ppa— — 3 a = fate Mary Grant, George Grant, William List of Letters A VT] (3 N 3 “i t Grant, Thomas Grant, John Hepburn and [A MA ARN 2. ¥ . i ’ : ’ » . » . - 3 3 J 2 i Kemaining'in the - Post Office at Bellefonte) - ” Sop S v JCC Cl liang his wile, late Juliana Grant, Debo- . J rant avd 3 : : July ‘1st 1820. rah Grant and oto Grant, children ant La : Xian A dare Naryet enon ay legal representatives of Thomas Grant de Wiiliam Adams, Nancy Ambrose, Jos seph Atlee, James Alcxander, William Brindle, David ‘Blair, Rebeckah Barger creatures ceased; together and undivided do hold h her hind legs white; sixteen contiguous and adjoining tracts of 1 > ¢ H _ : w ’ . y Henry Benner facob or Yocenl n : er count ies ol entre, iub-p. | bik i . iand, situate In the township of Boggs, i AN ho OF 403e. hauling y tein : du : rse, abou sINiee ears \ iC LOW LS HL in IETES; in % Brat LOL, SIXiven, years i. bv AF Cent i John Barr, William Barr, Frederick Bare iand a two vear old colts of a bricht bay col. |*¢ CoUMmy oi Centre—~OQOne thereof survev- ‘sys : a Ly Cc 3 CO} 1 Of (if ba 3 os . J i Harperyand ‘isaac NM Siaboy. ] 4 3 ah oer Phomas Bowed, Samue: Beerber Harperyand | "tor. The owner is desired to co rove 108 dn the name Ann + Deal, containing{® rn CAMTE IN A Ch Oe four hundred aver amt Samuel Blair, Joba Ti. Dogos, Thomas : uaa MRL ty pavacharoes and purl) : na te twenty sev-f « . 4 arches ahd alow ahee | Bathurst, Christian Dechtol, James Craw= {ilin ald Bediore Hord, F—1.evi Countrymany Richard Chad= { thirty three wick, 2 ; Commissioners, 2 ; Jaco Coons §1 TY 3 (h § 3 3 i wk i } . Noo > WF Yanet « 3: 1 1 Tho 148 C TY SU i > . Richard £3 - i €1 miner, 0a Behr wits Lai __ tacres one hundre d sixty three perches womas Curry, busan Cox, Kichard Ca Yoda 1; 1 A YL and allowance, &c. Anoths hereof sur- : + {Lh 3 ry ah \” 1 2 > n x vo oama , 3 J ail ely Ci J 3 p veyed in the name of John Scott, contain.JCoPPerths aif, Abél Dougherty, 23 Aare ¢ 3 - + i r % : ylrganty rn FE AYY Ey J Rellefonte, for the coun: es ht 53 ; g ing four hundred Lud nineteen acres and \gherty, Gratz LEtting 4 3 . ; | L145 1a) vivania, passed lasty = Shei ph : Cente. on the fourth Monday offic. : : : one-hundred and twenty cicht perches wieton, Samuel Everlicart, James +O LIL: Ly Ld ’ 4 Cs 100, ant the vr Ya “i > E . v 5 = ad . A J ’ ’ 0 ad q% ournais oi legisla rey, Adam Carson, Philip Craig, Samuel 5 1 Of : - the {4 thereof # allowance * ano! yp be } eRe a rs Andrew F¢rzer «vi Sarto Cian 4 4 next, being the 38th day thereof # his: ioltlod and an allowance ; another (57068 surves 0 thetcly cizery, David Fulton, Samuel * : | SPE ~“Iname of Yohn Bape, containme four hun ishery, Charlys Huston, esq. 2 3 Willlbm ire {HOW TI'eal aistribution to those enti : ? : : re rot Trg X “wr £ 3 > 1 : : ) i v BF 53Cays fe ofr Foogt Bigs : Gand six acres, niveiy eirht perches and Fr aaily aly Mary EACLGY, WIL OTid- LCE 8S her eh i G t led to receive then. 4 3 y ¢if | HN RANKIN. 