Bellefonte patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1818-1838, February 17, 1821, Image 1

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Vol, 1. SATURDAY, Fefruary 17, 1821, 4
rome — tree rans a 1 To ~q i : E; Slab Cabin branch of Spring creck. They EUROPE —AMERICA—MONARCHIES—
: limestone barrensy and good wheat REPUBLICS.
ONBITIONS. | FO R SAT 4 ; y and g
: Extract of a lettev from a gentleman in Ku
fa The prick bof this’ pap yer 18 . {70 go Mars ro > 4 A150; rofie to hig frie nd m this town, da ted Sepie
end fify capts Pek anpum~—but it paid kx Ji i SY Ae. Pr. | 17, 1820,
yzaily in advance, two dollars only will bel = : i if 16 syrveyed in the name of I. Gurne « The revol eC iat
ie revolution of Spain; of Naples and
charged. : : 434.123 \do do William Wilsen now of Portugal, with the two aboruve ate
Adver! {sementsy. making no more in ; 433 153 do do John Wilson tempts to effect the same object in Fiance;
1a th tien breadth, will be Inserted threef Acyes of land in Jefferson county, situate} 433 153 do’ do John Sherick have succeeded each other with a rapidity
1 > J !
inas for one dolfat; and for every subse- on Toby’s creek and its’ waters. The 33 153 do do Richard Malone almost unexampled even in this age of revs |
continuance twenty-five cenls.— , Lo Laid * for’ Olean ip] 433 153 do do Richard Malone olutions, The ¢ther powers are fooking
: 1
of greater” length in propor State road lately laid out iy > "1431 37 . do do James Resides aghast at cach other to soc whose tuin is
le or figure Wo rk double those ra ALES New ork, to Kittanning, passes through 42.4, dn do James Maise
viange to come next. Ausliai is marching troops
No subs Soription will be recgived for less hls Tand. 435.70. do do Wm. Patterson ito her Italian provinces to cheek the pic
er discontinu- . 20°.% d lo Francis Patterson £ lurt ,
than ene year; nor no paper discont Cer 4 a 420.26 0 « ANC it of revolution there ; ‘and, if circumsian
ed until ail arrearages are paid. WX thousand acres 433°'2 do do William Gray ces favor, to put it down mn Naples, "But
{fithe subscriber Gags. Ao: toi ¥ Spade “lon the waters of Sandylick, about three|401 116. do do Daniel Smith what can be dons by ‘marching in more
continuance of his gaat the end of the 7% : Pe tle 434 132 "do do Jobn Smith troops when the diseased is seated in the
yoaryit will be cons! dered as amcw cigage- miles north of the new Turnpike to 417 36 do do James Craig military itself? Quis custodiet ifis08 cuge
“ments and the paper foryardéd according- Erie, It will be sold to settlers in tracts 345 70 do do Joseph Gray todes ¢ Anstiia, it is said, is sure of hep
ay: , 3 433 153 do do Joho Boyd Hungarian regiments : but the same opin-
: Berswho have theit papers car- : ‘ 364 110 do co Peter Lloy d ion was eiteriained of the royal ghud in,
Sense ily must be liable for the post-jone dollar per acre, in reasonable pay-|4: do do Andrew Carson {France, and yet this corps was plicated”
es ok i ments. Good titles withigeneral warren [40% Mo do nomas Hamilton lin the late conspiracy. If things go on in
. be : . 425 2 do do Jer. Jackson this way much longer, it would tio be sure
Lt riaddic cried tothe olitor must bey, will be made, by So ; y not be sur
dirs : do Jonas Stonizen prising to-sce the yery Swiss regiments ins
“post Paic be : i“ ¥ . 4 30 d lo John Ke p
V oe é he i denry Shippen. “~ 0 do John hean tected with republican notions, and going
.- sme om Bien A do do Henry Faunce over to theliberal party.
