Bellefonte patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1818-1838, February 10, 1821, Image 1

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    I ra— preset
TE Se en CPN J)
{TOR DAT: February 10, 1821. 0. 40,
tirade ses
a ——— ti
¥ ; . . - ney £31 3 2} Yor AG XE 106
Se e— pe T———— 0 fs borrowed under the act of March jDeduct probable sor- teration in the law rclatve to revival of
plus revenue of 1821 judgments,
) A per statement sent to M 2 Wi I : 3 ys
: yp amoawealth in 1820 was $17,186 67 the hotise of represen- Mr. ¥vithers, remonstrace fiom inhabits
: » — 111 ii 1 aig hi - *. : + aQ « : : me ol A > 3
and fly gents oY a ro ly will be «ils and ia the year 1821 itis estimated | taiives, the 6th inst. . ants of Lancaster county, against a law ta
weal in advanc ¥ Mars 1 A ~N 3 aarti RQ y « .
Larly in AA 2 1 $35,000, Of the loan authorised regulate the practice of medicine.
caarged. | : i18 4s by the act of the 28th Gt En : ; iil
Advertisements, making no more in Owing to the very liberal appropriations March, 1820, there re- Mr. Rees, from inhabitants of Schuylkill
CON DI LT 10} NJ. if astis $530,000, the interest paid by the
The price of this paper is two dollars
rb thon hoeart} rill s wserted thre 3 . 3 .
fesgth thon breadth, will jc Jusé wich have been made to internal 1mprove-j mains to be borrowed, 50,000 coluty, against restricting the jurisdiction
. r 3 1 ‘4 vore 2 hap
timcsior one dollar ; "and for every subse. Balance in the Treasur
rin » rite Ha iA 1q | Saiance in the treasury, | of justices of the peace.
quent continuance twenty-five cents.—|meats by former fe gislatures ; our funds 1st Dec, 1820, 27,360.91 J P
Dron — si Mz.
Toss of grcsios er i 1 ortion.—1 ave been anticipated ; this with the great 84,669 91) it Orr, a similar petition from Arm.
ule > rire wol aouDic those rates. . - + 4 i . —— ais y a
R is oT Bus dd i be received for Jess] Siminution in varfous branches of our rev. : er idnt Strong county.
No subscription w R «by ) : 2 c defici 0 $ :
than one year; nor any paper discontinu- enue, arising from the general depression BE a ) Q144,477 46) Mr. Rees, Mr- Hanna, and Mr. Calwell,
- vo ~ . T - 1 P.4 «l 3 : x
until ald ars paid. ? indas hz render 3 CeSSaALY RL 3 (presented a number of petit ions for uniting
ed ni i} all ar Tearages P: 4 A of business has rendered it necessaty to I am of opinion that it would ) petit i
HH the stpscriber does Not re cq 1€SL a dis resort to loans 5 our annual income a few Le proper LO reserve in the the waters of the Susquehanna, and Schuyl«
a ‘ anc at the OC nd of the 4 ~ ” ros A
< ot oh i J } his paper: XG. re wel ¢-|years since was upwards of half a million ; treasury to meet contingen= kill by canal nay Igation,
si t u &
Tent; and the paper forwarded according: in the present year it is estimated at $258,| ¢i¢s; about Bs Mr. Dimmick, 3 petitions, fiom inhabits /
Iy. 000 a sum little more than sufficient to de- Amount to be provided for the fants of Northampton; Wayne, and Pike, for
: scribory i ave Bent es 4" liray the annual expenses of government, year 1821, winder TP fi act? ioaroilice. :
a the nail, mrgst be lable for the pos Yourcommittee wonld supose tligpin.| 270i ~lii GEO. BRYN "a Mr, Mitchell, from 99th regiment, P.M,
Letters addeessed to che cditor must bef priety of the legislature providing means ll Juriery 17. for authority to hold company e¢lcctions, lo
pose paid. to pay annually the interest, and a part of PETITIONS. elect their field officers.
Refiorts of Committees.
Mr* Kennedy from commiitee on loan
Tr m—— ST —————— === the principal of the money due by the com-
Mr. Sturgeon presented a petition from
monwealth as well as to supply the defi-
ciency of the present year.- This may be
done in one of three ways, either by a loan
January 15, 1821. by a sale of bau stock or by a tax. Should
The committee of ways and means res. |i be thought advisable to enter upon a
pectiully report : general system of internal improvement, it
That your committee in laying before | will be the duty of the legislature to pro-
Fou a statement ol the finances of the com™{ vide funds for that purpose.
