TO wr Johin Brindle, INFORMS bis friends, and the pnb- lic generally, that he has taken info part- Executian.—Yesterday between one and two o'clock, in pursuance of his sentence, George Jrown was exccuted on board the schooner Retrieve, at anchor in the East river, for the crime of murder and piracy. Hc was attended from the prison by two clergymen, by the civil officers and marines 4s stated in our papers yesterday, He con- 1cssed his crime, was penitent and met his fate with fortitude. An Immense con- course ot peopie witnessed the melancholy scene 3 the wharves, windows and roofs of the stores, yards and rigging of the ves- scis at the wharyes, were crowded with spectators. Lhe procession was formed in front of the Bridewell, in the following order i= First—T1wo of our City Marshals. Second--Eight U. S. Marines, with fix- ed bayonets. hird=-The U.S. Marshal and Sheriff. ourth—-gight U. 8. Marines, with fix- Cd vayonets Fifti——A Cartin which was a coflin, with the prisoner dressed in white, seated on it, attended by two Cleigymen, who as they passed through the crowd, sung a hymn adapted to the occasion. Sixth—Eigit U. S. Marines with fixed bayonets brought up the rear. ! The corps of Marines which discharged a painful duly on this occasion, under the divection ot subaltern officers, acted In a manner highly honorable to the character of the navy. It 1s astonishing that among the number of boats on the water at the ume, only one was upset, in which were eight persons two of whom were women, and three chil deen | They weve all saved by other boats. There is no crime in the catalouge ot ol- Notica: Centre County, ss. (rH, Orfihans @ourt, arg, SEAL October 4th 181%; Konganed : On motion of W. W. Potter, Esq. rule on oro the heirs and legal representatives Of in future, under the firm of Thomas Billington, late of the city of Brindle § Petrikin. He also informs those indebted to bly. The republicans will have a majofity on a joint vote of both Houses, for Govern- or and two U. States senators. Mur. Pink- ney and Edward Loyd, both able and dis- tinguished republicans, are named as the contemplated senators in Congress from the state. Maryland may be considered as re- generated from Federal Misrule, nership, in his Store 10 Pennsborough, that the business will be done at his old stand in that place Wm. A. Petrikin, and ne At the different scaports and naval sta- tions of the Union, the flags of the ship- ping weve displayed at half mast; ahd min- ate guns fired as a testimouy of respect for the Irmented Commodore PERRY. —— : Milledgeville Georgia Oct. 5. Gen. Jackson—Qur correspondent of Nashville, (Ten) informs us that Gen. Jackson has been, for some time danger. ously ill. Doubts are entertained of his recovery. Philadelphia, dec’d, to come into court on the fourth Monday of November next, and accept of or refuge, the real estate that was of the said deceased, situated in Centre & him, that he will receive grain of them in pay- ment at the market price, if delivered du- : J Clearfield eounties, as the same was valu- ay : ed, appraised and apportioned by the Ins have accounts remaining unsettled, are Nd ; quest, and returned by the Sheriff, requested forward, as soon : wd By the Court: Certified by . EY Wm. PETRIKIN, Clerk, PROCLAMATION: ring the ensuing winter. Those who to come 3 as possibile, and settle up the same, IN a A letter from Trinidad to the Editor of ‘he Bo.ton Daily Advertiser under date of the 28th of August observes«+* We have some rumors here that this Island is to be ceded to Spain in exchange for Cuba.” pliers Washington City Oct. 22.—Captain Mor- ris, of the U. S. Navy, arrived yesterday afternoon at Strother’s hotel in this city. Pennsborough, October 30, 1819. Administration accounts. The following Administration Accounts tT -~ have been examined and passed by and remain filed in my office for the in- e rv . 