3 : Auber 20 3 do do Peter Browne Ti int lv tion i
or Huntingdon, December 9, 18320. : a he ministerial revolution in
Pulling ind Dyein - vt, ; £3 do do Williamm Wilson
a —
of ome hundred and fifty acres each, al
30 hh . mentioned In my last letter, which placed
: Hl A fy : al 33 158 io So homes Cock i Duke AE at the head of ats
: i Rey ov A : J ates Omith airs, was IollowcHl by a series of the me
The ‘subscriber most respectful mn-| 10 he sold at privaie Dale ¢ do do James Lamb viol a Measures. The first was cg ic
do do Isaac Connelly ent to a suspension with us of the Lubous
do do Arch. Hamilton corpus act ; the second abolished the libeity
do do ¢ James Smith jr. ofthe press for the journals ; and the third
do do Joseph Welsh was neither more less "than a ‘ragical
do do. Francis M’Ewen veform in the constitution of the Mouss of
do do Ann M’Ewen deputies. Iti1s generally agreed that there
do do" Rachel Williams iras Leen ince the restoration,
do do Hugh Hamilton i |when the state of th ings. in France was so
do do Joseph Welsh very critical & delicate as it is naw : and
do do Wm. M’Ewen
this too when Europe 1s all in convulsions,
do do Sarah M’Ewen and the helm of slate requires every where *
do do Polly M’Ewen the most cautibus and skiilul direction,
de do Danie] Turner Bon all that has becn said of the stabils
do do Polly Williams. y of monarchies aud agitation of repube
Pits do Hannah Turner toe it appears at last that the puve democ-
i do = do Hecory M’Ewen racy of the United States is the fitmest and
153 ‘do do Joshua Williams most tranquil now existing in christendom.
Also, the undivided moiety of the follow-I might almost add the most ancient ; for
} 3 Cts a ing tracts of land; on the Tioga River, be- | with the exception of Russia and Great
Mills and Wm. Thompson 8 tavern, nish Se tween Peter's camp and the New York line, ! Britain, there is nation in E urope that has
Yacoquillas valley 3 to which places res- PUL $4 BLIC SALE in the counties formerly known as Luzerne [not passed through one or more complete
{ tively it will be returned when finish OF & Lycoming, and now ‘the county of Tioga. Irevolutions since the establishment of the
¢pectively 1t ; ve 3 * 495 acres 77 perches called « C herry | | American government. Indeed the argue
ed. VAL UAB LL LAND S, Joltom,’ Surveyed on warrant No. 200, da- {ment in favor of the sta ability of mor 1archics,
: ; Po Her, . 3 2 . {ted May 7, 17835.
{drawn from the great n ominal antiquity of
1000 acres called Rick Valley, surveyed!lin ropean systems, 1s mere delusion ;
Porter's Mills, Oct. 31, 1820. TIOGA COUNTIES. {on warrant No. 487, dated May 7, 1785. {for when you look into their history, you
N. B." Persons Looe clothy are desir | pyrsua ant to the will of the late Frawxcis +390 acres Rich Bottom, warrant No. 256] je that it is composed of a continual see
ed to affix to it their names with written] Guryey, Esq. deceased, will be sold at|®? Rg date: Sa 2 - oo) tes o Tova: ns: and it would be diffi-
: the. Meichants’ Coffee House y in the city are ugartree Dottom, No, 2 re to PY Fan Pere i fifty years for
) y 5 > dates i ation un
IIIs TIT SHE hiladofphie, 509 acres Birchtree bottom, No 347 same is not interrupted by
- some great internal
Cire 4 YS Un Monday dates
convulsion, equivalent, in substar ice, to a
32 DANIEL SMITH Ex’rs of change in the system of poyvernme A a
oF eA he Ath dav : 3 3 vernment. n
A the 5th day of March, 1821, at 12 o’clock’ JAMES 8 SMITH, 3 #, Gurn-jyet the idea ofa republic is still derided as
: ROOD, CH. A. POULSON. } ey, Esq. |avisionary and impracticable theory, |
VA WNTT fe plantation 1a Sub=!ns 2 re ARs £hs +OVJN, ) €Yy £37 RY npracticable theory, by
CAME to the plantation of the Sub-lpyp follcwing tracts and parcels of Land, Ys
Yn Heap , par December 2, 1820. the politicians im Europe,” Zoston Adv,
scriber, living 10 Ferguson township, Cen” situated in the townships of Ferguson, Pat.
