v EC ——— L——— Lennsylvania Futelligencer. THE subscriber having purchased from Br. Ve Veacock theestablishment of the 3 Har- risburgh Republican,’ proposes t ocontintd the publication of a paper fiom the same rthe shove title in the following Res 232 CC, a 1d ¢ an MANNE d on the following conditions. 5 4 T. h 5 'S Ive 4% 1% N EK R. The Pennsylvania Fatelligencer shall be published twice a week, during the. sittings of the Legislature, and once a week the re- Ona matey of the year, to he neatly executed During succinct andsome super-royal sheet, the scssinns, K shall: contaln a ona bh “ii cketch of the proceedings of the Legislature from day (0 day, and speeches of members occasionally ; and, generally, through the wale vear, it shail contain a summary oi futcliigence from every cunisty in the state, and every state in the Union , an intelligent record of the proceedings in congress, when Printers who, wish to exnchange are respectfully requested to insert this pro- posal, a few tunes. C. MOWRY. ‘ovember 13, 1820. ‘Public Information. FROM recent discoveries and frequent formation received within the Jast twelve ar fifteen years, the Mayor of Philadelphia thinks it bis duty to apprize his fellow cit. zens within the United States, that there isas been, for at least that period, a number { foreigners, of good address, but of bast nd depraved principles, who have visited our country with forged credentials, coun- erfeit recommendations, and spurious statements of alledged losses. These sons .f deception have traversed the country in almost every direction, exhibiting thew fals: money for the ostensible object of redeem remunerate {or losses lately sustained by pirates on the ocean. Thousands of dollars have heen collected in this way from the ing thatthe whole’ was a base fabrication, goLup, supported by forgery and fraud and jhe proceeds solely applicd to and divided From a source that can be relied on, they shey have a rendezvous in this city, from which they issue on their depredatory ex cursions, and after being absent from three ¥ they return with their spoil. It 15 believed by some persons who are acquainted with the system, that from six (0 to Europe by several of the diffe rent indivi uals who have been engaged in these dis honest schemes. i "Lhis exhibit is published in order to pul the unwary on their guard, and to caution then against placing any condilence in doc uments that may be hauded to them clothed Wc pagea week shall be deioted to mis. { ccllaneous literature; in which shall be] Mserted, original and seledted €8Savs, on morals, réll gion, arts, scicuces, agriculture | and cave of taste, under the head of « The Karcenery,” being wx joint tenure or inher. tance,” of all matters, exce pt politics and nm Qavertisements., Lie Porcenery ? we Tait shail endeavor to draw the attention of the Loadies—and hope they much (o its interest, by the dulcet charms of hie enchanting labors. CONDITZ OAS. Ist. Subscriptions shall be Three Dollars a year, wholly in sdvance, [rom distant sub will contribute scribers 3 and hall yearly in advance from hoe inthe 5 vii of Hare: . 3 those in the borough of Harrisburg and itg vicinity. \ : 2d. For six nths, including t ; 81x months, jncluding the ses- sion of the Legislature, Two Dollars to be paid ac the time of subscribing. 3d. For the session only, Oiue Dollar and | or cy » l Fity cents, to be paid at suhscribihe., i+ BIO 5 i : 1 3 4th, Advertisements, of ail descriptions, 3 CE a ne ) - » a . > «2 - WY assSotlaions, Comp iuics cor individuals, |. Mayors office, Philad. Now, 25, 1820. {ten additional recreits to the corps have {it is believed mauulactured here,) they One Dollar a sqnare i Jy if not inserted more than three mes 3 if more than thre OO» tions, 25 cenis a after the third. Less than thr iy the same as thyre, al ai plies. The Penta lear 1: 3 blue The Pennsylvania Intelligencer sh : { : : e inscr- {render an essential benefit to the { . . A v 3 1 square for every insertion e insertions! tions in their resoeciive papers. and by re 4 - po . o | peatinz the same for a few times ‘'f5 twelve J with zli the apparent formality of consulas certificates, seals and sighaturesyas well as tc names of other highly respectable char. a.iers;as itis fully believed, that scarcely in a single instance are they genuine or honestly obtained. The undersigned has just been eredita been bly informed, that, within a short time pas! arrived at this port from Europe, and afte; being furnished in this city with forged documents. (for, bye the bye, they are al, started to the westward in company with twelve or fourteen other men who have been engaged in the above practice for some time past. It is to be hoped that the Ma gistrates and other Civil Officers, where they make their appearance willapprehend them, and if judicious measures are adopt ed there is little doubt byt they disclose the whole plan. , ROBERT WHARTON. Mayor, soon will “The Printers in the United States would : communi. ty by giving the above one or more inser arpisburg Repub-1 ican,” will be considered as engaged to] his paper, unless notice 0 the centrary be, 6th. Letters on business relating to the|Fierat, on the 1st day of Oct. 1819, for fhice, and communications for the paper] : Kt 2 no, . charitable and humane, who little suspect. | eighteen