RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES Of CLEARFIELD foonry FOR ThE YEAR 1820. Samuel Fallon treasurer of Clearfield county, in account with said OY: from the 4th day of Janua« ry 1820 to the first day of January 1821, Da. Cr. - $ * ; Q WA, al ¥a : 3 @ash received from owners of Uns-ated Lands $7283 76{Cash paid supervisors $4624 29 do Assessor 143 52 ‘ 44 36 do Election expences 123 5% rom John Fullerton former collector ; penc § do iron | do Office Rent 20 93 . i ¢ 3 = edd o do of Amasa Smith collector of Bacari township boo 182-02 do ‘Stationary | le 26 08 . do County Auditors 8S 09 do of Abel Benton collector of Bradford township 156 861 4+ do Road Viewers 70 o@ >» . do | Wolf and Panther orders 319 63 do of James Dunlop collector of Lawrence township ; 163 24 do Printing i 5543 do Commissioners wages 154 05 do of John Biss collector of Gibson township 84 54 do Clerk to the Commissicners i 139 00 . 2 , 255 34 do Viewers ofthe State Road from Mile sburgh to Clarion river 425 23 do of Alexander Caldwell collector of Pike township do Exoneration to J, M. Fox 24 09 on 93 74 do Clerk of the Sessions 26 98 : : 1 2 " " o do of John, Riter collector of Covington township do Obtaining list of Direct Tux Sales 3 00 4 218 79 do Calling sales oi Unseated Lands 26.00 y Ralance in favor of the Treasurer ot do . Counsel to Commissioners two years 70 00 a $8462 65 do Centre County vs. Clearfield 85 40 ae do Iu the case of the commonye alth vs. Alexander Clayton 16 73 do Court House contract 60 CO $e. do In the case of the Commonwealth vs, James Monks 397 "34 2 ‘ do Viewers of the State Road from Andersons creck to Kittaning 65 09 do Court expences for the year 1819 411 67 i do In the case of the Commonwealth vs. Abraham Keaggy! 12 26 L do Refunding order in favor of A. Bell, ome 12 67 : { do Fees on redemption of sales jon 206:.58 b.. i do Eight per centy Treasurers fees on $9943 g¢ I cent 659. 50 ~ ] { ¥ 2 do Balance due the Treasurer on last settlement” de 285 Si. ‘ \ { rr ey . \ $51 52 CH 4 a e Balance due the Treasurer $213 79 fe » \ ——— reasurer of said county of two hundred : , and find a balance due the treasu undred and eighte Having examined the account of Samuel Tulton, treasurer of Clearfield county, ghteca ry 1821. v dollars and seyenty-nine cents. Given under our hands the 1st day of January ; ¥ MATTHEW OGDEN, | GREENWOOD BELL, Commissioners, yk wr ALEXANDER READ, jr. : ArTEsT-DAVID FERGUSON, Clerk. : = By tN i : ertson, Thomas Reese, James Rois Diane rp 3 11 Vie wands TED Six cents Reward. BL Ta be SG at DU Hie § nang ¥, : h iel igert, John B eiter, James Dterrette he SF MALL Fy LE] ig € 7 . Thoraian the 1507 neat, a ? Ranaway from the Subscriber; on t F. W. Schnars, Wayne Smith, John On 2 reaay Paola ? n ‘sit ; . ) ot of and. sithate Fer A small, but valuable property, situated evening of the 7th inst. m fodted i Spence, George Shinyberger, Peter Span: le tract o d shud Re ,¥ dig iv. containing ithetown of Springfield, one quarter of prentice to the Blacksmith business na gler, John Tearney or Rowland: Curtin 4rd ™Y OWi ship, ~ ne can 3 ’ COoulaiiiin - oF h x an ccre lot of ground, of excellent soil, ed ABRAHAM THOMPSON, aged a- Elizabeth | Taylor, Moses Thompson a“ 1 ; ow ch or 3 Threehu ndared Acres, on which is erected two story log build pout 18 or 19 years, fair complexions William Unc werwood, George Williams, lotning Jands of Puilip Benner, Samuel ings, well calculated for a dwelling house middling tall, down look. Had on when j5hn