Bellefonte patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1818-1838, November 20, 1819, Image 4

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christ’s tavern about two miles west of]
Greensburg, until Saturday morning ; thes
then went to Mr. Licher’s tayern, wher:
they remained until about three o'clock 1m
the sficrnoon : when they went down the
turnpike road, with the view, as they said,
ot going over the mountains, but returned
in the evening, and left it again about 8 o
clock. In Greensburg,on the evening ol
the robbery, they purchased some files and
a centre bit. Two keys that appeared to
hagye beor recently made, one of them cu:
iy constructed, were found in the
neighborhood. ;
Parties of men pursued in every direc-
tion. They were traced to this place and
over the Monongohela bridge. Rober
Young, who lives on the Coal hill centinu-
ed the parsuit, and overtook and apprehen-
ded them about 12 miles on this side of
Wheeling. They were brought to this
city on Thursday evening last, and on Fri-
day morning taken to Greensburg lor trial.
Ii bas been discovered that these fel.
Jows had a vesidence neay this place, and
John Dougherty was apprehendet! on sus:
picion of being concerned with them and
harboring them. Upon svatch being made
in his house, were found a pair of saddle
bags, a portmantea, two vices, a brace and
a bit, a pair of shoes with square boxes in
the heels, and in each box small copper
piates, with 2, 10,20, 50, cngraved on them
for the purpose, no doubt, of altering bank
Dougherty being alarmed, communicat-
ed to some persons that he could show
where the watches were hid, and accord
ingly sheriff Stewart; with several othe:
entlemen accompanied him to nezr where
fe lived, about 4 miles from this place, he
found concealed ing deep hole a keg con-
taining 231 of the watches which had been
stolen. -
At the same time that we record the a-
‘bove, it gives us satistaction to state, that
‘the notorious Lewis who robbed our fel-
dow citizen Mr, M’Clelland, has been re-
taken after having broke jail. The gover-
‘not of Pennsylvania has been censured for
liberating this man from the penitentiary
a few months ago ; this however is unjust,
this artful & daring robber had conducted
himself while confined, with great apparent
penitence, and all persons concerned rep.
resented the case in such a manner to the
exccutive, that he was perfectly right in
‘curtailing the period of his confinement.—
It is “astonishing what a terror Lewis's
name excites on the mountains; for some
* time after the robbery no individual wotld
travel alone, and even the stage drivers
were infected with terror when they ar-
~ rived at a solitary spot. :
a The day is not tar distant we fear when
rmountains will he made the sceme of
y dreadful acts
n of violence and robbery.
. On the morning of the 9:h instant, at his
residence in Selinsgrove, piep SIMON
SNYDER, late governor of Pennsylvania,
aged sixty years and four days.
On the 5th he became confined by an{ang policy
attack of the typhus fever, which, in less
than four days, terminated his invaluable
lite, amid the unspeakable anguish of his
lady and his five children ; to the irrepara-
ble loss of his warm and numerous friends,
and of a communityy which will lang and
universally deplore their deprivation.
It is not for the limits of a cursory para-
graph, or the sketches of a feeble hand, to
attempt the delineation of a public, or pri-
vate life so various, to exemplary, so full
of interest, instruction and excellence, as
that of Governor Snyder. His life presents
an ample range, and a theme eminently
adapted to the talents of a biographer of
the first order; his course was that of a
man who rose by his own inherent virtue
and energy, endeared to the hearts of
thousands of personal friends, and who
without courting popularity, was distin-
guished in public lite, by the pre-eminent
attachment of the people of his native
the triennial assessment,
ding officers of companies, belonging to the
. THE ASSESSORS of éach and every
township in the, County of Centre for the
year 1820,
are hereby notified that the
Commissioners of the said County will
meet at their office, in Bellefonte, on Thurs:
day the 2nd day of December next, for the
purpose of fixing upon, in conjunction with
sald Assessors, 2 uniform standard to as-
certain the bona fide value of all property
within said County, made taxable by the
laws of this Commonwealth, previous to
at which time
wind place the Assessors are required
by law to be present.
