“ 1 } § Y Ji, “oe 2 3 From the Ohio Wa.chman, WOMAN. , | Woman who art thou 2 say who can . Or art thou bliss or curse to man ? a ? Woman what att thou ? say who dare? A rt, a ornide 4s 3 ot arva pei] Ar thou Heaveu’s guide or folly’s snare : . When man was lone, he then was pure— Had stainless joy, for then no lure Of guilty passions bar’d his way To Heaven and its felicity. Then woman came with angel air We hep'd to pi ide our solitude, “But ah ! she or nl pois’d a spare To keep us fiom our rectitude, Dazzling she came In beauty ’s mould, Too {cavenly thought for human ; las ! the event has sadly told Ihat she was only— Woman. There's not a groan of pale discase=~ There's not a shriek of paliie— There’s not a sigh that sorrow heaves, Or aught that doth complain— Nor bitter penetential tear—- Not anguish of remorse— Nor the last agony of fear And pain that ends our course, Of which fell woman's not the source. LOVE LADY. mR © AN Pennsylvania Intelligencer. he | ie THI subscriber hay ving purchased, from Peacock the esiablishment of the Har- burgh Republican,” pr aposes t ocontinue Tn Ll. ris the publication of a paper from the sarfic office, under the above title in the following wanner, aud on the Hoye conditions. 5 'N ID n/ Avi J N cellanesus literature; in which shall be inserted, original and selected essays, on morals, religion, arts, sciences, agriculture apd care of taste, under the head of « Ze Parcenery,” being ¢ a joint tenure or inher- itanc and Te « The Parcenery,” we attention of the ey” of all matters, except politics advertisements, shail endeavor to draw the contribute Ladies—and hope they will much to its iuterest, by the dulcet charms of their erichanting labors. COAMDITIOANS 1st. Subscriptions shall be Three Dollars a year, wholly in advance, from distant sub scribers ; and half yearly in advauce from those in the borough of Harrisburg and itg vicinity. 2d. For six months, including the ses- sion of the Legislature, Two Dollars to be paid at the time of subscribing. 3d. For the session only, One Dollar and Ffty cents, to be paid at subscribing. 4.h. Advertisements, of all descriptions, by associations, companies cr individvals, One Dollar a square, if not inserted more than three times ; if more than three inser uions, 25 cents a square for every insertion after the third. Less than three insertions) the same as three. 5th, "The Pennsylvania Intelligencer shall be commenced about the lst December. and subscribers to the « Harrisburg Repub- lican,” will be considered as engaged to this paper, unless notice to the contrary be given by the 10th of that montis. 6th. Letters on business relating to the office, and communications for the pape: must be post-paid, or they will not be al. tended to. *«F Subscribers should desi the the signhate ume they subscribe for——whetlier lor The mnsvivania Intelligencer shall be i he enng publish ed twice a week, during the sittings ! { { neatly execut eda) of the Legislature, and once a week the re- 1 mainder of the year; to be er-royval sheet. contain a During succinct on a handsome sup the sessions, ‘it~ sketch of the proceedin 1 : sliail gs of the Legislature 8 from day to dav, and speeches of menibers occasionally ; aud, generally, through the whole yearn, it shall contain a summary of futeliigence from every county in the state, and every state in the Union ; an intelligent sccord of the proceedings m congress, when in session ; with such selections from for ill keep the reader in pos laa eign papers, as w acssion of an interesting chain of the pass. ing events in Europe, The speeches of or fifieen years, the Mayor of Philade clphia! the President, and of all the several govern= | | 1e | ons, in every county, 1 ors, shall be inserted through the year; th : ctl gross returns of ele and appoiritment of cMicers, when attaina- ble. al one, devoted to the best interests of the preople, on the republican principles which the editor is known to profess and a Ic shall not de sonal squabbles, with its This paper shall be a decided politic- 7: scend to little, vulgar, per: fellow prints ; yet the offic ‘ial CO! 1d inct of ba €1rrors ublic officers, shali | i d the Iorilay nn oka scrutin'zed with av yan eir | fearl xd it eye posed “ily essly wx go we it, P lic 2 servile sycophancy