Bellefonte patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1818-1838, March 25, 1820, Image 1
! Yon, 9 3 ¥ ») ~ at =i SATURDAY, March 25, 1620 TE cecal i Wy Rot ICE. Sie Jv virtue of a writ of Venditioni Ex- ROBERT and Wii: STEWART ips} BY: virtue ofa writ of Venditi : form those persons who are indebted 10] Vol. 11. gor a 3B SB gag co cn wr . ” CTT _ ETON TIE a — Sm Lr oss sm et Baits rm ess % CONDITIONS. The pice of this paper is ‘we Goliers wt fifty. cents per annum—Dbut if paid hall yoarly in advance, ‘two dollars only will be charge d. git ) Advertisements, maki ng no more in length then breadt By will be inserted three times for one dollar; and for every subse- guent continu TCE twenty- -five cents.— Those of greater length in proportion.— Rule or figure work double those rates. No subscription will be received for less than one year; nor any paper discontinu- ed until all arrearages are paid. f the subscriber does not request a dis. continuance of his paper, at the end of the year, it will bo considered as a new engage- ment; and the paper forwarded according - ly. Tr I» TT. Subscribers who have their papers cat ried by the mail; savst he liable for the post. (of. Bellefonte, now in the tenure of I we Cees tT Was TH din philly t be Sale. 3 a SA Bi - rp SB 2 : * : ® FHOSE persons who are indebted to {ponas isstied out of thelCourt of Common |the subscriber are once more requested to XT Floss of Ce ntre county to me directed, call and discharge their accounts, or they i 2 1 . 4 ; ba them, that: their Books. are left pit il be exposed to sale, on Saturday the| will be put into’the hands of proper offi- G. Miles and S. M. Green, at John Blanch - ‘first day of April next, atthe house offcers for collection. All Kinds of grain, chard esq’s, who are regularly authorised, Walborn, Centre Miles township, A certain tract of land in Rebersburg, bank notes, or any other par mo- to receive all debts due them, and that ney will be taken in payment. George Bressler. Nov. 25, 1819. 29n|jtf. ¥ BY TO] BAK 4 9 For a term of years, ! THAT noted and well known Tavern stand and Distillery, at Mill Hall, Centre County, about’ twenty miles from Relle- ‘hey have instructions to coliect it in the al with the improvements and appurtenan- most speedy way. Bellefonte, March 8th. 1820. 10 LET, For one or more years, A TWO story frame house and ki tchen, situated on Spring street, in the Borough ces, situated in said township, containing |eight acres, more or less. Seized and taken in Execution and tobe sold as the property of Daniel Weaver. John Mitchell Sheriff . Sheriff ’s Office, Bellefonte, March 1, 1820. —————r te prog Arn 2 7 Iv . a mn ———— Si J ay " é » RT. ’ . née. as Posesstehwill be Siw NOL Ce. Tetiets addressed to thes editor must pose paid. fonte, on the road leading to the Gennes» see Country &e. &c.—In point. of situa- tion this stand is not exceeded by any in the County. cn oni the first of April next. For terms Tr. Burnside. Bellefonte, March 6th, 1820. Those who are indebted to Benner & apply to ICambridge, and the subscribers; are re. quested to call and discharge their ac. There are on the premises hanna i 'n 4 e Road. “and the public, thet they have in operation, ghree fiopad, at thie house of Locwor John The stockholders are requested to pay to the Treasurer, on or before the 10th day of April \next, an instalment of three dol- lars on each share of stock Subscribed. By order of the Board. THOMAS LEVER, Secly Philipsburg Marck 6, 1820. 4t. WEAVING. e oe subscribers inform their friends Pipl, where they will do all kinds of WEAVING, in the best and cheapest ARE sions Kinds of table libnen, flowered coverlids, &c. Yarn may be left with Joseph Updenrat Inkceper, Beliefonte, with the neccessary directions-—ov ii sore convenient brought to the subscribers. Those who leave their yarn with Mr, Updegrafl will receive their All Kinds of produce will be taken in paymen such as, grain, butter, pork, &c. The fol- o ave the prices for which they cloth at the same place. country lowin weave? Plain cloth Table cloth from Coverlids trom J. Lambert & Brot the making of the Philipsburgh and Sus- quehavna Turnpike road, are hereby med, that proposals will be received on the cob Test, in Philipsburgh. in all the above LN as good as the other. hanna Turnpike Road. NOTICE a PERSONS wishing to take contracts for infor- 17th day of April next, at the house of Ja~ Ly order of the Board, -jcounts, &s they will be put into the hands ¥L.T: Bes: ny % 3 Philipsburgh and Susque of proper officers for recovery. All kinds -of grain, Centre Banknotes, or other pai money, will be taken in payment. Philip Benner § co Bellefonte December 1, 1819, NOTICE. Those who are indebted to the subscri- ber are requested to call’ and discharge their accouas, or they will be put into the hands of proper officers for recovery. — All kinds of grain,—Centre Bank notes THOMAS LEVER, See March €tlr 1820. Lhilipsburg, PLASTE] BR Near Pennsborough. We, the undersigned, inhabitants of the different townships and counties here after mentioned, having tried the PLAS- TER, that was found on the land of James Walton, near Pennsborough, Lycoming county, on cioyer, corn, rye, and in many other ways ; and also by the side of the Gennessee plaster, DO CERTIFY that mentioned trials, we could aot see any difference in the production ofthe two plasters; the one was equally As witness our hands. : ISAAC LEMON, JON. LEMON, WM. M. OWEN, For Sale or Rent ve Greenwood township, Eelam, co. A. DREIBELBISZ or other par meney, will be taken in pay- H. Humes. Bellefonte Mov, 25,1819, EE ET iii Notice Those indebted to the subscriber, for goods purchased at his Store, are hereby informed, that all kinds of grain will be received at market price, or Centre pa- per, or other par paper in Payment there. for. ment, James Potter. Potter's Mills Novem. 25, 1819. A SAT aN NOTICE. / ALL persons indebted to the subscri- ber are requested to call and discharge their accounts. The subscriber will at- tend two weeks from the 27th instant, at his former place of residence in Brush- valley, to give those in that neighbor. of April next. ship, a good house, and the necessary stabling, and eight acres of excellent meadow, Possession will be given on the first day For terms apply to Josep Bartles, near the premises, or Nathan Harye Mill Hall, February 9th 1820. VERTISEMEN “ NEY i, ADV The subscribers inform the public that they have receieved a small, but gente] supply of GOODS, suitable for the season, which they will sell, generally, on as moderate terms as a« ever offered for ny they have sale in this for receive Wheat, at the market price, notes of the County, which they will Centre Bank, or notes at par in payment. They also earnestly solicit their friends that have unsettled accounts 1 01 “iohe standing tocome forward in the course of the ensuing wintery and settle them on the above terms. Duncan & Forster. Aaronshurgh Nov’r 24, 1819. ——— NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the estate of ADAM HUBLER, late of Haines town- eceased, either by bond, note or book account, are requested to come fore ward immediately and discharge their ac® counts j and all persons having just des Mountpleasant township: thood indebted to him, a favorable oppor- JOHN HARE, A Columba township. A. M’MICHAEL, I$ requested, as al i Derry township. [accounts must be closed. Wheat will be H. FAHNESTOCK, received i ran Lay cceived in payment of debts, fi ich DANIEL BUCK, L oh p / + ; i 2) or whic Muncy creek, towns hip, Lycoming co. the Lewisburgh price will be given, if delivered atthe subscriber’s mills m Nit- tany—~Likewise notes ofthe Centre bank, THAT beautiful farm heretofore ocen- pied by Mrs. Henney, ob the west branch of the Susquchanna, in the county of Clear field, and only one mile and’ a half from the connty town, containing. 612 ac res, mands against said estate are requested to bring them forward, properly attested, for tumty of discharging their accounts, punctual attendance settlement, before the first day of May next. a There are on this JACOB KRYDER, JACOB KREAMLR.S Adm’rs. Ziaines townshify, Feb. 29th 1820. NOTICE ALL persons having any- demands a» ainst the estate of CONROD PLOT- VER lt Droase to present their accounts to toantine S45 wonling 0495 perches. ALEX. M’AFFEE, property, dwelling ‘houses large ¢ property, 8¢ enough, Muncy township, |, with a few repairs to accomodate two families, also a Grist and Saw. mill : or N. B. fourths of a mile from Pennsborough, neat This quarry is situate three- of the land there is{rom 60 to 70 acres cleared Greensburg, and many other banks, will be received at par. John M’Ghee. Nittany Mills, December 2nd 'P- —— TO PRINTERS. he establishment of the “ Bellefonte Patriot,” Is offered for Sale. : ‘ithe west branch of the Susquehanng.— d; much of the! being level, both winter and sunimer with a garden and orchar : 24 : arid Further information may be had by en- anf . s In Penns’ borough, who can direct persons to the The PLASTE quiring of any of the Innkeeper SPY a d rase can 1 23rd x 3 x oD I grain, and gras an be mad in great a bundance ; there are also two good barng.——| : (quarry. indispu- | fy ial’ P } t g table title will be giten, on the payment of | © dollars per ton, at the quarry. All kinds of grain, beef, pork and flax. seed will be » late of Haines township, deceased, PB a 3 will be sold al the The terms will be liberal, and an subscribers for adjustment, before the Ist day of April next, and all persons w indebted to the said estate, pay off beforg that day, otherwise they will ge compelled so 10 do, This establishment Loare holds forth many advantages ; and will am- the purchase money. Further enquiries Yor I ne : mast call and to be made of tagen in payment, Farmers are requested to come and ses be ply recompence any one who can devote his time and attention to the same. JAC LRRIN apply by letter, post paid JACOB HERRING, Wm. LONG oe W. BRINDLE. ' Adminis eoruary 16th 1830. Haines townshifi, Feb. 28, 1820. tn gr. rua Peter Arn Karthav S, for themselves, and I this For terms i 1k they will Or satisfied. Cle nD arfield eomnty. R. M. LANGDON. rh A > J ) rch 1 Pennsborough, Jan, 12, 1820. his agents, now in Coving ton township, Ma 16; 182 fra {rator 4 &H