Bellefonte patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1818-1838, November 20, 1819, Image 3
JETRY. PC ey CD THe THE BUTTER FLY AND BEE. TO FLAVIA See, Flavia, see that fluttering thing Skit round yon flower with sportive wing, Yet ne’er its sweets explore ; While wiser the mdustrious bee, Extracts the honey from the tree, And hives the precious store. So you wi coquetit art, Play wanton round your lover’s heart, If sensible and free ; * Love’s balmy blessing would you try, No longer sport a butterfly, But imitate the bee. A PARODY, BY A NBWS PRINTER. * His fucewas long and many a sigh heav’d he, For, lack a day; his purse was quite empty.” To dun, ortot to dun? that’s the question ; Whether, *tis better that the purse should Suffer (for lick of cash) by baneful emptiness, Or by a gentle dnn, to fill it up. To dun—to get the money—and be eanbl:d To live and pay our debts, ’tis a consumation Devoutly to be wished. To dun, to be denied : Denied, with “ call again” —aye there’s the rub, For, in that cant acain, what evils come ? What disappointment sore——chagrin and wo ! and what shoes are worn In consequence ! must give me pain. What time is wasted, ms eee It i8 this That makes so many debts not worth collecting >Tis this which sickens business to despair, And keeps from honest labor its reward. We don’t forget our many, many friends. To them a debt of gratitude we owe— To them our gratitude we freely pay. Buoy'd by their kindness, still our bark shall sail, Enjoy the pleasing calm, or dread the boisterous gale, : BC et ee Atel ttt Mi et ot Philipsburgh and Sus- quehanna Tarnpike. The Stockholders are required to pay before the 10th day of November next, an instalment of to the Treasurer on or three dollars on each share of stock sub- scribed. By order of the Board, THOMAS LEVER, Secretary. Philifisburgh Qctober 30, 1819. PRINTING Establishment for sale. OWING 10 the fluctuating state of the editor’s health, and a conviction that he will not Be able to do that justice to the republicab party which its interests will soon require, he has been induced (0 of- fer the Printing office and establishment of the “Susquehanna Democrat,” forsile. Toa capable and careful man this establishment offers advantages sur- passed by few in the state. For particu- lars, apply by letter; post PAID, to THE EDITOR. Wilkesbarre Sept. 17, 1819. ee et FU LLING MILL. THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends, and the public in general, that ken the Fulling Mill of Jamey M¢ niek, situated on Spring Cre k, and he a hag tu il known ‘to the public ; where le #iL cerry on the fulling and dyeing, in tthe various branches. Those who re disposed to favor him with their cus. ‘ony, canon the shortest notice, have their work donc in the Best manner, JAMES METIER Jr. Lergusan tesnshify, Oct. 7th 1819. Wrapping Paper Las BOOT AND SHOEMAKER, Begs leave to inform his friends and the public, that he continues to carry on the above business, at his old stand, south east corner of the public square, where he keeps on hand a handsome assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, and has of late added to his assortment, a quantity of neat and fashionable MOROCCO SHOES, of all sorts and sizes, which he will sell wholesale and retail, Orders from country merchants and others, will be punctually attended to. Bellefonte, Pa. November 8, 1819. Sheriffs Sale. KE OR SALLE, OR By virtue of a writ of Leyari Facias, ; RENT, issued out of the Court of Com- mon pleas of Centre County, to me direc- ted, will be exposed to public sale, on Mon- day the 22nd day of November inst. at the court house in Bellefonte; the following described property viz : rent, a Lot of Ground, containing about 16 acres—5 or 6 ol which is good meadow ; situated abou: . Jo A certain lot or piece of ground situate eight miles from Milesburgy iu Howard in the town of Bellefonte, in Centre coutity containing filty feet' in front on Spring strect, and extending thence 200 feet -east- ward to a 20 feet alley, and known to be Lot No. 138 in (ie general plan of said 10US® and a email barn. Tris an excel Town. Seized and taken in execution, 1¢0t situation fora TAVERN, or STORE. and to be sold as the property of: Thomas For terms apply to the Subscriber, on the Barrett, by