Lennsylvania Legislature.
inhabitants of Fayette county, for erection
of a poor house.
Mr. Dorrance from New Milford and
Bridgewater turnpike company for aid.
Mr. Rohrer a remonstrance from inhab-
itants of Lancaster county, against restrict-
: en Monday Jan. 22.
ing magistrates.
Mr Jenks a memorial from the inquest PETITIONS, J
AW ES deem it unnecessary to enter And here your committee cannot for- of Bucks county for reduction of fees and] Mr Wilson Smith presented two peti-
(Ato minuie detail of all the property be- bear to notice, that laige sums are due salaries. tions, one from Ebenezer Eldridge, and
"longing to the state, or to attempt to put a
vpecific value upon it ; as this must depend
! on circumsianeces alone, and forms uo data
office, made report, which was readgand
laid on the table.
A number of petitions were presented on
various subjects alieady before commit-
tees. »
to the commonwealth by individuals for Mr. Good, 3 petitions from citizens of|°"¢ from Philip Kennedy, old soldiers for
tands, which if collected would create a Berks county for a law to erect a poor-house ald. Several others of a similar nature
toil} tests 3 . : were refer
fund for internal inprovement, for the es —relerred to the members of said county. clerred. :
tablishment of free schools, the endowment Mr. Crotks, trom inhabitants of Franklin Mr. Connelly, from Mgreer, for aid to a
of colleges, or other useful purposcs ; county foi a loan Ofice. turupike road, from Mercer to Be aver,
whether any mote efficient measures could My: Brackenrides. Presid 4 Mz. Storm, from York and Adams coun
'« Brackenridge fro e {
5 m President andes; ; for authority to raise money by lottery
Secretary of the Pittsburg and Butler turn-
pike company, for additional appropria-.
tions. ‘
: : _|laries be carried into effect it will produce Mi. Cas 3 : g ;
Your committee therefore have though : he state of a sum nearly suffi- : va Sat fiom Inhabitants. of dun
Nt Hoa J ja saving to the state o In nearly Sud county for (o prevent sheriffs and con-
¥1. 10, counting. themselves. to ‘those! ov 0 pay the interest on existing loans:
1€8 of the: Si nic which constitute It will be seen by a reference to the ex:
ctive funds of the state, on which is penditures of last year that our militia sys
on which the legislture can act with any |
Hdos rec of cevtaiity.
And mauy of our resonrces fiony which
ba formeniy derived a cousiderable reven-
SR TY 03 eng derved be adopted to compel payment will be for
you to judge. .
Should the bill for the reduction of sal-
me are now become either wholly unproduc-
tive, on'the rovenue derived from it so di
to finish a church,
Mr. Kennedy, from Northa mpton county
against restricting m 1agistrates, in civil
minishedsds to render it inconsiderable.
Mr. M’Cullough, two remonstrances,
stables from taking property of surcties, in |
execution, while the principal has any prop-|
erty to be got at.
Mr. Livingston from inhabitants of
Chanceford township, York county, for a
new election district,—~to elect at the
“ Globe” tavern. Bakers of Philadelphia for a law to pres
Mr. Hanna, from inhabitants of Ly-lvent baking bread and dinners on the Sab-
coming county Jor a bridge over Pine bath.
Creck. : Mr, Livingsten, from York county, for a
Mr. Wm. Smyth from inhabitants of reduction of interest, cn money due the state
Centre county, remoustrating against a law lor lands.
to regulate the practice of medicine. Mr. Lawrénce was appointed on the
Mr. Connely, from inhabitants of War- committee on the penectentiary system, in
ren county, for aid to erect public buildings place of Mr. Wilkins, resigned,
lin said county.
Mr. Rohrer, from Martic township,
Lancaster county, to change the place off;
holding elections.
) : ty.
will therefore call on me as you progress
y prog Mr. Estep obtained leave from the com-
mittee appointed on‘the subject of Hopkins’
dam to view the works on F riday next.
from Lancaster county on the same subd
Mr. Dimmick, from Wayne county, for
\., are
a redicated the probable estimate of tiie re-| ep is expetisive.
