Bellefonte patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1818-1838, February 24, 1821, Image 1
eer” a . BELLEFONTE, © CENTRE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, PRINTED BY W. BRINDLE. w et ue nt eer ———— TE csr waa oS A gt tt A A rr ont a AA: Co a. Bo arr w= Fo ma rp » Ame Yo Che IE Ee 4 FREY I TY A V Fi Aa ra rd 94, 1321 Fol. 111. - rte APURDAY, Err 2 ow Gases : pe (SE Lo -— A — —- —— rp— eee ee TA Slab Cabin hranch of Spring creek. They|let for one veary commencing the first day > sess ——— Sr —— EArt A + iD 33a I ie | — F OR SALE, are limestone barrens, and good wheal of April next. CONDITIONS. land. HENRY MWILLIAMS, ¢ . AN. P he price of ms paper is wo dollers) A : : ALSO, JOHN: PATTON. @n r bp : cents per annum—int if paid i y-arly in advaacey two dollars only will be Lx'rs., January y 24, 1821. 16 surveyed in the name of 7. Dutner A 2 < narged. ; 4 ; 434 123, do do | TO TX . . - ) y ¢ H 1a 301 Advectisememts. making no more in 153° do do tin a 0 FES 2 leopth then breadth. =ill be inserted three! Acres of land in Jefferson county, simate{433 153 do ao an Seerick oY hr T well kant MITT and Io \ : ve subsc- : : 53 do do Ric! Vialone THAT well known MILL and FARM times tor one dolar 4 and for every subse lon Toby's creek and its waters. Thel® 138 lo Rigl Mail : ur mh ie east 4 153 do a0 iC a Mone quent conunuance teeriv-live centSe—i . Ole 3 1 a Th { xreater length in proportion. — |State road lately laid out from Oiean, in 37 do do James Resides i of Bellefonte. Th il wd a8 Q I'e ' . AM w= % in . T 2 NA oun Of Hehigiontle, cy Wi OC T'entet Rule or fn ir ce wo X do sable those rates. [New York, to Kittaning, passes through do go Tames Malse : S ie : received for less : do dv Vn. Patterson for a Term of years, by public out cry on No sibso pion wil I he received for les this. land. ! a Po : yl ST. than GNE ver 3 aos aay paper disc ontinu- d do Go : «3 §¥ raliciso the 15th day of March nexy, and possession M e ate paid. “1X “thousan acres : do do Wiliam Gray . Tp : Ln ed until xl arrearage MCP Daviel Suiiil given on the Grst day of April ensuing, — 1 the subscriber Joos not rec nest ads sed do ¢o satiel sain : favs a ye. 1 continuance Of His papers at the end of theo the waters of Sandylick, about three do do John Smith The mill is well calcula al as . te EN yr 3 rare will He considered as a new engage- Ebusites north of the new Turnpike to 36 do do. Jamcs Ciaig inner ~ my rel on : . 3 3 4.2 Joseph Gra 3 ; inf rent; 3nd Lhe paper: forwarded according: Erie. It will be sold to settlers in tracts & ig : Td *Bngd y any mill in the county for nrofi table cus, id d > Pete tom. The Far tached to th 0 ¢o Peter Lloyd on. ie m 18 attgc to the mi harrihers who hare their papers a 4 2 fermi . 32 2 di do Andrew Carson ipied hy the mail, must be Laine fap By poet 2000 dollar per acre, in reasonable pay:q44- fo row { and about one hundred acres of upl: ry {ments Good titles Waln Bone Salts : bi’ wal by os a hn Slee ’ cleared, and a sufficient quantity of mead ' 3 2 A ® 40 3 : ) 3 % py : - -~ oe 1 Fa igreisd inthe inl : Go a 18 Stonizen , the Hi “as Firion 4 Lal, 2 oor poss n ! ° k do do John Kean . : ality. The Mill and Farm wili be rei” men PT ST OA Oe Henry Ship ppen. do do Henry Faunce a ¥ Fulling and Dycing. | wonsrsior, neconier, 160. 2 N : BAIN PD 4 hw. i ‘ called ¢ Smith's. Milly” adwining the bore merchant work, and thes of one hundred and fifty acres each, st ¢ will be made, by ew S « Co = — 0 ed " rate # iG vi Wi fo do Duicrome |e tOEber oF sepenitely. do do Willilain Wilson OHN MITCHELL, J G ; lo do Thomas Cook JAMES DUNCAN. § Guardions, do: James Saith January 24, 1821, do James Lomb : Eg do Isaac Connelly Creditors take Notice. do Arch. Hamilton do James Smith jr. THAT Ihave applied to the Judges of : de Jah : oh : do Joseph Welsh the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon do Francie M’ Ewen Hye o do Ann M Ewen county for the benefit of the insolvent laws do Richel Williams do Hugh H- milton i : 1 : 12ve appointed Monday t 26 1, lo Joscph Welsh ¥ Ppointed Monday the 