in the hosputal.
13th November.” N. Y. Even. Post.
Extract of a letter from Gibralter,
ted December 18th 1828.
«I have made a pedestrian excursion
to San Roque, a small town about hie
miles distant—the only Spanish town Ii
On the way, with one of my
friends, we stopped at the Spanish lices
for a passport. Accid ntally; we "got ne
a baibzr’s shop ‘where passporisare giyv-
en to Spaniards. Here we ied to speak;
Spanish, for not one in the family knew a
a word of English ; but we made most ri
diculous work of it. Like all Spanish bar-|{
bers, our passport officer was a surgeon on
a smail scale. The shop was hung with
long locks of hair, strings of teeth arran:
ged in lestonans, fancets, razors, &¢, &¢,
and in one corner stood an old basket: hil}
ted sword, with Mambrino’s helmet, other-
wise called a shaving basin. When 1t was
i'scovercd that we were Americans, (Wo
of the girls went to the kitchen and
brought a bake pan with coal, which was
placed at the door, and fire put isto It
On enquiring why it was done, they eva-
ded our question; but we had no doubt
they tended to prevent the spreading of
any contagion we might have brought with
We met several persons going to the
oarrison. Women ride mules or donk ies,!
with a very old fashioned equipage; aj
frame shaped like a saw-horse 1s put onj
the stuff. d cushion which supplics the!
place of a saddle, the woman #its sideways,|
commonly attended by a man on jloot, who!
puils the rein, or cudgels the beast as oc-|
casion requires.
On the way we saw no less than three
we paid the ship’shead the contrary way
to the Esmeralda’s, and kept her so untilimen were murdered.
out of gun shot, at lees: hall a mile apart; [ground is uncultivated.
sa that it is self-evident there could be no
mistake in their firicg at us.
proof was wanting, the fact that we picked
up at least a dozen musket balls on board,
after the affuiyy would immediately set it atfopen,
On the morning of the 7th we sent as
usual a boat on shore to market, with Mu!
Marshall, midshipman, of New York, son of)
Dr. Maishali, of the navy yard, and nine
men: when the boats crew were ordered to!
toss theirgoars by Mr. Marshall, being clog
to the waarl, the soldiers on guard fired
into her ; killed Mr. Marshall and four of
the men ; four more badly wounded, and
one only escaped to bring the news. Those
who were not killed or wounded at first
were pelied while in the water with stones,
by these blood thi Siy villians. There 1s no
excuse for them ; there could be no mis-
take ; the American flog was flying in her ;
the same buat went on shore. €very morn.
ing. The crew were selected as being the
most trusly and peaceable men in the ship.
Biv. Marshaly was selected that morning,
as particular confilence could be pluced in
him, though but a boy of perhaps eighieen.
It is impossible for me to describe the sen.
sation tins affidr has caused on board ; the
feel ngs of all are alinost wound up to fren-
zy {or thetr murdered shipmates, avd the
indignity offered to our flag. But I have
not vet done.
On the morning of the 9th, the schooner
Rampeit, ol Baltimore got under way, by |
agreement with the authorities on shore (of
receive her, cargo, Immediately, on her
coming within gun shot oi the castles, they
opened on her, with all the vessels, gun
boats, &c. in the harbor. The captain and
officers as there was little wind, and that
right on shove, immediately abandoned her
and she sunk belors the numerous eun
boats who came out to take, could get Tier
on shore. We how communicate with the
shore butby a flag of truce. I hope we
shall communicate no other way, Itis that
proud flag which humbled the baughbty
Briton, to be wantonly insulted by pusilani-
mous, cowardly liliy-livered Spaniards ?|
Are our innocent sh'pmates, the pride and
furare hope of our country, to be thus wan:
tonly massacreed and butchered, and eyen
denied christian burial?
There 1s, in my opinion but one way to
If any other collect that itdis not so cold here as is New
{Enxland at this season, 1 wear no over-
{with prickly pears, which grow five or
‘the cating, itjwas good,
wood:n crosscs by the road-side, were
Almost all the
However, we!
