AND EXPENDITURES OF CENTRE COUNTY. Statement of money received by the Tresurer of ORKDERS drawn by the Commissioners on the Treasurer from the 4th day of Jan nary A. D. 1820, until the 1a? day of January A. D. 1821; wiz. Centre county from the 4th day ef January 3820 OBRTLHOUNE “AND PRISON REVERSES until the 8th day of December 1820. @ash received from County Collectors 1330 ¢® do from owners of Unseated Lands for taxes 1998 38 do Constables fine Ragan £& 00 do for Jury verdicts from Sherif Mitchel 28 8 Soman 539% 18} Building oven for the prison . oe Balance due Treasurer ———— g ; gs09 372 The ollowing statement shews the amount oe due the county of Centre from sundry persons . @utstending balances in the hands of Collect : P6495 87 Bonds and judgments due the county 9601 33 Judgment against Clearfield county 1402 69 ©rder on the Treasurer of Clearficld 148 78 WBE arin) Total dollars 10648 12 Payments made by the Treasurer Balance dae the Treasurer last year $1608 21 Amount of Commissioners Orders paid 4162 81 go Road Orders yi 08 Interest on money advanesd | 60 08 IAS prorat $5897 82 Amount of Receipts this year @ut of which deduct the balance due the Trexsirer [at year with interess 505 6 * : “~ Hammond & Page for stationary the Court ; - Charles M’Lain removing snow from court house steps a Daniel Billew for cleaning court house and making fir i Elizabeth Kramer for mio court houss karan during sourt weeks John Hall, jr. for smith work done to jail and court hou James Harvis for firewood furnished jail " james Rothrock for do do Joseph Williams for blankets for jail do do firewood furnished dg Peter Denny wood for the court house — 3 ~ © SINS wt oy 0 TO ON Soba » — wr 0 0 ~; te © ach a Rosannan Cull scrubing court house, &¢ 4 Joseph Williams, jailor, for keepin fi : » J Keeping prisoners 83 john Mitchell sheriff on an attachment for J, Beayer and wood for court house 45 0 eee oy dD Or