te Pals RTI CEE RT AT “wad ren EI TE SIU TR a LE NT CR Np TAT RET ar yO gd, rma. a TART BELLEFONTE, CENTRE COUNTY, PE ERNEIVANIA, ——————————————— RS ——— ee T SATURDA Sa pol 11. PRINTED BY ow BRINDLE. ee a a ——— QO J 1 ny J I iain PERRIS 2 or I CHAE SI — eS em a Sr LT ATR ORT SE TL RPA - re ————— tt ee + ‘ . h wer t goason, 101 ¥ in th of the nex BIN - nofds aL (ae New Yo Li de 1 mre av } ¢ much exhausted duriug. the cy RIEL * I mothe} Arba © NS S. a pe “Hu ao de BAL i ANALTOWSy wary haye Bre By the discharge of so large a propor- tion of the public debt, and the excculion ¢ and important operations; en-re tenia eds OC Ol N Di (7 iv Liv “ hr The 7 \ 334% 1 var r » - “i will be finished this year. paid hail}, only will be pul afi im-=but « 3 o dollars oie, LW Norfolk, Charleston, been in part repaired; and the of such extensive in so thort a time, a just estimate may be x6. i nents, Maging on Wreadihs will be Insert every.sul aes ISG AGYE Jeugthit tionos for one dollar 3 and alent eoptiguance Wen y-five i hose of greater P Rule or bgure we vX donb th No su bscription will he received for le: $8 than one year; nor any paper discontinu- ed unul all arrearages ate P ad 1f the subscriber ‘dogs not request a dis ntinuance of his paper, &l the end of this will be considered as a new engage . afl ccording- \. ) 3 a Yn To pum ariel \ 1 » formed of the great extent of our national Not th Carolina, extending south to a ior ; 3 o a ex pa kr) x3 re Likewi 1 Sime I'he demonstration is the more Fear, has been examined, as haye Lkewis ruoi = ¢ Fars Ce resources, d 'B . { \ y he co: ald Jat’ /8LO1 length ih propo complete and gratifying, when it 1S recol- other pats of the coast castward oi DL J8L0D . (Y i - x npn sr ore a lected that the direct tax and CXcise Wei Great exertions, has i * orward these works with the uynost dis repealed soon after the termination oi the late war, and that the revenue applicd te has been derived almost nal ch possibie ; but, thes (I DOSES considered, with Lacse pul DOSES : : ; k Ey % for which they are intended, the defcace 0 YY > Ltatty from other fources. The receipts into the Treasury from PAG ment; and the paper forwarded iy. Subscribers who have their P apers car ied by the mal, nust be liable fur the post. Ne “Le pose pe eyery source, to the 30th of Sept. last have " day : Fy +s id Ae + amounted to sixteen mnillions seven hund. ages, it will be manifest that a well digest iia ‘ Yay nil1t a "ry cin red and a one hundred |¢d Plans founded on military princy connecting the whole security wit tters addressed tothe cditor must be id. oo rn i Aram OF THE President of the Uriited States, ‘and seven dollars and sixty-six cents; : . v : h economy, could not lwhilst the public expenditures, to the samt i { period, J HDNET TR amounted to sixteen wuillions eight and and thirty-fo reper Xana deri Ndi derable time to ¢ol the materials at the 4 ; enty-one thousand five doll ening of the Sec- tivo cents ; leaving in the Treasury on thai 6G oD hundred sCY of. sda dll it would @lso take ¢o lect r, ns! our « hundred ut ars and seventy- mn ‘ several Fo both Houses, at the op ond Session of the Sixteenth Congr 3 Ne Tens MONROE. IN ausmitted by Me. JAMES VONRO®, Jun. gi ¥ } ‘hundred and fifty thousand dollars. ( Concluded from our lust.) Ly In looking 10 the internal concerns of our : y a sum estimated at one million pine vhere they would be required. From da i ald 1at ev : send ye probable rece ipts of the following yours ¢ am sat fied that e cry favo: able ‘tion which hes 1 I refer you to the statement which will hej : vys you will ersuaded, derive . andertaking will be verified, and that, whe country, you wil, I am pe! ed, ratstitied fronts Treasury. Hh {2 } ¢ ud that, wher rotch satisfaction from a view of the seve: day: Atlantic oe : “11: completed, it will afford ver if no : J . : 1 Tue sum ofthree millions of dollars, au-) : y : ral objects to which, in the discharge of | ‘complete; protection to our fron Lier, in the event of another war; a protec | Te be go oy-| tion su le campaign, with an ene werfol a ‘ernment, tpdicaling bot only an increased |b’ paigh, an enemy powerful sea, the expe thorised to be raiscd by loan, by an act off b pon terms advantageous tot your official ‘duties, your attention wiki be! ‘the last session of Congress, bas been ob drawn. Among thest, none ‘holds a more imporiant place than the public reve: ue, from the direct operation of the power, by . 3 a . 