'saw several men plowing : for you will re-
coat, and am now sitting with my window
Grounds are sometimes enclosed
«1x feet high, and bear fruit.—The orange
and lemon trecs are covered with fruit the
grass is oreen , and the liltle gardens have
cabliagzes, lettuce, and rad's’ es, of ail sizes.
Ou our return, we stopped at a cottage
built of reeds, which much resemble Indi-
apn corp stalks, to get a little refreshment
and to sec how people looked that lived
in a cot house. Wé found nobody but an
old man and (is wife, who were at dinner,
eating bread and a nameless hash. Five
place ticy had none of course—icr they!
are almost unknown except in the houses’
of English and Americans ; but the old]
and if we might be allowed to judge fiom
The ground for-
med the floory a few benches and flag bo¢-
tomed chairs were arranged about the
room, and bpumberless litile things, as
knives, combs, and brushes the good wo-
were constructedi—They gave us a
ue of pleasant Malaga wine and a loaf of
bread, for about zwenty cenes, and invited
us to sit and ‘eat and drink. They had
Indian corn which they gave some fine
fowls and a very fat pig; and then thei
dinner being done the old lady sat down by
the door to work, and talk with the foreign-
cis who could not speak Spanish. From
this humble door .we had an extensive
view of the Rock of Gibralter, and the
Spanish and Al ica mountains.
By ajouroal of tht weather which I have
examired yasierday in the Commercial Li.
brary here, 1 found (he thomometer to
range wu witor fom 58 to 60; and was io-
formed by the Libiavian that the hottest
day in fou teen yeas was 85 or 86. The
climate is dehightiul to me, notwithsanding
the easterly winds bave prevailed every day
since we have bewn here till to day.
Letters recently received from Cape
laytien speak in the highest terms of the
service rendered by the accidental arrival
of the United States sloop of war Ontario
make them atone fur ity and 1 hope that
witheut a momsut's deliberation. At the
time Mur. Marshail was murdered, captain
OWNS A i od oe 3
Downs aud Me. Rodgers were in Lima.
: rac ? \ i
Ou captain Dow acs” passing the Vice Roy’s
place, several officers and citizens were
spb A ay ony it "o> nee a pu
overheard to say, ‘there goes the rascal,
we will have his blood next.” The excas-
ade hy i COW ET IY 3 { } '
€s made vy the government for all these
outrages 1s, that they were commited by
an.enraged popuiace. 1 have befure heard
of mobs commiting the greatest excesses.
resisting the civil and military power, fly
ng in the face of justice ; but never, until
now did I hear of a moby, which at the most
could not constst of 1500 men taking nose
. ~ 3 > B WE
session of castles, armed vessels, batteries
and gun boats defended by at least 3000,
Captain Downes and Mr. Rodgers had
to disguise themselves to ger on
plain Downs ick all his baggage and!
off the cape during the recent troubles” in
in that quarters Great praise is given by
hose who were eye-witnesses of his eon-
duct to Capt. Wolcott Chauncey, the com-
mander of the Ontario, Tc his generous
interposition and politic arrangements, it is
beleived that the whites, British as well
as Americans, are indebted for the protec
tion of their lives from menace, if not from
gencral massacre, and their property from
plunder, during the tnmults.. He
bout to Saily supposing the presence of the
Ontario no longer necessary : bus, being
requested by the American merchants to
remain, he did so until tranquillity was
restored. We arc elad to find our public
vessels so usclully employed.
tn er -
3 2 we
United Foreign Missionary Soci-
New York acknowledge the receipt of
cents, from vailous contributors
tw nf
\Y- Oi
AN4689 82
| Europe or, some other cause, flour has ad
laly cooked her meat overa chafing dish! 3
man’s fan acd rosary, were stowed away|”
among the basket work, of which the walls 2
3 edt SLA
oy | .D
re sme
he Patriot,
‘Tospeak histhoughts, is every freeman’sright’
iat 4
On motion of John Blanchard esq. Jolin
G. Miles and Samuel M Green, €sqrs, were
admitted to practice law in the severai
courts of Centre county.