7 Hlowance 5 another ihercot surveyed in thef'c Hellman, Sarah Hastings, i's - o | ( ! \ 19 r T » y § y CATE he ces of the eac 3 a BANKING Droth’y. ; ‘oo © \ Bey Dat enders fahn ner, the JuspIcES x Toh ie “HJ name of Samuel Scat containing four hand: }257 29 cl Henderson, John antes af theesaid county of C ELC] CRIC, JULY 2 0 440, \ y : Mary Jackso Yeoree Folie m tables of thes ved twenty twoacres eighiy eight perches Mary Jackson, George Johnson, t they be then and there u Lu ; Er Thar “rl ey a NLsaardiP?a / per peisons atten o'clock in the JIC // S Sale. . } & core noon of said day, with their 1 y . f hns \ Ini cto X3 oar and allowance ; another thereof surveyed Fofinston, Jobo Johnston, R Hgen, John Trewin, Joseph & in the name of Bepjamin Baird, containing + ted ha Auditarly . P. A. Karthaus, J. Long ne » writissued by the Audilorifour hundred thirty three acres one han x Shi Br J . ‘ 1 N r i . rons oad remembrances, 10 ( * wntnoniwesiih of TP Ennei] ' ; ' rire , a 1vh} on aa : ; . ymmonwealth of Penmsyl-ldred and sixty perches and allowance ; an- James Ligget, Jane Lamb, things which to their offices appertan Ito me directed, ‘will be sold on tape. And those who are bound by he viomises. i $3 sata. | : SH : A : : es, in Becana to Cooper, containing four hundred and thir- M"Ghee, Jolin Mitchel, i viizapces to prosecute agalisv tue gaa connty, on Friday the 2511 \y i, { Ai To > » 1 8 a p §y bh Daa) ; / Hy three acres one hundred and sixty ree{ 3 'Clure, Ldward Mw poy, ' ohn Ligget, David NM’ Donal other thereof surveyed in the name of John John L gach David M'Donal vis Aner ist wre. orshall be an the Jail gust next the toilowing Fherchzstisud allows; ¢63 another thereofrRobere Mootle, Deb of the county of Contre, ‘are ¢ then randnear Abraham K ag Be-lsurveyed in the name of William Clank, rick MK cima; and there to proscoute ageinst ‘them as ginning at a post, thence by laid ollc: ntaining four hundred and thirty th reek sball be just. James Blain, North eighty five: degre sjacres one ligndred and sixty three perche oe ry AAAI JOHN VEY, HOM 35 : Calmont, James M'Ciare, James MG rcorge Meese, Hugh M’Clure, Huaph MY Nathan ° M’Closks vy Yad ward ‘ , 3 eo e the t! bi A0Y ‘vitor la : ; i | Dated at Bellefonte, th 7 west 460 perches to a post—thence hy vi a+ and allowance ; another thereof surveyed) of Julyy in the yedar. o EL aang 3 3 - " -! iw cant land, south ten degrees east 190 per-li; » name ol iia: iri containing 5 ) 8 p in the name of William Baird, contaiuh gi] M Williams: Fumes Martin d ane theusand eight hund-lehec 08 hence r “Ian JL 3 ov 3 OR » Lord one thousand eight ches to a post, thence by land of L-lfour hundred ‘and thirty three acros orel vy ilii.m MK. an, Hugh M’Clelland, Wn vel and \ and 3 I Pert ve 3 un Aen pon} y Ne re tr a) i . i pa itis 2 s Ao red and twenty Feld hraim Blane, south eighty five aegreesi hundred and sixty three perches and allow- in, Lawrence Peters, Samucl Patioa : } Gs} 3 La . ' { " y A Qamilucy ©2710 year of the mdepen- east three bu red and eighty four perches ance, Smother thereof surveyed in the] th ce of Jnited S in Pution Esq, John Purdue Michael ence of the United Statés of to a post, tl 1 ini 1 | { Allen Campbell; containing iour| NE i i . I 1 Bi ¥ a ? a i Poornial is Vir. etn, William aches ees west one hundred and eighty veld d irtv AB acres one hundred! «x. : 4 hundre and thi ly three i - | W ithham Russ 2 3 Ann Rider, John Ri Qt Lush 5 elect Baothninnd ra : 2 ics to the place of Beginning, contai n-iand sixty three perches and allowance ; an-leg RT +0) “ 3 iGeorge Rothoock 2 5 John Rothreck, capt : 426% acres, with the usual allowance oflgther thereof Stes od in themname of John Geox % : 13.) : RAT Ny \ { , PAXCOTRe eC Sy LACNTY OCKLY, aWirg . : ; v s PO de . Qatclt ty rh . ~ 5c ) Printers {six per cent for roads, &c. Said tract of Wilson containing four hundred and twelve nia 0 drew Sate” : 19, : dogers, Andrew Ritchey , Siew