“ceipts at the treasury in the year 1821. Your committee would suggest the pro- a revision and continuance of the appraise-
It would have been gratifying to you: priety of abolishing such officers as could
“ commutce te have presented to you 3 ner without inconvenience be dispensed with ;
favorable wccount of our fiscal concerns,
ment law.
Mr. Robbins, 5 petitions from Master
: [vis worthy of inquiry whether the duties
but they conceive it fo be their duty to you
. y : ; yo youl of the Adjutant General could not be per-
&s weil as to their constituents (o state the
formed by the secreta ry of the common-
facts without disguise. By a reference to
: : wealth without much difficulty or any ad-
a letter from the Auditor General enclos- J y y
ditional expense,
Auditor General’s office 11th Jan. 1821,
SIR,—Agrecably to the request of the
ing a stalement accompanying this report
It will be seen, that the estimate of the
ra rata, =
probable’ feceipts at the treasury in the veo
1821 are $258,500, and the probable de- I bibib for dic) 55 : I
rd :
rela . tuily submit for their consideration the en-
gaands in tho same year (exclusive of ap- 4
commitice of ways and means, I respect-
Mr. Magill from inhabitants of Greene
wood township Mifflin county remenstrat-
ing against being attached to Perry couns
sath : losed statement. I shall have pleasure in|
Propriations ) ave estimated at 251,200, leay- Closed statement afi hxve pleas
ang a balance inthe tre casury of $7,300,
The estimate of the probable demands
aiding the views of the commuttee by af.
fording all the information I possess ; you
¥or the same year on account of approp ria-
in your views for such explanations as may Mr. Roberts, a remonstrance from Wash-
5 Mi appear {o be necessary in relation te our ington county, against a new county.
of a Nog er 0h the interes:
low: 5, and such as may be made
tlicicncies of the year 182
v147 Br cents,
pe 0 the surplus ; : &
dairman of committee of w teans., 7
L ai, and $50,000 which re- Chairman of committee of ways © means Passed, and a committee of seven to be ap-
fiscal operations, Mr. Wierman, from inhabitants of Ade
Clos b Mr. Lawrence called for a second read: ams county, for alteration in the law rela
cry respectiully, sir your most ob. ser.!. : : ams co y alterat i a .
Very respectfu Ys your el jing of a resolution, offered by him; some| . ;
GFO. BRYAN : tive to bastardy—referved to committee on
% “25 [time ago, to concert measures for the call toe and 3n Ii
Joseph Lawrence, Esquire ' ud vice and immorality.
osefih Lawrence, Esquire, of a convention, to alter the constitution
Mr. Mitchell, from Indiana; that the
bounty’ for wolf scalps may be reduced
ESTIMATE, pointed, and appear on the journal, to-mor- :
fiom 12 to 8 dollars.
.jrow morning | Committee—Lawrence.
re wl, together with ga Wiuce re-10f the lg demands on the State Trea
= ury on the ist of Dec. sry, for the year 1821, on account of af Anderson, Estep, Emlen, Leiper,; Wurtz'l ~ On motion of Mr. Dimmick the North4
1820, and It willleave a deficiency of $id1, frofiriations and balances of afpropivia- Gilleland ] ampton county members, were added to the
447 46 cents. . tions unpaid on the 30th of Now. 182 Friday January 19, commiitee on the fisheries in the Delg.
Add to this 820.000 which it will be ne. Tarnpike roads, ke. $150,000{ Messrs. Jones and Herring! on obtained | Wares
* to reserve in sng to meet Philadeiphia DS 0 4.000 leave of absence for a few days. Mr. Piper, from Yoho Boll, praving thas
. or ; “egclenuary near Pittshur : , 147. yy ,
_eantivgencies, and there remains the sum}! cd Sa Er 2 1.00 PETITIONS, he Auditor Genera a be authorised to scitls
Mate Capitol,
{ DIG A477 to be * un- voi ol : : Write
Of S161,477 46 cents to be provided for un Interest on existing loans and on Mr. Fry 6 petitions from habitants of }his accounts
dee extsuing laws.” suck as mav be made to meet Pp ; ’ i -
Da pe erry county, for changing the seat of jus- i inhabit
The bs | deficiencies of 1821, oe cal Ban Rpg J Mr. Cortright from inhabitants of [age
The sum due Oy the commonwealth | 3 ‘ice. Zerne county, for aid {0 a road frem Milloréd
loans, including the 850,006 which remai 1s Dollars 226,147 3 Mr, Hunt, from Chester county, for al-|io Wilksbarre.