4 which itis raised, on the people, ad flicient to counterbalance, it A Htained counterbalance, in a sin oy In d confidence in the faith of the nation, but \ i 4 lout taking into the Estimate the saving © 3 SL . . Ithe existence of a large amount ob cay dital | Gulluente in’ giving effect to every other] hi The revenue ot interest not exceeding five per centum| depends on the vesourtes of the countrys and the factiiy by which the amount re-| quired is raised, isa strong | roof of the ex-| ithe lives of so many of our ¢ at a rate; tection ¢ itizens the pro_ secking that mode of investment, P of the government. f our towns and other property, the tendency of such works to preven er annum. { P 3 ; y._ pwar. Itis proper to add that there is now due) } i Our military positions ained at Belle Po i, n Council Biuff, on o the A 3sipy 3 a consider it my duty to submit to congress’ OD the Upper Lakes. 1 the hun wie ther it may not be advisable to extend racks Lave already been erecicd at most 4 x to the Treasury, for the sale of pub ic lands, Gict: A few prominent tent of the resources, and of ‘the of the government. "ne the e Missourd, fwenty-iwo millions nine huadred and nine. it q BYE thousand five hundred and forty-five h lds Mars. cmper £, : ACLS "nt al io will place this great interest ina just 1 before you. On the 30th of S¢p 1815, the funded and floating debt In bringing this subject to view? ter’s « 7 Commodious bar- ’ Ot United States was estimated at enc .|these posts, with such works as were pe- lcessary for their defence. Progress ha’ also been made in Se .d and to the purchasers © f these lands, in consi dred and nineteen millions six huad.« * Lia thirty-five thousand five hundred : and fifty- © ration of the unfavorakls change winch | has occurred since the sales, a reasonable opening Commun! It is known that the purchas- It to this sum be added the Stock subscribed, dulgence. ejes were made when the pric: of every arty eight dollars. amount of five per cent. he Bank of the United States, U it of the Mississippi stock, and of th iejcle -~ A at each for the support of the troops, by to : gilh 5. their —particular! 5¢ mos! amout had tisen to its greatest height, and that heir own labor—particularly those subsequently to} 'the instelments are becoming due ata pe- of great depression. It is presumed op military servicess (that some plan may be devised, by the wis- stock which was issued s remote, that date, the polinces ascertained to be riod (na St tes, due to certain states ] ed, and a progress made in carrying and to individuals Sy or supplies furnished, ‘dom of congress compatible with the pub- anh uld afford great relief ap effect the act of Congress, making ¢ interest, which w 1 its jv these puichaseis. ery ¢ th Li ge oo and services rendered, during the late war, propriation for their civilization, ‘with the the public debt may be estimated as amou nn LS prospect of favorable results. As co 1 ing, at that date, and asafterwards hquidat-| ed equally Considerable progress has been made’ during ti je present SEason, im cxamii with both these objects, our tad ed, to one Hi and fifty-eight millio: ns and thirteen thousand forty- i a ind ’ Ely Ww merit {the at. . those tribes is thought ¢ coast and its various bays, aud oihicr wi cuuon of In sustenance £ seven hundred Congress. their origina e 5 nine dollars. On the 30th of a ; in the collection of materials, 2nd inistate, pame is their and £ > | Et ot | ‘ . 1820, it amounted to ninety.one millio ns ithe construction of fortifications for the de: ithelr cccupation : and if they d no em. zed powers, they des, Left 1o themselves, thei - YY 5 nine G i. tov Ma hundred and ninety-three thousan eight hundred and eighty three dollars, hav ti tions at which ing been reduced in that interval, by pay- eight hu sand one hundred and d He nce of the Union, at several of the po ment from civi 1 is has been decided lo erect. cach other. 18 such works. “At Mobile Point and Bau. pp inevitable. By a judicious ons as t the Rigolets, | { | i J rents, sixty-six milli Izading tolr dred and | ila {ia phin Jsland, and a ke During this term, Hela ble amount ha nt of the Unitec frayed, ry and al es- Ye atic 3 1 ications in ti erty gt piy thelr waats, administer to their coms {ror 101 lation of our trade with them, we sup < seventy-nine thou Ponchar(rain, materials been 'y prepa aratior $s to a consider- iets. five doll : 1’ sixty five doilars. ve collected, and alliforts, and graduaily as the me expenses of the govern State “branch of tablisl city have been 18 13 made for the th WO ks. Qi d Point Comfort at the mouth of James Riv the necessar draw them to us. n : : By maintaining posts ve Rleawise di Be < were likewise de In ev commencement of the At : acquis control over th ifar in the interior, we a more thot Ny 1e civil, military, Dav th Lac and direct em ; wiih {OU ogi & which it is ‘ siblic edit : . ments | > pablic eal 1S the onh c “add ! a | a3 i i er, and at Rip-rap, co on ths opposite sliore, in the Chesapeake Bay, a vasi amount, have been collected ; and at dent'y believed that a rehBuLiil onsiderable ' i th thes ) considerable materials, to] co Ppiste change in their manners can never By such post » Totes: 1a it er regulation ef our trad additions ; extensive 4 ’ 1 ys accomplished. s, aided by been commenced, and ar ith tl ¢ ed, and are i ¢ with them, als i 3 i the old Point some progress has been madeja p -~ ! . - . in the £ {a adminis Ol tl . or oe . cution ; permanent arsenals and magazines construction the fortification. 