By order of the Board,
Henry Petrikin,
Nov’ 11,1819,
[ Change of the Limes. ]
Having purchased from Mr. Vanderslice
« The Times’ establishment, the publick
are respecifully presented with
BY {4's
~ ( :
The examples of promising much and
performing little, every one will admit to
be too striking and numerous, as well with
editors of public prints as with the manu-
facturers of bank notes : whatever repug
nance, therefore, may be felt to making
rofessions, to present no outline of the
course intended to be trodden, would be
too wide a departure from universal usage.
Thus impressed, the editor submits, with
great respect; the leading principles of the
The great object of this paper shall be
to obtain, and to commut-cate, information
duct of publick men, and the honesty
of publick measures.
The political character of the INquIRER
is tobe republican ; not devoted to men
but principles ; liberal without equivoca-
tion ; prudent without hypocrisy ; sceking
knowledge ~~ withotit and
diffusing it without
Habituated to industry himself; and rely-
ing upon it for publick patronage, the edit-
or wili strive to advance its pursuits, wheth-
er they regard the farmer or the mechan.
ic—the manufacturer or the merchant
the statesman or those of the learned pro-
fessions. Of dishonest speculation, of idle-
ness and prodigality, our country has al-
ready had too much destructive experi-
ence ; to raise its voice however feeble, to
cast in its mite however small, with those
More than thirty years witnessed ls dil- [who labor to mitigate and to remedy the
ipent and faithtul services, and rendered
him the tribute of well earned approbation,
from his constituents and fellow citizens.
This was dear to him, but he pursued it
not ; be laboured to deserve, not to procurc
it ; and, though no man enjoyed public o-
pinion more gratefully, he was impelled by
a nobler incentive,—the approbation of his
God, unspotted testimony of a conscience
undefiled, In his efforts to promote gen-
eral happiness, he scldom failed; for a
sound and diseriminating judgment, a
clearness of intellect in discovering the
best course, and an invincible firmness of
purpose in pursuing it, seemed the promi-
nent traits ot his self-instructed mind.
The community at large have long ap-
preciated his worth ; they will long and sev-
erely reget the chasm created by his
3 and long will the name of Simon
ier be held up by the wise and benifi-
_ centy as an example®dor imiggtion, as well
to the huaband, theafather, and the friend,
as to legislator, and the executive magis-
trate ~ Aiiltonian
evils so extensively prevalent; shall bea
primary duty of the Inquirer.
Tie Inquirer will be published every
Thursday morning, at two dollars per an-
num, payable half yearly in advance.
No subscriber will be received for a shor-
ter period than six months, nor be a'
liberty to discontinue the paper until al’
arrearages are paid.
A failure to notify a discontinuance at the
expiration of the term of subscription
will be considered as a new engagement,
and the paper forwarded accordingly.
Those who have their papers carried by
mail must be liable for the postage.
p™ Subscriptions received at this Of-
useful to society ; seduously avoiding wan-
ton attacks upon private peace and repu-
tation, but fearlessly investigating the con-
Brigade Orders.
IN pursuance of Orders from the Adju-
James T. Scott,
Brigade Inspeetor, 2d B. 10 D. P. M.
Sheriff’s Sale.
By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Expon-
Brigade Insficctor’s Office
Alexandtia Nov'r 8 1819.
as issued out of the Court of Common
Pleas of Centre county, to me directed will
be exposed to public sale on Monday the
22nd day of November inst. at the Court
house, in Bellefonte, the following descri-
bed property viz.
A certain tract of land containing three
hundred acres, more or less, with the im.
provements and appurtenances situate in
Patton township, Centre county. Scized
and taken in execution and to be sold as
the property ot Samuel Scott, by |
John Mitchell, Sherif].
Sheriff s Office Bellefonte,
toNoev. 112, 1819.
Ten Dollars Reward:
RANAWAY froin the subscriber, liv-
ing in Halifax township, Dauphin county,
on Monday 26th October last, an indent-
ed mulatto servant, named
Adam Williams,
between i 6 and 17 years of age, smart &
active, but rather small for his years.—
Had on when he went away, a rounda-
bout coat and pantaloons of dark cassimer,
brown cloth waist coat, lined with home-
made flannel ; a pair ot blue woollen
stockings 5 a new pair of strong leather
drove in
said runaway was scen, the day after he
went offy on the route towards Sunbury.
shoes double soaled and nails
the heels ; and a new castor hat.