and was mortgaged to the trustees of the! : ee fot PT epi . THE newspaper establishment end ke £5 OF thClacres and three fourths of an acre and aflow- general loan office, on the 2 | i l ig J HI O er, hank n B. Stik, 1c ils 2ud of Noves-| jance ; } another t the reof survey ye d inthe name] 4 ils Miller hers ber 17¢ BS, hy William fill é1 Camb er {of John Bla intng materials of the w= 3 ! CS RAO 2 S Swol : WR ” CK containing four hundred and sy. 4a ve : sctarn lam erat.” 5 James Ship, Flizabeth Stephensy Hoary vy (RCL A ; eo x C5OWR LCI0CTAL, and courity, and to be sold as the Property hinivty three acres one hundred and sixty [bir vied AB 3 re » * ou ; fh 2X ANF tan ‘ . } [2a Joi Shirvick, cnr #£ rain ‘ ARE of ered for sale: The substuption of the said Mijler. | three perches. and. allowance ; another) jist is as vespectable as any country sy John Mitchell Sheriff thereol surveyed in the name of Willian boo y Robert Stephenson, Balser Bellcrsg bY : a at ak . yt iui Re ON Steely Charles Trek yuinys tablishment in the, state—1he materials RY eriff se Office, Bello fortes Campbell, containing four hundred and} orge Tubbs, Robert Thompson, Henly pre portly new, and in tig best order. | Jute 26,0 1830. $ thirty three acres ope hundred and sixty! gruey Lohis Williams, Jose Webea “he estoblishment will ‘secute a com- > three perches and allowance ; another the : fortable living ‘to any person desuious to To William. Rawle and to William Tot surveyed in the name of Jean Black, con” i T ot Jacob Kyler, embark in the busine n Morris and Mary Ibis wife, late Mary taining four hundred and thirty three ac : : on, George - : ft \ i ly . , 4 Yu ol : . 0 For terms apply to the subscribers, re-, (ral :corge Grant, William Grant, one hundred and sixty ee perches siding in Doylestown, Bucks county. | Thomas Grant, Jolin ‘Hepburn and Juli-|allowance 5 another thereof surveyed WILLIAM WATTS, | ana his vif, late Juliana Grant, De eho-{the name ol Samuel Fips, containing : ! YIN T FAR IR Tis Patt} va As Foi yn : BENJAMIN MORRIS, In. rah Grant, and Robert Grantee {hundre ed thirty three acres one hundred and ; meet sae | 4 . 2 gr "xe YIN TWIST ¥ . * ‘ .d . : i : J ons > ’ \ AssIgnees, LK 10 NA % that a writ of parti: }sixty three nce and allowance; andi’ HO! : Penns; lvania, gis a copy, has another thereof surveyed in the name of PE BF An Court: of Common David M'Kee, containing four hundred 20 Crinteys ; os : id fand thirty three acres.one bundrediand six- three perches ard’ allowance, and con-} er. 1s ule ¢ le heirs and [eo THE ESTABLISHMENT 5 allowance, -a } I > and 1g al ¢« §,veoming rep- \ ' a9 vy Fifi be taining in the whole six thousand eight} iesentatives of Thomas Billingten, late op ar > { oe 3 Lev A & ; : , : . { Gazette, N i is wd 3 «ln 8 . 9 h 274 : Toe and forty six acres and sixty fourfihe City of Philadelphia, deceased, td cub i Pp M | I'N TRE COUN IY, G8. {perches and aliowa nce, &C. be, th samiticame into out aon the fourth Mo ay of a ; at 4 oe bk Homeltary a The yantd AViilss i or af : containg sbout 700 names, and mich { The Commonwealth of Penn. Bore of ey the « said William} August next, bring the 28th day of said - . . . ~ > ree - 3 5 = ye encreased. I he Job cust Be : sylvania to the Sheriff of Cen Rawle, at Villiam T. Morris &! mont, at an Orphans Court to be held og 0 oy : 1 rome s county Greeting 3 Land $800 per annum All Ue county LrreCting Mary Grant, George! for said County on that