Bellefonte patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1818-1838, February 19, 1820, Image 3

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    Sidi emerge
ateiot, _
10 speak hus thoughts, is every freeman’s right,’
SATURDAY, resruirr 19.
— On
The bill exempting from taxation the
Musonic Hall in Pisladel; hia, has passed
both houses of the Legislature,
oy phi
The amount of salaries paid during the
year 1819 to the clerks in the different offi-
ces oi the treasury department of the Uni.
tod States was 191,640 dollars and fify
st tes
A letter from St. Marys dated 18th ult.
received in Charleston says—The troops
at Trades Hill, above this place, (say a-
~buve $00) are to march immediacy, us is
reported, ior New Oricans, under the com
mand of capt. Bee of the army.
eth $m
A whale, seventy fect in length, having
gol aground ln Provincetown harbor, M ine,
was Killed by the inbabitants ron the 1
uli —another was discovered in the hai
bor on the 24th and pursucd but he es-
4% 0c
RE ar
The commiwee got through yesterday
With the cxamination of witesses, When
they will report we cannot pretend to say
The bouse some days ago, direcied ic
testimony printed 3 and itis now in the
baods of Mr. Wyéti, who is empored wo
excoutedty Itis supposed that (he testi-
mony oral and written, will make fiom 150
8G 200 pages. dar. Rep,
mn bn
“A hint to Smokers — The city of New-
York is said ta contain 130.000 habitants.
Let 50,000 of tiem smoke 0 ly three Span-
ish segars a day, and it will amount in the
year to the euctmous sum of $1,095 000—
a sum sufficicat to pay the suiavy of the
President and Vice-President of the Ui
ted States, the Senretaries of Sate, of the
Freasory, of War, and ol the Navy, and
the Attorney Geaeraly for 20 yewrs, 10
taonths, and 8 days. N.Y. Guz
—— Pw
It has recently been discovered that
chesout wood is an admirable substitute
for logwond and oak bark; for dyeing and
tanning, and its affinity to wool is said tor be
greater than that of either gall or »shumac.
In Congress Hall is placed a copy oi
Col. Binns’ celebrated eogravine of the
1} clavati nn of Independence. "Lhe frame
allracts peculiar notice from the cir
Stance of its having two large Owes upon
it, by way as is supposed, of ornament —
The otha d yy a letter writer remarks, Mr.
Randolph was observing with a significa
look, the massy marble columns and the
general splendor ol the roons, whch 2 mem-
bor asked him what expedient could be hi
upon to relieve the Treasury, What?
replied Mr. Randolph, pointing 10 thc]
room and the picture—scll your whole es-
tablishmaent, and send your Owes to thei:
native forest. Late. Pac.
—— Wrst
MISSOURI—~The ex ont of the proprs-
ed state of Missouri is frequently asked
£iccording to the bill reported a: the Jas:
session, it was allnwed a front of 254 miles,
The St Louis Enquirer says—« Afier vou
get back 40 or 50 miles from the Mississ
1ppi, the vaked arid plains set in, and the
couhitry is uninhabitable except upon the
borders of crecks and rivers”
Niles’ Reg,
—n am
Kentucky Legislature em A hill has be
introduced into the Legislature of
ky, « subjecting the Pr. sidents,
and clerks of the United St
every civil officer who sh
of any description in faver of the bank, to
imprisonment in the Penitentiary,
— § C—
The following is a list of tit
Acts and Resolutions, that
both houses of the Legislature
ent session, and receive
the Governor:
LAB act authorizing the Governor to
Lrocure 40,000 dollars on loan.
2. A supplement to an act entitled « An
act making appropriation apd provision
for carrying into effect the erection of a
bridge over Baldeaple creek. in the county
of Lycoming,” passed March 19th 1810.
3. A supplement to the act entitled © An
act to organize the provisional county of
Warren for judicial purposes.”
4. An act vesting in Jane Shaw a certain
escheated estate therein mentioned.