\ forms the public, that his new IN pursuance of the last will and tes-
Fu ulling Mill, tament of Thomas M’Calmont, Esq. late
nt Pottér’s mills, Potter township, will belof Walker township deceased; Will be
Go C900 WI OI Uh UL
) : i § ale
an operation by the 15th of Novembersisoid by private sale,
Yavhen Be will receive 10 30 acres. of land,
¥ |between thirty and forty of which are
£3 ; OO i 5) cleared, adjoining lands of James Sterrett,
for fulling and dyeing, at the following and others. For terms appiy to,
- . 9 4
112CESy viz. At the store of Hamilton Francis M wen,
lefonte 3 at the mill of Mat-
Tennsvaliey 3 at the siorel William Smyth,
pre » * fxecutors.
and Wasso ilieim 3 Duncan
en and Wasson, Milieim ; April 11, 1820.
C3 Go 00 © WL OI 0 Lo
Oo Ce
A BB ox Dab
we Ca
Lo $9 Co 09 Lo La
— at
Or Gy Qe &
on hd “it
Co Co Le LO oy CoO
wy WL
Ca Calta C0 Lo GO
Forster, Aaronsburg, and at Brown’s
. a
direction of the manner of dressing, &c. Kurope, which
: ton and Halfmoon, in the counyy of Centre:
county, in August last, a ! y i re IO)
fre it and in'the townships of Autes and Warrior CE > Extract
B Frown mteer, Mark in the county of Huntingdon : 3 : af
270 acres 18 perches, called Deerfield, | AT.L persons indebted to the est
at thedoot of Tussey mountain, surveyed) | WILLIAM M¢
ALSO, came to the same place in Nov-ion a warrsnt in the name of Michael Red-|
y ti 4
3 h [ship deceased, ure requested to attend aty Zolmont, near Phitadelpihio Jian 27: 1892
I ’ an < 1821
man. On this tract, there is a large twol
ember lastyda stray x yt age twol |
of 2 letter from the hen. Richard
Peters, President of the Philadelphia Ag-
Ticulural Society, to a member of the
«” he will be three years old next Spring. — ORL, late of Lamar town
3 ' . (hie hot : i yH 2 Vi ] :
story Stone House, well finished, having '¢ locse of JOHN MOORE, in sa
¥ «2 . , 3
«Ra A, four rooms on a floor, with wooden out-{township,
sup posed to be two years old—-part Mer- houses. There are 100 acres of inj woved » Wd discharge the same, 3 and those hav [Ha rishurg, tha it it
{land, with a fine body of pataral mead-|’ : the members fic
ow. io demands against the said estate are! ly :
306 acres 123 perches, called Fairfield. |ccquosted to pr
fake themaway. & at the foot of Tusscy mountain sarveyed on
ROBERT MOORE a warrant in the name of James Boges.— |
| aa Nis
“ We bought of 2 workman ir fi
4 arret
SE street, Hill & Bi ady’s machi :
on the 2nd day of March next! I XC
nine {i rd "CSSIn Zz
on the dry syste em, I wish it- w; cre ak
ght be exhibited to
om {} a counties, particular.
