®, ve Ayan ot the fifth regiment. The genticmen off zocd wotlild result from it; but to lower this corps too well understana the rights olf iis own Wrages, without otuers, would not 2 soldier, and what is due to thew ownlic any 86 od. characters, to inflict punishments only un-| Ane mijuary committee ‘in senate have lawtiul, but barbarous joe orted fa substitute for the bill to reduce Wi. high respect, I the aripy wich passed the house of repre your ahedient servant, sentativest This bili rerams one major : I. SNEELING, Col. 5th Regiment. {general and two brigadiers. It algo retains Commanding the posts on tie upperjthe corps of engineers, : g Blississippi. The committee to whom was referred the resolution ream dire senate for the ad- mission of Missourl, coasists of Mesars Clay, Hackley, Lowndes, Butier, N. H. Sergeant, Eusus, Ford, Cobb, Smith, Md. Campbell, 8. Moore, Accher of Virginia, and Tomliason.” LZ, Gaz, gentlemen, ~~ ai, ie as Mr. Avouetus Day, an ingenious artist of this city, is now exhtbiung at t Mer- CaTece House, several patterns of Ug chants’ (3lass Candlesticks, which lor richness ol voorkmanship, and, as we 47€ Inform :d, for durability of service nave not HESN SUrpass- ed hy any other specics yf fash Their whole surface is of vartagat- ——E_ BERGAMIL Extract from a letier dated Paris, 24th ed glass, tastefully lala, and darably ce-{ Novemser. to a gentleman in Boston ; mented. Fuey certainly must have a most] “The renowaed B gam is now in Paria, brilliant effect wna well hghted apartment. His appearance is just suited to ms ghat'. : C 1 mable far- nares, Phil. Gaz, Jacter, and you would suppose that he wus playing a part in melo druma, He 18 a African Colony.—Xi appears from the jhupe fellow, with shaggy hair ; immense Norfolk Heras, that the brig Nautilus,| whiskers, and wustichios ; large diamond Capt. Bia, chaitered by the by thelear-nngs in his ears; a magnificent dia U- States, is about to proceed from Norfolk mond brooch in his shirt ; superb diamond to Africa. About 50 persons are ready torings on the fingers of both hands; the key embark, among which are two agents for ot chamberlain attached to the back of hi: the U. Stace, and one trom the Society of {coat ya hall dozen of orders upon his but. C olonzations ion holes ; in tact, a curiosity to see ; and 1 ea Ga am sure any showman would make a for PMuscachurette state Prison —Thse fol [tine by carrying him about the world tw lowing 1s Lhe state of Uns pstinuon or the jexi y dG een lex hbit” last year, according 0 the official statement | Just pubhisied | aa G —_—— tl. From the Bermuda Gazette, Jan. 13, besn committed by any officer, vote fort cheerfully, bersfice then Mfich, ¥ a e oy WASFOUND V OUND, ON the turnpike, within about fous miies of Barnits tavern, in ths widerness, abotit the latter end of January last, BLACK MOROCCO POCKET BOOK, containing some bank notes. The owner by sowing forward, proving property. and paying charges may have them again JOSHUA LC RIOO DS: Take Notice—That the administratio {A &0) wceount of Dante] Weaver, administrator of alland singular (he goods and chattles xc. of Eiward Quigley late of Spring township deceased, bas baeh examined and passed by me, and remains filed in my office for the inspection of heirs, legatees’| creditors and all others cotcerned » ry an will be present. d to the nex t Orphan Court, to be held at Bellefonte 1a and fu: ~ i the county of Certie, on Monday the 23. | ‘uy of April next, for allowance and con. armation. WM. PLETRIKIN, Register Register’s Office, Beilifonicy Jebruary 19, 1821. ——tt nn To the kieciors of Uentre “OF the whole namiber now nin rrigad,! Line imelligence had besn received at Ja 44 males and one female are for lite—41 imaca from the Spanish Maine ; and across males. b fe.saics arc blacks or colpured—jthe Issamus af Darien irom the South 49 white foreigner s——64 a second time [OLas, 10 a third time, 5 a fourth time and 1 a hth} Lord Coclirane has been apnninted Ad- time. ‘Fhere never has been a white fe-{miraly and Admiral Blanco takes a place 1 male confined thers the second time.” Lihe army. Ilis lordship has captured the ¢ Nile's Register, |city of Lama, after a tremendious resist- emp Four ot bis vessels were sunk.— The Orleans, Gazette details the partic. | Khe fleet was composed of 20 sail in al. ulars ol an arrival at the Sabine § four! Panaina it is said has declired for inde- nen, taken about 14 months previods, by indepency, owing to the success of Lord “the detachment under the command ol Cochrane. « Enathio Peas. They mate that all the ‘A-! All the kingdom of Quito has decidedly rporicans 1aken at that time are how at Tibi shaken off the Spanish yoke, and ¢ the pow- erty. Tue rest absut 20m number, togeth [ors of Columbia” seem to acquire daily er with a number ather Aniericans.