; —— Tp C—— 4
MARRIED —On the 5th instant, 1n
Clearlicld county, by E«quire Bell, Mur.
George Brown, to Miss Eliza Straw.
~~ On Thursday the 19th in
stant, by the Rev. Mr. Rossman, Mr. Dan
iel Housery to Miss Shenk, of How-
ard towaship.
rd § W— §
Whether from the prospect of a war io
vanced in price, lately, in philadelphia.
It has been sold at $4 a barvel—and it is
said that the nullers n Chester ccunty,
have received instructions from their fac
ters, to purchase all the wheat they cai
get. LP. Intel.
RE a A A
The population of New Jersey iz 277,575
—an increase since 1810 of 32 015. Al
that period the state contained 245,562 in-
habitants— in 1800, 211,149.
tl) ne.
It appears by a statement recently made
by the marshals of the eastern and wesiérn
district of Pennsylvania, that the aggregate
population is 1,046,844. In 1810, when
the last censuj was taken, the whole popu-|
lation of the state was 820,091 ; so that th
increuse in ten years amounts to 226,753
souls. ’
Tt § me
Governors and Legislators.
The following has been obligingly com-
municated by a member of congress, who
spared no pains to make the statement ac
Comfiensation to the Governors and Legis
lators, of the States, 1821.
Gov. Legislators
per annum. per day
$1200 $2 00
2666 Ou
¥600 00
1100 50
750 50
5000 00
$2500 50
New Hampshire
Rhode Island
New York
New Jersey
11 Virginia
12 North Carolina
13 South Carolina
14 Georgia
ON Ur >»
at least three hundred persons—and many
others yet in circulation.—~Easton Cent,
At alarge and respectable meeting of
the inhabitants of the county of Wayne,
held at the house of ZLiphalet Kellogy, in
Bethany on the 30th. of March 1821, (he
following among other resolutions were yy.
nanimously adopted :
Considering that we live under the only
true republican government on earth, and a
constitution that guarantees to the people
the exclusive right to govern, under which
we believe our chief magistrate is bound
appointments of officers, who are to rule
over them, when their voice is fully ascerp-
‘ined ; and inasmuch as Governor Hiestep
bas appointed to the offices in republican
Wayne, a man who 1s despised by eyery
person who has the least regard for the
credit of this county, and who has one spark
ft republicanism 10 his bosom, a man who
was not recommended by (a single individs
wal in the county for the offices, and who
was unabie to procure a recommendation
for that purpose withoat resorting tov Hick
and unfuir dealing,” to the exclusion ¢f
men who were recommended bv three.
fourths of the taxable inhabitants of thig
county, against whose ability and integrity
nothing can be said—to the exclusion of
men who are borne down with infirmities
occasioned by the hardships and privations
in the tented fields during our revolutiona«
ly, and late suuggles, against monarchy &
Oppiessiony therefore
Resolved, That we view with unreser.
ved contempt the conduct of Governgp
Hiester in appointing Zhomas Meredith, to
the ofhces of this county; who is a monars
Caisty and who bas ‘been educated’ 10 des-
pise our republican institutions.
Resolved, That the editors of the Easton
Centincl, and Spivit of Pennsylvania, each
be furnished with a copy of the toregoing
resohutions, signed: by the chairman aud
secretary for publication.
JOHN RAYMOND, Secrecary.