55 ° . ’ “2 Notice is hereby Given. THAT a Coert of Common Pleas, General Quarter Sessions of ithe Peace and Orphans’ Court, in and for the coun ties of Centre and Clearticld, will be held iLthe Court House in the borough of Bel- icfonte, on Monday, tie 234 dy of Novem’ ber at ten o'clock A. M. of sid day, of which the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, and Constables within said Counties, will take notice, that they be tien and there, in their proper persons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, and otlier remembrances, 10 do those things which to their offices appertain to be done ; and all suiters Juwiors and witnesses are also requested to ne and attend at said Court, and not depart without leave. Given under myhandy at Bellefonte this 19th day of October A. II. one thousand sight hundred and I nineteen. i late of Ferguson township dec’d Hy Ta oo Wh ; John Mitchell, Sheriff. spection of Heirs, Liegatees, Creditors and all other persons in any wise concerned | ten ’ and will be presented to the Orphans Court, to be held at Bellefonte in aud for The Surgeon of the French frigate Ar- ethusa, while lying at N. York, a few days since, transmitted for publication 1nithe County of Centre, on the 24th day of he Gazette the following remarkable: oo next, for ‘confirmation and al- cures — « During our stay at Annapolis a great leyance, cr Cia many of the crew of the French frigate| 1. The administration account of John BE Arethusa vere attacked with cholera mor- 'Hosterman and Adam Harper, Executors fences equally black as murder, and partic- bus, which was quickly put a stop to by! LR F Jaco ularly on board of a yesscl where the un-{ use of rice water, very strong, with (of the fast. wiil and testament of Jacob happy sufferer may be far trom help, nd mich sugar and a little laudanum in it, | Hosterman, late of Haines township dec’d where his situation demands peculiar cave) plentifully. Out. of one : hundred apd protecrion. This man wus the mate | forty sick, only one, died.” of the vessel, the second officer, and bound to take as much care ol the properly, and) mpm exhibit as fair an egample of chaiacter, as the commander ; hut, seduced by an ¢ ac- cursed thivst of gold,’ the root of so much evil, he mhumanty committed the crime for which he has suffered ;—Ilct his fate be a warning. The condact of the Marshal, Mr. Morris, throughout this unpleasant af- , fairy corresponded with bis well known hu- “manity and excellent character. : Brown in bis confession states; that he 15 but lite rising 22 years of age, and was born in the city of New York. The schoon- Retrieve was lymg in the port of Cadiz, in want of part of a’ crew ; Brown made ap- plication to Capt. Lewis for a birth, and was employed as mate. On the voyage 10 . New Orleans, thigst for gain induced him do impart io sha crew his determination to | Capt. Tewis which they assented to. £)n the voyage, the captain bicing seated on deck, Brown knocked him down with the i of the boat which rendered him in- sefsible.—in this situation, alter robbing and suripping him, bey with the aid of three mthers, threw him into the sea. The cap- tain was heard to boi for his life, but bis gntreaties were refused, and he was left io perish, The vessel was then carried Wwio Onoa, a port on the Spanish Maine, Brown assuming Capt. Lewis’ name; and disposal of the cargo. The crew, except the cook and a scaman named Nicholas Palermo, entered on board other vessels. RV hile at Omoa, in consequence of a beat- ing Brown gave Paferaio, the latter was sent to the hospilai, and confined for some time when be made a disclosure (of the whole trangaction. The three persons were immediately im- isoned, the others of the crew having Viile in prison the 92 The administration account of Alex- lander Moovey aud William Irvine, admin- eran | = . istrators of the goods and chattles, rights NA TURNPIKE COMPANY. Putsuant te public advertisement, IB . . - - meeting of the stockholders bl the Phil-| Furey, acting administrator vith the wii 8. The administration account ofjJohn ipsburgh and Tirhpike, annexed of John Sweeny, late of Spring Susquehanna By order of the Orphans’ * Jacob ‘Tests in township dee’d. - . of Jacob "Fest, in tOWES V Pothikin fig’ Court of Centre County, of October m. etrikin eg r. wi BE SOT last, when the following persons were de- Register’s Office, et [4 1 LD i‘ 8 2 18 ’ . .