{mere strengia and stability than could have fone of whom wore waken in the former ex {been expecied, pedition, and rome with Mina, were waiting | Aury had airived at Savanilla, on, the for a guard 1 come mm with, and would pro-' Maia, and ne, together with bis officers, bably reach the United Staies in a few were sworn to the faithful discharge of weeks. {thew duties to the republic. All of Mina’s officers, above the rank of | et me Captam were put (o-deathy and Mua was, Improvement of the State. Killed op the ficid, They suffered every; The Improvement bill” was on Thurs. hardship ; vere hand sulfed two aud (wo, a day ween ip in cow mittee of the whole In rope exicided beiween them and fastened the House of Representatives of this state. to amuic’s tail, and ny that manner drove Bu litle progress 700 miles, with short allowance ot provis- when the ions, Xc. Thacy bad been impiisoned intl progress. the 5th Aug fast,at Mount Te Ray The Friday last, Constitution of “the Coites hud poriially been adopted Persons nore now penmnit- ed to pass and r1cpass with passports, re AE AB Extract to the Ld:rors dated, Cd ance, cumimitice rose and reported The subject was resumed ou atk § BP EARTHQUAKE. i+ A eart shock of an Bacthquake was ifeit in New London on 1 bQursday eyehing - a Hast, about three minutes before 7 o'clock — Washugion, £70. ©. resembling the noise of a wagon on lhe the house yesterday array jesofved it-- fo ozen Sarthi-saud ACCOTding 10. LUr calcu an lf 1, a ¢ Hee : le” on the ; > sell lato 2 comiplitee ot the whole on th {ations lusted about five scoonds. appropriatién bill, Mr, Clay offered an Adorate. amendment to provide lor an outfit and sai- ary for a annister to South Ameiica. This amendment was advocated by Mr. Clay, Mr. Floyd, Se. Stevens, Me. Culpepper apd Mr. Trimble, and opposed by Me: Lowndes and Mr, Robertson. The ques- tion was taken i committee of the whole, end 73 werd in fivor, 77 against it. committee then rose, and the house ad. journed. Mr: Calbreth yestarday reported a bill to reduce the salaries of certain officers of government. This bill provides lor reduc. ing the sccretary of state, treasury, war and navy, to 5000 dollars per annum; the col Tectorg of the customs to 4000 ; other offi- cers in about the same proportion; and the clerks in the public offices 20 per cent.” pn Extract to the Editors dated. b Washington City Feb. A. Leb, V4ih 1821. he only business acted'on yesterday of} ooo TAR ; eny moment, was the appropriation bill.| VY ALEN TIN 52'S & THOMAS, have 1 passed through committee of the whole, |a quantity of Geunessee Pluisiery, which afler some opposition and some amend- ments. When that part which appropri- ated 3,500 dollars to the first comptroller of the treasury came under consideration. Mr. £. Jolinson of Kentucky moved Lo strike out 3,500 and insert 2,500, ‘This was upposed by several gentlemen, on the ground that it would not be right to reduce the salary of this officer vniass oth- ers were reduced, and because 2. committee of the house wee now engaged in iuquir- ing into the expediency of reducing the sal- aries of all. Mr. Culpepper said that he was opposed to reducing the salary of this : : office the opportunity of say [NeXt at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the ing, in order that his constituents might| Court house in the boreugh of Bellefonte know ity that he should not vote against the| jp ai zeduction ofany one salary, unlessa gene-| al system were propesed, and particufaily| Which ime and place you may attend ii against reducing his own compensation |you think proper. because that would net have any effect ; bai all a R { aid he, report a bill to reduce 21, includ- PUBLIC NOTICE. WILL be exposed to public sble, op Thursday the first day of March next, at The| Logan furnaceé—a: number of Horses; horse gears, wag- gons, carts, ploughs, stoves and pipe, a set of smith tools, house-hold-furniture, Sule commence at 10 o’clock— Terms at sale. VALENTINES & THOMAS, and a variety of other articles. to re € i they wilk dispose of on reasonable terms ior cash or grain, at the market prices. Creditors take Notice, That I have applied to the court of common pleas of the county of Centre, for the benifit of the insolvent laws of his commonwealth ; that they bave ap- pointed Monday the 23d day of Apiil rand Le tok the hearing of me and my creditors, at : BURK JOIN. dug the wages of the members, and I will] Fed, 16th 1821. was nade in the mil, and Clearfield counties, FELLOW CITIZENS, 1 ténder you my grateful acknowledgements for the boner you were pleased to confer on me, at the last election for Sherif; by placing me so high on the return with the pres! Sheriff. confidence encourages me to offer myscil ‘This flattering testimony of your again a candidate for your suffrage at th. ensuing election. I bave given this cari) intipiation of my intention as I do not in- Three ofher tracts, or parts of tracts of fand, adjoining each other situated in Spring a containing together about six hundred and fourteen ‘acres more op less 3 two tracts, part thereof t eing surs veyed in pursuance of w arrants granicd te {Uriah Woolman, and Lindsay Coats, and part thereof (about 14 acres) being part of a larger tract surveyed in pursuance of & Os rs > George Evans dwelling houses, and other valuable im- warrant granted tn Administration Account, these