5. A lurther supplement (0 an act enti-
wd An actto enable the Governor of this
atcs Bank, and
all serve a process
les of other
have passed
at the pres.
d the signature of
tA Supplement to an act entitled An act
an artifical rad from the town of Nur.
thumberiund inthe county of Northumiber-
[aus Dy the nearest and best route, 10 th
west branch of the Susquenanug at or’nea.
(the mouth of Aundersou’s. creek, p Ssh
through Derrstcwn, Youngmanstown, Aa
ronsvurg, Belicionte aud Mute: burg.”
6. A supplement to an act eutiticd % Al
act for the sale of certain islands in (he
C. Auact authorizing a compensation te
Thomas Croyle for erecting a bridge ir
Carubria county.
8. An act authorizing the guaidians 6}
the minor children «of Heniy Ciouse, de
ceased, to sell pact of his real estate.
9..An actto revive and continue % A:
Act to encourage the warrantiug and pat
enting of lands nei th and west of the rivers
Ohio, Allegheny and Conewago creek,” and
this act shall not extend ty. disco! rge, or
teiiove any defeudant from any fae whatso-
B1LC set or Liupused in any Criuinal prose-
1 do bereby certity, that the foregoing 1s
1 true copy of an act, of the General As-
sembly of tie Commonwealth of Pcnasyiva-
aid, passed by both Houses of the Legisla
© aid approved and signed by the Goy-
ernor this day. :
Wituess wy hand, this 29th day of Jan-
uary, A. 1D. 1820 :
FR R.SHUNK, Clerk.
— $e
Sixteen Pirates condemned —We have
see a deuter from New Orleans, dated 1st
oF January, which siaies that on the 30th
Jl December, Judge Hall of the United
lates’ District court, prouvunced sentence
vidiath on the sixtecn pirates taken at
tor other purposes.
Resolution 1elauve to preventing the in.
trociuction of slavery into new States.
Rosoiudon relative to a further distriby-
tou of the laws of the Commonwealth.
Jor the relief of Insolvent Debtors.”
Scet. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and
House of Refiresentatives of the Common.
wealth of Pennsylvania in General Assem-
bly mct, and it is hereby ‘enacted by the au-
(thority of the same, "That, from and afier
(toe passing of this act, any debior may
lapply, in term time, by petition in writing,
lor the benefit of the existing insolvent
aws of this commonwealth, to the Judues
A tne court of coumon pleas of the county
where such debtor resides, and such peti
| loner shail be enutled to the same rights
and privileges and the same pro eedings
shail be bad under the said insolvent laws
8 though he was in actual confinement in
AC 01 tie goals of this commonwealth, on
Mmesne ov final process, a. the ume of such
appiicaiion. Provided always, that such
deblor snall have resided within such coun-
{'y, al leas. six months, mmmediately pre-
ceediag such application.
Sect 2, vnd be it further enacted by the
jautioriy aforesaid, ‘Ihat if any such debtor
jas aioresuid, shall in vacation be arrested
li execution he may apply, by petition, to
ie presidonty or any one of the associate
Jidges ol the said court of common pleas,
ur the county in winch such debtor is ar-
rested, 10 give boud to the plaintiff or plain:
afts, at wnose suit be is arrested, in such
peuaity, and with such security as shall be
directed and approved of by the said judge ;
~onditioned that the debtor shall appear
before the said court of common pleas a:
Lhe next term, and then and there remain
aud abide the final order of the said court
Lo be made during such term, aud surren-
der himself to prison, in case on his said
appearance he shall not comply with ali
things required by law to procure his dis-
(charge, and 6a such boud beiug given the
|same procecdings stall be had as though
(tie application had been made in term tim:
{under the first section, of this act, and the
sald judge shall give an order to the sheriff,
prison, to discharge
the said debtor; and euch sheriff, jatler,
nd keeper, are hereby required on pay-
ment of costs and jail fees by such debuor,
0 disChatge and forthwith set him at liber-
{jailory or keeper of the
Sect. 3. Ind be it further enacted by the
authority afiresaid, That ang sheriff, ja lor,
or keeper of any prison, performing the
duties of 11s office in pursuance of this act
may inake return of the said order of the
aid judge to the process, which said re-
turn shall be good and eff ctual to all in-
‘ents and purposes.