The above reward will be given for ap-
preliending the said runaway, and all
reasonable expences if brought home, or
secured in any jail, so that I may get him
“James Reed.
Nov'r 1,1819,
= » 3 DA ———————
Notice 25 hereby Given.
THAT a Court of Common Pleas,
General Quarter Sessions of the Peace
and Orphans’ Court, in and for the coun-
ties of Centre and Clearfield, will be held
at the Court House in the borough of Bel-
lefonte; on Monday, the 23d day of Novem-
ber at ten o’clock A. M. of said day, of
which the Coroner, Justices of the Peace,
and Constables within said Counties, will
take notice; that they be then ahd there,
in their proper persons, with their rolls,
records, inquisitions, examinations, and
other remembrances, to do those things
which to their offices appertain to be done ;
and all suiters Jurors and witnesses are
also requested to be and attend at said
Court, and not depart without leave.
Given under myhand, at Bellefonte
this 19th day of October A. D.
one thousand eight hundred and
John Mitchell, Sheriff.
¥or Public Sale,
ALL that valuable tract of land, known
by the name of
Harbison’s Land,
situated in Spring township, Centre coun-
ty. Sale to commence at one o'clock on
Tuesday the 23d. day of this instant, at
fonte, where terms*will be made known
November 3d 1319,
tant Generals Office, Captains or comman-|;
2nd Brigade of the 10th Division P. M.l}
are hereby required to forward to the Bri-!Court have appointed Tuesday the 30th
gade luspector’s office, on or before the |day of November inst. to hear us and our $
25th day of November inst, a class roll of Creditors, at the Court house in the bor-
their respective companies ; also the num- {ough of Huntingdon, at which time and
ber and description of State arms in their|place you may attend if you think proper.
the Court House, in the Borough of Belle-{C
he . 3 i : 1 - ik 2 ‘m
Creditors Take Notice}
_ That we have applied to the judges of
he Court of Common Pleas of Hunting*
on connty, for the benefit of the insolvent
aws of this Commonwealth ; and the said
Lawrence Monaohan.
‘James M’Clella
Huntingdon jeil November
A true Copy from the Original. 5
remarkable operation was wrought on the
body of William M’Kee, of Centre county,
by Dr. Benjamin Olmstead, tog cther with
the assistance of the undersigners. The
complaint was a dislocated Hip, which had
baffled all the skill of physicians, and their
exertions were of none effect. The bear-
er, Dr. Benjamin Olmstead, relaxed said
hip, by the help of his ointment, without
pain or distress, and the hip is gaining
strength very fast. The sinews were so
relaxed that it appears to us'that any joint
may be replaced; for the patient, Wil-
liam M’Kee’s, was of twelve months stand-
ing. As witness cur hands at Nittany
valley. : :
; . . “iq ae
Administration accounts.
The following Administration Accounts
have been examined and passed by me;
and remain filed in my office for the ina
spection of Heirs, Legatees, Creditors and
all other persons in any wise concerned :
and will be presented to the Orphans
Court, to be h-Id at Belizfonte in and for
the County of Centre, on the 24th day of
November next, for confirmation and al-
1. The administration account of John
Hosterman and Adam Harper, Executors
of the last will and testament of Jacob
Hosterman, late of Haines township dec’d.
2 The administration account of Alex
tander Mooney and William Irvine, admin
istrators of the goods and chattles, rights
and credits which were of Patrick Mooney,
late of Ferguson township dec’d.
3. The administration account of [John
Furey, acting administrator vith the will
annexed of John Sweeny, late of Spring
township dec’d. : ;
Wm. Petrikin Reg’r.
Register’'s Office, Belle. }
Somtey Oct. 25, 1819.
INFORMS the public and those dis.
posed to favor him with their custom, that
he bas on haad, and intends keeping con-
stantly on hand, a supply of the best man-
of superior quality, and
Smoking Tobacco.
All of which he will dispose of, either by
wholesale or retail, as CHEAP as can.
e purchased Under
elsewhere, this
consideration he respectfully solicits the
of the COUNTRY MER- #
HANTS, and of a generous public,
October 29, 18109.
All orders from
country mer,
chants and others ‘shall be punctuaily
attended to, and gratefully acknowledged.
A generous price will Le given for coun
ry Tobacce. :
August 27th A. D. 1819.—This uy Yu 3