landcare erected a arovements A certain body of land containin y 'y oF land containing abou 1 =) ££ ar iQ 5 Yr" : eleven hundred acres more or less, situated in Snrine and Yall or ac evalhry h Spriog and Walker townships, surveyed in pursuance of warrants eranted to James apr Qamaae!l AMiD S artis, Samuel Milliken, Samuel Miless wid John Dunlep. On these lar ds is an . dank Ore Bank, ‘ommonly called « Gatesburg Ore B ank. st a surveyed in pursu 0 Ani a: l3eanin oh rer adjorning lands of Thomas M'Clelland, Paiitp Benner, and others, } Grthor {unas 13 ritacs Ou Gther tinct, atjoming the last men- ioned tract, gente ining abot ene hondred and forty acres mere or I 8s; being part of a larger tract surveyed in pursuance of a warrant granted to Joseph Evans. One other tract of jand co taining abous rhirce hundred acres more or less, surveyed Hy pursuance of a wartan. giented to Hone rv vliltian T4114 4a i ~ 3 'y ilidlery sitbated in Spring township, ada Pree 00 kunt 1 Jounngy Nittany mountain, and lands of George Meise and others, tend to travel over the counties to solicl votes, as the usual practice is. I am per suaded the freemen of these counties have too much virtue and independence, and too high a sense of Republican dignity, to be moved one way er another by personal solicitations. I, therefore, mean to treat them as intelligent Republicans ought to be treated, Reserving nevertheless tie rigit of repelling any fulse report that may be circulated to my disadvantage, in any such way as shall te decmed most proper, if any such thing should happen, which 1 hgpe will pot. 1 shall make no pompous professions about the portormance of the duties ol the office, if clected. My inter- est as weil as my duty, will require me to do every thing faithfully and correctly, Joseph Butler. Bellefonte, January 16, 1821. of Y ) Yaluablic ileal Lstate for Sale, By order of the Orphans’ Court of Cenlre county, WILL BE SOLD, | AT public vendue, at the house of Evan | Miles, lo the Goiough of Biliclonie, on | Monday the 26.4 day of March next, the following described property, being part oi the real estate that was late of Spring (owuship, in said coun'y deceased : Two tracts of land adjoining each other, containing about six hundred acres, 3 | Sq or less, situate in Spring township, in the said county, adjoining the boreugh of Bel lefonte, lands of James Harris, and Philip Benner; being the remiduary parts of two ‘racts surveyed in pursuance of warrants granted to William Moore and Thomas | Bull Two other small tracts, adjoining the first stated lands, containing together a- bout seventy nine acres, more or less (as purchased from James Harris by the said John Dunlop, in his life time, by agreement in writing bearing date the 5th day of May A. D. 1808.) On the first meationed lands is erected a FORGE AY ’ which is now in operation——also dwelfing houses, stables and other improyements. IROre|; Owe other traci of land cottaining ahous ttwo hundeed and fifty five acres more or Hlacg eK SY 1 14 ' jLess, surveyed in puisuance of a warrang {granted to John M ogre, adjoining Nittany jiountain, jands of Robert Gorden and othe lothers Also three adjoining tracts of laud, each of them containing about four hundred and thirty acres and allowance, surveved in nor. suance of warrauts granted to James Linda sey, James Ferguson, and John Johnson situated in Spring township, on the west side of Spring creck, adjoining lands ot the Samupel Miles and others. TERMS OF SALE—One third part of purchase money to be paid when the sale is confirmed aud the deed or deeds execute ed, and the residue in two equal yearly pay» ments. Duc attendonce will be given by John G. Lowrey, and Charles Huston, ads - By the Court, minisrrators. Certified by WwW M. PET Bellefonte ited. ETRIKIN, Ck. 0.C. 13, 1841, Administration Accounts. Take Notice—That the loliowing ad, ministration accounts have been examined and passed by me, and remain filed in my office for the inc peciion ol heirs, log LU %e tees, creditors, and ail others concerned a; } 4 $ Veh . ' t fatd witli be Dresented to Lire ne | 2 : iA xt Orphans Viig, “ see Irvged Ad wll . 3 : . |Lourt, {0 be veld at De iefonte mn and for of Jolin Dui oj, | the county of Centre, on Monday the 234 ,| day ol Apt nex sor allowance and cone: | ‘ fi mation. lst. ‘I'he administration account of Peter Gray, scung administwtor of all and stugular the goods and chattles, &c. of George Gray, late of Patton township deceased. 2nd. The supplamentary administra= ltion account of Jchn F. W. Schnars, act~ ing adminisirator of all and singular the goods and chattles, &c. of Otto Frederick Herman Junge, late of Covington township in the county of Clearfield, deceased. Wx. PETRIRIN, Register; Register's Offices Bellefonte, February 10, 1821, $ WILL BE SOLD CHEAP, FOR CASH, Cnandago Salt, By the barrel or busicl. Api ly to WM. L.. PACKER. Cleagfield county, Feb. 14, 1831. ance of a warrant granted © Patton, situated in Spring township, « aboug = 7; i ' iF four hundred and seven acres.more or jess -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers