Bellefonte patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1818-1838, November 06, 1819, Image 4

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Tobacco’s but an Indian weed,
Grows green at morn’cut down at eve ;
It shews our decay--we are hut clay.
Think on this when you smoke Tobacco.
The pipe that is so lilly white,
In whom so miany take delight;
Is broken with a touch—man’s life is such
Think on thi€ when you smoke Tobacco.
“The pipe that is so foul within,
Shews how man’s soul is stain’d with sin;
It does require—to be purged with fire;
Think on this when you smoke Tobacco.
The ashes that are left behind,
Do serve to put us all in mind,
That unto dust return we must;
Think on this when you smoke Tobacco -
The smoke that does so high ascend,
Shews that man’s life must have an end;
The vapour’s gone—=man’s life is done;
Thinkon this when you smoke Tobacee.
——h 3 AN ——
When wert thou born, Desire?
1s pompand pride of May.
By whom, sweet boy, wert thou begot ¢
By good conceity men say.
‘Tell me who was thy purse
Fresh youth mn sugar’d joy.
What wast thy meat and daily food ?
Sore sighs and great annoy.
What hadst thou then to drink ?
Unteigned lover's tears.
What cradle where you. roc
In hope, devoid of tears.
ked in ?
VWhat brought you then asleep ?
Sweet speech, that ik’d men best.
And where 1s now your dwelling place ¢
In gentle hearts 1 rest.
Doth company displease ?
it doth In many a one. ;
W here would Desire then choese to be
He likes to muse alone,
{What feedeth most your sight
To gaze on favour still. pe,
Who find you most to be your foe?
Disdain of my good will.
Will ever age or death
‘ J
Bring yon unto decay ! ow
No. no ; Desire both lives and dics,
Ten thousand times a day.
HR a So
Summer Arrangem ent.
fonte Mail Stage.
THIS Stage wilk in fature leave the
house of John Shrineryin the town of Nor-
thumberland, every Friday morning at 50’
clock, breakfastat L. B. Stoughton’s, Derrs- |
town—arrive at Jacob Maize’s in Mifflins-
burg or Youngmanstown; in time for din-
ner—be at Henry Roush’s about four o
¢clock, P. M., and arrive at W. T. Brown’s
Aaronsburg, at six, P. M.—Lcave Aarons:
burg at 7 o'clock, on Saturday morning—
get t¢ Earlysburg, in time for dinner, and
arrive at John Rankin’s, Bellefonte, at four
o'clock; P. M.——Retugning—it will leave
John BEankin’e, Bellefonte, every Monday
o’clock—Dbreakfast at Earlys-
motiing at §
burg—-a rive #¢ Aavonsburg in time for
dinner, and be 4 Ronush’s by six o'clock.
P. M.—Leave Rousiy’s on Thursday morn,
ing at 4 o’clock—br ikfast at Maize’s, in
to dine, and arriy
four o'clock P.
N. B. 14ibse
at Stoughton’s in time
Nérithumberland at
gage allowed to each
passeg’ 2 hat weight t¢ be ac-
conten Ture” J J ib
All baggage at the risk of the owner's
74 1819
of 01¢
THE subscriber wishes to inform the
inhabitants of Bellefonte, and the people
of Centre county generally, that he has
on hand
x Lp aR
Two thousand bushels
of well burnt Roach Lime, of a very su.
perior gaality. It will be sold on rearon-
tion to Mrs. Elizabeth Simpson, or
John M’Kinley.
Sept, 21. 1819.
WHEREAS the Subscriber purchased
a tract of land situated in Ferguson town
ship, Centre county, from Andrew
Stroup, for which he has given a num:
ber of bonds payable at different times, in
part of the piirchase money, the greater
of which ave discharged. And whereas
it appears there are liens and incumbran-
ces on the said tract of land, which were
on it when in the tenure of the said An.
drew Stroup, which he ig bewund to re-
move, and which appear not vet to be re-
moved, and until removed the subscriber
is determined to pay no more of the said
purchase money, of which all persons
concerned will please to take notice.
George Sheneberger
Ferguson tewnshifiy Sept. 11,1819.
nsctarenon, es d—
Armor §& Callahenn,
CONTINUE to carry on the
Tailoring Business,
in the shop formerly pccupied by Stews
art& Armor. As they have received
the latest Fhiladelphia fashions; those
gentlemen who wish to have their clothes
neatly and Fashionably made, will de
well to call at their shop. They will
work as CHEAP as any of the profession
in Town.
Bellefonte Sept 155 1819,
Six Cents Reward,
WILL bz given for the apprehension
of my runaway apprentice to the Tanning
James Larkens,
somewkat above the age of eighteen
He absconded on the night of
All persons are forbid har-
boring him at their peril.
the 6th inst.
The above
eward will be givenif brought back but
no charges paid.
Joseph Sherick-
Alilesburg Village, Sefit. 14, 1819,
THE subscriber respectfully informs
his friends, and the public in general, that
he has taken the Fulling Mill of James M¢
Cormick, situated on Spring Creek; and
so well known to the public ; where he
will carry on the fulling and dyeing, in
all their various branches. Those who
are disposed to favor him with their cus.
tom; canon the shortest notice; have their
work dene in the best manner,
Ferguson tewnshifi, Oct, Tih 1810.
THOSE persons who know themselses
indebted to the subscribers for upwards
of one year, aré requested to come for-
ward and discharge the sanfe immédiately,
sitory measures—this may be relied or.