on the one part, and an | shall requ Avouding a Tf upon decorum, on| the other, it 18 Intended. that this paper, bri immutable ples 5 of truth and justice, and by 2 stric a Niotenee to the ¢ princi blished! f of demeanor, worthy of a paper, pub at the seat of government of one of the old table st, and most respectable states in the Union for itself that respect. In shor sen for a model, that em- i establish a characrer even its enemies shall ¥he editor has cho ment and reputable print, the « ANational Intelligencer,” and he is determined, as far}' as his abilities will ¢ to the the United mus 0, to make Ais paper to ates—one exception however state of Pers toscia, what that is $ tbe claimed, for the firesent (—that pa- per is in favor with the administration of the nation—t4is will not be so, with respect ¢O the state, until a change takes place. & price current, price of stocks, and ¢uurse of exchange, shall be published weekly. have | been collec a diguity | % year, for siz monthe, or for the session only. B= Punters who wish to exchange are vespectfolly requested toinsert this pro- posal, a few times. C. MOWRY. November 13, 1820. 5 niformation. at wii FROM recent discoveries and*frequ information received within the last twe vel binks it his duty to apprize his fellow cit-| zens within the United States, that there has been, for at least that period, a number | of foreigners, of good address, but of base | and depraved princ ples, who have visited | our country with forged credentials, coun. | recommendatious, and spurious | These so of deception have traversed the country in| terfeit statements of alledged Insses, ns| thei Let almost every direction, exhibiting ir false! documents for the purpose of obtaining | money for the { mm ade stensible object of rede mg some of their near relatives from Alge. | rine Slavery, others to rebaild churches destroyed by 3 'e or earthquakes, to assis" distressed vi whose all had been re re oO A ’ i whonevel ‘the Swept away Se some sad Catastrophe, or Io) valiy the beginning of October ; for | the remuaerate SSCS iat tely gusta: ned by pirates on ocean. “Thousands of dollar | cted in this way from the! tile su ect- {abi ications charitable and humane, who iit ing t was a ;ot up, supported by forg he proc among a | tt e } whole base ty “t TV v and fraud and ceeds solely appli fed to and divided arge ga raerated villians: ng Ci CON ‘rom a seurc > that can be relied on, they rendezvous in this city, from vhich they issue on their depredat ory ex they have a cursions, and after being absent from three to twelve months and sometimes longer, they return with their spoil. | It 1s believed by sone persons w acquai who are 1 1 eighteen thousand doliai's have been carried | to Europe by several of the different in nals who have been ed with the system, that from six to] divid- ged in these dis- cnga honest schemas, This exhibit is published in order to put the unwary on their guar and to caution 5 a, them against placing ] any confidence in doc- uments that may be banded to them clothed Que page a week shall be devoted to mis- with all the apparent formality of consular {the persons who apprehended hig $30, certificates, seals and signatures, as well as ithe names of other highly respectable char- acters, as itis fully believed, that scarcely in a single instance are they genuine or been honestly obuained. The undersigned has just been credita- bly informed, that, within a short time past ‘ten additional recruits to the corps have arrived at this port irom Europe, and after being furnished in this city with forged documents. Lior, bye the bye, they are all it is believed manutactured here,) they started to the westward in company with twelve or fourteen other men who have been engaged in the above practice for some time past. It is tobe hoped that the Ma. gistrates and other Civil Odlicers, where they make their appearance will apprehend ihem, and if judicious measures are adopt. ed there is little doubt but they soon will disclose the whole pian. ROBLRT WHARTON, Mayor,’ Mayors office, Philad. Nov. 25,1820, z ’ ’ The Print render an essential benefit to the cotnmuni. ers in the United States would’ .y by giving the above ofic or more inser- ions in their respective papers, and by re peating the same