* Joniefie0.i 28, 1219 AT public vendue in W. WARD, TOBACCONIST, Bellefonte, INFORMS the public und those dis. posed to favor him with their custom; that was held at the house Philipsburgh, on the 20th clared duly elected, for the space of one the Borough of the 18th day of November next, a certain tract of "LAND i situate lying and being in the township of year, yi. Bellefonte, on Saturday President. HARDMAN PHILIPS. Treasurer, WILLIAM BAGSHAW. Secretary, THOMAS LEVER. Managers, JOHN C. MONTGOMERY. JOHN FLEGAIL, JAMES COLLINS, JACOB TST, VALANTINE FLEGEL, WILLIAM M’NALL, ABRAHAM GOSS, JACOB GEARHEART, WILLIAM IRVIN, GEORGE F. CURWIN. JACOB EYRES, JOB ENGLAND. i oF . [.awience, in the county of Clearfield, containing wm he has on hand, and intends keeping con- i 600 Acres, stantly on hand, a supply of the best man- : : 3 Naveed J more or less, adjoining lands of Martin ufacwured SEGARS, RAPPEE SNUFF, of superior quality, and CUT & DRY Smoking Tobacco. All of which he will dispose of, either by wholesale or retail, as CHEAP as can be purchased Under consideration hie respectfully solicits the patronage of the COUNTRY MER. CHANTS, and of a generous public. October 29, 1819. All from mer- chants and others shall be punctually attended to, and gratefully acknowledged. Hoover, David Ligget, and the Susquea hanna river, and about two miles from the County town of Clearfield county, lite the estate of Frederick Henny, deceased. There are on the premises 8 square log dwelling house well finished ; a grist and saw mill, in good order ; a voung or- 15 from 80 to 100 acres clear land. chard consisting of about 150 trees, and Terms of sale, $1500 dollars cash When the sale is leas Yatade their es elsewhere. this confirmed, and deed executed, and the made their escape, \ cook died, and Brown and Palermo were brouzht to the United States for trial. Pa- fermo was the evidence against Brown, N.Y. Paper. | residue in three equal yearly payments to Philipsburgh and Sus- Due quehanna Turnpike. The Stockholders are required to pay be secured by bonds & mortgage. attendance will be given by ESTHER HENNEY, : Adminis ratriw JACOB HENNEY Administrator By the Court. Wm. Petrikin, Clerk, 0, C. Bellefonte October 13, 1819, ee Three stages were loaded this morning orders with Spanish dollars at the bank of Penn- svlvania, for a commercial houwse in Bos- ton, amounting to upwards of 100,000 dol- lars, intended for the East India trade. Phil Gaz. country to the Treasurer on or before the 10th day of November next, an instalment of three dollars on each share of stock stib- A generous price will be given for coun Certified by try Tobacce. PRINTING Establishment for sale. OWING to the fluctuating state of the scribed. a By order of the Beard, THOMAS LEVER, Secretary. 1819. 22d, The Mobile Gazette of the tho’ vee silentas to the prevalence of a fatal disease, announces the illness of its editor, and the death of the following persons :— Dr. D. C. Robinson, Mr. Thomas Colt, jun. Mr. Lewis Pearsall, L. Ingalls, Esq. ib, FPhilihsdburegh October 30, J FORTY DOLLARS RE- WARD. STRAYED or stolen from the subscri- For Public Sale, ALL that valuable tract of land, known by the name of Leditor’s health, and a conviction that he will not be able to do that justice to the} republican party which its interests will si By a gentleman who arrived here yester- % Sa morning, in 10 days from Detroit, we are informed that the British commissioner colonel Ocivvir, died on the 30th uit. and was buried at Malden, Upper Canada, the day he passed that place. The funeral was pumercusly attended by gentlemen from Detroit and Sandwich. Gen, P. B. Porter was there. ci ¥ Maryland.—Complete returns of the Oc- tober elections in Maryland have been pub- lished, by which it appears (says the Frank- lin Gazette) that 51 republicans and 29 federalists have been clected to the Assem- Harbison’s Land, situated in Spring township, Centre coun- ty. Tuesday the 28th day of this instant, at the Court House, in the Borough of Belle- Sale to commence at one o'clock on fonte, where terms will be made known DY THOMAS M’CALMON, and JAMES HARBISON. November 3d 1819. soon require, he has been induced 10 of- | fer the Printing office and establishment of the for sale. To a capable and careful man this establishment offers advantages sur- passed by few in the state. For particu lars, apply by letter, post PaAlD, tO THE EDITOR Wilkesbarre Sept, 17, 1819. ber living in Bellefonte, and out of the pas- “« Susquehanna Democrat,” ture field of Mrs. Simpson, on Saturday the 9th inst. a about 15 hands higt or 10 years old The aiven for the horse a shod all round. ve reward will be ef, or a reason- able reward for the he lone. WILLIAM ALEXANDER, Belicfontey October 15, 1814, |