— —
Sec. 1. Beit enacted by the Senate and
Touse of Representatives of the Common.
wealth of Pennsylvania in General Assem-
Oly met and it is hereby enacted by the aus
thority of the same. That the first four
sections of an act entitied « An act for the
appraisement of ¢siates taken in execution”
passed on the twenty cighth day of March
one thousand eight hundred and twenty,
shail be and the samc is hereby continued
in force for and during the term of one year
ftom and alter the twenty eighth day of
March- one thousand eight hundred and
twenty-one. Aad no real property now in
execunon and which hus been appraised
avd itor the delivery of which bonds have
been given, according to the provisions of
the said law, shull be sold for and during
the period of cue year, from the twenty-
eighth day of March ove thousand eight
hundred and twenty on€, unless the same
shall be s ld for two thirds of (he appraised
value. Provided, "i hat m the casc of pro-
ceedings on personal property the dsbior
shall give new security lor the delivery of
0 Or 03 Ur DOA OOD ao Wr UO Lo A BD Lo ADD Be m= = ND
Maine 1500 OC
Missouri 2000 00
* The governor of Rhode Island is paid
at the pleasure of the legislature—usually
about 400 per annum ; and perquisite about
200 dollars. The legislators are paid by
their immediate constituents, usually about
one dollar per diem.
t The senators of Connecticut receive
two dollars per diem.
} The salary of the governor of New
Jersey is 2000 per annum ; but he has per-
Guisites amounting (o about $500 addition-
The foregoing tabular view of the com-
pensation of the several governors and legis-
lators, of the United States, 18 derived from
such sources as are believed to be entitled
to full credit ; and is offered for publication
under an impression that it will be inter-
esting to many readers, To render the ta-
ble more complete it might perhaps be ad.
ded, that the salary of the president of the
United States is 25,000 dollars per anpum
—and the pay of members of congress
eight dollars per diem. Niles’ Reg.
iD Ee
Extract of a letter from Bethany, Wayne
Co. dated 31st March, 1821,
Myr, Hutter,
: : You will please give the follow-
ing an insertion in your paper: The meet-
ing was held on the evening that Mr. Mer-
cdith arrived in Bethany, to take upon him
self the duties of the offices, to which he
bas so Jately been appointed, and 2s is usual
when great men come amongst us—he was |
greeted by the tolling of bells, firing of
guns and the blowing of horns, &c.
The meeting cannot be desienated as
one of any particular party, and 1 think I
may safcly say that the resolution fully ex-
presses the voice of the people of the
county ; and meetings of the like nature
have been held in many parts of the couan-
ty—and remonstrances against the contin-
the property according to the provisions of
the seid law, and the fees to be allowed to
the frecholders for their service in appraise.
ing personal propertytas provided by said
act, shall be twenty-five cents each, and no
sheriff, coroner, justice of the peace, con
stable or supervisor shull be entitled to the
benefits of this act for money collected up-
on execution or judgment and not paid over
according to law. Jad firovided Jfurther,
That in every case where real or personal
estate has been or shall hereafier be taken
in execution and appraised, before or alter
the passing of this act, the defendant or de-
fendants shall not have the benefits of the,
same, unle:s be, she ov they shall on or be-
fove the first dy of August pay to the plain-
tiff or plaintiffs his, her or tueir agent or
attorney the amount of interest due on such
judgment or judgments,
Sec. 2« And be it further enacted by the
authority eforesaidy “Ihat all personal prop=
ety exposed to public sale according to the
provisions ol.the act to which this is a sup-
plement, if the same does not bring two
thirds ol the valuation on the debtor come
plying with the terms required by the said
act, sha'l not be liable to be seized and tak-
en in execution by virtus of any subsequent
executions during the stay entitled by law.
Provided, That a levy or levics may be
made on the same property subject howeya
er to the preceding levy or levies,
Sel) § Qo
Extract of a letter from Calloa, dated No
vember 12th. :
the wounded of her boats crew, six in nuns
ber, two having been killed one of ths
wounded is not expected to live. Several
Americans who have been imprisoned on
shore, have been sent off. We are now al-
idwed to receive cargo by going withi
about a half a mile of the shore, and res"
ceiving it from their boats into ours—but
10 English or Americans are allowed
land. The schr. Rampart, I understand
vance of Mr. Meredith in office, have al-
during the month of March,
they have got to repairs _and make cyery
ready been returned in Bethany, signed by way as goed as belore.”
to observe the will of the people, in making -
é& The Macedonian bas received on boar ¢ #