for a few times {or twelve months, when there is a dearth of news. OAR JVION., "HE Subscriber lost sometime in the Ai of October 1819, a BOND, dated 31st December 1816, I"terst, on the 1st day of Oct. payable by Samuel 1819, for tak- fag an assignment on seid Bond, fiom any [25. She cautions all perscns from person whatever : payment has been Ann Kirk. December 2nd 1820. stopped. rai { REWARD, The Subscriber will give the above re- ward and all reasonable charges, for ap. prehending and delivering to Michael | Clay, esq. near Ephrata, Lancaster coun- 7 a mah named John aged about 4 Miller, years—5 feet ten or 11] pinches high, dark hair and eyes. He ran- TJ awny {rom his family some time in Janu. ary last, leaving a wile and nine small {children ; he is a Cooper and Miller by {trade took with him a large sum of mon. ey, and 8 number of papers belonging to |the subscriber. Said Miller wos married to my daughter and had nine children : (Ile forged a check on the Reading Bank and received the money for it. SARAH SPANSLER. December 2, 1820. N. B. He was apprehended in Penns |! fie pa id | snd told them ht was not the man, on |got clear. CAUTION. THE subscriber cautions all persons in arrears for Rent, and who are bound ‘or it by Bond or Mortgage, or ether- wise ; for the stone building standing on Nine top of the Lill above the court house, in the Borough of Bellefonte, commonly cailed Greer’s house ; not to pay the same to the children of John Gree r,deceas” ed : as the subscriber is the legal owner of one moicty, or half part of said house and let, and is entitled to one half of the rent thereof. James Greer. Lebanon co. Pa. Nov. 14, 1820. BLANKS : EOR SALE AT THIS QITICEK. & Fulling and Dye: ng. Seer — formsithe public, that his yew Fulling Mill, at Potter’s mills, Potter township, will yg in operation by the 15th of Feb, when he will re ceive CLOT H jor fulling and dyeing, at the followin g At the store of Hamilwon at the milf of Mat. thew Woods, Psnnsvalley ; at the st places, viz, {Tumes, Jellefonte ; ore f Keen and VW ilhei of seen and Wasson, Milheim ; Duncan r ) 0 and Forster, Aaron: burg, and at Brown’s Rille art Xr TT} 2a r Mills and Wm. 1 aompson’s tavern, Kish ¥ 5 to which pluces regs pectively it will be returned when fig ish, d, so 1¥ coqutl:a% valle - ~ James Potier, Potter's Mills, Oct. 31, N. B. ed to affix to #t their nas 1820; Persons leaving « cloth, are degipa written direction of the manner of dressing, &c sing, &c. nes, WW ‘ith 1'o be sold at private Sale, IN pursuanoe of the last will and tes iament of Thomas MCaimont, Feq. late of Walker townsh deceasedy Will be ip wv sold by between thirty and forty of which are 173 "m clears d, adjoint: iar Q ® 1ands of James Sterrett, For terms apply to, -3 ray We Francis MEw ‘en, William Smyth, Executor snd others. And bl, tee 1§ st tray Colt. SUNDAY the 281, strayed away from the 320. day of May last Subscriber, Itving in Lawrence township, in the county of Clearfield, en iron grey, two years old, Mare Colt, more black than grey, with a white stripe in its face—tall ofits age, has a very long tall anda small eye. Whoever can find the above described Colt, and gives me that I can it shall have FIVE dollers rew ard, a x information so et again, nd alj reasonable charges paid. GERHARD PHILIP December 2nd 1820. NOTIC ALL P GULICH. i in persons Lewis stown ¢ € holding st » Kishacoq las ny Road, that have not paid the amount of stock held by them, are requested to pay the the Aes br UCK . 1 ul $ 1i- ir a . Tq na {same on or before the 15th day of Janwa- ry next, othersise suits wiil i for the bulance due. 1 By order of the Board, GEO. M’CLELLAND, Treasurer. Dec. 2, 1820- B57 Stockholders res; «Oi be brought iding in Centr® County are requested to pay their stock to W. W. Potter, esq. and take his re cept, 5 TO PRINTERS The establishment of the Yi >. 2» ¢« Bellefonte Patriot, : Is offered for S This establishment holds forth many advantages ; and will ame ale. | ply recompence any one Who can des his For OL LV time and attention to the sa app me. terms t paid, ly by letter, pc fo . BRIN DLE. February 16th ze PRINT N NG. Handbills, Cards, Mac gist te N > Bl inks Deeds, Bonds, &c. neatly printed, at the {shortest notice, at this office. The subscriber most respectfully igs v