James M’Gee,
Bellefonte, Scfitember 8th 1819,
able terms; and may be had on applica-|
; fin the Borough of Bellefonte, He in-
or peyment will be enforced by corapul-|
100,000" Acres of Land.
THE subscriber offers for sale, oh the
most moderate terms, about ONE HUN.
of an excellent quality, in the Counties of
and Armstrong.—
Beng part of the Holland Land
and situated on and adjoining Redbank,
and other navigable streams and free
from allincumberance whatever, on which
there is a large settlement of German
Dunkers and others.
The settlement is rapidly increasing.
not excelled by ary other in the State,
the Lend and rocds are good; and there
are erected on the premises several mills.
Payments to be made in eight equal an-
nual instaliments. Apply to
Charles C. Gaskill.
Mahoning; Indiana, June 19, 1819.
CAME to the plantation of the. subscri-
tyy a
Bay Mare,
twelve years old, with a star in her face and
with a choke yoke, tied on with hickory
withes. The owner is desired to come
prove property, pay charges and take her
Ifnot taken away before the first
day of November next, she will be sold
according to law:
Henry Bucher.
Sepit. 25, 1819.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of
John Trautman deceased; late of Miles
township, Centre County; are requested
to make payment ; and those having de-
mands against said ¢ state will present them
to the subscriber on or before the first
day of January next, properly authentica-
John Shafer,
Miles Township Sept, 17,1 819 |
Will remove, onthe first day of Octo-
ber next, from the house which he now
occopies in Sunbury, to the large stone
house oir Market square; formerly kept
as an Inn by Charles Hegins; Esq. The
buildings and out houses are well known
tobe the most capacious and convenient
in this borough ; and every exertion will
be made to afford comfort and gratifica-
tion to travellers and customers, and he
hopes from the great share of favor he
has already enjoyed, that he has hitherto
given satisfaction to the public~~and be-
lieves that after his removal he shall be
enabled to accommodate them much
more 10 their satisfaction as well as bis
own. He therefore desices they will call
on him as usual.
Sunbury, Sept, 13,1819.
Wm H Cu bertson,
INFORMS his friends, ahd the public |
in general, that be has commenced the
Saddling business,
tends keeping constantly on hand a quan-
tity of ready made Saddlery, which he
will dispose of for Cash enly:
August 12, 1819,
ber living in Potter township, Centre coun. |,
THE Subscriber will either sell, or
rent, a
Lot of Ground,
containing about 16 acres—35 or g of
which is good meadow ; situated about
eight miles from Milesburg, in Howarg
Township, adjoining the B deagle creek
and on the road leading to the Big island,
There are on the premises; a good dwelj.
house, and a email barn. Ttis an exael-
lent situation fora TAVERN, or STORE.
For terms apply to the Subscriber, on the
August 25, 1819,
Q vie
THE Stockholders are hereby notified,
that an election for twenty-one directors
will be held at the banking house in the
Borough of Bellefonte, on Monday the ff.
teenth day of November next, between the
hours of ten and three o'clock of said day.
A meeting of the stockholders will be
held on the first Monday of November next,
at the bauking house in Bellefonte, at two
o'clock P. M. agreeably to the provisions
of the “act regulating banks.”
By order of the Board
Bellefonte October, 14, 1819.
To dealers in Gunpowder.
HAVING found that
der of other manufactories is offered fos
sale in kegs branded « DU PONT,” where,
by attempts are made to injure the well es-
inferior gunpow-
tablished character of our gunpowder aif
impose on the public, we think it necessa.
ry to caution the public against purchase “
ing our gunpowder, except from our a-
gents or from those who are known to pur-
chase from us or our agents.
Dupont’s Powder,
for sale, and orders enclosing the remite
tance executed by JOHN VAUGHN
S. E. corner of Walnut and Front street
October 2, 1819.
List of Letters
Remaining in the Post Office at Bellefonte,
Pa. October 1st. 1819.
Rebeckah Awi, John Atkinson, J&R"
Akens, John Anderson, John Ammerman,
Thomas Brown, George Bryn, Thomas
Beatty & co. Samuel Brown, William
Brown & Nancy Reed, Thomas Bows,
Rev'd. George Bressler; James Cohick,
Bucknum Claflin ; Clerk of Centre county,
Abel Dougherty 2; Charles Dougherty 23
William Dougherty, Ann Durbin, Stepliny
Dorset, James Dickson, John Emerick,
John Fleming, Jesse Fulton 2; Jehn
Gardner, John Hail, Samuel Hays, Con
rod Hartsock, Audrew Hunter jr. Jobn
Hane, James M. Jolinson 2 ; James Jobo-
son, William Kelly sen’r. Frederick Kelot
John Lingle, William Iincoin, Catharine
M’Donald, John Morrison, Jane Moore,
James M’Collough, Robert M’Clenahan,
Patrick M’Kenua, Jos. & William MKib-
bon, Joseph Poter, J. & A Paterson, Hen-
ry Rockey, Elenor Rush, William Russelb
James Reynolds, Alexander Shaw, Abra<
ham Smith. Johu Shuck, Joseph Schwert
zer, Benjamin Swartz David Shatgohs
Sayers, C. R. Stafford, James pret,
—r Thomas, John Andreas Wertiiche,
Jobn Walters; Pheby Winekoop, Joseph
H. Humes, P. M.
3 5 \
Handbills, Cards, Magistrates’ Blanks
Deeds, Bonds, &c. neatly printed, at th®
shortest notice, at this office.