TE —_— al 26,000 Tickets —Piizes all floating and to i "» 0 A \ i Tickets Six dollars, and BELLEFONTE, CENTRE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, Pr INTED BY W. BRINDLE, Voi. Lil. EY as a CONDITIONS. The price of this paper is two dollars aul fifty cents per anputa—but if paid hal: voariven advance, twe dollars only will be Jharged. i Advertisements, making no more In leneth then breadth, will be laserted three u ae : for.one dollar’; and for every subse- Guent continuance twenty-five cents. — Those of greater length in proportion.— Rule or ficare work double those rates. No subscription will be received for less than one year; nor any paper discontinu- ed until all arrearages are paid. ; If the subscriber does not request a dis continuance of his paper, at the end of the year, it will be considered as a new engage- went; and the paper forwarded according - 1 7 Subscribors who have their papers cat ricd by the mail, must be liable for the post. od ditor must be Letters addressed to the edito EY paid. viel » ; eprom | = PENNSYLVANIA STATE LOTTERY- FIRST CLASS. CG. W. Waite, Manager SCHEME, $20,600 10,000 5,000 1.000 1 prize 1 do. 2 do. do. do. $00 200 do. ga. 8 i ; rr ky be drawn in 15 days. 3 Srasahe | SHARES IN PROPORTION, HU FOR SALE AT Th a: , Ny G. & BR. WAITES . Truly Fortunate Office, 7 South west corner of Third and Ches- i nut Sivects, Philadelphia, WHO MAVE PURCHASED the whole of the above splendid scheme, and who have SOLD and PAID prizes, a- mounting to 5 Millions of Dollars. All prizes in the above Lottery, will be paid in GOLD, as soon as demanded. Orders, inclosing the CASH, will be promptly attended to. May 23, 1820. foresee tt estes eee ere Domestic Industry. PROPOSALS For publishing by subscription in the city of Baltimere, ! BY WILLIAM OGDEN NILES, A periodical work to be entitled, 17 ; “fa ” o The Domestic Economist, TH be devoted exclusively to Manurac- TURING, INDUSTRY and PoriTrcarn Econ OMY, with sktistical facts and remarks, ADDRESS, 2% the friends of Domestic Industry ; My father, the editor of the WEEKLY REGISTER, has for near-twe years past conteniplated the establishment of a werk on the principles about to be submitted to you ; but owing to the great attention that is dem nd to conduct his own ex- tensive e¢stabliS8hment, he bas not been a- fc aiieity uselnl asc dnveaors; wad ol ” SATURDAY, ag sot. . - — — - = in —d ee —————————————— tr A ———— ett ete wre rani A Apm—— per 3 4 : ® Jul } 2: 2 fe 3 UL 0, . 5 — ; aL 0. 1K arab TOT TERT UNI WON WIRE TRY ject, with a promise’ to. assist me at ai! times with bis counsel in matters of dubi- ous import ; thus aided, every exertion dependent on industry and application, shall be made te merit the patronage so- licited. " « THE DOMESTIC ECONOMIST,” will have for its object; a record of the many valuable fugitive pieces in favor of domestic industry, which now appear in the newspapers ot the day, and original communications relating thereto—a histo- ty of the arts and essays to excite emus: ation in them—an account of new ma- chinery and improvements—the encour- igement of labor, as the true source of onest wealthy, and efforts to muke the sume respected-——siatistical articles bear- ng.upen the prodacts of industry, and re- things by which the progress of industry may be facilitated in its road to perfection with remarks on the home market, and to show the general necessity of a depend- cnce upon ourselves for the support of our own wants. When we reflect for a moment ‘on the nnmense sums vested in the manulactur- ing establishments of the U., States and che numerous papulation that is maintain ed thereby, with their visible want of sup- port, it will appear surprising that no work of the kind now proposed, has been offered to the owing to an apathy existing in the public people—whether it was may have contemplated it, cannot be de. termined ; but we feel confident from a change in the public feeling that it is now required, and the most lively hopes are entertained for its success. CONDITIONS. y The “ Economist?” will be published at Baltimore every Wednesday on a sheet of fing medium paper 8vo, and with a hand- some type, so as to form 2 neat volumes 4b a year, for which the proper title pages and indices shall be gratuously furnished, at $3 per annum payable in advance. As soon as one thousand subscribers are obtained, the work will be put to press and (Wo or three numbers published as a specimen of its manner. It will then be suspended for a short (ime to give the public an opportunity of judging of its Incrits, and those only will be considered subscribers who remit payment for it in sources’ of the country—notices of mel | mind, or a want of energy in those whol a 10y Fr ere time » ' i . Wool Carding: ™ ¢ The subscribers inform their customer and the public in general, that they have repaired their machines with new cards, & thet they have employed John Lambert, whois lately from the woolen factory in Lycoming county, to attend them, feel confident from his long experience in general satisfaction to those who may favor them with their custom. RANKIN & STEEL: Bellefonte May 11th 1820. N. B. ng will be six cents, if paid on or before the first day of November next: if not paid at or before that ime—eight cents. Fo be sold at private Sale “ ! IN: pursgance of the last will -and tes ne La EER a a Nw eo) Sa ausomty sq Ja of Walker township deceaseds, Will” be sold by private sale, 180 acres of land, between thirty and forty of which arc cleared, adjoining lands of James Sterre and others. For terms apply to, Francis M’i wen, William Smyth, Ilixecutors. Afr 11, 1820. CARDING MACHINE. subscriber respeetfully informs ~ The his friends, and the public generally, that be bus ciccted at Mr. Curtins 161'ge on tiie Baldeagle creek, a ny 2 . X ° A New Carding Machine, for the