to those from the west, where | have
‘them on that day, du-iscen the best ciops of flax, I had cver be
vs ye }
y aulzenticated, according 16 law. eld. Ye have op! y made small essays op
3 - our machine; but fion at 1 } TH
On this tract is a Frame House, aud new Wx MOORE, 3 ddm’rs. 11 am satisfied that ho Pheri 3YD 153803
- C i . Se Ji3H N. J100 RE VICHY 78 i 3 < Wo boys-—one to feed
double barn, and 140 acres of nhnproved AIR AL Ol {it and the other to turn the
em ee land. Itis fine meadew land aud well wai-| February 2, 152) {comb brea k aiid gy
Sis The owner or Owners are desited to!
come, prove property, pay charges and}
Ferguson township, Jan. 26, 1821.
winch, will
switch more flax, and bet.
s than six. men in the old w ay could
| 1
do Ina week.
The establishment of the I ut we will have one.
to call on the subscriber and pay the same
and all persons having any demands a-
¢ Q 1% . LT . Ta
Noti Ce "10 Debtors and 317 acres 20 perches, called Turkey's TO PRINTERS. We inre tat tyet
15, Harbor, adjoining lands of Wm. Perry, NS the hackle,
» Fm ¢ - # or (11 ¢ $ b
Creditors. Brady, and others,surveyed in the name of lor water is necessary, Tr ng with dow
a i cc ‘ ‘ a 0 valer 1s necessary. Le eh ry fia 1% § orm
REE Bersons indebted {o the estate that Isabella Henderson. C 0 (his tract inerc Bellcfonte Pat riot, li he field ehiswers best, : ANG 15 giro Ver er .
= Persons macnted 1o Lae est *Hettare 200 acres of cleared land, with excel- {fbre—g-e eater in dahil i 3100 n
~ 1 1 ANT 1, » € 0 at > +73
wassof PHILIP FRANK, Jn. late of}lent natural meadow. Is offered for Sale. This establisl Sot way SUPSrOr 10 Gq! > y and in rr ry
3 ; . 6 NEG YAS . c Yvovad. 3 . én the rot ted: article, have
Haines township d gi ave required] S€0 acres and 2 half, surveyed in thejholds forth many advantages ; and will am-| strong hopes that this mode of ir 1
name of Robert Stewart. On this tract! cat I; ing will banish the old 1a! ark ftlax « gsy-
- . + 8 Oo 3 > “ L by ry
there isa small House, and several acres|P'y recompence any one who can devote hi si raves aid. fod or aborious, and haz
. . ; & . . a Yos : i vu oO 0Cess, i "
on or before the first day of April next,{improved. time and aitention to the same. For terms} reretofore discon sgred the + Whic a has
. . a 1¢ rais ing of flax 3
3C1 acres 1 perch, surveyed in the name{2Pply by letter, post paid, to lif so I shall be amp is revatied in the zd
- - - 3 ’ Tr bo) - ™ vant : 2a 3
inst the said estate, will please to pre- % Ja A Gaw- W. BRINDLE. |vantagesothersg
A Ade. r Sruary 1622: 182 9. an
td lle 75 Ein
sent them, legally authenticated for set-{301 1 surveved inthe name of Henry Davis rn 4 bic og
i } ares i 2 qian Sibley *Denarted thie life. ; YI
tiement, so that the subscriber may know (305 3 do do hn Cochin PRI N” i N G 1ak-t3 aricd his | life, in the city 3S .
. sit 3 : {300 8 do do ar . ras ow » i hp ts ON NM ona: iy even nag the z Jer
1 nn a oo - i s , : , dB o a a >
the situation oi the estate, 1200 do do Tames Kincade Handbills, Cards, Magistrates’ Blanks|ot a 6ropsy, which be enduredbwi
ADAM STOVER, jr. Adm’ : Ta
: Chris-
y . x ian resi Dati Kas .
: JroEmis0 9. da do Join Cummings) Deeds, Bonds, &e. neatly printe dy at thel - tions Apam Rowse:
Haines tosvushif, January 37, 1821. { The above tracts are situ
hy ; ughly respect bss merchant of t
on the! siioriest notice, at this office; ~ sv ”