36th day of do Wm. M'Lwen February next, at the court house, to hear do do Sarah MEwen do Poily M'Ewen Fre : ey do do Daniel Turner you may attend if you think pyoper. do do Potty Williams. | PETER do do Hunnah Turner | A - CI Cs Go WLU —— ihn |e] “The subscriber most respectfully in-i'd 0 be sold at private Sale. forms the public, that hin new wr Cr nt wr WV La Bab Cs Lo IN pursuance of the last will and tes- Fulling M ii, tament of Thomas M’Calmont, Esq, late at Potter's mills, Potter township, will be of Walker township deceased Will be in operation by the 15th of November sold by private sale, whem he will receive 180 acres of land, “RS {between thirty and forty of which are clearsd, adjoining lands of James Sterreti fot fulling and dyeing, at the followinglsnd others. For terms apply to, places, viz. At the store of Hamilton Francis M’ Ewen, Humes, Bellefoote 5 at the naill of Mat- j . ». 1 thew Woods, FPennsyaliey ; at the stor : William Smyth, . / lixecutors : d { fos Williams 3 ~r- of Been and W as2on, Milheim ; Duncan “ECU 6. Jo J shud ta He s ¥, 3 A Nein! : : ; . April 11, 1820. . Also, the undivided moiety of the follow-) H( I / and Forster, Aasronsburg, and at Brown's ing tracts of laud, on the Tioga River, be- 1 Kg Pills and Wm. Thompson's tavern, Kish- tween Peter’s campand the New York line, A ba but valuable property, situated scoquill.e valley ; to which places res. PUBLIC SALE in the counties formerly known as Luzcine; ‘ . : : . & Lycoming, and now the couuty ot Yio A 3 pactively it will be returned when finish OF 493 acres 77 perches called «C ery on in acre lot of ground, of excellent soil, ad, VAL UADBL LK LAND S, Bono? surveyed on warrant No. 2 a-lon which is erected two story log build- oy : red May 7, 1785 ings, well calcul "a Heo 2 ings, well calculated for a dwelling house James Potler, IN GENTRE, HUNTINGDON Axb| 1000 acres called Rich Fallsy, surveyed] © E Porisr’s Mills, Oct. 31, 1820. TIOGA COUNTIES. on warrant No. 257, lated May 7, 1785 : : 30 ; oti ar No. 25611 N. B. Persons ledving cloth, are desir- Parsnant to the will of the late Francs) 4,800 acres Rich Bo HB, Warrant xo | 3 { i i i i : {same date. Lat od to affix to it theie mames, with written] Guryey, Esq. deceased, will be sold a 606% acres Sugariree Bottom, No 229} Ll tL h the Merchants’ Coffee House, in the chy @irection of the manner of dressing, kc. | : ris ! of Philadsiphia, 509 acres Birchiree bottom, No 3 FR A YS On Monday i DANIEL SMITH a 4 A L s ~ Wi i 9 . JiR 1 the 5th day cf March, 1821, at 12 o'clock IAMES 8S SMITH 1. Grn terms to the subscriber i noon : CH. A. POULSON. } ey, £sqg. i ny’ tin alg i ’ : rug 1 M CAME to the plintation of the Sub} pin following tracts and parcels of Land. | Dre mber 2, 1820. situated in the townships of Ferguson, Par | = ‘gre county, in August list, a ton and Halfmoon, in the county of Ceo PE" i x1) . = ff and iu the townships of Antes and Wail N “/ pe oO A stud ® bro Wil Steer, Mark in the county ef Huntingdon 2 yf ianingdon’ "| gy pions ied we ese off WW ROBINSON, he will be three years oid next Spring 270 acres 18 perches, called Deerfield, A 3 ’ i He { ICN PMN. — . > v atch & Clockmaker and ihe name of Michael Re Great thy ale requested to attend at ember last, ® stray man. On this irae’ there is a largs uw ee . } ry v1 OR ‘ o! Lamar tow i» at the foot of Cassey mountain, survey MOORE, late Lamart YY ALSO, came 10 the same place in Nov-lon a warrant in uu ; { JOIN tL, mn said . R story Stone House, well finished, paving Silversmith, vain, tiour rooms on a Hoov, with wooden ont (nips on Lie 20d day or March next: ’ ve i ha supposed to be two years old—=part Mer- | 0uUsScs. There are 100 acres of unuroved land, with a fine body of natura. mecad- . th =e 4: vig demands against the said estate arelhe has recsis OW. 306 acres 123 perches, called Fairhie} requested (0 present them ou that day, du- at the foot of Pussey mountain sSBrveye d on ly authenticated, according to law. fonte. He 2 501 licits a contintance of their BR ROBER T MOORE; 1 warrant in the name of James Bog gs. — . . . O RFE YA rap Fmt Vr ryec wn +3 7: : shi 5 . Ont this tract is a Frame House, ane a new rr. re es § aim. favors, and informs them that he will keep Ferguson fownshify Jan. 26,1821. double barn, and 140 acres of improved JOHN MOU! ACh Li A ap a regular establishment in the said 3 : 3 3 “eorvar 3821. 