John Mitchell Sheri Sheriff °s Office, Bellefonte, Nov'm 10, 1819, Township, adjoining the Baldeagle creel and on the road leading to the Big island. There are on the pre mists, a good dwell- premises. JACOB BAKER. August 25, 1819, ¢ | # & Notice, Tr C tre °C nty, ss. Last NOTICE to Delin- ya {Sexe Orphans Court, SEAL quent Collectors. A On motion of W. W. Potter, Esq. rule on COLLECTORS of County tax, who are the heirs and legal tee: of [Ih arrears, are iplormed that if payment Thomas Billington, late of the city of be not made at the ensuing Court, of their respective Duplicates, suits will be brought without respect to persons, immediately thereafter, and payment enforced by a due course of law. WILLIAM ALEXANDER. Treas’r. Bellefonte, Nov'm 10,1819, Philadelphia, dec’d, to come into court on the fourth Monday of November next, and accept of or refuse, the real estate that was of the said deceased, situated in Centre & Clearfield eounties, as the same was valu- ed, appraised and apportioned by the In- quest, and returned by the Sheriff, By the Court Certified by Wm. PETRIKIN, Clerk, ———— T'o be sold. On Wednesday the 24th instant will be sold by public vendue, in the borough of nn, Armor & Callahenn, CONTINUE to carryon the Tailoring Business, in the shop formerly occupied by Stew- art & Armor, Beliclonte, severa Oatlots, containing from four to seven acres each, situate on the North side of Fishing creek As they have received voad, adjacent to said Borough, by the latest Fhiladelphia fashions - > James Harris. those gentlemen who wish to have their clothes neatly end Fashionably made, will do Nov. 8, 1819. BLANRS well to call at their shop. They will woik as CHEAP as any of the profession in Town. Bellefonte Sept. 15, 1819, forsale at this Office, FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. THE Subscriber will gither sell, or John Brindle, INFORMS bis friends, and the put. lic generally, that he has taken ing part- nership, in his Store In Pennsboroygr, Wm. A. Petrikin, and that the business will be dove at his old stand in that place {in future; under the firm of Brindle & Petrikin He also informs those indebted to him, that he will receive grain of them io pay. ment at the market price, if delivered du- Those cave accounts remaining unsettled, are d to. .come forward, ring the ensning winter. who requested as soon 48 possible, and settle up the sume, Pennsborough, October 50, 1819, STRAY BULL CAME to the plantation of the subscri- ber, in Spring township, sometime in the month of August last, a ¢ Stray «Bull, about two years old---red and white, with broad horns. The owner 1s desired to and take him away, otherwise he will be disposed of according to law. CHARLES TRCZIYULNY. November 10th 181¢ TO SETTLERS. 100,000 Acres of Land. THE subscriber offers for sale, on the most moderate terms, abut ONE HUN- DRED THOUSAND ACRES OF LAND, of an excellent quality, in o Counties ¢ [ndiana, Jefferson, and Armstrong.— Being part of the Holland Land tract, and situated on and adjoining Redbank, «nd other navigable streams; and free from all incumberance whatever, on which there is a large settlement of German Dunkers and others. October 4th 1819. — The settlement is rapidly increasing, not excelled by any other in the State, the Land and roeds are good, and there are erected on the premises several mills. Payments to be made in eight equal ane nual installments. Apply to Charles C. Gaskill. Maloning, Indiana, June 19, 1819. CAUTION To dealers in Gunpowder. HAVING found that der of other inferior gunpow- manufactories is offered for PONT,” where, by attempts are made to injure the well ¢s- sale in kegs branded « DU tablished character of our gunpowder and impose on the public, we think it necessa. ry to caution the public against purchas- Ing our gunpowder, except from our a- gents or from those who are known to pur chase from us or our agents. E. J. DU PONT, DE NEMOURS, &co Dupont’s Powder, for sale, i, orders enclosing the remit- tance executed by JOHN VAUGHN S. E. corner of Walnut and Front street Philadelphia. Gcetober 24 1819. ~~ 5 . i) To Printers a The Establishment of the w « HARRISBURG REPUBLICAN,” Is offered for SALE. For particulars ap- ply te THE EDITOR. come forward, prove property, pay charges free