purpose of carding woo! iiito rells=— at the moderate price of six and a quar ter cents per pound. There must be on clean wool. that he will be abl: to give general satis faction, and deservedly merita share of public patronage. Patrick H. Tierney. May 3}, 1820. : P. S. Persons coming from a distance |y the same day, if desirable. Zo the Cultivators of the soil. THE AMERICAN FARMER. THF first number of ithe AMERICAN ’ advance. The amount is. so small, that any other way ol coilccting the price of the work would consume its expected profits ; and should it not succeed, the ad | vance shall be faithfully returned. All { the subscriber promises is this that he will] do the best that he can to make labor res | i ! pected, and to insure to the laborer his just réward, an honorable indefiendence. | * : | He is about entering upon the theatre of] busy life and hopes that his first essay Will be received with indulgence as an of- erg to do good. Subscribers arey so | - licited. Respectiully, ~~ Wam. OGDON NILES. Jan, 19, 1820. MF Subscriptions received to work at this office. {/ ble to accomplish it; aad has therefore commiied (0 m8 bis views of the sub.) BILAN nS FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. | ihe varieties of our climate, since many of \'0 his particular condition and pursuits. [FARMER was issued on the 2d of April | 11819. It may now be announced as an es- rablished National WoRrkg, adapted to al’; ¢ the most eminent citizens in all the States, contribute by their pawonage and thels pens, 10 11s cirgusation and Its usciuiness Every subscriber, therefore, plough what soil or breathe in what latitude he may will find in the Farmer, essays detailing ex- periments and conveying information suite To make known all discoveries in th science, and allimprovements in the prac ice of AGRICGLTURE and DOMES I'C ECONOMY ; and to develope th means of INTERNAL IMPROVE. MENTS generally, constitute the chi objects to which the AMERICAN FARM IR is devoted. It takes no concern © terest in party politics nor in the transient occurrences of the day. sheet the size folded so as to make cight pages; consist of fifty two numbers, a title p They and an index: and numerous to represent statement of the then sellin be paid in advance. icasion and Jess leisure to write { From the superior excellen- partment of husbandry, from the i cy of the Machinsry, and having en.ploy lander the proper names of those may have their wool carded and returiifge remitted before the Jeter can be it will however be returned in any ‘Iper not being satisfied, may think pro rosiding in the states of Olio and X me . BE Fain vo nl die Lge ia, Pi shed ; weekly, On ) of a large ne wspaperg'and ; and to admit of being conveniently bound up and preserved in volumes. Each volume will age cogravings new Implements, and approves wool carding, they will be able to render]¢d systems of Husbandry. fact ber oi v ) Each number gives a true and accurate g pices of coun. novel . iy produce, live stock and all the princi > 1 n - 5 i 5 ple articles brought for sale in the Balti- The price per pound for card.| More market, 4 . £e TL Lerms of subscription $4 per annum, to But for the sum of five dollars, the actual receipt of every number is guaranteed, That numbers fail to come to hand, i5 when duplicates shall be sent until every number shall have been received, As the editor taken the Mek 2-4 the mail, should subscription money mise Carry, he holds himself, neyérche tess, bound to furnish the paper, To those who may think the price of the subscription too high, it may be remai ked, Ee : ‘ Hit ena comparison of their actual cons tenis, one page of the American F armer, will be found to contam as much as foup . oo the / pages of the « Memoirs or ThE AGRICUL= TURAL SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA, and the four volumes of that patriotic, and ex- ceedingly valuable work, sell for €12. Of the quality of its contents the Editor of the Farmer could not speak with propriety, if tt did not sv happen, that he has Ixtle oc {or it. ig Sy chielly, in collecting and arrangiog the materiale If, howewe r proof were required by those who may never have scen the work; o is tendency to pro- mote 1mprovemei s, in every branch of rus rai economy, it w ould be sufficient to make ATO PY nA Pr . reierence to the first voluuie, where it will pound of grease for every tep pounds ojfbe seen that it contains €ssays on cvery de- bens and cricent cd Mr. John Douglass an experienced|citizens in the different states who are most workman to attend it, he fl tters Limsell distinguished in the annals of agriculiure and other sciences. Ali gentlemen who feel an interest in the * circulation of a Journal devoted to these ob« jects, and conducted on this plan, are res quested to transmit the names of subscris ers, but Win all cases the money muse sent. Cascy where the subscriber on a view, of the pas per o return it to the editor within three veeks An allowance of ten per cent. will be nade, when claimed on all monies received oty and remitted to the editor. A few of the first volumes either in sheets n* well bound, with a copious Index re- main on hand for sale. Notes of the Banks of North and South Caroling; Georgia and Virginia, generally ill be received at par From subscribers Entucky, es of the Bank of Chilicothe wil} be re- civ d at par, and from such subscribers € oles of all other banks, which can boa isposed of here at a discount of net more an ten per cent. JOIN 8S. SKINNER, inrii 3 1820+ : Lattimore, P. 8.—For all Editors in the United tates, who may have the goodness to ge he preceding notice a few weekly nser ons, the Egitor of the Farmer will b glad to transact any business they may have n Buittmore, or to return their good offices ‘n any o her way in his power. Subserspitions received at this (fice, ¥