Warner, Surah Williams, John 2 Going (AT) wists) " y $ - Park, Robert Meek, and others—Iate the and ashop for a mechanic of any descrip- phe went away, a brown cloth coat and pan- Wilson, ky & CLs AVA LL Ahy X ; en Tos ph M'Pherson, deceasede— tion, with a convenient Kitcheh, good 15000 A) persons are forbid harbor. H. Humes, P. IF cS LAs Ji Ma 4 O4 the premisss ave erecied a good log stabling and a w 11 of standing water with ing him or trusting him on my account. : > = barn. with about eighty or a pump,allin tolerable good repair. Any Any person bringing back said appren- RD . house an REM ¢ 7 ‘ » Wh inety acres cleared aud under god fence, person wishing to view the premises ead oo chai have the above reward, but no ¥ \ ® \ V 4 \ ! RINELY acres CitdiCll gy 2%) Ss Ag CS, on cf nd a laree bearing orchard. The soil is apply to John M. Beuck, living in Spring_ charges paid. Tobacconist, f : lent qu:lity. If the above field ; and for terms to the subscriber. SAMUEL M’DOWELL. Informs lis friends, and the public of an excelle Bh) : - ; hat’ day it will k > Halfmoon, Jan’y 9, 1821. rally, ™hat be cofitip to Carry property is not sold on that doy it he Hugh M Pherson. ’ y Hg Yy apet he ot pees 2 car - ro aie ing the first day : Ty ae above. business in the Borough o let for one year, commencing Ferguson townshifiy January 19, 1821, ers of April nest, SHR 7s go List of Lett Bellefonte, where all orders in the line of HENRY | M WILLIAMS, $ Ere. Remaining in the Post Office as Bellgjonze 4. profession will be thankfully received e JOH N PATTON. & i 3 82 ar { te re de pop 3 3 To the Electors of Centre January 1, 1821 : and puncteally attended to. He keeps January 2 244 1821 a. Isaac Alexander, Wm. Allen or Jaco constantly-on hand, a quantity of the best ra T Ie 5 and Clearfield counties, Cook, William Adams, John Adams, Segars, Snuff, Cut & Dry, &c. which he a) 3 a 40% 4 9 5 < CL John Barger, Robert Brady, John Billew, o dispose of on reasonable Terms by " THAT well known MILL and FARM, ful ack led ‘ : John Barr, James rowi, ¢ the wholesale or retail. Hed & Smiths Mill,” adjoining the bor my gralelul acknow ¥ — or: the thurst, Natbanicl Beck, W. Brindle, 8; Bellefonte, Dec. 26, 1820. called ¢ Sm RE honor you were pleased to confer on 3 et ; ouch of Bellefonte. They will be ren hor you were | : si , : me Ephraim or John B. Bates, Mary Barn- Tear: TTT rescammna— ugh ce : at the last election for Sherif} by placing W, OBI ‘ Term of years, by public out ¢ I es yp 8 hast, Joseph Becker, Margaret Cook, Ro- NS fora ‘Lerm ol years, by pub! : 50 high on the retarn with the present and Corti John C i 1 hn Chul ah i at fareh next, and mi : i . . and Curtin, 3 ; John Conrod, John Chub, fs 15th day of March next, eriff, This fluttering testimony of your mm ont ? J C Watch & Clockmaker he ven on the Brit dav of - : ; . : s Callahen, Jane Care ; givel oniue isl day of, Ap! . confidence encourages me to offer myself tony es : . . ; HT well da btilated Tor: makine 4 Dell, Edward Davis, James Dundass, S 1 ; th N Fhe mill is well calculated lor making y candidate for your suffrage at the . nversmi ’ Hstchantimorh land the wind atial to : z i Samuel Duskey, Samuel Ilder, Alexund- Hetuins Lies: Hank merciaanc wal g 18 Sigal! 