thousand dollars have been carrica |. CAUTION. THE Subscriber lost sometime in the fF October 1819, a BOND, dated 31st December 1816, payable by Samui nonth © : ako £25, She cautions ali persons from tax ling an assignment on suid Bond, from any - - payment has been Ann Kirk. D:cember 2nd 1820. person whatever stopped. REWARD. The Subscriber will give the above re- £ ward and ali reasonable charges, for ap prehending and delivering to Michadl Clay, esq. near Ephrata, Lancaster coun- ys a man npmed John Miller, agad aliout 45 years—5 feet ten or 11 iuches high, dark hair and c¢yes. He ran awuy from his family some time in Janu. avy last, leaving a wife and pine smel children ; he is a Cooper and Miller by trade, took with him a large sum of mon 'y, ands number of papers belonging to ihessubscr ber. Said Milier wis marriec o my dsughter snd bad nine children : He forged a check onthe Reading Bank aud received the money for it. SARAH 'SPANSLER. December 2, 1820. : : N. B. fle was apprehended in Penns. valiey the beginning of October ; he pai he persons who apprehended kim $30, nd told them he was not the man, and zot clear. CAUTION. THE subscriber cautions all persons ‘n arrears for Rent, and who are bound lor it by Bond ¢r- Mortgage, or other wise ; for the stone building standing on ihe top of the hill above the court. house, in the Borough of Bellefonte, commonly called Greer’s house ; not to pay the same tothe children of John Greer, decen:” G3 as the subscriber is the legal ownel »f one moiety, or half part of said house nd lot, and is entitled to one half of the cent thereof, James Greer. Lebanon co. Pa. Nov. 14, 1820, ory Fulling and Dyeing. The subscriber most respectfully in. forms the public, that his new Fulling Mill, at Potter’s mills, Potter township, will be in operasien by the 15th of November, when he will receive CLOTH jor fulling and dyeing, at the following plice$, viz, At the ‘store of Hamilton ilumes, Bellefonte ; at the mill of Mat- bew Woods, Pennsvaliey ; at the store Jf Keen and Wasson, Milheim ; Duncan ind Forster, Aaronsburg, and at Brown’s Mills and Wm. Thompson’s tavern, Kish- acoquillas valley ; to which places res. pectively it will be returned when finish. ody James Potter. Potter’s Mills, Oct. 31, 1820. N. B. Persons leaving cloth, are desir- | {ed to affix to it their names, with written iirection of the manner of dressing, &c. PRINTNG. Handbiils, Cards, Magistrates’ lank | Deeds, Bords, &c. neatly printed, at the! months, when hore is a dearth of news, shortest notice, at this office, ’ holds forth many advantag To be sold at private Sale, IN pursuance of the last will and tess tament of Thomas M’Calmont, Fsq. late of Walker township deceased; Will be sold by private sale, } 180 acres of land, between thirty and forty of which are cleared, adjoining lands of James Sterretis and others. For terms apply to, Francis M’Ewen, William Smyth, Lixecutors, Afr? 11, 1820. SE —— otray Colt. SUNDAY the 28th day of May last strayed away from the Subscriber, living in Lawrence township, in the county of Clearficld, an iron grey, two years oldy Mare Colt, more black than grey, with a white stripe in its face—tall ofits age, has a very long tail and a small eye. Whoever can find ihe mbove described Colt, and gives me ‘niormation so that I can get it again, shall have FIVE dollars reward, and al] teasonable charges paid. GERHARD PHILPP {GULICH. December 2nd 1820.1 NOTICE, THE Stockholders to the Bellefonte & Philipsburg Turnpike, are requested to pay an instalment of two dollars on exch share of stock by them subscribed into the Treasury, on or before the first day of Febrpary next. W. BRINDLE, Zreasur er ELIJAH REEVES, Clock and Watchmaker, Informs the citizens of Centre county, that he has removed his shop to the store house lately occupied by Mr. Rarthaus, vppesite Wm. Alexandct’s tavern, in Borough of Belicfonte. Fe intends to reside constantly in the said borough. From lis reasonable “charges and the Quality of his work, lie hopes to merit a share of the public patronage. the An apprentice is wanted to the above Husitess~—a lad from 12 to 15 years of age will mect with good encouragement. Bellefonte, Dec: 26th 1820, FOR SALE 24,000 9 Acres of land in Jefferson county, situate on Toby’s creck and its waters. The State road lately laid out from Olean, in New York, to Kittaning, passes through this land, ’ Six thousand acres on the waters of “Sandylick, about three miles north of the new Tampike fo Erie. It will be sold to settlers in tracts of one hundred and fifty acres each, at one dollar per acre, in reasonsh 1&) ¢ le pays- ments Good titles with general warrang tee will be made, by _. Henry Shippen. Huntingdon, D -cember 9, 1830. TO PRINTERS, The establishment of the « Bellefonte Patriot,” Is offered for Sale. This establishments and will ami« oN ~ ~ ’ ply recompence any one ®ho can devote his time and attention to the same, apply by letter, post paid, to W. BRINDLE. February 16th 1826, & i 1 T4 3 ht CAUTION. Whereas my wife Julian Gr left my bed and board, wif cause, and lives seperate an me. Thisis en, has d apart from to caution all persons from af tru sting m her on my account, as § am deter. med to pay no debts of her contracting ter this date. JAMES GREEN, Jr. January 4, 1821, For terms : he » hout any just sig