Sect. 4. And be it further enacted by the
wthoriy aforesaid, That if any debtor shall
apply for the benefit of this act to any .oth-
T court than the court of common pleas
f the county where sueh debior 1 sides al
he time of such application, such petition-
hall be only discharged and exonerate:
from arrest and imprisonment, from th
eh or debts of the plaintiff or plaintiffs
vho held such petidoier wider arrest atl
the time of such application, and he shall
emaing liable to arrest and imprisonment
it the suis of any other of his creditors as
it be had not applicd for the benchit of the
aid insolvent laws : #r vided, That noth-
ng herein contained shall be construed to
prevent any debtor from making applica
‘ion for the. benefit of the laws heretofore
enacted for the relief of insolvent debtors.
Sect. 5. And be it further enacted by the
quthority aforesaid, That if any debtor pe-
Qtioning for the benelit of the solvent laws
of this commonwealth, shall frauduoientiy
collude or contrive with any person or per-
SONS to conceal any part of his estate, effects
or credits or shal} fraudulently conceal or
convey the same for the use of himself fam-
tly or friends, such debtor on conviction
vi oO
Commonwealth to incorporate a company
for making an artificial road by the best and
Yioacest route from Waterford in the counts
ol Erie, thro’ Meadville and Franklin, to the
viver Susquehanns, at or near the mouth of
thereof before the proper court, shall un
lergo a servitude at hard labor, for a term
aot less than one, not more than seven|
‘ears ; tobe fed clothed and treated as in
uch ke cases is directed by the laws ol
his commonwealth.
Anderson’s creek, in Clea field con y, and
iso lolncorporate a company for making;
6 And be it further enacted bu the
Barrataria some time since, by capt. Loo-
wis.—1'o prevent any allempt (0 rescue
cm from the hands of jusuce, the muita
‘y.turned out to guard them. They are to
re hanged on the 27th ol May nexi, unless
pardoned by the President. After the
judgo-had finished pronouncing sentence
upon the hardencd wrelches, several ol
Hin cried outy in open court, Murder by
Gd” ; ahd in no respect did they appeai
Ww be in the least uffecied. A patrol is
Kept up by the citizens every night, Lo pre-
veut any conspiracy formed to make their
Bo —— § Co—
Female heroism. — At a recent alarm of
ire in this town, a young woman, from the
inpulse of the moment, sciz:d a teakettle
¢ from the fireplace, ran to the top
of the house, and proceeded down the roof
‘0 the eaves, laid down upon the gutter and
By order of the Orphan#?
Court of Centre County,
By public vendue or out-cry, in the Bor;
ough of Belizfonte, on the 11th day of March
next, the undivided halt part of a ceriain
tract of LAND, situate in the township of
Spring, in the county aforesaid, bounded Ly
lands of William Beard, the hers of Jo-
s¢ph Ross, William Riddle and otlers, cone
taining one bundred and filty acres, more
or less—whereof John Sweeny, late of the
said towhship died seized. The terms of
sale are as follows viz:——One hundred and
eighty dollars must be paid in hand when
the sale 1s confirmed by the Courfsand the
remainder in seven annual instalments, witli
interest. Due attendance will be given by
John Fury, acting admipistrator.
By the Court.
Certified by
Wm. Petrikin,
| Clerk. 0. C,
Lebryary 12th 1890.
Nomination ' of Governor.
The Democratic Republicans, of Centre
and Clearfield Counties, are requested
reaching over poured the kettle of water
dehberately upon the fire, just kindling un-|
der the caves, and effectually checked its|
progress. She was assisted into the house!
‘ga, by two persons who had repaired to!
tie roof with buck:ts of water ; her forti-|
‘ude having in a Gegree forsaken heron a
view of her perilous situation. Through
the exertions of an individual, a premium
bas been obtained and presented to her for
this act of heroism. Bost. Pat.