1 ensuino elec * n. ay 3 en * 3 wv oP we Ly seturns his re . * ct 3 nean why mill 16 the county for profitable cuss oF Ing Sieclion. have given his early, ton, John Fisher, William Fisher Bincere thanks, to the people any mill in ih ban, ., intimation of my intentien as I do not in- TREN . ’ of Centre county, for the encouragement tot The Farm is attached to the m! : , . James Forster, esq. Robert Gordon, Cath- tom. : tend to travel over the counties to solicit . . i «he has received since he commenced the nd about one hundred acres of upland = he arine Glenn, Charles Huston, esq. Wm. y : : ana al rite : ; ._ votes, as the ysual practice is. Iam per 3 ra above business in the borough of Belles cleared, und a sufficient geantty of mead- : Hartley, Henry Hillabaugh, James Hep- : o £ thei en uaded the freemen of these counties have oa i = nnte. s solicits a continuance of their ow. The land is limestone and of a good suaded the i nT : burn, Thomas Hastings, sr. Thomas Has- ; ; ? Soils a i 443 ' oo much virlne and independence, and . ‘ : avors inforn m ti re will kee quality. The Mill and Farm will be rent fond he [R or je : tings, James Harbison, Andrew Hunters yand informs them that Hi P ART ich a sens ¢pubiican dizcnity, x 3 : ss stabli . in the sat Vtomailion; or sencvstely tog high a sengeo post ® znity, : Joseph Hare, Samuel Hays, Robert Hy- UP 2 regular establishment in the said : H rah : Ana 4 moved one way er ancther )eTSONa : a vg oh, i store arioining oc JOHN MITCHELL, } he yvsd is y ; Yi 7 ey, Mr. Heaton, John Irwin, William Id. borough, In he Stereo: B Doctor JAMES DUNCAN. 4m. ap Solicitations, . i ar to treat dings, Henry Isahaur, James Kelly, Jo- Curtin’s house, in the Diamond of the Bali 9 1 as mntejligent Republicans ought to =H . 11 wi s and clocks repai ¥ January 24, 1821. them : ed wb a : \ ; hands Kirkhover, Rebeckah Lezeer, Na. lows. . All Teche . ~ p Sel be treated, WOServing neveriiMeless the : by him. will be warranted to kee 00 ~ 0 Noti or 5 than Laughead, James M’Ciane, Patrick y | PE Creditors take Notice, rigat of repeliing any false reportthat may 5 iy a 7 ime for the space of one year from the : : M'Kenna, Robert M Oride, Samuel] nz’ A be circutned 10 my disadvautage, in any THAT T have applied to the Judges of the Court ol Common Pleas of Huntingdon 3 1 county for the benefit of the insolvent laws of this commonwealth and the said court A 26¢ have aya appointed Monday the 3 t+} A 'C bruaar y next atihe co 5. h day of urt house, to hear when tend if you think proper, PETER M’LAIN. oy 3 Fora yd OS 1 Huntingdon, January 23, 1821, creditors, and where such way as shall be deemed most proper, if any hope wil! not. prelessions about the performance duties of the office, il elected. stas well as my duty, will require me to do every thing faithfully and correctly, delivery ; and if on the non-performance Clure, John Morris, Eliza Mendenhall, retain “i ‘a Sd of the work, he will Edward Marphby, any charge From his long experience and knowledge in the above Samuel Main, James M’Cullongh, Andrew M Kee, esq. Alex ander M’Farian, Magdalena Moore, t M’Aulicy, Joseph M’Pherson, Daniel M fai Edward M’Entire, Hamilton Mure; Samuel Moore, James M’Clelland, ff, James Neill, Charity Packer, Alexander Patton, Edward Pearse, Wil- liam Packer, Aaveu Packer, Susun Rob- such thing should happen; which I made. I shall make rio pompous arts he hopes to merit a generous shave of public patrons 1 age ; as he flatters himself that his abil« ities will bear the strictest scrutiny. SURVEYING instruments of all kinds made and repaired by him on the newest ‘ plan. - Be J ~ YoU of the My oters John Ne Joseph Butler, &ellcfonte, January 164 1821, ilcfontey December, 17, 1820. - hte cp hi ¥ 4 TR a ag A ou 4 2 i ak DB al HER & > REE) Ea a ow " - CRE a MK