day, wand shew : + 1f James Burnside, Jane Fleming Burn- : sv the four counties of oo J in 991 a1 3 allc Fleming Burn t iam Grant, Thomas Grant side and Mary Nancy Burnside, w cause i any they have, wiy the real es- tery and M’Kean is ex office, The materials are : fathe and next iend Tho mas Juliana Grant, Deborah Grant & Robert} : side, aud Nanc 3 hots oan superior to those of an Buia side, and Nancy Fleming, make you Grant, p artition thereof between them a Sun an lian: 1s wife. Ia § burn and: Juliana bis wife, late] ie that was thé property of the said [omas Billington, deceased, lying and oeing within the said county of Contre setaBlich Manto LA (secures then Summon, by good SUmMMmMon- | cordi o to the laws 2 ~ustoms. of the bk y ry establishment in the State, 7 fi [Foes to the Jaws and customs. of the 0. county of Clearfield, should not be ‘ sers, William Rawle, William T. M P ‘Ivania composed of SCS, WW HHiam Rawic, iam . 01 ris | 0 onwea } Pennsvivania (o l 2G " ; : : ny mmonwcaith ot insyivania )C 1m xposed te sale and sold by an order of . 5 " £31 y vad » \1 s 304 7% r oe . } : . . : . press, on which the news. and Mary his wile, late Mary Gran inte contradict, and the same to be done de ££. y » YY - E ’ " Coant, William wnt, Thomas Grant i vd ' nt as rant |, unjustly and contrary to the TTI : ’ |: : iE : not permit justly. ‘and RFQLy sit CERTIVIED under my hand and scal | John Hepburn and ina his wile, late s#1td Court. me laws and customs, &c. as they say’ | : xa > 1 ' : {Juliana Grant, Deborah Grant, and Robert| Ang Jil of said Court; at Bellefonte, the 20th have you then there the summoner Fk NF Lay Picd; ' Americans a Sh 3veyou Ju day of June A. D. 1820. BA - Allg ixrant chit} ren 2 i leer fot Pntalivy 3 . . ’¥rEvR YY ‘ J . . ) | s CRYIGTED and gre pre IVES and this writ. WITNESS the Honorable afumbilan, Smaiilof Fhomas Grant deceaced. tl it they be arles Huston: esauire. President of out WwW mn. i etrik BH / ica and appear before the Jadees of our court {said court, ar Bellefonte, the twenty ninth Clerk 0. Cs lan ditto, fluted and P alh of Common Pleas. at Bellefonte in the aid LL A ceaab ie ithe rans h gE CF en different sizes, togethet {county of Centre, on the foarth Monday of thousand eight hund and twenty. "OF SALI E, 4 +x : ; : NLT NT : oLner "atlicie necessal tO Aor © i JL / . ‘ FAAAUUSTE 1 I! a “ye t Clomme Monc 4 4 tam yibi4 : po an Fi Ya tens a ext, at a court of Common Pleas | te Sth of June 1820, on the petition of A quantity of Kentucky Bacon, Lake wepaper atid j100-othice tees y : 4 ne St . ie 1 5a 2% 3 i Ae] J 1ithere to be holdes v > said county ol Thomas riot a TAD pres nted apd iat, C tice, and Country Sugar, Meads 101 > 3A ’ J Lak fas is “ {C entre, to shew wherclfore, Whereas the | } —— payment will be made casy, . , ’ : : : . p So acitivrihiar aryl 1.7} irthe lcead, the court appoint John Hepburn tile, Susquehanna, and Waterford Turns il IC be } . oy : Shh said James Burnsi e. J Temino nr 1 : - ‘ : ‘ 3 i nike Hills r > nay One VY eI en : i le, Jane Ieming. Burp {cuardian for Deborah Grant and Robertp ke bills, or other par moncy received {side, and Mary Nun Jurnside, and Nan-| : ar a wd a .. JAB] : : \ { Grant, minor defendants in this suit, to re- he said William Rawk F ayment, 14 (2y Fleming —and v » Wa, L. ‘PACKER. i - CIve nolICce thacreol, { X71 ras 2 ¥ 3 Pe i hs " Le ; ¢ joe William 1, Morris and Mary hus wife, | ¥ 1K ur Clearfield County, June 30, 1820, ’