: ——— Wl—— 5
Boston Jan. 5.—The triends of our navy
were yesterday gratified with a view of |
the best bower cable of the United States!
ship Columbus borne through the streets
on the shoulders of three hundred men,
(preceded by music playing Yankee Doo-
die,) from the patent cordage manufactory
of Joseph N. Howe, Esq. to the hold ofthe
packet schooner Midas, bound to the Poto-
mag. © Ir weigha upwards of seven vous, is
120 fathoms in length, 24 inches in circum-
fercugs, and was laid up in 25 minutes, —
We understand that this cable has the
sireng bh of a 30 inch cable manufactured
without the use of the patent machinery,
A Aba Mchine.~There is at the pat-
ent office a new specimen of American in-
geaultyy very remarkable for its simplicity
and very worthy the auention of the curi-
ougy br reason of the important uses for
which it 1s intended
Tins machifte, of which there is only a
plan atid a specification, is inverted for the
purpose of removing sandbars; dcepening
rivers, digging cauals, clearing canals
without drawing off the water, draining
swamps in zll seasons, and making roads
Now, if it will perform any onc of these
—r 4 On.
to meet on Saturday the twenty-sizth
instant, at the usual places of holding
township elections, or such other place as
may be deemed convenient, for the pur,
pose of electing Delegates 10 meet in tha
Borough of Bellefonte on the Tuesday fol-
lowing, to select a suitable person to at-
tend at the general Convention of Delegates
from the different counties of the State, at
Lewistown, on the 7th day of March next ;
when and where, will be put in nomination,
One person to be supfifiorted for Governor
of this State, at the ensuing general elec
ton ; and an Electoral ticket Jor President
and Vice President of the United
order : Haines, and Potter three delegate
The townships will elect in the follow
cach—Boggs, Miles, Buldeagle,
Pike, & Lawrence, two each
Howard, Spring,
Bellefonte Borough, one—and the remain-
der of the townships, one cach.
By order of the Corresponding Coma
P. CAMBRIDGE, §. cretary;
Bellefonte, February
THOSE persons who are yet in arrears
v (
Ha. 8
for taxes for tne year 1818, in Ferguson
{1dwnship; due to me as collector, for said
operations in the uyanner intended, I should
think the inventer had merited weil of his
What pleased me most in this machine
was the happy and uncommon caincidence
of the form, motion aud weight, being all
three subservient 10 the same purpose, in
an eminent degree,
Emme nr amp —— me ———
The establishment of the
3 BT + I 9)
« Bellefonte Patriot,
Is offcred for Sale. This establishment
holds forth many advantages ; and will am-
ply reeompence any one who can devote his
time and attention to the same. For terms
apply Uy letter, post paid, to
February 16th 1820.
Creditors Take Notice,
THAT I have applied to the Judges of
the court of Common Pleas, of Centre
countys for the benefit of the insolvent laws
of this commonwealth ; and the said court
have appointed Tuesday the 7th day of
March next, to hear me and my creditors,
at the court house, in the borough of Belle.
fonte, when apd where you may attend if
you think proper.
#y aforesaid, That the prayisions of |
February 17, 1820.
(sired to come
year, will please tq discharge the same ime
mediately or they may rely on it they
will be proceeded against according to
law and without respect to persons 3 and
{those otherwise indebted to me, are also
requested to make payment; asno further
indulgence will be given.
Jeremiah Culbertson,
Boalsburgh, Ferguson township,
Jan. 26th 1820.
THOSE indebted to the firm of Ran-
kin and Steel, for wool cardihg, are de
and settle their accounts
respectively, with John Rankin, as the
his no further
Books are now in hands 3
indulgence will be given, If those ac-
counts are not seitled up in four weeks
from this daie, suits will be brought (dis.
agreeable as it may be) without respect
Grain of all kinds, Centre
»ank notes, or other par money, or spes
to persons.
ciey will be taken in payment. Payinents:
made {0 any other person or persons x4
ept the subscribers, will not be good.
John Rankin,
James Steel,
Belle onte, January 20, 1820,