2 civil tration scale. ‘The vork at I'ort Washington on this river, jit Is will be completed ¢ and pavy, and that on the Pe i OVEY have been ere LI VARS Ar OE ha) i el yi] i ided | i Un: ¢ ccted in various parts os the {which is on a very extensive them, to be provided for law, we shall ‘nian Pr bv Ya erg 2 3 Inion ; cour navy bas been considerably : resumed; be enabled not only to pro. ect our own settlements from their sav ancrmented. ql 3 . ow. augmented, a the ordinance, muni ne : ¥;. In LIoHS om carly in the next spring; apCi ag rescrye peace among the! v i of war, and stores, of the army oa patch, in the Delaware, }'ncursions, and pr ort D ia= works at Boston, New York, Baltimore, and Niagara, have coast of ¢ been made to push when their extent ie the important purposes ‘he whole co2st, and, in consequence; of the whole interior, aud that they are to Tast Dy log, tegether, combining be pre- pared without repeated EIS hs of He points 11 ail For| th hight that has been shed on this subject, anticipa been formed of this great ise of all these works, with 0 have been main-| nd at Green iy tions between them, and in raising ae With the Indians peace has been preserve, into i ‘ 3 { \ ed i came retires, pps i ulso titg He several tribes, but accow Horeat DUTTOLE wen fon. $ Considerable 65 has also: been of progre 3 made in the construction of ships War, some of which have: been launched in the course CaCHL year. of the p res Oui peace with the powers on the ary has been Cogs AF Ral 3 of Bail preserved, but we owe s% nl te N it altoge of our squad: It has hit found equally Ry to employ come of our vesscls for the p ron in the Mediterranean. rofection of merce in the Tadian sea, the our CoOft- Pacific and coast. The int which we have depending in those qu: A 1 * Lslantic gq {along the a togi via OLO which have been much of ¥: improved are of great sxtenty and of lisgh jn pasten a to the ration, as well as w the pa: cerned, and would undoubtedyy ° wif dalton, if such protection was not extended to them In the exegution of 20; for th: € sup pie some of our publi employed on the coast of Alri Adi iL ie law of the Just ion of te Si ve ty hips RAVE also been 5 ca, wher Ce r ly been made I several captures bave alrea sels engaged in that disgraceful traf rs \ of ves fic. JAMES MONR Washington, November 14, 1820. i RATION ON F r PERRY. the Vilage Record. om following piece is from the per ofic, whose unhappiness. it bas been 1 temporary To Sule er derangement, origi nelity is added 2 sweetness s ttaround the heart and induces sympathy. ry, ‘ : X18 Sweat, winen AVE Gull. trasted t Jandsc: vv hh ¢ y erry bi ighness, the softness lings ist 3 sta 3 —Such i the fino fauced the perusal ¢ of thes 10 NLL ind in Tu} ins ds an awf ul and object ; but when, y ancha! in its f tions the goodness of the heart is i and the toble pessions are elicted, cns the roughness, and calms the -Heciings of those who sympathise. ON PERRY. And art t gone, On! m d art thou g hou shiy ¢, Oh ! chief of Erie, chiot an | i Lode ’ Terrible as the whitlwine Pr Be IQUE in the batile." But But axe was thou in the day of 1 at33T 1 stil} J: s ON 8 spmm 3 eve, wast thou In the dz ¥ of peace, A © 29 o = # comet among the stars; so shone the chief of E nang the sons or “a of north. As the tali oz2k, that is felled in mid tmer, green in leaves, and in toi iso fell the chief of Erie in the m wct ) 1 nis glory. Sarc cnely bright, calmly griat last beams of the sun, whe; ~1 3 a . westy so sunk the chief on the our mother earth. And art thou gone; Oh! mighty chief ww neart mourys in ungaizh, and ti sorrow fills my eyas when 'l think, 00 more. thou are Oh ! chief of Erie. Pocauoxras, es Impresgment !—A man named Dunham, has latcly returned to the Place in Vermont ¢ pativily aiier an absence of § 30 hou years, having been impressed and detained in the British service until very recently for which he eived about 30 He 5 vor ACC dollars. sin the Baulesof the Nileand 1 LY fF 3 rn > ~ $ ’ ro tie found his wife married to a third husban red This man has nes received st any essential injury y 1.14” w