3A - — ~{iand. 1tis fine meaglow land and well wal- Febridary 2, 182] ed To be s 1d bl borongh, in the store adinining Doctor red. J 1 : Y - “ly aif 3 ; Ss C yenGuelicurmin’ 1 Vig ; Notice to Delt ors and 317 acres 20 perches, called Turkey's Lobe soldat PUbIIC VeNnaQuUe|Curtin’s house, in the Dian id of the {arbor, adjoining lands of Wm. Perr; trady, and others,surveyed in the name of ALL none tndebton ro , 3 fuabella Henderson. On this tract there{ > Valuable tract of land situated in Fer-iby him, will be warranted to keep good ALL persons indebted to the estate that} |, 00g acres of cleared land, with exce. beer Te Er TaR we ae : wason township, Centre county, containing jtime for the space of cne year from the was of PIHLIP FRANK, Jr, fate o jient patuial meadow. 1 1 leli and if on the fi To: : ) : 200 ACIeS half; anrvaved i delivery ; and if on the non-performan Fainss township deceased, are requiver § SCO acres and a hail, surveyed in the Three hundred Acres, ’ p mance A ' : same of Robert Stewart. On this trac to call on the subscriber and pay the same pay the sath, ore isa small House, and several acres|:doining lands of Philip Benner, Samuel on or before the first day of April pest | mproved, ¢ — ht i pe wt me GO em) CO TY BN Or Or Ur on LN CS Ca UF U3: CY Cr FN C3 Cu 00 $2 LU OS LI ga Co 03 0a of this commonwealth and the said court -~ a tr punk tpn pnd on Ce Lo yy Wr Gn On 203 LI Ga 9 ULL we : C wa — [95 < da eo Ca me and my creditors, when and where Hr we ar CA OI Us A LAIN. ha en 7 Tintin eordeom Lunrindaoen. » do do Ilcory NM Ewen Cu 89 Cy GS Le GOLD WLS RS oo th the town of Springfizid, one gnarter of {2nd a shop for a mechanic of any descrip- tion, with a convenient Kitchen, good abling and a wl of standing water with son wishing to view the premises can Y a pump, all in tolerable good repair. Any satne date. Su Jobn M. Benck, living in Spring. Pherson. _meriber living in F Lrruson township, Cen- Lerguson townshif y Jan 10e 7 19, 1892 1 3 St i —————— ee i eet | Returns his sincere thanks to the peeple disctiarge the same, ; and those hav. of Centre county, for the enconrapement ’ 0 red since he commenced the tat ct aBet tris] * above business in the bo rn ol Belle- §no. The owner or owners are desired tc come, prove property, pay charges and take them away. f On Thursday the 15th day of March next,{toWn. All watches and clocks rep.ired Creditors. of the work, he will return any charge made. From his long experience and Park, Robert Meek, and others—-late the TC hauvino 71% 1 3 } = 3 - and all persons having any demands 2-1 361 acres 1 per ch, surveye h =state of Joseph M’Pherso gceased.— h . : ! h! > an. per rveyed in the name jest J EP Pherson, deceased.—}gcpit 4 generous share of public patron« smst the said os{ate, will ease to pre-} 2 Rinse Lx. n the premises are erected a sood log . 3 y . g d estate, please to | fo. Pr. On tae p £00d 1081206 ; as hie flatters himself that hie abil4 knowledge in the above arts he hopes to gent them, legally authenticated for set-1391 1 survevedin the name of Henry Dayis house and barn, with about eighty oiliies will bear the strictest scrotinv: tlement, =o that the subscriber may know{305 3 “© Co do John Cochrin ninety acres cleared and under god fence, 300 8 2 3 3 { } J Sochri Stuation. of the Sotate. 30( do do Wm Cechrin : ww : ¢he situation of the esta 180 do do © Tames Kiorade made and ea by him on the newest A Ty ARE CP rT IRS nt ! 2s Kincade ADAM STOVER, jr. Adm’ri{g90 9 do do John Cummings of an excellent ‘quslity, If the ab ove {pla Lines onahify, January 27, 1831. The above tracts are situated om the property is not scold on that SURVEYING instruments of all kinds and a large bearing orchard. The soil is dzy it will be aids December; 17, 1829.